*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => General Gossip => Topic started by: |MP|Nomad on May 12, 2004, 08:39:38 pm

Title: CoD is Here!!!!!
Post by: |MP|Nomad on May 12, 2004, 08:39:38 pm
I called my local Mac reseller store here in Canada, and they have my reserved copy of CoD in stock, its sittin there waitin for me, I will be picking it up tonight  :D

Has anyone who pre-ordered it from Aspyr get theirs today?

Title: Re:CoD is Here!!!!!
Post by: crypt on May 12, 2004, 09:55:41 pm
Nope mine ships tomorrow.

Title: Re:CoD is Here!!!!!
Post by: |MP|Nomad on May 13, 2004, 03:21:31 am
Well Crypt and fellas, I been playing CoD for the last hour, had to stop cuz my bladder was gonna explode, I was holding my pee cuz I didnt wanna get off this game.

Its amazing man, graphics, game play, realism, just awesome all around game.  I also, dabbled for a bit online (MP) and got my first 2 frags of the game  :)  Ultimo, I will see you on the field.

Title: Re:CoD is Here!!!!!
Post by: KoS Ultimo on May 13, 2004, 03:29:42 am
Nomad do me a favor,

tell all fo these mac doubters of this game about your computer specs, and how great you run iT with graphics on high....

its amazing.... god bless an altered Quake III engine!!!  :D

Title: Re:CoD is Here!!!!!
Post by: The Golden Shark on May 13, 2004, 06:38:49 am
seriously though, give us some specs...

Title: Re:CoD is Here!!!!!
Post by: BFG on May 13, 2004, 03:22:55 pm
god bless an altered Quake III engine!!!

Amen brother, amen. The bloody Quake III engine is just simply bloody awsome.. I understand 1942 is running on a highly modified QIII engine as well... it just runs so bloody well!  :) we wub you ID

Title: Re:CoD is Here!!!!!
Post by: |MP|Nomad on May 13, 2004, 08:27:36 pm
Nomad do me a favor,

tell all fo these mac doubters of this game about your computer specs, and how great you run iT with graphics on high....

its amazing.... god bless an altered Quake III engine!!!  :D

Hey Ultimo, the game runs great, thanks for the heads up on somethings, you know what I mean.  I had only a couple times where the game seemed a little glitchy at a higher resolution so I downgraded to a lower resolution but still looks amazing.  I have everything else set to high or maximum, and boy, you will love it guys when u see some of these great specific details, on skins, weps, background, buildings, etc etc etc (literally)  

My pertinent specs are:  

PB G4 Firewire 800
1.25 GHz
Readon ATI 9600 64 MB

Well, gtg, I am about to take on a German infantry somewhere in a cemetery form where I left off, wish me luck soldiers!! ARMY RANGERS LEAD THE WAY!!

Title: Re:CoD is Here!!!!!
Post by: crypt on May 13, 2004, 08:56:09 pm

Title: Re:CoD is Here!!!!!
Post by: .vooDoo. on May 13, 2004, 09:04:06 pm
Im going to stop by CompUSA on my way home tonight and hope they have it.  wOOt.

Title: Re:CoD is Here!!!!!
Post by: crypt on May 13, 2004, 10:09:56 pm
Just to give a little more to the game, I have lower than required specs in the MHz department, but the game still runs hella smooth.

Title: Re:CoD is Here!!!!!
Post by: BFG on May 13, 2004, 10:59:14 pm
PB G4 Firewire 800
1.25 GHz
Readon ATI 9600 64 MB

... heh well i know i need to aquire a Gig of Ram. hmm.
If its the quake engine (originally) does that mean we retain the support for DP processors?  
I hate the fact i have 1 bloody G4 processors sitting here and most games can't make the most of it.

Title: Re:CoD is Here!!!!!
Post by: the oNe on May 14, 2004, 01:23:08 am
you stopping by the Braintree CompUSA voods?  

now if only  400mhz could runn  it

Title: Re:CoD is Here!!!!!
Post by: .vooDoo. on May 14, 2004, 02:47:40 am
That I did ONE. It wasnt on the shelves when I got there and I was like man, its not here yet. So I decided to aske one of the pimpley faced nerds that works there when it was coming in and he said let me check my computer. He came back in 2 minutes with the game in hand. I havnt had to much time to play the game but at first play SP at 1024x768 res and all on high I had no lag. When I got on some mutliplayer servers I had some lag so I will need to adjust some settings. I do have to say the graphics are pretty nice. It only makes me look forward to Battlefield 1942. 8)

Title: Re:CoD is Here!!!!!
Post by: Mr.Mellow on May 14, 2004, 03:03:21 am
If anyone is able to run it on an eMac lemme know lol. Even if it's on the lowest settings.  ;D Graphics mean nothing to me! Nothing, I say!

Title: Re:CoD is Here!!!!!
Post by: crypt on May 14, 2004, 03:25:10 am
Mellow, you have 1GHz eMac right? Then you WILL be able to run it, because my weak ass iMac can run it.

