*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => General Gossip => Topic started by: l ! l Ross on June 03, 2004, 07:22:58 pm

Title: NEW G5! MAYBE?
Post by: l ! l Ross on June 03, 2004, 07:22:58 pm
http://www.appleinsider.com/article.php?id=474 (http://www.appleinsider.com/article.php?id=474)

Could it be?

Full size here: http://images.appleinsider.com/images/90nmG5Service.jpg

Look at the size of that heat sink!

Title: Re:NEW G5!
Post by: crypt on June 03, 2004, 07:49:07 pm
When I saw the name of your thread, I thought they came out, but this looks really amazing.

Title: Re:NEW G5! MAYBE?
Post by: .vooDoo. on June 04, 2004, 12:42:16 am
Looks like a single processor machine to me. the old manuall is obviously a single processor since its only got the on G5 mark on it. But the other one has a huge heat sink with a single G5 mark on it. 4ghz G5's???? lol

Title: Re:NEW G5! MAYBE?
Post by: l ! l Ross on June 04, 2004, 12:50:04 am
Yea I was thinking it might only be a single.

But maybe there going for a unified design.

It only has 4 ram slots so I guess its the low end machine. But you can't really tell from this. Only time will tell.

Title: Re:NEW G5! MAYBE?
Post by: .vooDoo. on June 06, 2004, 01:26:01 am
Looks like there is some truth behind this "rumor" Apple as asked AppleInsider to remove the picture with legal talk. http://www.appleinsider.com/article.php?id=474

Title: Re:NEW G5! MAYBE?(Tomorrow???)
Post by: .vooDoo. on June 07, 2004, 11:54:15 pm
ThinkSecret has released a new articale stating they have someone inside the Apple Exec's that says Apple will be releasing a 2.6ghz machine tomorrow.


Title: Re:NEW G5! MAYBE?
Post by: c| Lone-Wolf on June 08, 2004, 12:37:20 am
*crosses fingers*

Title: Re:NEW G5! MAYBE?
Post by: crypt on June 08, 2004, 12:50:08 am
We can only hope, voods. :)

Title: Re:NEW G5! MAYBE?
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on June 08, 2004, 01:49:30 am
Well, I was planning on buying the next fastest G5 that they release, but if 2.6GHz is gonna be the tops, then I think I'm gonna wait until Apple comes out with a G5 that breaks the 3.0GHz barrier.  Shouldn't take too long....I would assume they will break 3.0GHz by the end of the year.  Wow, this might be the longest I've ever waited between macs!  Guess I should go out and buy one of those utility programs like Norton Utilities or TechTool Pro so I can defrag my hard drive and check for disk errors (a problem I don't normally have seeing as I only keep my macs for about 6 months before trading up).

Title: Re:NEW G5! MAYBE?
Post by: crypt on June 08, 2004, 03:25:34 am
Wow, this might be the longest I've ever waited between macs!

You get a new Mac every year, and if I remember correctly, didn't you upgrade to G5 from a 600 or so MHz G3 iMac? I think that's pretty old. More than a year before G5's came out at least.

Title: Re:NEW G5! MAYBE?
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on June 08, 2004, 03:28:31 am
Wow, this might be the longest I've ever waited between macs!
You get a new Mac every year, and if I remember correctly, didn't you upgrade to G5 from a 600 or so MHz G3 iMac? I think that's pretty old. More than a year before G5's came out at least.

No, you are thinking of when that iMac came out, not when it was still being sold.  I bought the 600MHz Graphite iMac right at 6 months before I bought my G5 (those old-style iMacs were still being sold new up until a few months ago).

Title: Re:NEW G5! MAYBE?
Post by: crypt on June 08, 2004, 03:35:52 am
Ah, I thought you always bought new. Thanks for clarifying.

Title: Re:NEW G5! MAYBE?
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on June 08, 2004, 05:53:38 am
Ah, I thought you always bought new. Thanks for clarifying.

It was new.  Apple was still producing them until very recently.

Title: Re:NEW G5! MAYBE?
Post by: crypt on June 08, 2004, 06:36:37 am
Lol, you wouldn't even let me thank you for clarifying.

On another note, Apple Legal has removed that image of the Unified design of the G5 (quad or so). Maybe we can assume that's what it'll be.

Title: Re:NEW G5! MAYBE?
Post by: Ace on June 08, 2004, 11:44:09 am
Lol, you wouldn't even let me thank you for clarifying.

On another note, Apple Legal has removed that image of the Unified design of the G5 (quad or so). Maybe we can assume that's what it'll be.

Apple legal gets every image removed, right or wrong. It means nothing.

Title: Re:NEW G5! MAYBE?
Post by: l ! l Ross on June 08, 2004, 06:25:29 pm
They say its been put back by a day. I bet they will say that tommorw if its not released then.

