*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => General Gossip => Topic started by: static on May 24, 2004, 10:59:57 pm

Title: Who the hell do people on GameRanger think they are?
Post by: static on May 24, 2004, 10:59:57 pm
Today I had a very interresting talk with Serpes of the Network.  He  insisted that I vote for John Kerry for president.  Well to make a long story short.  Kerry has a long history of voting against military presents in other countries.  He was elected into the U.S. Senate in 1984 and started his anti-war statements in the Senate there after.  He has afected my life in ways no one on GR can imagine.  I was in the USO club in Naples Italy when it was bombed by terrorists.  I was not physically injured, but I have visions trapped in my head no one would want to see.  He voted against having higher securty at locations that service men and women gather.  That day in April 1988, I lost a friend and saw may others scared for life including myself.   Because of this, my thoughts may not be very clear at this time.  (thanks Serpes)  The GameRanger community should remember not everyone signed up is in high school or not old enough to have served for there country.

Serpes told me  to "get a job", after finding out I do WWII re-enacting to honor the fallen soldiers and veterans of past wars.  I told him "what better way to honor fall soldiers than the portray one".  He replied "yeah I can, let it end".  Well for verterans today, it still has not ended.  These brave men and women served and died for there countries.  What have the general community of GR done for theres?  Execpt bash the governments of their countries.  

Granted Serpes, you did not know I am a disabled veteran.  Still your personal attack on my typing skills and grasp for the english language, were uncalled for.(asking me if I was an immagrant)  You opened images I have tucked away for years. (again, thank you very much) No one asked you to join the posts between Joka and myself.  If you have nothing nice to say maybe you should have stayed out of the convo.

I'm not looking for anything from GR, just for people to think before lashing out in a public forum.  Stop the attacks on peoples personal activities.  If they are being an asshole, then by all means, fire away, they deserve it.

Damn people, this a gaming community, not real life experiences.  Get a grip on it.


p.s.  When was the last time you thanked a veteran?

Title: Re:Who the hell do people on GameRanger think they are?
Post by: crypt on May 24, 2004, 11:11:42 pm
Well said Static.

Title: Re:Who the hell do people on GameRanger think they are?
Post by: "Sixhits" on May 24, 2004, 11:24:29 pm
Serpes had better appologize - at the least.

It's one thing to disagree, get angry, and say stupid or cruel things. It's something else to bash a person just because you disagree. And when confronted with the reality of your cruelty, to keep wacking away.

Serpes: you are a irresponsible bastard. Thanks for giving truth to the negativity presumed of liberals.

Static: thanks for getting out there and sacrificing for us all.

Title: Re:Who the hell do people on GameRanger think they are?
Post by: alaric on May 25, 2004, 01:06:57 am
I do WWII re-enacting to honor the fallen soldiers and veterans of past wars.

That's cool. I've thought about getting involved in WWII or Civil War Re-enacting. Where do you do it and how does one get involved?

Title: Re:Who the hell do people on GameRanger think they are?
Post by: Ssickboy on May 25, 2004, 02:11:38 am
Touching post Static.  I knew you were a cool dude, and my impression of you has come more to light.  Thank you for your sacrifice.

Much respects,


Title: Re:Who the hell do people on GameRanger think they are?
Post by: PsYcO aSsAsSiN on May 25, 2004, 02:25:49 am
This Serpes character seems like a grade "A" internet asshole.

Anywho, I seem to thank a lot of veterans whenever I walk by the VA hospital here in Westwood, many seem to genuinely appreciate it when you take time out of your day to thank them and talk with them a little bit.

Title: Re:Who the hell do people on GameRanger think they are?
Post by: Cow on May 25, 2004, 03:38:23 am
n00bs everywhere, you roxxor man

Title: Re:Who the hell do people on GameRanger think they are?
Post by: Noto on May 25, 2004, 07:17:42 am
Static, I think you are at least twice the age of Serp.  Now, I'm not defending him in the least, as I completely agree with everything you said.  What I feel you have failed to realize is that some people just say things to irritate others.  Some people just say things to get a "rise" out of others.  Some people say things that they have absolutely no clue of the subject of what they are speaking.  I think you have encountered at least all of these scenarios with Serp.  He's a young kid with little to know life experience in the real world.  He wasn't even in kindergarten when the Gulf War was being fought.  In fact, he probably wasn't even born yet when the USO in Italy was targeted.  I hope that those little facts give some perspective to this situation without making light of it.

Just avoid people that annoy you or who you wish not to read a single line of text that they type into GR.  I personally have 114 people blocked in GR, and most of them are just people I frankly do not care to deal with or listen to on any level.  It keeps things nice and unstressful.  Remember Uffy, I'm not coming down on you, I'm just saying that you are better than this and that you should just sweep it under the carpet.  There's no use arguing with someone who has made up their mind.  It will only serve to frustrate you more.