Title: Re:CoD is Here!!!!!
Post by: SK on May 14, 2004, 03:30:22 am
Ok, i get all this, but someone explane to me what CoD is....

Title: Re:CoD is Here!!!!!
Post by: crypt on May 14, 2004, 03:34:19 am
MoHAA+RS+a bit of GhR+a bit of AA+a bit of RvS+a bit of every game known to man.

Great fucking WW2 shooter.

Title: Re:CoD is Here!!!!!
Post by: Mr.Mellow on May 14, 2004, 04:43:34 am
Awesome. :) What kind of vid card do you have, though? Cuz the one in the emac is a piece of crap. Also, does it run smoother than AA? Because AA will slow down now and then even with all settings on lowest.

Title: Re:CoD is Here!!!!!
Post by: BFG on May 14, 2004, 10:13:52 am
AA slows down on a duel 1ghz G4 - with the settings on lowest possilbe.....
Damn them and that freaking DirectX shit

Title: Re:CoD is Here!!!!!
Post by: th.Sentinel on May 14, 2004, 12:39:20 pm
***needs to get a creditcard so he can buy it online and doesn't have to wait a month before it finally comes to Belgium.

OMG I can't wait to buy that game...

Title: Re:CoD is Here!!!!!
Post by: crypt on May 14, 2004, 01:19:59 pm
It should run very nicely for you Mellow, you have higher specs than me, but I'm happy with the performance.

Title: Re:CoD is Here!!!!!
Post by: Mr.Mellow on May 14, 2004, 06:45:15 pm
Excellent! I'm ordering it now! :)
Edit: Just ordered. ;) Say, any CoD clans, and any chance of CoD being on the *DBL?

Title: Re:CoD is Here!!!!!
Post by: crypt on May 14, 2004, 10:49:18 pm
nq was the leet MoHaa clan, we are returning for CoD.

Title: Re:CoD is Here!!!!!
Post by: Toxic::Joka on May 15, 2004, 10:20:04 am
Crypt what were your specs again?

Define "smooth"

Title: Re:CoD is Here!!!!!
Post by: Typhy on May 15, 2004, 11:24:53 am
Just played through the first half of single player ( part way through the Russian Campain ).

Running a 1GHZ G4, 1GB RAM, 64MB ATI 9000. Max settings, 1024x768 resolution, no FSAA ( anti aliasing ).

I haven't found out how to activate a frame counter, so these are estimates.

For the American Campain, I recieved highly playable framerates throughout, ranging from about 15 ( in very isolated situations, like fighting 2 tanks while dodging MG fire and shooting a Thompson in a villiage ), to >60. Probably an average of 25-40 FPS.

The British campain was playable throughout, however, on the outer deck of the German Naval Vessel, and for almost the entire firefight at the bridge, my framerates were between 15 and 25. Other than that, highs of >60, average 25-40 FPS.

For starters, on PC, I'd only played through the first campain ( American ). Stalingrad is incredible - same epic type battle as Omaha Beach in Medal of Honor, but 10 times better, and 10 times more realistic. Rather like the begining of Enemy at the Gates, only far better. Even if you're not a single player type person, you've gotta play through the first few campains to see this.

During the landing at the dock, my framerates were around 15. They flirted between 15 and 20 for most of the approach up towards the Gemran MG positions, with a high of >60 climbing the path after we'd pushed the Germans back.

The second part of Stalingrad is modeled after the opening battle in Enemy at the Gates - running out into the open in the Red Square, you retreat, you get shot. Here my framerates were as low as 10, as high as probably 25, but averaging around 15.

Keep in mind this is on a relativly low end machine ( considering the system requirements ), running max details. I've found that graphics settings don't matter in most situations, however, I'm sure you'd see a frame boost at a place like Stalingrad.

I'd suggest this game to anyone with a 700Mhz processor or better. Terrific job on the port by Aspyr, and an incredible game.

Title: Re:CoD is Here!!!!!
Post by: crypt on May 15, 2004, 06:28:40 pm
Crypt what were your specs again?

Define "smooth"

800 MHz 17" Flatscreen iMac
768 MB RAM
GeForce 4 MX 32 MB VRAM

Smooth=Very fast on certain maps, MG42 Fire=lag city, but I just live with it.

I'm very suprised at how smooth it runs when there is lots of fire around you.

Title: Re:CoD is Here!!!!!
Post by: Supernatural Pie on May 15, 2004, 07:54:03 pm
anyone with a 700Mhz processor





CoD, here I come.

Title: Re:CoD is Here!!!!!
Post by: spike on May 15, 2004, 08:45:13 pm
Is anyone playing it on the 1ghz iBook? RvS doesnt run so well on the books, I wanna know if CoD doesnt also...

