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*DAMN R6 Community => General Gossip => Topic started by: BFG on June 10, 2004, 10:31:57 pm

Title: A Quiet Political Rant and Rave!!
Post by: BFG on June 10, 2004, 10:31:57 pm
So... forgive me but i want to get this out my system. I am seriously worried about the state of our (well mine and other brits ;) ) country right now, and its somthing that seems to be being echoed all over the place

For those of you, ok most of you, who didn't know, today (and a lovely day it was too) I voted for my MEP in the Euopean elections. oh for your info MEP Stands for Member of European Parlement.
So its inportant stuff. I toddle round to the voting box (you have to vote... we have had this conversation before so i won't go on) to do my bit and as i step into the little cubicle with my sheet im struck with terror and basically outright disgust .

There were Eight candidates standing for Election that i had to choose from.

Three of the candidates represent parties that are nothing more than Facist Racist Bigoted Right Wing Conservatives.

Item 1. Right at the top of the god damn list. The BNP (British National Party)
They are basically a bunch of facists who pretend to be legitimate but are nothing more than neo-nazis.... Disgusting. Apparently we have to let these sick bastards run for election etc because its democracy, yet i fail to see the logic in anti-democratic parties being allowed into a democratic system. Their very existance threatens democracy.

Item 2. The UKIP. Despise Europe... I guess you could call them sort of extream right wing Republicans in that they think Britain is the best fucking country and can do no wrong, and that we must stand along and defend our country from every outsider.... its juts complete rubbish. They seem to think that we should ignore the rest of the world and just look after number one. they dont' seem to realise that making sure the rest of the world is ok actually means that we are making sure we are ok at the same time. But no the retards seem to think that we should do whatever we damn like - and that listening to others and communicting with europe is a threat to our nationality and security... now some of that sounds very familier dosn't it.  Don't get them started on Asylum seekers or the Euro. Bunch of Facist Racist Bigots, it makes your stomach churn.  Seeing as they hate Europe so much why the hell are they trying to get seats? Answer: so they can fuck it up as much as they can - they are bloody trying to become part of a political force so they can fuck it up! And we allow this?

Item 3. Most commenly known as the Conservative party or the Tories: Think along the Lines of the Republican Part but with perhaps a few more brain cells in places (and a lot less elsewhere). Like the BNP they are desperatly trying to pretend that they aren't actually a bunch of Right wing Facists but the image just wont' stick. They want to stick asylum seekers on prison islands to be 'sorted'... they want to privatise everything in an effort to make more money. Everything orientates around us, or rather them, and how much money they can get in their greedy fat pockets.
Think of a bunch of neo-cons and you just about have the conservatives, just without the gun nuts... actually i take that back. i don't know anything quite disgusting enough to decribe them and what they 'stand for'

A couple of other small parties, alas that im not very aware of and don't have much hope. So it came down between the Liberal Democrats and the Green Party.

Amazing. Two parties that actually have brain cells, arn't Neo-nazi bigoted twisted self centred little shits, and whos minds arn't totally orientated around money.

The Greens are doing great, they have their heads screwed on but alas people tend to feel that their concentration isn't leveled enough on matters other than the environment - although fair play to them as it needs sorting out. So Liberal Democrats, I hope to god you guys do well. You have so much to offer, and unfortunatly so much damage to repair that has been caused by others. Good luck to you ,  i cannot wish for any more.

God i had to edit my own post for the shocking language. sorry. i chilled out a bit more now. but for the love of god - this really dosn't bode well at all!

Title: Re:Time for a Political Rant and Rave!!
Post by: BTs_FahQ2 on June 10, 2004, 11:32:00 pm
Well, at least the few parties you do like aren't neo nazi facists. LOL

Title: Re:Time for a Political Rant and Rave!!
Post by: BFG on June 10, 2004, 11:52:52 pm
Your telling me. I couldn't bloody believe it. Not being funny but what the hell is the world coming to? Why the hell are so many people becoming so extream, so violent, so keen to find a scape goat to their problems, to blame others rather than look for the real souce of the problem.

Its sickening

Title: Re:Time for a Political Rant and Rave!!
Post by: Mr.Mellow on June 11, 2004, 12:16:07 am
Scapegoats make things a lot easier for those in power, or ones seeking power. I won't go into examples, but I'm sure everyone can think of a few.  :)

Title: Re:A Quiet Political Rant and Rave!!
Post by: Brutha on June 11, 2004, 05:25:12 pm
Ppl become extreme because of;

1. europe has not seen a big war in 60 years...ppl forget the unity they had back then.

2. Europe is facing problems it didnt have before. Its a lot easier to blame foreigners than your own.

3. We do not learn from history.

4. It is the hype these days....but thankfully, there are a lot less facists these days than there was in the mid 90's.

So, basicly...facists are here, will always be here..but thank god most ppl have more braincells than that.......or I hope so.

Title: Re:A Quiet Political Rant and Rave!!
Post by: "Sixhits" on June 12, 2004, 12:17:47 am
You should try thinking of these radicals as reactionaries.

They are reacting to the events around them, thus aways trying to solve yesterday's problem with little eye to the future.

Figure out what they are reacting to and figure out how to frame that thing as something positive and wonderful. It fucks them good. Destroy the concepts that they use in order to proliferate hate and they are left with nothing but their hate.

The problems with reactionaries like fascists, neo-conservatives, ultra-rightists, ultra-leftists, is that often the things that feed their hatred are prolific and iconic. It's easy for a neo-con to point to muslim terrorists and say, "they are the enemy, I will protect you, give me power". What was it that Goering said?

"Why of course the people don't want war. Why should some poor slob on a farm want to risk his life in a war when the best he can get out of it is to come back to his farm in one piece? Naturally the common people don't want war neither in Russia, nor in England, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country."

This is the thrust of the reactionary everywhere: "All you have to do is tell them (the poeple) they are being attacked, and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger."

Remember their most basic tool and fight it with knowledge and honesty.

The bad guys always get their come upance in the end.

Title: Re:A Quiet Political Rant and Rave!!
Post by: Croosch on June 12, 2004, 04:42:33 am
Think of it this way BFG, at least you don't have a George Bush.  If the green party had hope in the U.S. they would take my vote, otherwise I'll vote for somebody, anybody who takes less than 40% of his time in office on vacations. It did me good to hear your sweet liberal voice today BFG ;D

Title: Re:A Quiet Political Rant and Rave!!
Post by: BFG on June 12, 2004, 03:24:53 pm
Ahhh Krush, that is what helps me go to sleep every night :)

and ty :D

Title: Re:A Quiet Political Rant and Rave!!
Post by: cO.gabe on June 13, 2004, 01:17:34 am
Think of it this way BFG, at least you don't have a George Bush.  If the green party had hope in the U.S. they would take my vote, otherwise I'll vote for somebody, anybody who takes less than 40% of his time in office on vacations. It did me good to hear your sweet liberal voice today BFG ;D

Hey pal, its the Green Party's fault Bush was elected in the first place!  A vote for Nader is a vote for Bush! lol

Title: Re:A Quiet Political Rant and Rave!!
Post by: Croosch on June 13, 2004, 04:54:26 pm
And that's exactly why I don't vote the green party. As I said "if the green party had hope in the U.S."