They also say its going to be 2.5Ghz now and the same graphic cards :(

Title: Re:NEW G5! MAYBE?
Post by: BFG on June 08, 2004, 06:57:57 pm
Not exactly what i hear here! (http://www.thinksecret.com/news/g5refresh.html)
New graphics cards... and possibly as high as 2.6Ghz!!  :o

Title: Re:NEW G5! MAYBE?
Post by: Cobra on June 08, 2004, 09:02:32 pm
New graphics cards...
Muh?!!  Where?!

I slightly doubt the accuracy of this G5 upgrade prediction...seems more likely that they'd wait til WWDC...but I guess we'll see real soon now.

And GhostSniper, you have entirely too much money.

Title: Re:NEW G5! MAYBE?
Post by: l ! l Ross on June 08, 2004, 11:44:09 pm
I think they will release the G5 powermacs early cos there not going to make the 3Ghz mark. So there getting the bad news out of the way first.

But there is no way to know. We just have to wait.

Title: Re:NEW G5! MAYBE?
Post by: BTs_Mysterio on June 09, 2004, 12:02:09 am
I for one don't buy into the "they can't get 3Ghz" BS. Perhaps we have had bad experiences with Motorola's G4, but this is IBM. The maximum ... maximum prediction for last years WWDC was a G5 at 1.8GHz. They were certainly wrong then, and will be now.

We all saw the delays on the Xserves, but those were the first 90nm G5s made. You could also say that there should have been an upgrade by now, but that would be opinion; Apple has gone long periods before without upgrades. Perhaps steve looks forward to announcing a 1GHz+ leap?

Leave it to us Mac users to be as pessimistic as ever but I for one can see Apple bursting through the 3GHz boarder at WWDC 2004.  So yea, let's try not to slip back into Motorola 50MHz speed bump pessimism again... ok?

Title: Re:NEW G5! MAYBE?
Post by: l ! l Ross on June 09, 2004, 12:07:57 am
I used to always be positive to rumors. Thinking we would get stuff that we would not get and then being disappointed.

So now I always look at the much more realistic possibilities. IBM has been having trouble with the yields so am going with the no 3Ghz. If it is 3Ghz I will be very happy but I am prepared for the worst.

Hoping the G5 imac rumor is true.

Title: Re:NEW G5! MAYBE?
Post by: .vooDoo. on June 09, 2004, 12:24:07 am

On another note, Apple Legal has removed that image of the Unified design of the G5 (quad or so). Maybe we can assume that's what it'll be.

You snooze you loose buddy, I posted this tid bit of news about 5 post up Crypt. ;)

On wether or not I will buy a new Mac at this upgrade I can say this. My mac is getting old. I have pretty much upgraded the shit out of it  just about as much as I can. Its a Sawtooth first generation 400mhz G4 that I upgraded to a 1ghz w/ATI 8500 and 1 gig ram. I hope to god they release the 3ghz with this update because that is what I want, but.....I am prepared to purchase the fastest powermac availible even if its only 2.5ghz. I will still be happy as hell, but the 3ghz would pwn.  ;D

Title: Re:NEW G5! MAYBE?
Post by: BTs_Mysterio on June 09, 2004, 12:48:41 am
I used to always be positive to rumors. Thinking we would get stuff that we would not get and then being disappointed.

So now I always look at the much more realistic possibilities. IBM has been having trouble with the yields so am going with the no 3Ghz. If it is 3Ghz I will be very happy but I am prepared for the worst.

You know that the rumors are saying what you're saying? What's realistic about not believing what the CEO of a company says. So now rumors are more realistic?

Rumor - 2-2.6 GHz G5s will be at WWDC
CEO - 3GHz will be reached at WWDC

So? What's realistic here?

Title: Re:NEW G5! MAYBE?
Post by: BFG on June 09, 2004, 12:52:36 am
I don't think we are going to see G5 iMacs... there is still a lot of Growth available in the G4 - and i think apple would be shooting themselves in the foot - who's going to want to Fork out all that money for a G5 processor but then put it in a imac shell?!?!

I do think we are about to see speed bumped G5s though... 2.5 sounds good - over than that seems optermistic given IBM's recent problems. - so i reckon we might see the announcment  but not the availability for a wee while.

free free to copy this repeatedly if im right... and to pretend i never said anything if im wrong ;)

Title: Re:NEW G5! MAYBE?
Post by: BTs_Mysterio on June 09, 2004, 01:16:37 am
... 2.5 sounds good - over than that seems optermistic given IBM's recent problems...

Recent problems were in the manufacturing, not the designing or creation... wait thats too weakly worded... too open for lies. IBM has problems with their manufacturing (err) equipment for the 90nm. As you can see this is fixed. Did none of you come close to actually looking into half the stuff rumor sites say? 99% of the sites out there make stuff up based on random happenings. Chances are that IBM has been working very hard on getting the G5s to break the 3GHz barrier that they haven't had the time to release a "hold over" G5.