Title: Re:CoD is Here!!!!!
Post by: crypt on May 15, 2004, 09:00:42 pm
Is anyone playing it on the 1ghz iBook? RvS doesnt run so well on the books, I wanna know if CoD doesnt also...

Yeah, it should run nicely for you, Spike.

anyone with a 700Mhz processor





CoD, here I come.

Snipe, I would advise to not buy the game, as you WILL need a DVD Drive to install, you might have to DL it and pay for it later or something.

By the way, does anyone know how to clock FPS yet?

Title: Re:CoD is Here!!!!!
Post by: |MP|Nomad on May 15, 2004, 09:52:02 pm
Running a 1GHZ G4, 1GB RAM, 64MB ATI 9000. Max settings, 1024x768 resolution, no FSAA ( anti aliasing ).

I haven't found out how to activate a frame counter, so these are estimates.

First, whats FSAA?  And yes you can activate yer frame counter by typing the following in yer Tild (spelling?)

type:  /drawfps 1

make sure you put the space, or it won't work.

I agree, that worst lag I have gotten (in SP) was about twice.  Once red square, as Typhy said, and once when you rush a field, just like in red square to get to a 4 story building.
In MP, the worst lag I get is on Hurtgen map, as Crypt said, MG42 Fire=lag city, I get b/w 2-5 fps, either when I fire it or when (and this really sucks) someone else fires it, so I try to avoid that map when I can, but its a great map, for sniping in the snow.  Is kind of like Snowy Park in Mohaa, but alot better.

Title: Re:CoD is Here!!!!!
Post by: Mr. Lothario on May 15, 2004, 10:07:11 pm
     FSAA is anti-aliasing, you weenie. Just like Typhy defined it right after he said it. It stands for Full Scene Anti-Aliasing.

Title: Re:CoD is Here!!!!!
Post by: Supernatural Pie on May 15, 2004, 10:10:04 pm
Snipe, I would advise to not buy the game, as you WILL need a DVD Drive to install, you might have to DL it and pay for it later or something.

Snipe-ho bought an external DVD drive (could be longer for a G5 than I may have thought).

***pwns Crypt.

Title: Re:CoD is Here!!!!!
Post by: |MP|Nomad on May 15, 2004, 10:14:04 pm
    FSAA is anti-aliasing, you weenie. Just like Typhy defined it right after he said it. It stands for Full Scene Anti-Aliasing.

Ah yea he did  :) oopsy daisy, but can you explain to me what that is? Thanks lothy-poo

Title: Re:CoD is Here!!!!!
Post by: Brain on May 15, 2004, 11:44:23 pm
it's similar to the os routines that make text all nice and smooth.

i'm sure you are familiar with looking at a wall edge and seeing little 'jaggies' on it.
FSAA makes the jaggies go away by blending colors to give the appearance of a smooth edge

BTW, i fully agree with the games pwnage... i have finished i believe the 3rd russian mission at the moment (the one where you rush the 4 story building) and have to say i am quite impressed with the enemy AI and the fact that i am still getting playable frame rates  even though i am technically under the system requirements (67 mhz under) and using the default settings

stalingrad was awesome, and my only regret is that i didn't get to rush the  beach at normandy (ah... that level pwned in MOHAA)  

Title: Re:CoD is Here!!!!!
Post by: Typhy on May 15, 2004, 11:47:41 pm
Agreed, Brain, I would've liked it if COD had taken a shot at Omaha Beach.

FSAA kills framerates, even 2X.

Title: Re:CoD is Here!!!!!
Post by: Mr.Mellow on May 15, 2004, 11:52:32 pm
I wish I went to the store and bought it ahhh. I have to wait til Tuesday or so for CoD. :( Oh well! It'll be well worth it. I just have to tide my anticipation and such. hmm.

Title: Re:CoD is Here!!!!!
Post by: KoS Ultimo on May 16, 2004, 01:01:20 am
To show your FPS in game CoD type "/cg_drawfps 1".

The only unfortunate thing about Aspyr's port of CoD is that they ported version 1.3. Currently, PC has version 1.4, with punkbuster implemented into MP and another MP map called Stalingrad(not similar to the SP version). So looks like I won't be playing with you fellas until they release the 1.4 patch for mac.... and unfortunatley..... it took a long time from the 1.3 to 1.4 patch to come out on pc. Supposedly there was alot of problems getting PB in CoD, but hopefully being that they finally did it on PC it will be quick for the mac.

For anyone that has RvS run like shit on their comp, don't even hesistate to buy CoD, completley different graphics engine, works alot better for low end machines, and when is someone with a G5 gona post their FPS

Title: Re:CoD is Here!!!!!
Post by: Ace on May 16, 2004, 02:05:17 am
... and when is someone with a G5 gona post their FPS

When I feel like it. :P

Title: Re:CoD is Here!!!!!
Post by: |MP|Nomad on May 16, 2004, 06:39:39 am
To show your FPS in game CoD type "/cg_drawfps 1".

