*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => General Gossip => Topic started by: KoS.Rebel on May 29, 2004, 11:51:04 pm

Title: "MP Server, Come Get Some"
Post by: KoS.Rebel on May 29, 2004, 11:51:04 pm
This is a quote from a game on gameranger. So i decide to join. I enter the chat room before the game is to start and am kicked on site. So i rejoin to find out why, no answer just a ban. I feel this is getting out of control. Im banned from Buccaneers CoD server for owning the shit out of him and now from Destructo's server for no apparent reason. Im making this statement to the community in order to preserve some kind of sanity. Im hoping that from these examples, clans that are still "sane" will remain that way and not ban others for simply destroying them. I pity Nomads soul for I fear he is the only respectable MP member left. Bucc, I never said a thing, i just played the game. You or one of your members will probably lock and delete this thread because it opposes you and thats just fine, but just as long as you know that I am and will always be better then you in CoD, i have no problem with it. Because you OBVIOUSLY have some issues against people that own you and thats fine. All MP members are allowed into all nQ servers with the exception of Buccaneer and Destructo. Dest i cant believe you would betray a KoS brother but i guess the Killer on Spree inside of you has died with the oncoming of the mischievious. For those who read this, do not take it as a flame, its just a simple reminder that some people cant handle losing, and that is beyond immature.

Title: Re:"MP Server, Come Get Some"
Post by: Mr.Mellow on May 30, 2004, 02:46:23 am
I'm glad I suck. I never get banned from ANY servers. In fact, they try their best to get me to stay by offering me free food and women.  ;D

Title: Re:"MP Server, Come Get Some"
Post by: Brain on May 30, 2004, 03:05:17 am
...pity Nomads soul for I fear he is the only respectable MP member left.

what the fuck did i ever do to you?  oh wait...that's right you're just taking another potshot at our clan because you are pissed off that you got banned (and i can guarantee that it was not for owning bucc.  it's because you were arguing about hybrid's ban like a moron and didn't heed the multiple warnings to knock it off.  as a side note hybrid is no longer banned because he sucked it up and took it like a man)  therefor you decide to try and tarnish the image of our clan, of MY clan, in order to get some sort of weak and pitiful form of revenge.  this is not a 'public service' in any shape or form, it is an attack on our clan as a whole and should have been deleted immeadatly, but since that would be 'biased,' and 'abuse of power' (are you taking lessons form rapid?)  i'll leave this run.

alaric, cringe, mab, cossack, ace, and everyone else do not deserve to be included in this issue due to your blind hatred of bucc and your near infantile attempts to heal you wounded pride buy destroying our rep.  you tell me who is being immature here the MP's who never said a word to you who you attacked out of the blue, or you.

you got banned, big deal. you've been on the ban list for MP for a while now due to your behavior in RvS.  grow up and deal with it. your actions started this way back in january, and i have no sympathy for you if you can't handle the consequences now.

as for the rest of you, it is easy to not get banned from our servers. we don't ban people for the fun of it, and we rarely ban with out warning (that is reserved for flagrant violations of the rules).  to not get banned, all you need to do is follow the rules posted at the MP Servers (http://www.mischievousprofessionals.com/staticpages/index.php?page=20030313005947164) part of the MP Site (http://www.mischievousprofessionals.com).
rebel couldn't handle that, and he got what his actions asked for. take a lesson from him as what NOT to do and you will be fine[/color]

Title: Re:"MP Server, Come Get Some"
Post by: crypt on May 30, 2004, 03:05:46 am
Im banned from Buccaneers CoD server for owning the shit out of him

Shit like this might be why you are banned.

Title: Re:"MP Server, Come Get Some"
Post by: KoS.Rebel on May 30, 2004, 03:36:41 am
Frankly i dont care that im banned because when he hosts no one joins. Im wasting my time when i should be preparing for PC ladders. nQ ownage....

Title: Re:"MP Server, Come Get Some"
Post by: SAR(VoLaTile) on May 30, 2004, 03:41:05 am
Heh, Rebel you think that's stunning? I got banned from all MP servers for using a mod for ghr, that was supposedly stolen by mainman. They banned me for supporting the mod... all I did was play it.

