*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => General Gossip => Topic started by: c| Lone-Wolf on May 23, 2004, 08:25:58 am

Title: Poll on what you want to see on these forums.
Post by: c| Lone-Wolf on May 23, 2004, 08:25:58 am
This is a post im making immediately after becoming all depressed from posting on the "Pictures of children not being shot" thread BFG put up, and everybody so vigerously attacked.

So, this is an attempt to change the direction of the forums, at least a little.  Lets talk about, or argue with each other, about something that is 1) not depressing/with no real solution (Israel/Palestine, politics, blah blah blah) and 2) Doesnt involve killing innocent civilians (though it is nice to not kill people at all, technology is frequently developed for the purpose of killing combatants, the actual technology is still not the hotspot, its how its been used)

Now, getting to the actual point, and trying to still interest those few of you who are still reading (im betting the number is around zero)  Depending on the results of the poll, if any, ill seriously put in a significant chunk of time to pose a -question-, not a belief, to the community, and see what people have to say/discuss/fight about.  

If you all think this is a totally retarded idea, feel free to say so and ill take the poll down.  Just trying to shift the mainstream discussions on the forum away from things where its so divided nobody is interested in compromise, just excercising their ability to yell at each other with no actual progress (in the spirit of the upcomming political elections, im sure)


PS - If you mark 'Other' please put a post up about what your 'other' catagory is, and ill keep your suggestion on a piece of paper, and add votes to it if/when people vote for it.  So be creative!  Ill also keep a running list on this message so people can see what has been voted for under the 'other' catagory.
PSS - I realize there is a recent poll about Music, but that is about your preference on music, not a specific question, which this will be, if it works. (and assuming music is picked)

'OTHER' Catagory - Topics which do not fit with the above, or are more specific.  If you would like to vote for one, vote 'Other' on the poll, then post, and specify which existing catagory you would like to place your vote for. To make it easier for me to know who is putting in a serious vote for the 'Other' catagory, please at the top of your post, or somewhere, just put -Other-, or something like that.(Ill update sometime around midnight every day, if anyone cares)

-  Automobiles - 1 Vote
-  Food - 2 Votes

Title: Re:Poll on what you want to see on these forums.
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on May 23, 2004, 08:36:19 am
I picked "other."

Let's talk about Automobiles!

Title: Re:Poll on what you want to see on these forums.
Post by: Typhy on May 23, 2004, 08:43:11 am
Sports. Just about everything but Cricket.

Title: Re:Poll on what you want to see on these forums.
Post by: c| Lone-Wolf on May 23, 2004, 08:53:08 am
Ill get right on the Cricket thread, just for you Typhy.   :)

Title: Re:Poll on what you want to see on these forums.
Post by: alaric on May 23, 2004, 09:12:57 am
Cheese. And alcohol.

Title: Re:Poll on what you want to see on these forums.
Post by: PsYcO aSsAsSiN on May 23, 2004, 11:44:25 am
You can talk about almost anything you want, but lately there has been a lot of leftist propaganda and other political bullshit on the forums. Rather than having a poll about it, why don't you just go ahead and do it (i.e. make car threads if you so desire)

Title: Re:Poll on what you want to see on these forums.
Post by: BFG on May 23, 2004, 01:11:58 pm

 there has been a lot of leftist propaganda and other political bullshit

And if you don't see it  then you don't have to think about it... and if you don't think about it its all fine and dandy becasue you can pretend it isn't happening and you can get on your merry little life. Becasue if it dosn't affect you it dosn't matter does it! Hell it dosn't affect us so why should we bother!!

Lets talk about cricket. its so much more inportant. none of this politics bullshit that is so irrelevent to our lives. What monkey don't see makes it easier for monkey to pretend it isn't happening.

Or cookies... I like cookies.

Title: Re:Poll on what you want to see on these forums.
Post by: Ssickboy on May 23, 2004, 02:43:09 pm
I wanna see more polls

Title: Re:Poll on what you want to see on these forums.
Post by: Supernatural Pie on May 23, 2004, 03:20:31 pm
I wanna see more polls

A long time ago, there were a lot of polls. Maybe like 2-3 every day. Mostly, they were asking stuff like "What is your favorite <something>."

Mauti got pissed, and said that people should stop abusing the polls, or he would take the feature away.

Title: Re:Poll on what you want to see on these forums.
Post by: Ssickboy on May 23, 2004, 03:26:40 pm
How about a Peak Oil Discussion?

Title: Re:Poll on what you want to see on these forums.
Post by: c| Lone-Wolf on May 23, 2004, 09:02:24 pm
BFG, i recognize entirely the need for political discussion on these forums, but this is just one thread out of hundreds, so is it really that bad to have -ONE- discussion that attempts to deal with something that isnt political, and that people's views arent so deeply entranched that they refuse to even see the other sides point of view?  Thats all im trying to do with this, is once and a while have a thread that doesnt devolve into senseless shouting at each other.  
BFG if youre seriously putting in a vote for Food, ill count it, but til i hear otherwise im assuming you were being sarcastic =p

Ssick, Peak Oil is like a tinderbox of political discussion, the rights say the "damn lefty alarmists" and the lefts say "stupid rights have their head in the sand" and well, then the shit hits the fan.

Title: Re:Poll on what you want to see on these forums.
Post by: Ssickboy on May 23, 2004, 09:16:02 pm
Ok.. summer time is here and I can't wait to visit some of the many new york festivals in the park and streets.  plus lots of beer bar hopping.

beasties boys are releasing their new album!!

work opportunities at least for me seem to be picking up.  More cash = more travel.  

Dr. No plans on attending New York sometime this summer, and an online meet and greet event.  

Wickedson has announced a party in the next coming weeks.  

what else?

Title: Re:Poll on what you want to see on these forums.
Post by: BFG on May 23, 2004, 09:23:06 pm
Gotcha lone-wolf :) Tis good stuff..

Well yeah actually hell food is a big one isn't it! All the food from accross the world... thats quite a lot of food. and there is some bloody tasty grub out there :D

(and i still like cookies ;) )

Title: Re:Poll on what you want to see on these forums.
Post by: Brutha on May 24, 2004, 02:53:04 pm
Well yeah actually hell food is a big one isn't it! All the food from accross the world... thats quite a lot of food. and there is some bloody tasty grub out there :D

If you still have it from our old forum, I think we started a good one....fish with paint thinner(preferable eaten soaked in bacon fat)....octo taco.....boiled sheepshead....haggis(which you got all fired up about..like it was politics)

Just copy/paste it over here ;)

Title: Re:Poll on what you want to see on these forums.
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on May 24, 2004, 03:23:13 pm
Did anyone take my vote for talking about automobiles seriously????   ???

Title: Re:Poll on what you want to see on these forums.
Post by: BFG on May 24, 2004, 04:41:34 pm
You ever bothered to try real haggis brutha?

And don't you dare start on our yorkshire puddings or the good old english breakfast :D

Title: Re:Poll on what you want to see on these forums.
Post by: c| Lone-Wolf on May 24, 2004, 11:32:25 pm
Yes GS i did, its on the list right now, so whether other people took it seriously or not is up to them.

Title: Re:Poll on what you want to see on these forums.
Post by: *NADS Lo$eMoney on May 25, 2004, 12:06:27 am
Lets talk about SEX!!!.... oh wait a minute, all the users of this forum are Game Ranger users.... nevermind.