Ah yes, my bad, I forgot the _ when I posted last, sorry fellas  :(

Btw, Ultimo, I noticed that once I entered in that code to get fps, I never have to key it in again, my FPS always show up now in games.  So, is there a way to de-activate it?

Title: Re:CoD is Here!!!!!
Post by: |MP|Nomad on May 16, 2004, 06:40:56 am
it's similar to the os routines that make text all nice and smooth.

i'm sure you are familiar with looking at a wall edge and seeing little 'jaggies' on it.
FSAA makes the jaggies go away by blending colors to give the appearance of a smooth edge

Thanks Brain.  Is that a setting in the game?  Sorry, just can't seem to find it.

Title: Re:CoD is Here!!!!!
Post by: Mr.Mellow on May 16, 2004, 06:51:10 am
To show your FPS in game CoD type "/cg_drawfps 1".

Ah yes, my bad, I forgot the _ when I posted last, sorry fellas  :(

Btw, Ultimo, I noticed that once I entered in that code to get fps, I never have to key it in again, my FPS always show up now in games.  So, is there a way to de-activate it?

Try replacing the 1 with a 0 (zero) in the code. That should do the trick. Hope that helps!

Title: Re:CoD is Here!!!!!
Post by: |MP|Nomad on May 16, 2004, 08:24:23 am
I am having a hell of a difficult time trying to pass this current stage I'm at.  Ok, I am Russian, and I am at the 4 story building and I have cleared the building and then destroyed about 4-5 tanks (after numerous attempts over and over) and I have about 2:20 seconds left till reinforcements come, and I have hardly a spec of health left.  

These AIs just keep coming and coming and my fellow comrades aren't doing dick, I get fired from within the buliding and out and I have all these fucking tanks to destroy, and you think the game would give me more health for completing more objectives, but noooooo.

I even went back to repeat the beginning of the mission so I can ensure I go in with 100% health, well that doesnt help one bit, b/c yer gonna lose most of it later on.

Is anyone there, or even passed that?  I need a helpful hand here....  :(

Title: Re:CoD is Here!!!!!
Post by: Typhy on May 16, 2004, 10:29:12 am
 I just beat that part, took me two tries because I accidently shot the reinforcement tank with my anti tank weapon ( oops ).

I'd go back to the save when you rush across the field and set up the base of fire on the building. Make sure to clear the building with full health, so that defending it is easy.  

Title: Re:CoD is Here!!!!!
Post by: |MP|Nomad on May 16, 2004, 08:16:08 pm
ok, but I have mine set to the hardest difficulty level, and I have tried so many different things, at least over 100x no doubt, running everywhere, suppressive fire, throwing granades to slow them down, even infiltratiing the lower level complex to get them as they come in, but to no avail.

I dont think I would have ever said these 2 words but..........I QUIT!!! (just kiddin  ;))

Title: Re:CoD is Here!!!!!
Post by: Mr. Lothario on May 17, 2004, 01:37:40 am
     This is the first single-player campaign in many moons that I've actually enjoyed. I've just started the level "truckride". I'm only playing it on normal, but so far, there've only been a couple of sticky spots.

Title: Re:CoD is Here!!!!!
Post by: Typhy on May 17, 2004, 08:57:24 am
Just finished the Russian Campain. I must say, that was the first tank-commanding in any game that I've actually enjoyed. No more of this "Tiger tank 40%" shit. You hit 'em good, they're gone. Excellent movement, great framerates throughout the tank scenes, and incredibly fun.

Just now moving into Bastogne with the 101st Airborne.

Title: Re:CoD is Here!!!!!
Post by: Mr. Lothario on May 17, 2004, 11:40:57 am
     Heh, I just finished the tank mission too. Agreed, fun stuff. I especially like that you're more likely to get a single-shell kill if you hit the turret. Nice touch.

Title: Re:CoD is Here!!!!!
Post by: |MP|Nomad on May 17, 2004, 06:22:55 pm
I am still f***ing stuck on that Russian 4 Story Building !!!!  >:( I should have played SP at a medium difficulty level from the beginning, then I would have been finished the game by now.

I am actually contemplating throwing away all those hours of game play and start over again at moderate level.  One hand that pisses me off, yet on the other, if I add the number of hours I have spent trying to pass this one level to that of playing the entire game thus far, I bet the number  of hours are not that far off.


Title: Re:CoD is Here!!!!!
Post by: Mr.Mellow on May 17, 2004, 07:51:58 pm
Argh one more day til it comes. Man. I so desperately need CoD. Right now, too! I'm gonna die of tuberculosis if it doesn't come soon. How's multiplayer, guys? And...anyone know if there's gonna be GR support? I sure hope so, but if not, it's all good.

Title: Re:CoD is Here!!!!!
Post by: crypt on May 17, 2004, 08:59:27 pm
Multiplayer fucking owns, even on high settings i get nice FPS.