Title: Re:"MP Server, Come Get Some"
Post by: KoS.Rebel on May 30, 2004, 04:20:41 am
Just dumb enough to be an MP ban. Ill believe you Sar.

Title: Re:"MP Server, Come Get Some"
Post by: Noto on May 30, 2004, 05:03:38 am
So... when is this puppy being locked?  It obviously isn't going to lead to anything other than continued flaming with no real end result.

.::|N| Noto

Title: Re:"MP Server, Come Get Some"
Post by: Ace on May 30, 2004, 06:05:46 am
For the record Sar, the only reason you are still banned is because you bluffed and got called. I don't remember why you were banned in the first place, but I distinctly remember you coming to me and saying, "I won't ban you from my server if you unban me from yours." When I proceeded to tell you that you had the right to ban anyone on your server, you told me I was banned. I said that it was fine, but accordingly you weren't getting unbanned from my server anytime soon. Since then, you have badmouthed |MP| and our management of our servers, so why should you be unbanned?

As for you Rebel, get over yourself. Brain pretty much said it all already. Besides, you said you don't care about being banned, and Bucc obviously doesn't care about missing your presence on his server, so what's the point of bringing up any further discussion?

Title: Re:"MP Server, Come Get Some"
Post by: SAR(VoLaTile) on May 30, 2004, 06:22:49 am
Actually Ace, what I said was it is not fair to ban people for using a mod, and I said "what if I ban you for nothing?" Just like what you did to some other people. I gave an example of a situtuation to show what you were doing. I never said "I'm banning you!!!!!"

Title: Re:"MP Server, Come Get Some"
Post by: "Sixhits" on May 30, 2004, 10:55:06 am
Ok, we get the point. MP runs a server their way and have little patience for being jerked around. Ohhh, they're so bad.

Title: Re:"MP Server, Come Get Some"
Post by: kos.viper on May 30, 2004, 03:17:17 pm
This is ridiculous.  Ban people based on team killing and abusive swearing, NOT on opinions or views that differ from your own.  Learn to play with people, not run away from them.  When will the banning on both sides stop?

Title: Re:"MP Server, Come Get Some"
Post by: KoS.Rebel on May 30, 2004, 05:00:07 pm
Ban people for TKing , but dont ban people cause they make you look bad....this thread can now be locked because the point has been made.

Title: Re:"MP Server, Come Get Some"
Post by: alaric on May 30, 2004, 08:21:12 pm
Rebel, you're banned because you're a dick. It's that simple.

Also, word on the street says you've got a bad case of Teh Ghey and we're afraid it might be contagious.

Title: Re:"MP Server, Come Get Some"
Post by: Noto on May 30, 2004, 08:48:34 pm
Second request for a lock...

.::|N| Noto

Title: Re:"MP Server, Come Get Some"
Post by: .vooDoo. on May 30, 2004, 10:31:14 pm
Just as a character witness, and for the record, I was in the CoD game when Rebel got kicked and he WASNT talking any smack. I dont know who kicked him, but it wasnt warrented. From my POV he was kicked for playing very well, but w/e.

Title: Re:"MP Server, Come Get Some"
Post by: alaric on May 30, 2004, 11:20:01 pm
Voods, the issue was that he's been banned from servers Bucc and Ace run because of how he's acted in the past. It wasn't anything he did recently, they just noticed that he'd gotten in under a different name and applied the already standing ban to him.

Title: Re:"MP Server, Come Get Some"
Post by: KoS.Rebel on May 31, 2004, 03:20:37 am
Sry bro but the past is the past and it should be left there. People arent always angry, it just depends on the mood they are in. No one on these forums is innocent of that, everyone has posted or acted dumb because they were angry. Just because i was angry over a period of time doesnt mean i should get banned from a server for what i did in the past. Im willing to give people a second chance, for example Typhy. Ask him if we were friends back in RS days. Another example is voods. Back in RS days i dunno how he felt bout me but i didnt like him and now we co lead a clan. I feel ive reconciled with Bucc by leaving him alone till now, but if he is that low to keep a ban going for this long it just seems to me like somethin else.

