*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => *DAMN Battle League(*DBL) => Topic started by: Acri on May 21, 2004, 03:20:59 pm

Title: Apology to the *DAMN league.
Post by: Acri on May 21, 2004, 03:20:59 pm
Recently I have been most unpleasant to deal with it. I am terribly sorry to all those I have gotten into conflict with. I've had personal issues that have been smeared of unto my friends and fellow GhR sportsmen. I would just like to apologize to the lot of you and promise I'll be good from now on!

Special apologies to:
The *nRg clan          for the long and unpleasant hostilities
The -fA- clan             for the endless aggitating
The :MoD: clan        for the cb-planning related issues
The [cnm]  clan        for calling them cowards
The TRIBE clan       for letting my 2-season-old issues with Maco become a problem when clan battling

Also, a big thank you to my clan for telling me to sharpen up!

         - The new nice Acri

Title: Re:Apology to the *DAMN league.
Post by: maco.fr on May 21, 2004, 11:49:43 pm
z][t-Acri: asshole
z][t-Acri: you'er the one who is illiterae
[TRIBE]Maco.fr (tp o?: nice one more thing?
z][t-Acri: frog eating bastard
z][t-Acri: Sweat-smelling, hairy, frog eating, garlicy nazi lag dog.
z][t-Acri: Now I am finished.
z][t-Acri: Thank you.
z][t-Acri: lap dog*

Apology for that ?? sorry i can't accept

Title: Re:Apology to the *DAMN league.
Post by: Noto on May 22, 2004, 12:05:55 am
z][t-Acri: frog eating bastard

LOL!  Okay... that's funny, but still uncalled for.

Acri... apologize to him in French please.  And it had better be dripping with sincerity.  Your personal attacks are far more of a concern than any of your clan attacks.

.::|N| Noto

Title: Re:Apology to the *DAMN league.
Post by: Acri on May 22, 2004, 12:10:48 am
I really wish I could reply to Maco's post...

Ah well, Noto, I am all done with such attacks.

Title: Re:Apology to the *DAMN league.
Post by: Stripes on May 22, 2004, 01:30:47 pm
hey guys - as i have been an asshole 2 (like acri) then i would like to say srry to all em i called campers , cheaters, glitchers  and who the fuck knows?

all i know i just hate losing, or i did - ;)

Well as i know acri he can be a bad boy and a good boy, and........ a good friend too.

All i got 2 say is , i have been an asshole too and i still get just a bit respect

srry for calling most of u clan campers (most zt) sry guys - hope u can accept my srry won't call u shit anymore - if u don't camp !!!!= P heh

l8r's And Keep up the good work (GhR Ladders) to all of u clans out there !!!



Title: Re:Apology to the *DAMN league.
Post by: crypt on May 22, 2004, 03:35:57 pm
It is cool stripes, I kinda just ignored you when you bitched at me like that. Still though, we won't be playing you again. :)

Title: Re:Apology to the *DAMN league.
Post by: Stripes on May 22, 2004, 04:53:11 pm
if we enter finals u'll have 2  :D

Busted !=P hehe

gl in future, with that clan ur in dunno cuz u don't wear tags....

something like NQ / BoC / cO:. ? ...

cya around Stripes

Title: Re:Apology to the *DAMN league.
Post by: maco.fr on September 10, 2004, 10:05:47 pm
Saison 9

I can't CB z][t  because acri is z][t

and after  THAT (http://dynamic.gamespy.com/~damnr6/yabbse/index.php?board=3;action=display;threadid=6384), where is acri??

Title: Re:Apology to the *DAMN league.
Post by: Lord on September 10, 2004, 10:30:14 pm
ooooold stuff... Mai 23, 2004, 10:08:32

Title: Re:Apology to the *DAMN league.
Post by: Acri on September 10, 2004, 10:37:00 pm
Attention whore.

Title: Re:Apology to the *DAMN league.
Post by: cO.gabe on September 10, 2004, 10:47:12 pm
Apology for that ?? sorry i can't accept
lol... this is the fucking internet. you should know better than to take shit like that personally.  

why do people take such a small thing like this and turn it into some huge emo conflict as though their best friend had just betrayed them?

Title: Re:Apology to the *DAMN league.
Post by: maco.fr on September 10, 2004, 11:55:18 pm
just a up, because some people ask to me why i can't cb z][t.

Now ask for a jew if he like this, and tell me, ok

or maybe you have the same Acri's spirit.

Title: Re:Apology to the *DAMN league.
Post by: z][t-Rampage on September 11, 2004, 12:07:07 am
oh boy this is an old one. I was pretty sure that this was history and your dispute was ended way back.

Title: Re:Apology to the *DAMN league.
Post by: Acri on September 11, 2004, 05:51:52 pm
Don't look at me. Haven't talked to him since May.