Title: Re:CoD is Here!!!!!
Post by: cO.gabe on May 17, 2004, 09:39:35 pm
Welcome me to the club guys, because I just bought CoD!  And it fuckin OWNS!

Title: Re:CoD is Here!!!!!
Post by: |MP|Nomad on May 18, 2004, 12:49:53 am
Well folks, I just finished the game!!  :D *sigh*  

About 3x I went to main menu and clicked on New Game after another 50-60 try's at that hard part of the game and it came up with the promt "Are you sure?" and it explained how I would lose all my saved games, it was so tempting to go back and play it on an easier level, but I didnt!! 8) It pissed me off to know that all that work would have meant nothing.

For those that want to test their skill level (well SP skill level anyway) and play on Veteran, when you get to that part of the game, all I can say is:

1) closed room 2) connecting balcony to adjecent room 3) basement

Title: Re:CoD is Here!!!!!
Post by: Brain on May 18, 2004, 04:26:08 am
4) do not, under any circumstances, camp on the top floor. doing so will only hasten you death

Title: Re:CoD is Here!!!!!
Post by: |MP|Nomad on May 18, 2004, 04:41:20 am
4) do not, under any circumstances, camp on the top floor. doing so will only hasten you death

Agreed.  I had to learn that the hard way.  I thought my Russian comrades will help slow the germans down, those clowns weren't worth d__k (8===D  ;D)

Title: Re:CoD is Here!!!!!
Post by: Brain on May 18, 2004, 06:35:06 am
yea, that and the tanks out side don't help matters either

Title: Re:CoD is Here!!!!!
Post by: Typhy on May 18, 2004, 08:19:21 am
 Just beat CoD for the second time, this time on Veteran. Hardest parts for me were the 4 story building, but also holding the bridge during the British campain, and trying to steal the airplane.

My advice for the 4 story building is simply to keep moving, never stop. Grab an MP40, so that you don't have to worry about ammo. Oh yes, and save. . . Lots.

As for CoD SP, ***** ( 5 stars ), best single player game I've ever played.

I might add that I beat the game on Veteran in less than 24 hours. . . Not sure wether that's a good thing or a bad thing.


Title: Re:CoD is Here!!!!!
Post by: Mr. Lothario on May 18, 2004, 10:42:23 am
     I beat it on Normal this morning. The building and the airfield were the only parts I had trouble with. The airfield pissed me off. They tell me to get on the cannon, then they don't defend me. Every time I died from the twenty guys sitting on the rooftop taking shots at me, I thought, "How about I shoot down the damn Stukas you keep bitching about, and you kill the guys who are filling me with lead, so I don't have to ignore the Stukas and use the cannon to kill the infantry?" That, more than almost anything in the game, pointed out that the AI is scripted rather than being "true" AI. Not only was it obnoxious from a gameplay standpoint, it was so unrealistic that it jarred me out of my suspension of disbelief.

     The other anti-suspension of disbelief thing in the game was the way that every time an enemy was on an MG42, they'd be sweeping the field, killing my squad, but the instant I come into view, they swing right over and focus on me. I duck behind something, they go back to killing other people, I stand up, they swing back to me. Yeah, apparently every damn German in Europe was briefed on me and told that I was the most important soldier in the war and my death should be priority number one. Pfft. Lesson one in how to remind your players that "oh yeah, this is a game."

Title: Re:CoD is Here!!!!!
Post by: BTs_Lee.Harvey on May 18, 2004, 12:11:23 pm
well I beat hardend in 6 or 7 hrs today (played most of it yesterday till i could not stay awake anymore then played a hr today) I like it.. much better then moh.

Title: Re:CoD is Here!!!!!
Post by: BFG on May 18, 2004, 03:40:37 pm
OH shit it really does sound like a cracking game.... i can't go on another shopping spree damn it... andyone who's board of it allready want to sell it 2nd hand to a poor student? ;)

Title: Re:CoD is Here!!!!!
Post by: Mr.Mellow on May 18, 2004, 05:29:27 pm
Mmm my copy comes today, in an hour or two I hope. Who's been hosting the MP games? Damn I want to play nownownownownownow. Help. lol

Title: Re:CoD is Here!!!!!
Post by: KoS.Rebel on May 19, 2004, 02:59:42 am
Now alls we need is the 1.4 patch....but when that will be out....the world may never know. They say "soon" but as we all know soon in mac language means weeks.....sigh.....just want that damned patch so i can play something other then stupid TDM and DM.....i love objective and round based.....bah!

Title: Re:CoD is Here!!!!!
Post by: KoS Ultimo on May 19, 2004, 03:18:18 am
Search & Destroy and Retrieval should both be implemented into 1.3 already. If in MP for MAC all they have is TDM and DM then it is probably because the old servers still running 1.3 are TDM and DM servers only. I know from experience that S&D and Retrieval have been in CoD since version 1.1.

