*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => General Gossip => Topic started by: "Sixhits" on June 12, 2004, 01:33:04 am

Title: G5 NOT the world's fastest, rules the Advertising Standards Agency
Post by: "Sixhits" on June 12, 2004, 01:33:04 am
A big Booo on the Advertising Standards Agency today.

"Apple has been told by the Advertising Standards Agency that its boast that the Power Mac G5 is the world's fastest personal computer is in breach of advertising legislation.

The ASA, after taking expert advice and running a series of tests comparing the Mac with the Dell Dimension 8300 and the Dell Precision 650, said the claim made in magazine adverts was misleading because the G5 wasn't "the fastest processor in all circumstances for all applications".

The ASA added that it "also understood that the G5 machine tested was still under development and the tests seemed to be configured in a way that might have given the Power Mac G5 an unfair advantage".

The ASA has asked Apple not to repeat the claim."

http://hardware.silicon.com/desktops/0,39024645,39121260,00.htm (http://hardware.silicon.com/desktops/0,39024645,39121260,00.htm)

Title: Re:G5 NOT the world's fastest, rules the Advertising Standards Agency
Post by: Civrock on June 12, 2004, 01:38:22 am
pfft... the new dual 2.5ghz G5 is the fastest for sure. the dual 2ghz G5 was the fastest when it came out and is still faster than most high-end PCs.


Title: Re:G5 NOT the world's fastest, rules the Advertising Standards Agency
Post by: BFG on June 12, 2004, 01:53:01 am
Show me a Consumer PC that can encode film into MPEG4 faster than a G5 and i will eat my hat

Title: Re:G5 NOT the world's fastest, rules the Advertising Standards Agency
Post by: "Sixhits" on June 12, 2004, 02:26:02 am
Terribly, I think the ASA has a point.

The G5 isn't the fastest in all cases - just many. Thus the rub on "the world's fastest PC".

Plus, those tests are on one app and in-house.

Title: Re:G5 NOT the world's fastest, rules the Advertising Standards Agency
Post by: c| Lone-Wolf on June 12, 2004, 02:50:34 am
I say gates bought em.  Fucker.

Title: Re:G5 NOT the world's fastest, rules the Advertising Standards Agency
Post by: Cobra on June 12, 2004, 02:56:19 am
Yes, we can find various cases where the G5 does not outperform it's x86 counterparts.

(Though it's performance in these tests is hardly something to scoff at, and may be no longer even hold true what with the recent hardware upgrade...well, there you have it.)

Title: Re:G5 NOT the world's fastest, rules the Advertising Standards Agency
Post by: seth on June 12, 2004, 03:02:50 am
looks the debate on PC / Mac 's speed is open again.  
Useless though, coz some apps are optimized for the G5, and some are not. For each test that shows the G5 is faster, there is a test that will prove the oposite.

Title: Re:G5 NOT the world's fastest, rules the Advertising Standards Agency
Post by: BFG on June 12, 2004, 03:07:05 am
U can't do this debate....

Look most PC games use Microsofts DirectX ... its shitty horrible nasty code but its what they use.
OSX uses OpenGL - much nicer but not so commen.

Untill we are on the same level playing field its inpossible to look at the hardware like this - i mean look at the QIII stats (QIII being MP friendly and running decent OpenGL) ... suddenly the macs rocket upwards in terms of fps.

Title: Re:G5 NOT the world's fastest, rules the Advertising Standards Agency
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on June 12, 2004, 03:34:46 am
Sorry to tell you guys, but the only place the ASA has any say-so whatsoever is in Great Britain.  It is an agency of Great Britain, no where else.  I personally don't give a flying fuck what they say about my computer.  I know it's the fastest!!!

Title: Re:G5 NOT the world's fastest, rules the Advertising Standards Agency
Post by: Croosch on June 12, 2004, 04:24:37 am
Apple can have whatever slogan they want for all I'm concerned, they invented the first PC.  If other computer companies or the ASA will whine about how the G5 is using false advertisement (though the G5 does take the trophy in most the tests) then bah to them.  My question is, if the G5 is'nt the fastest, what is? their can only be one "fastest" PC.

Title: Re:G5 NOT the world's fastest, rules the Advertising Standards Agency
Post by: KoS.Rebel on June 12, 2004, 05:32:25 am
G5 doesnt beat Alienware in FPS in games...so thats one category. But everything else im afraid the mac wins

Title: Re:G5 NOT the world's fastest, rules the Advertising Standards Agency
Post by: "Sixhits" on June 12, 2004, 05:33:04 am
Sorry to tell you guys, but the only place the ASA has any say-so whatsoever is in Great Britain.  It is an agency of Great Britain, no where else.  I personally don't give a flying fuck what they say about my computer.  I know it's the fastest!!!


Awesome. Looks like BFG isn't gonna see any more "Faster PC" adds ...

Title: Re:G5 NOT the world's fastest, rules the Advertising Standards Agency
Post by: BFG on June 12, 2004, 03:23:22 pm
Fuckers.... and you know who it was who bitched and whined to the ASA??

... DELL! Mother fooking Pc using egits ;) They are just jealous!

Title: Re:G5 NOT the world's fastest, rules the Advertising Standards Agency
Post by: Supernatural Pie on June 12, 2004, 03:35:55 pm
"The PowerMac G5 is the world's fastest best computer."

Title: Re:G5 NOT the world's fastest, rules the Advertising Standards Agency
Post by: BFG on June 12, 2004, 04:12:19 pm
"The new Powermac G5. better than sex and easier than your mom"

heh i wonder what the ASA would say aobut that for a tag line ;)

Title: Re:G5 NOT the world's fastest, rules the Advertising Standards Agency
Post by: cO.gabe on June 13, 2004, 01:12:31 am
"The new Powermac G5. better than sex and easier than your mom"

Nah, your mom likes to play hard to get.  its pretty hot actually.

just had to throw that out there

Title: Re:G5 NOT the world's fastest, rules the Advertising Standards Agency
Post by: Po)| 80 Proof on June 13, 2004, 08:19:32 pm
The g5 is the most superior personal computer on earth. If u still dont beleive it look at the supercomputer video virginia tech made

Title: Re:G5 NOT the world's fastest, rules the Advertising Standards Agency
Post by: Croosch on June 13, 2004, 09:27:36 pm
supercomputer video? link?

Title: Re:G5 NOT the world's fastest, rules the Advertising Standards Agency
Post by: BFG on June 13, 2004, 10:00:11 pm
You not seen it? heh ill go dig the link out for you

Here you go (http://www.apple.com/hardware/video/virginiatech/) me old mucker ;)