Title: Re:"MP Server, Come Get Some"
Post by: alaric on May 31, 2004, 03:59:24 am
First off, I'm not your "bro" and I'm not the one digging up the past. You are.

Second, Playing on anybody's server, not just MP, is a privilege, not a right. That means the person running the server has the right to ban you for any reason they want, or no reason at all.

I've never had a personal problem with you. You seem to be a little whiny and arrogant at times, but that's not a serious issue for me. The thing that bugs me is you don't really seem to understand the concept of manners. Running to the forums, especially about an old ban, is childish and stupid. It's not going to get you unbanned, it just makes you look like a bondo/rapid hybrid and that's not something anybody wants.

So you made some mistakes, you admit that, which is good. But have you ever extended any form of public apology for your admittedly bad conduct? No, you haven't. It's good that you realize the consequences of your actions, but you seem to expect Bucc and Ace to forgive you without any sort of apology on your part. That's presumptuous and very arrogant.

You want a second chance? Try asking for one. At this point I doubt you'll get it, but you could at least make the effort to reconcile instead of acting like a spoiled child.

So, long story short, suck it up, take your ban like a man, and find someplace else to play.

Title: Re:"MP Server, Come Get Some"
Post by: KoS.Rebel on May 31, 2004, 04:38:26 am
I will never appologize to him. He banned me for a stupid reason and thats it. I say we end it now cause i dont care cause when it comes down to the match between nQ and MP there is no contest. See yall then.

Title: Re:"MP Server, Come Get Some"
Post by: sixhits2 on May 31, 2004, 04:57:44 am
The indominable Rebel:

"I will never appologize to him. He banned me for a stupid reason and thats it."

"Sry bro but the past is the past and it should be left there. People arent always angry, it just depends on the mood they are in."

Hmmm, says six.

Title: Re:"MP Server, Come Get Some"
Post by: BTs_eight on May 31, 2004, 04:26:50 pm
Uhhh, whos server does it belong to? MP? Who is paying for the bandwidth? MP...

So in other words.. if any of the MP guys decided they didn't like your haircut... or didnt like your name... or just flat out didnt like u.... i think they have every right ot ban you... No matter what their reasons could be. ITS THEIR SERVER REB GET OVER IT AND START HOSTING YOUR OWN! thats all...

I mean I'm going to ban Typhy just becuase he is Typhy.... call it the "typhy" ban. Hey if i am paying for your ass to go play then by all means the bans are coming... for whatever the reason maybe.

Title: Re:"MP Server, Come Get Some"
Post by: kos.viper on May 31, 2004, 05:21:07 pm
This community has gone to shit.

Title: Re:"MP Server, Come Get Some"
Post by: Mr.Mellow on May 31, 2004, 06:11:09 pm
Agreed, Viper. The fact this thread has gone on for like 3 days proves it.  ;D

Title: Re:"MP Server, Come Get Some"
Post by: BFG on May 31, 2004, 07:01:14 pm
This community has gone to shit.

Some of it. Some of it. Its just a pity that the shitty parts ruin the rest. Can't believe the argument - people can do what they like to their servers, - and if they have rules they expect people to abide by then its just damn good manners to do so. And if they want to behave like ass's then thats also up to them - people will think a lot less of them but thats it.

I mean I'm going to ban Typhy just becuase he is Typhy.... call it the "typhy" ban

That just leaves a bad taste in the mouth...... point taken viper.

Title: Re:"MP Server, Come Get Some"
Post by: KoS.Rebel on May 31, 2004, 11:47:32 pm
The community has gone to shit....veterans arent treated with the same respect as they were back in the RS days....too bad.

Title: Re:"MP Server, Come Get Some"
Post by: Brain on June 01, 2004, 12:56:43 am
you know it has gone to shit, people are applying a double standard to everything and anything now days.  just like nobody came to the forums if they had been  booted form a game because they had been banned form an RS server, now people want good servers, but they don't want to deal with rules and enforcement of rules necessary to run such a server...

it's truly sad

Title: Re:"MP Server, Come Get Some"
Post by: cookie on June 01, 2004, 08:11:59 am
hmmmm, i got banned for 'disrespect' after mentioning to the SiX guys i wanted to switch servers due to the bad lag. guess i was supposed to pretend to like 300 ping and 8 fps!