The only thing that 1.4 added for the PC side was PunkBuster implementation, and an additional MP map Stalingrad(completley different from SP Stalingrad)

Correct me if I am wrong, cuz I am not a MAC CoD genius, but is Rebel just a noob? like always.....  ;)

Title: Re:CoD is Here!!!!!
Post by: Typhy on May 19, 2004, 03:19:36 am

Correct me if I am wrong, cuz I am not a MAC CoD genius, but is Rebel just a noob? like always.....  ;)

Has he ever been anything but? ;)

Title: Re:CoD is Here!!!!!
Post by: BFG on May 19, 2004, 12:30:14 pm
Patch will be out and about very soon - ie within a month apparenlty. There is very little left to do on it, and it would have been quicker but for a few snags with PB

Title: Re:CoD is Here!!!!!
Post by: Mr. Lothario on May 19, 2004, 01:55:14 pm
     I'm playing through it again on Veteran, 'cause, you know, I gotta keep up my l33t image. ::preens:: I gotta say, it's not very fun. I just got done with the airfield in the British campaign, and I'm just not having the fun I had on Normal. Part of it, of course, is the "been there, done that" feeling resulting from a highly scripted game. But also, Veteran is not any extra challenge. It's just a test of your ability to quickload frequently. I've beaten every mission but two with full health, because I simply hit F9 every time I got hit. Instead of Normal's balls-out, Rangers-lead-the-way, hooah-motherfucker-and-eat-mah-Tommy-gun style of game, it's a round-the-corner-get-killed-reload-and-get-the-drop-on-him-this-time style of game. Whee?

Title: Re:CoD is Here!!!!!
Post by: Brain on May 19, 2004, 02:39:27 pm
i thought this tread was overdue for loth's traditional bitch fest, but fear not, for all is right with the world again

Title: Re:CoD is Here!!!!!
Post by: BFG on May 19, 2004, 02:48:30 pm
Loth are you having a bad day and pissing on everyones parade cos its a bad day... or are you really saying this game isn't what everone hypes it up to be? :(

I was getting so tempted to go buy it... now im just wondering..... I don't like that highly scripted stuff - it reallly dosn't work well

Title: Re:CoD is Here!!!!!
Post by: Mr. Lothario on May 19, 2004, 03:51:23 pm
     Not at all. Great game, go buy it immediately. I'm saying that the single-player campaign has virtually no replayability, and I'm opining that the game is best played on Normal difficulty for the maximal Jerry-killing fun (Hardened may be good, too. I went straight from Normal to Veteran, the highest difficulty level). I had a blast playing through it the first time, on Normal. It was the first single-player game I've enjoyed in a very long time.

Title: Re:CoD is Here!!!!!
Post by: |MP|Nomad on May 19, 2004, 04:25:10 pm
Loth did you finish the game on Veteran though?  You will feel challenged when you reach the 4 story building on Veteran, trust me.  Took me like 100 tries till I finally figured the way to beat it.  But I agree, the AI is not like RvS SP, where the terr are always in the same spot, could have done a better job.  I suppose the game is really for MP and it does kick arse.

Title: Re:CoD is Here!!!!!
Post by: |MP|Nomad on May 19, 2004, 04:27:35 pm
Well, the moment we've all been waiting for.  CoD is now GR supported.  I just went on GR and the new update status bar was filling, and I kept thinking "could it be??  :o, YAY IT IS!!  Now, we all can play thru GR without hassle of finding each other server via the game. Thanks Evill.

Title: Re:CoD is Here!!!!!
Post by: Mr. Lothario on May 19, 2004, 04:28:56 pm
     I'm on about the fourth mission in the British campaign in Veteran. I'm not looking forward to the apartment building. That's going to be a real test of my ability to time my quicksaves. Which, incidentally, is not the same thing as being challenging.

Title: Re:CoD is Here!!!!!
Post by: KoS.Rebel on May 19, 2004, 07:42:15 pm
Ult, S and D and HQ is in the game but only the old pc servers that run 1.3 are up...and no one is on them. Until the patch is released im playin SP.....oh yeah...IM NOT A NOOB!  ;D

Title: Re:CoD is Here!!!!!
Post by: crypt on May 19, 2004, 09:06:46 pm
CoD is on GR now woohoo.

Title: Re:CoD is Here!!!!!
Post by: |MP|Nomad on May 20, 2004, 03:24:35 am
I emailed Aspyr couple days ago, asking the tech team if they are going to make the 1.4 upgrade to CoD.  I got a reply from Kyle Daniels form tech support.  Here is his reply:

I am glad that you enjoy the game. We are currently hard at work here on the 1.4 update and hope to have it released soon.
Kyle Daniels, Tech Support

SO! There you go! (that was for you Cringe  ;))

Title: Re:CoD is Here!!!!!
Post by: Ace on May 20, 2004, 03:31:12 am
Is there a CoD dedicated server?