I wouldn't ever bet on 2.5 with Apple for 1 simple reason:

They release that, they are FUCKED!

Intel not only is going to be releasing their own new processor, this one may actually be worth a damn... which is saying a lot for intel. They have  3.2 GHz already... To the casual buyer 3.2 is bigger than 2.5. mmmkay? you see what I'm saying here? When intel releases their processor, it could range between 4-5 GhZ. That's a problem for a 2.5 to compete with...mmkay? Apple SAID SAID SAID 3 GHz and stop being skeptical, Steve will deliver. For him it's do or die for the Mac... If he doesn't deliver... they better hope iPods stay on-top.

Title: Re:NEW G5! MAYBE?
Post by: Cobra on June 09, 2004, 01:19:02 am
You know that the rumors are saying what you're saying? What's realistic about not believing what the CEO of a company says. So now rumors are more realistic?

Rumor - 2-2.6 GHz G5s will be at WWDC
CEO - 3GHz will be reached at WWDC

So? What's realistic here?
Hmm...realistic?  I'd say the former, as much as I hope Teh Steve & Co. was able to pull it off.  The heat load of dual G5's @ 2GHz (130nm 970's) is handled by the current PowerMac G5 enclosure, but this is likely near the limit.  IBM mentioned that yields at 130nm have recently improved significantly and are nearly on target.  Meanwhile, earlier in the year, IBM encountered and acknowledged substancial problems with their 90nm yields (as did every other chip manufacturer in the switch from 130nm->90nm), and said nothing about its 90nm yields in their recent presentation.  This makes me believe that there is a good chance that 970FX will not be seen in quantity in time for the WWDC.

IBM has problems with their manufacturing (err) equipment for the 90nm. As you can see this is fixed.
Can we?  What makes you think they were able to increase their 90nm yields in time and get an acceptable quantity for a release?

And I wouldn't really call this pessimism.  Probably realism.  Considering the current state of things, I'd say (regardless of what I'm hoping for) it is most likely that we will not be seeing 3GHz this soon.

Title: Re:NEW G5! MAYBE?
Post by: BTs_Mysterio on June 09, 2004, 01:46:30 am
For you concept 1(if you will): The fact is that you all still believe in the misconception that the G5 is significantly hotter than the G4. IT HAS BEEN PROVEN TIME AND TIME AGAIN that the G5 is only marginally warmer, and that says nothing compared the intel counterparts. STOP MENTIONING HEAT. The only reason there are...7...or 9 fans is because it's quiet! Quieter than my old fans-less iMac. Quieter than my brothers Quicksilver tower. That's the reason. This misconception needs to die now.

As for #2: The original G5s were not in sufficient quantity until late september to December. The existence that IBM has the ability to produce the 3GHz is the only thing you could question, which of course isn't the issue here. IBM can produce 3GHz, maybe not in quantity but they can. Quantity is the only problem with IBM, not reaching/exceeding goals.

Title: Re:NEW G5! MAYBE?
Post by: Cobra on June 09, 2004, 04:56:11 am
For you concept 1(if you will): The fact is that you all still believe in the misconception that the G5 is significantly hotter than the G4. IT HAS BEEN PROVEN TIME AND TIME AGAIN that the G5 is only marginally warmer, and that says nothing compared the intel counterparts. STOP MENTIONING HEAT. The only reason there are...7...or 9 fans is because it's quiet! Quieter than my old fans-less iMac. Quieter than my brothers Quicksilver tower. That's the reason. This misconception needs to die now.
Hmm?  I have no complaints about heat dissipation in the G5's, nor any problems with noise.  Were you addressing me, or someone else?  I mentioned that while the current PowerMac enclosures handle the heat given off by dual 2GHz processors, the 970's are not likely to scale much higher, and a jump to 3GHz requires a 970FX (this chip will allow for higher clock speeds at a lower heat output and power requirements ? a 2.5GHz 970FX 90nm puts out about the same amount of heat as a 1.8GHz 970 130nm).  So...erm...I agree with what you've said here.

As for #2: The original G5s were not in sufficient quantity until late september to December. The existence that IBM has the ability to produce the 3GHz is the only thing you could question, which of course isn't the issue here. IBM can produce 3GHz, maybe not in quantity but they can. Quantity is the only problem with IBM, not reaching/exceeding goals.
Yup.  I just wouldn't guess that they were able to fabricate enough of 'em for a summer release in the PowerMac line.  We'll see soon enough.  However, even if they slipped from the promised summer deadline and had to push back shipping until the winter, I don't think people would all that much.  

Title: Re:NEW G5! MAYBE?
Post by: .vooDoo. on June 09, 2004, 04:49:36 pm
Upgrades released. See other topic or maybe a moderator could merge the 2, maybe, huh, huh, huh....