*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => General Gossip => Topic started by: BFG on June 07, 2004, 07:19:23 pm

Title: Apple releases AirPort Express!
Post by: BFG on June 07, 2004, 07:19:23 pm
Yet another bit of stunning gear from Apple. introducing Airport Express (http://www.apple.com/airportexpress/)

Title: Re:Apple releases AirPort Express!
Post by: |MP|Nomad on June 07, 2004, 07:32:47 pm
Dammit!! Couldn't apple have realsed this a month earlier so I wouldn't have had to buy 2 DLink Network Extenders.  You can read what I am talking about in the 2nd posts of this thread (http://dynamic.gamespy.com/~damnr6/yabbse/index.php?board=1;action=display;threadid=6298).

Title: Re:Apple releases AirPort Express!
Post by: BFG on June 07, 2004, 08:21:28 pm
damn lol forgot about that... heh its allways the way isn't it! :(

fancy going and buying a G5 so they will release the new ones a bit quicker! ;)

Title: Re:Apple releases AirPort Express!
Post by: alaric on June 07, 2004, 08:39:28 pm
That sucks noms, maybe you can return or ebay your DLinks?

Title: Re:Apple releases AirPort Express!
Post by: BFG on June 08, 2004, 02:11:57 am
well it has certianly done miricals for their stock ratings (http://cbs.marketwatch.com/news/story.asp?guid=%7B6DD25B90-C87A-433E-9356-D6FC61994C72%7D&siteid=mktw&dist=nbs)

Title: Re:Apple releases AirPort Express!
Post by: kos.viper on June 08, 2004, 02:36:45 am
It doesn't work w/ the older basestation, :(

Title: Re:Apple releases AirPort Express!
Post by: |MP|Nomad on June 09, 2004, 01:24:06 am
That sucks noms, maybe you can return or ebay your DLinks?

Actually I can still return the DLinks since I have 30 days and I made that post on the other thread on May/9th and today is June 8th, so I have 1 more day to return and get full refund.  

However, if you read the red type under on apple site under airport express it says that its not available yet in Canada, which means I would have to return the DLiinks and then wait (whos know how long) till it does become available and that means I wouldn't have anymore access to the rest of my house wirelessly.  :(  Nah, I think I will keep the DLinks, they work, thats all that matters anyway.  

Oh btw, its $129 USD so that would come out to around $150 CND which the same price I paid for the DLinks.

Title: Re:Apple releases AirPort Express!
Post by: BTs_Mysterio on June 09, 2004, 01:48:12 am
I love the idea and technology here, but for the price I would have expected apple to add their video outputs...

Then again wireless is overpriced as a whole.

Title: Re:Apple releases AirPort Express!
Post by: spike on June 09, 2004, 04:41:24 am
So, I'm sort of confused how this works. What's the point? Right now it just seems to me to be a unneeded add on(tho im sure its a well thought out and well implemented un needed add on)

Title: Re:Apple releases AirPort Express!
Post by: |MP|Nomad on June 09, 2004, 12:54:32 pm
So, I'm sort of confused how this works. What's the point? Right now it just seems to me to be a unneeded add on(tho im sure its a well thought out and well implemented un needed add on)

Its extremely convenient.  It means you can now extend the range of yer wireless laptop (or powermac, but I don't know why one would want a wireless desktop) to be able to connect to the net anywhere there is WiFi (airport base station).  

There is no greater feeling to be outside on yer patio on a cool summer night, like 20-30 feet away from yer airport base station, and through several brick walls I might add, with yer powerbook on your lap drinking a cold beer and still be able to get full signal strength and be surfing the net or talking to someone on GR or even playing a MP game thru GR online  :)

It is also convenient b/c apple makes it portable, meaning that you can take it to anywhere that has wireless technology and you simply plug it in an outlet and now you are connected to the net wirelessly.  Example of places I mean are, hotels are now wireless supported, Starbucks, libraries, etc   Just image, you can be lying down in a nice warm bath in a 5 star hotel chatting it up with yer buddies on GR or surfing the pRon sites, whatever tickles your fancy  ;)

Title: Re:Apple releases AirPort Express!
Post by: BFG on June 09, 2004, 01:49:39 pm
And it means now, that (ignoring the fact i have an ipod) with one of these funky widgets i can listen to my entire music suply from my computer - on to the sound system in the living room on another floor - no wires, no worries etc :D

Title: Re:Apple releases AirPort Express!
Post by: Mr. Lothario on June 09, 2004, 02:54:03 pm
     I know why you'd want a wireless desktop. In my case, it's not the usual "I don't want to run wires across half my house" reason that many other people are interested in wireless desktops. I carry my desktop around with me a fair bit, and most of the places I take it have Wi-Fi. An Airport (or similar) card in my machine would make the arrive-and-network process far simpler.

Title: Re:Apple releases AirPort Express!
Post by: |MP|Nomad on June 09, 2004, 05:39:25 pm
I carry my desktop around with me a fair bit, and most of the places I take it have Wi-Fi.

where do you take yer desktop?  I mean, would you really take your desktop to a library or Starbucks, etc?  but I know what you mean Loth.

Title: Re:Apple releases AirPort Express!
Post by: |MP|Nomad on June 09, 2004, 05:42:39 pm
And it means now, that (ignoring the fact i have an ipod) with one of these funky widgets i can listen to my entire music suply from my computer - on to the sound system in the living room on another floor - no wires, no worries etc :D

ya thats the only thing I am not familiar with. How exactly does that work?  I mean, your stereo would have to be a certain type woudln't?  what i mean is, if I am controlling my song via iTUnes on my mac in my bedroom, and  i want my living room stereo to play these songs. doesnt there have to be some kind of communication or compatibility b/w the mac and stereo?

Title: Re:Apple releases AirPort Express!
Post by: BFG on June 09, 2004, 05:52:41 pm
well nomad imagine the little airport thingy is your computer, but without everything apart from the ethernet port, an airport card, and a audio in/out port. - its like a tiny wireless hub. You plug your sterio into the audio inout socket on the airport express with a normal 3.5mil jack i guess. -  - so itunes/airtunes basically see's your sterio on the network (the wirless network) and treats it as if it were just like any normal audio out setting.

i think i have probably just decribed that in the worst possible way imaginable hehe sorry. heres how apple decribe it! (with piccy's ;) )

1.Connect your stereo or a set of powered speakers to the audio port using either an optical digital or analog audio cable (both are included in the AirPort Express Stereo Connection Kit). Which cable you use depends on whether your stereo or set of powered speakers has an optical digital or analog connection.


2. Plug AirPort Express into an electrical outlet using either the AC plug that came with the base station or the AirPort Express power extension cord included in the AirPort Express Stereo Connection Kit.


3.The base station turns on automatically when connected to an electrical outlet; there is no switch. The status light glows yellow while AirPort Express is starting up. Once it?s started up completely, the light turns green.


4.Use the AirPort Express Assistant to do the rest. The software automatically indicates what devices you have connected and it walks you through the rest; just follow the onscreen instructions.

That?s it ? you?re all set to enjoy your iTunes music on your stereo or powered speakers. To play your iTunes music, simply open iTunes 4.6. In the lower right of the iTunes window, you?ll see a popup list showing your stereo speakers connected to AirPort Express. Select it, click play and you?re ready to rock.