.::|N| Noto

Title: Re:Who the hell do people on GameRanger think they are?
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on May 25, 2004, 03:17:32 pm
I personally have 114 people blocked in GR, and most of them are just people I frankly do not care to deal with or listen to on any level.

Wow!  I don't have a single person blocked.  Not even Typhy.  When somebody starts shit with me (which isn't very often, come to think of it), I just ignore them.  But what Serpes did was definitely uncalled for.

There's just some people in life I would like to meet on the street.  Then I could show them my neat neck-snapping trick I learned in the Army.   ;)

Title: Re:Who the hell do people on GameRanger think they are?
Post by: static on May 25, 2004, 03:23:06 pm
Hello all,

My post was not to draw sympathy from anyone.  It was to let the community know how out of control it is.  People should keep their mouths shut on topics they have no clue about.  What gives these people the right to lash out at people they don?t know?  Making fun of them, and belittling to the point that it makes them stir up memories they are trying to put away.  The whole thing started when Serpes stuck his nose somewhere it didn?t belong.

I do see your point, but still, that horrible day exploded into my again after he told me to ?let it end?.  For friends and family of the victims it will NEVER END.  The only thing we can do is remember the good times and try and forget that terrible day.

You said that he is probably half my age?  Ignorance of history is no excuse for his behavior.  Nor is it for anyone.  Politics have no business being displayed in the main chat areas on GameRanger.  If people wish to display support for a candidate, they should open a chat room and talk in there.  I?m sure members from other country?s could care less about our government.

Again point taken, but people should think twice before spewing crap out of their mouths.


Title: Re:Who the hell do people on GameRanger think they are?
Post by: KoS.Rebel on May 25, 2004, 06:39:34 pm
I agree with yah static....alot of people on GR are ignorant and out of place. For example, those people that ban eachother from servers. Its a waste of time and it ruins the game. I come on GR to play games and escape the reality of life, but those who ban me from servers for owning them just kills the fun of it. Then there are those on GR who talk endlessly without meaning and thats retarded also. Bah too much stuff to talk about. To make a long story short i agree with u static.

Title: Re:Who the hell do people on GameRanger think they are?
Post by: Noto on May 25, 2004, 07:44:55 pm
You said that he is probably half my age?  Ignorance of history is no excuse for his behavior.

I hope I wasn't implying that it was.  If anything, I was trying to say that he's not out in teh real world.  He's probably still under the rule of his ignorant parents, but that doesn't mean he's going to be like this forever.  He's a hot head most times, and definitely does not want to hear the views of others.  I can't wait until he gets out of high school.  If he doesn't join the Klan or get the shit kicked out of him at a truck stop, he might grow up to be a civilized person. ;)

Again point taken, but people should think twice before spewing crap out of their mouths.

And that's exactly why I have some many people blocked.  I mean yeah, I can ignore it, but putting forth the effort to ignore GR spam is far more effort than simply blocking the fools.

.::|N| Noto

I'm with ya Uffy!  ;D

Title: Re:Who the hell do people on GameRanger think they are?
Post by: crypt on May 25, 2004, 08:53:01 pm
There's just some people in life I would like to meet on the street.  Then I could show them my neat neck-snapping trick I learned in the Army.   ;)

Not trying to bitch here, but you sound just as immature as they are when you say things like that.

Title: Re:Who the hell do people on GameRanger think they are?
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on May 25, 2004, 09:26:21 pm
There's just some people in life I would like to meet on the street.  Then I could show them my neat neck-snapping trick I learned in the Army.   ;)
Not trying to bitch here, but you sound just as immature as they are when you say things like that.

And you know what Crypt?  YOU can't take a fucking joke!

Title: Re:Who the hell do people on GameRanger think they are?
Post by: PaYnE on May 26, 2004, 12:18:29 am
Fisrt, why didnt you tell me any of this when we were in the clan uffz?
Second I am really fucking tired of hearing about Ghostsnipers army skills, who the fuck cares? Keep it to yourself man

Title: Re:Who the hell do people on GameRanger think they are?
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on May 26, 2004, 12:35:37 am
Fisrt, why didnt you tell me any of this when we were in the clan uffz?
Second I am really fucking tired of hearing about Ghostsnipers army skills, who the fuck cares? Keep it to yourself man

Seems you can't take a fucking joke either.  Oh, and why don't you fucking sign in.  And lastly, you would care about my fucking skills if you met me on the street.

Now go eat shit and die like a good little bitch.

Now then, learn to take a fucking joke!  What I just wrote is my way of joking around with you!   ;)

Title: Re:Who the hell do people on GameRanger think they are?
Post by: "Sixhits" on May 26, 2004, 01:08:10 am
You joke like a bull in a china shop: ha ha ha all the way through the wall and over people.