Title: Re:CoD is Here!!!!!
Post by: Mr.Grey on May 21, 2004, 01:35:16 am
awww yeah lovin dat game. u can be american british or russian i think. i wanna be a russian! since im taking the language. so i choose that outta respect for russia and be thankful for learning an exotic language.   Dasbedania- ;D

Title: Re:CoD is Here!!!!!
Post by: crypt on May 21, 2004, 02:20:06 am
Grey, it's done by battles... Like certain maps where certain battles were fought between the Allies and the Axis. Pavlov is an example of Russian versus German, Carentan is an example of United States versus German, Chateau is an example of Britain versus Germany, and so on.

Title: Re:CoD is Here!!!!!
Post by: ver on May 21, 2004, 03:48:05 am
Couple of NQ guys bugged me on a CoD ladder. Interesting... we came up with this. Hopefully it will be up soon when the game picks up. Heres what CoD CBs will be like..

Team Death Match
2 Maps - Challenger picks first choice
Each map with have two 15 min games as Allies/Axis

Title: Re:CoD is Here!!!!!
Post by: Cossack in strange area on May 21, 2004, 07:14:06 am
There is nothing like charging 2 panzers and six machine gun nests with nothing but 5 rounds and a few hundred of your closest comrades.

However, I do hae one problem. I get funky colors. What is supposed to be grey is blue or orange when it is viewed from far away. Can anyone help me with this?

Title: Re:CoD is Here!!!!!
Post by: BFG on May 21, 2004, 05:32:15 pm
omg omg omg. this game is everything that MoH Failed to be! Scripting is better, AI is better, graphics are better, game play is better, its just so much better!!

... Some of the missions are just a touch similar to MoH though..

Title: Re:CoD is Here!!!!!
Post by: Mr. Lothario on May 21, 2004, 05:43:56 pm
     The multiplayer rocks, too. : D

     The MG42s are wickedly powerful. You get hit by one, you're almost certainly going down. I'm so happy that there's finally a game where the fixed guns are useful suppression tools for teamwork.

Title: Re:CoD is Here!!!!!
Post by: |MP|Nomad on May 22, 2004, 12:06:03 am
    The multiplayer rocks, too. : D

     The MG42s are wickedly powerful. You get hit by one, you're almost certainly going down. I'm so happy that there's finally a game where the fixed guns are useful suppression tools for teamwork.

Agreed, except that they make u lag like a mother f___er .  At least it does for me, on the map, Hurtgen (spelling? its like snowy park in mohaa).

Title: Re:CoD is Here!!!!!
Post by: Brain on May 22, 2004, 03:32:30 am
i'd love to have a kit where you could drag an MG42 with you and set it up and break it down, even if it was your only weapon

Title: Re:CoD is Here!!!!!
Post by: BFG on May 22, 2004, 12:50:55 pm
Find a nice little ruined building with good cover where the enemy are boxed in in order to advance. get your boys to watch the flanks and then sit back and enjoy the firworks as the little baby churns up.

Did anybody else's computers have seriouse issues at the beginning of the russian missions? when i got off the boat and there's that explosion my whole comp ground to a frame by frame crawl - had to turn my res right down otherwise it took about 5 minutes for it to sort itself out!

Title: Re:CoD is Here!!!!!
Post by: Mr. Lothario on May 22, 2004, 01:31:28 pm
     I had a pause at that moment, BFG, but nothing like what you're describing. It was under a second for me. Noticeable, but not catastrophic.

Title: Re:CoD is Here!!!!!
Post by: BFG on May 22, 2004, 02:46:45 pm
Hmm... I was playing it with my screen res on 1600x1200 as i normally do .... and it litterally ground to a halt... Whenever the "dazed effect" when u get battered by an explosion... anway when i pulled the res down to 800x600 it seemed a lot happier heh...

512mb of ram in the post to help ;)

Title: Re:CoD is Here!!!!!
Post by: |MP|Nomad on May 22, 2004, 07:33:40 pm
i'd love to have a kit where  you could drag an MG42 with you and set it up and break it down, even if it was your only weapon

You can, I did a search on google to try and find some nice wallpapers to set as my desktop and I came across a site with CoD cheats, and it gave the commands to do a bunch of things, one of which was for the MG42.  Although, I'm sure it was for PC, do you think it would work with Mac's?  Anyway, I didn't save the site, but if you do a search on google for CoD, you should find it.

Title: Re:CoD is Here!!!!!
Post by: KoS Ultimo on May 22, 2004, 10:58:46 pm
i'd love to have a kit where  you could drag an MG42 with you and set it up and break it down, even if it was your only weapon

I came across a site with CoD cheats, and it gave the commands to do a bunch of things, one of which was for the MG42.  Although, I'm sure it was for PC, do you think it would work with Mac's?