Title: Re:"MP Server, Come Get Some"
Post by: Mr.Grey on June 01, 2004, 08:57:50 am
have ta agree wit meh sis  the mp server has a pretty aluring ping outside the game but it goes straight to hell inside grrrrrr ppl benifit off it some dont so you get owned totally if you didnt get the short end of a dirty stick(http://dynamic.gamespy.com/~damnr6/yabbse/YaBBImages/wallbash.gif)

Title: Re:"MP Server, Come Get Some"
Post by: Ssickboy on June 01, 2004, 09:02:15 am
Some people just don't get it.  One day the world will change directions and revolve the opposite way.  And still, there will be people that don't understand.  

You don't ask for respect. The moment you stop wanting respect you may begin obtaining it.  

However, It is nice to see that even in virtual world a common sense of decency has it's place.    

Title: Re:"MP Server, Come Get Some"
Post by: [dts] Bad_Dude on June 01, 2004, 06:26:15 pm
This community does really suck when I read all the BS !

So many new players here hard to keep track what a noob is and what a vet is ! ;D

I only see a few familiar faces here

Where did the R6 guys go too??

R6 guys is what you call a vet Rebel.  What is RS? ???

Title: Re:"MP Server, Come Get Some"
Post by: alaric on June 01, 2004, 09:07:40 pm
hmmmm, i got banned for 'disrespect' after mentioning to the SiX guys i wanted to switch servers due to the bad lag. guess i was supposed to pretend to like 300 ping and 8 fps!

cook, you were never banned by a member of MP. Deadeye was doing some work over at Bucc's house and was just getting his friend's back.

I'd also like to note your are not currently, nor (except for that one brief incident) have you ever been banned from our server. If you'd taken the time to check our ban page you'll see your name is not on our list.

Also, I take issue with how you presented your case. You make it seem like you got kicked for making an offhanded comment, this is not the case. Deadeye observed you making comments like "this server sucks" and other disrespectful remarks towards the host. That's very disrespectful, though it's certainly not worthy of a ban.

I would like to note that attitudes like that are one of the reasons this community continues to go downhill. We commit our time and resources to providing quality servers freely and openly to the community and in return we get spat on.

Title: Re:"MP Server, Come Get Some"
Post by: "Sixhits" on June 01, 2004, 09:16:49 pm
Being a "veteran" isn't something you get just for being around for awhile. Veteran and Noob are states of mind and states of being. Am I veteran considering I've played on GR since '99? No. I'm a veteran because, mostly, I try to be respectful and I try to have fun. Getting frustrated and venting on DAMN is ok, but then lambasting the community because you're not getting the response you want is just silly. It's childish. And if you want to be treated like a veteran you need to act like it. And when it seems like what you are doing is trying to lay low one clan and their server you seem to be attacking them for personal reasons, ones better left in the pm and email world.

And when you are trying to lay them low you are guilty of exactly what you charge them of. It tends to undermine your point.

Basically, this whole thread smacks of a knife in the back.

Someone is unhappy with somebody else and decides to air their dirty laundry.

But because most ppl realize that GR and DAMN are, indeed, communities and hence require a health dose of mutual respect, even during disagreements, such back stabbing is frowned on at best.

If you want to be unbanned, appologize. Say, I'm sorry you took offence and I'll try to do better next time. Phrase it however you want but the "I'm sorry" bit's the key. If you can't go that far then you will not resolve anything. It's like sex. If you're not man enough to buy the condoms you're not man enough to slip it in.

Sack up, say you're sorry, and you'll gain a shit load of respect for it. Or you can persist in what looks like a personal attack on one clan, Rebel.

And one last thing: Veteran's don't brag about their "ownage" of other people. 'Cause a Veteran is confident enough that he doesn't need to brag.

Title: Re:"MP Server, Come Get Some"
Post by: PsYcO aSsAsSiN on June 01, 2004, 09:52:53 pm