Title: Re:Who the hell do people on GameRanger think they are?
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on May 26, 2004, 01:53:39 am
You joke like a bull in a china shop: ha ha ha all the way through the wall and over people.

Why thank you Sixhits.  I'll take that as a compliment.  :)

Title: Re:Who the hell do people on GameRanger think they are?
Post by: BFG on May 26, 2004, 01:57:19 am
Its like freaking Amercan Pie isn't it.... "this one time at bandcamp......

"This one time at army camp....."

Title: Re:Who the hell do people on GameRanger think they are?
Post by: static on May 26, 2004, 02:02:43 am

SK lasted about 2 hours after I joined.  MaD, well, I signed up on a Friday and following a cb against SSI on Sunday evening I left to join them.  Sorry to bring up old times.

The rest of you,

OMG this is exactly what I'm talking about.  You guys managed to turn this post into a flame in 24 hours.  NJ, GG, well done.  Try putting a sock in it for a bit and think before typing.

***BTs_static:points up at the subject line.......................................................................
                Plain and simple.  No posting unless you have something relevant to say, please.

Thank you and good night,


Title: Re:Who the hell do people on GameRanger think they are?
Post by: "Sixhits" on May 26, 2004, 02:48:24 am
You joke like a bull in a china shop: ha ha ha all the way through the wall and over people.

Why thank you Sixhits.  I'll take that as a compliment.  :)

Does nothing phase you! :)

Title: Re:Who the hell do people on GameRanger think they are?
Post by: Supernatural Pie on May 26, 2004, 02:48:25 am
Maybe it's that damn thing called "logic" trying to squeeze it's way into my thought process again, but has anyone bothered to ask Serp to post his own point of view here?


I dunno...

Logic? What's that...?

Title: Re:Who the hell do people on GameRanger think they are?
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on May 26, 2004, 03:52:44 pm
You joke like a bull in a china shop: ha ha ha all the way through the wall and over people.
Why thank you Sixhits.  I'll take that as a compliment.  :)
Does nothing phase you! :)

Nope.  It comes from years of experience dealing with people I didn't much care for.  I am far more mellow than I once was.  But now I can take just about anything without getting too worked up.  Just don't call be a baby-killer to my face and we'll be okay.    :)

P.S.  Somebody actually made the mistake of doing that to me once.  ONCE.   ;)

Title: Re:Who the hell do people on GameRanger think they are?
Post by: "Sixhits" on May 26, 2004, 07:49:40 pm
You dirty baby killer! All those baby seals you wacked ...

Title: Re:Who the hell do people on GameRanger think they are?
Post by: Ssickboy on May 26, 2004, 08:17:04 pm

Original picture replaced with a kinder picture of baby seals.

Title: Re:Who the hell do people on GameRanger think they are?
Post by: "Sixhits" on May 26, 2004, 08:28:30 pm
Oh my fucking god, Ssick.

Title: Re:Who the hell do people on GameRanger think they are?
Post by: Ssickboy on May 26, 2004, 08:30:40 pm
k maybe off topic...  I think I'm begining to understand ghostsnipers sense of humor.  

... and it gets worse.  I've found personal websites of dudes who favor baby seal killing just as if they're defending weapon ownership.  

... k deleting picture post.  definately wrong place, wrong time.  Apologies.

... Back on topic.  It's too often that young'ins <20 with immature sensabilities test the emotional feelings of adults (without knowing it).  I'd imagine it's even more prevailent online.    I think it's important to teach common respect but at the same time expect these types of situations to happen every now and then.  I think anyone in their right mind can sympathize with you on this Static.  

Title: Re:Who the hell do people on GameRanger think they are?
Post by: crypt on May 26, 2004, 11:26:50 pm
There's just some people in life I would like to meet on the street.  Then I could show them my neat neck-snapping trick I learned in the Army.   ;)
Not trying to bitch here, but you sound just as immature as they are when you say things like that.

And you know what Crypt?  YOU can't take a fucking joke!

I know I can't, but when you always say shit like that, how can I notice the difference.

Title: Re:Who the hell do people on GameRanger think they are?
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on May 26, 2004, 11:30:31 pm
There's just some people in life I would like to meet on the street.  Then I could show them my neat neck-snapping trick I learned in the Army.   ;)
Not trying to bitch here, but you sound just as immature as they are when you say things like that.
And you know what Crypt?  YOU can't take a fucking joke!
I know I can't, but when you always say shit like that, how can I notice the difference.

Well, gee fucking wiz, Crypt.  You don't know my sick sense of humor by now???  Hell, we only talked on netfone for like 4 months.  In all that time you never figured me out?