I haven't seen this cheat in any of the servers I have ever played on.

by the way.... I told all you guys you were gonna love call of duty  ;D

Title: Re:CoD is Here!!!!!
Post by: crypt on May 22, 2004, 11:56:12 pm
Oh yeah Ult, we like it so much (nQ) that we are probably gonna play on TWL ladders once we get 1.4 patch. No Mac clans out there other than us so far. :(

Title: Re:CoD is Here!!!!!
Post by: |MP|Nomad on May 23, 2004, 08:01:34 pm
Oh yeah Ult, we like it so much (nQ) that we are probably gonna play on TWL ladders once we get 1.4 patch. No Mac clans out there other than us so far. :(

TWL?  ???

Title: Re:CoD is Here!!!!!
Post by: Typhy on May 23, 2004, 08:26:06 pm
Oh yeah Ult, we like it so much (nQ) that we are probably gonna play on TWL ladders once we get 1.4 patch. No Mac clans out there other than us so far. :(

TWL?  ???

Team Warfare League.

Title: Re:CoD is Here!!!!!
Post by: Mr. Lothario on May 23, 2004, 10:47:43 pm
     I sure hope Aspyr hurries with the 1.4 patch. There are a whole lot of people playing 1.3, but I get the feeling that they're mostly noobtastic. Seems like the servers are populated with 90% new Mac players and 10% cheaters.

Title: Re:CoD is Here!!!!!
Post by: crypt on May 23, 2004, 11:27:24 pm
Lol Loth, there are PC players with 1.2 still, sounds pretty noobtastic to me.

Title: Re:CoD is Here!!!!!
Post by: cO.Kuza on May 24, 2004, 01:40:24 am
heh i was over at gabes house today and i was playing pavlov. rifles only death match. And i shoot this dude onthe roof, and in white letters pops up *NADS Mr.Mellow. hah it was fun

Title: Re:CoD is Here!!!!!
Post by: Mr.Mellow on May 24, 2004, 03:46:26 am
Haha damn you Kuza. ;) I was doing really good up in there too until ya bagged me. Mm, unscoped Mosin Nagant. Such a sexy gun. Been meaning to buy a real one.  :D

Title: Re:CoD is Here!!!!!
Post by: KoS Ultimo on May 24, 2004, 05:21:47 am
First of all, fuck TWL. The competition league that everybody takes seriously is CAL, Cyber Athlete Amateur League.

It is broken down into 2 divisions currently for CoD competitions. Cal-o, which means cal-open, in which any clan that signs up can compete. Currently there was 200+ clans that signed up, and although alot disband during the season, there are still about 150+ clans. There is also Cal-m, Cal-main which is made up of 32 of the best cal-o clans that are moved up. Therefore, winning cal-m means alot more then cal-o, and the goal of every cal-o is to be upgraded to cal-m.

Currently I am have been in a clan for approximatley 5 months. We joined in CAL-o for CoD this season, (we were too late to sign up for cal-o last season). We are currently 5-0, and leading our division. From my past experiences, CAL is run very well..... matches are set up by admins, and all you have to do is show up when they tell you. Every week is a different set map, and always on sundays.

If anyone is interesting in see'ing the clan I am in.... or how cal is run... here is the link for our clan in cal. You can wonder around..... I am on the roster as player name "Ultimo"

http://caleague.com/?page=teaminfo&div=ctd&id=643 (http://caleague.com/?page=teaminfo&div=ctd&id=643)

god bless, and gl w/ your 1.4 patch. my aim is UltimoGR if anyone is interesting in talking to me about good clan strategies for matches or how CAL is run.

Title: Re:CoD is Here!!!!!
Post by: kos.viper on May 24, 2004, 04:49:50 pm
Get back on xbox live you sob,  :(

Title: Re:CoD is Here!!!!!
Post by: |MP|Nomad on May 24, 2004, 08:08:42 pm
Hey Ultimo, check yer clan forums, left you a message.  

Loth, you said that there are alot of ppl still playing 1.3?  I haven't noticed, most of the servers that are up when I click on Refresh List are mostly 0 in the game.  And thats under ALL, I think, but I noticed most only play TDM.

Title: Re:CoD is Here!!!!!
Post by: Mr. Lothario on May 24, 2004, 09:35:53 pm
     ::nod:: You're right, not many servers are busy. But there's always at least one full server that I get < 90 ping to, so I'm happy.

Title: Re:CoD is Here!!!!!
Post by: BFG on May 28, 2004, 08:45:30 pm
... BTW

Aspyr have just released the Demo for CoD - comes in at a wee lil 256MB :)

Title: Re:CoD is Here!!!!!
Post by: Mr.Grey on May 28, 2004, 10:18:34 pm
heh what i wish i could do just like brain unsrew one of dem MG42's hual one on you back then set one up in a corner of a room with mines by the door so if they try rushing they get their nuts blown to Osaka

Title: Re:CoD is Here!!!!!
Post by: ver on May 28, 2004, 10:34:39 pm
Medal Of Honor series has the portable machine gun option.

Title: Re:CoD is Here!!!!!
Post by: Mr.Grey on May 29, 2004, 12:18:46 am
dats pretty coo :)