Title: Re:Apology to the *DAMN league.
Post by: crypt on September 11, 2004, 06:12:50 pm
close the thread  ???

Title: Re:Apology to the *DAMN league.
Post by: Fusion on September 13, 2004, 12:56:00 am
That was a stand up thing to do Acri......

You get honor points in my book.. Not that my book really counts for anything. But man enough to publicly post an apology takes a lot... I know I have done it on several occasions... I hope we can all have a good season.. A wise man told me that if I have offended someone, go to them and apologize. If you do it with the right heart and they still don't accept it, it is no longer in your hands. It is up to the other person. Un-forgiveness in the heart really screws you up.

Title: Re:Apology to the *DAMN league.
Post by: Acri on September 13, 2004, 02:00:24 am
Alas, not everyone sees it that way.

Title: Re:Apology to the *DAMN league.
Post by: seth on September 16, 2004, 08:48:04 pm

Now ask for a jew if he like this, and tell me, ok

can anyone plz tell me what this means ?

Title: Re:Apology to the *DAMN league.
Post by: volatile on September 16, 2004, 09:24:39 pm

Now ask for a jew if he like this, and tell me, ok

can anyone plz tell me what this means ?

It means maco is a fucking idiot

Title: Re:Apology to the *DAMN league.
Post by: BFG on September 16, 2004, 09:55:52 pm
This is old, we don't need people digging up more shit and flaming each other.

Maco and Acri obviously have a few issues - it seems that macro dosn't want to play a clan that Acri is part of after his comments before. If thats what he wants to do fine, thats his choice.

I don't want to lock this, but clean it up and let it die unless u have anything productive.

Title: Re:Apology to the *DAMN league.
Post by: crypt on September 17, 2004, 12:36:28 am
I enjoy reading the posts of the less educated in the English language. :D

Title: Re:Apology to the *DAMN league.
Post by: BFG on September 17, 2004, 12:40:00 am
I enjoy reading the posts of the less educated in the English language.

I wonder, how good is your french, german, italian etc? ....

Title: Re:Apology to the *DAMN league.
Post by: Acri on September 17, 2004, 07:51:49 am
Maco's jew remark, for those who didn't understand, was him comparing my scorns to the ancient prosecution of the jews.

(Now, ask a jew and see what they've been thinking about this kind of behaviour)

So, for those who've missed the point before: Maco would like everyone to know that I am just as bad as the nazis.

Title: Re:Apology to the *DAMN league.
Post by: seth on September 17, 2004, 06:06:59 pm
thanx for clearing that up.

He's taking that online gaming way too seriously and might need a reality check.

Title: Re:Apology to the *DAMN league.
Post by: BFG on September 17, 2004, 06:41:26 pm
z][t-Acri: frog eating bastard
z][t-Acri: Sweat-smelling, hairy, frog eating, garlicy nazi lag dog.
z][t-Acri: Now I am finished.
z][t-Acri: Thank you.
z][t-Acri: lap dog*

Im guessing this is why he was a bit pissed off.

If he dosn't want to play zt thats his decision. if you don't want to play Tribe thats your decision. we don't need this going on and on and on.

Title: Re:Apology to the *DAMN league.
Post by: spike on September 17, 2004, 07:45:15 pm
then lock/delete the thread. its long past the point where it was constructive.

Title: Re:Apology to the *DAMN league.
Post by: seth on September 17, 2004, 07:59:38 pm
yes i got that BFG. But if someone's insulting you on the net, you can do the same, or better, just ignore it.
my point is, i think its childish not to play a CB against another clan because of one mistake. He doesnt want to play zero tolerance because of Acri, he doesnt to play IP. because of Stripes... come on !

ok, i promise, now i'm done with this thread  ;)

Title: Re:Apology to the *DAMN league.
Post by: maco.fr on September 18, 2004, 07:39:03 pm
After some people ask to me why i can't CB zt

i don't want speak with acri (perm ban) , i'm ignoring him, it's my choice (don't accept one word)

i don't want cb the clan where is acri (ZT for the moment even if i have friendly player in this team)

i fuck all that want fuck me

for ex e?e team (bobby), in french : j'en connais d'autre qui sont partis de damn pour moins que ca :)

it's my choice that clear, now i think some need to be adult, because i'm not kidding. i'm playing for enjoy ok, not to be insult for a poor youngest man.

acri  ::)
Stripes  ::)

and now volatile  ::)

Title: Re:Apology to the *DAMN league.
Post by: Stripes on September 18, 2004, 08:43:08 pm
wtf lol ? what did i do now?

Title: Re:Apology to the *DAMN league.
Post by: BFG on September 18, 2004, 09:19:36 pm
- Im sorry but enough is Enough. this is going nowhere but downhill and towards flaming.  End of topic. Any new posts/threads on this will be deleted -