Title: Re:Who the hell do people on GameRanger think they are?
Post by: crypt on May 26, 2004, 11:39:25 pm
There's just some people in life I would like to meet on the street.  Then I could show them my neat neck-snapping trick I learned in the Army.   ;)
Not trying to bitch here, but you sound just as immature as they are when you say things like that.
And you know what Crypt?  YOU can't take a fucking joke!
I know I can't, but when you always say shit like that, how can I notice the difference.

Well, gee fucking wiz, Crypt.  You don't know my sick sense of humor by now???  Hell, we only talked on netfone for like 4 months.  In all that time you never figured me out?

haha, i'm just kidding ghost, <3

Title: Re:Who the hell do people on GameRanger think they are?
Post by: "Sixhits" on May 26, 2004, 11:40:43 pm
Ssick, bring bad the Ghostsniper-killing-baby-seal picture. It was terrifying in it's comedy.

Title: Re:Who the hell do people on GameRanger think they are?
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on May 26, 2004, 11:42:32 pm
Ssick, bring bad the Ghostsniper-killing-baby-seal picture. It was terrifying in it's comedy.

That wasn't GhostSniper.  I don't do cold weather, sorry.  That's why I'm visiting Alaska in the summer.  Also why I live in the SOUTH.

Title: Re:Who the hell do people on GameRanger think they are?
Post by: one one on May 27, 2004, 05:25:53 am
the only simple way to answer this topic: people online think they're badass

lol ssick.

Title: Re:Who the hell do people on GameRanger think they are?
Post by: Ssickboy on May 27, 2004, 05:41:03 am
That's why I'm visiting Alaska in the summer.

Nice knowing you Typhy.  You seemed like a good kid with a big career ahead of you.  

Title: Re:Who the hell do people on GameRanger think they are?
Post by: static on May 27, 2004, 06:28:01 am
Well, Serpes silence is good enough for me.  He has had plenty of time to post.  So I guess in his own way he realizes he many have gone a bit to far with his comments.  Thanks to all that understood my position.  

Now could an admin please lock this thread before my head explodes.

Thank you and good night


"Only the dead have seen the end of War"
                                                                 ~ Plato

Title: Re:Who the hell do people on GameRanger think they are?
Post by: Mr.Grey on May 27, 2004, 06:16:37 pm
static is right to the last word uttered from his mouth. veterans are very underappreciated. and john kerry and jane fonda those assholes bash them to the ground. john kerry and jane fonda were in a group in veitnam called the FTA or "Fuck The Army" which they made protests and drasticaly demoralized the soldiers... a soldier with no moral is as good as dead if he doesnt think he can do it so they pretty much are killer but not directly

Title: Re:Who the hell do people on GameRanger think they are?
Post by: macuser1984 on May 27, 2004, 06:23:17 pm
That's why I'm visiting Alaska in the summer.
Nice knowing you Typhy.  You seemed like a good kid with a big career ahead of you.  

Nah, I don't think my brother is actually gonna kill Typhy.  He told me he was just gonna scare him a little.  Like using the laser aiming device he has on his Glock to shine through Typhy's bedroom window and make him think somebody is gonna shoot him.  Should be loads of fun to watch!

Title: Re:Who the hell do people on GameRanger think they are?
Post by: Brain on May 27, 2004, 06:28:07 pm
i'm going to lock this when i get back at 6 PM CST as per Static's request. you have been warned

Title: Re:Who the hell do people on GameRanger think they are?
Post by: BFG on May 27, 2004, 06:34:23 pm
 john kerry and jane fonda those assholes bash them to the ground. john kerry and jane fonda were in a group in veitnam called the FTA or "Fuck The Army" which they made protests and drasticaly demoralized the soldiers

Jesus christ. There is a difference between supporting the guys in the army, and supporting what they are doing.

I didn't support the war in iraq / the reasons the goverments gave us for invading iraq. Yet i had every bit of support for the guys i knew and all the others who had no option but to go to iraq and do their jobs whether they agreed or not with what they were doing.

They had every right not to support Vietnam. For gods sake there isn't a lot to be proud about going to war with someone and killing lots of people. However that is different from not supporting the soldiers.

ps . why's it getting locked?

Title: Re:Who the hell do people on GameRanger think they are?
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on May 27, 2004, 07:55:14 pm
i'm going to lock this when i get back at 6 PM CST as per Static's request. you have been warned

Who's being warned?

Title: Re:Who the hell do people on GameRanger think they are?
Post by: BTs_Lee.Harvey on May 27, 2004, 09:46:03 pm
BFG.. It getting locked b/c static feels that it has gotten way off topic

Title: Re:Who the hell do people on GameRanger think they are?
Post by: PsYcO aSsAsSiN on May 28, 2004, 01:31:48 am
Brain is late, so I will do the honors.  



For future reference, the creator of a thread also has the power to lock it.