*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => General Gossip => Topic started by: BTs_GhostSniper on May 07, 2004, 06:43:30 pm

Title: Truce Poll From GhostSniper
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on May 07, 2004, 06:43:30 pm
Okay, look, no flaming here.....Ace, BFG, Typhy, VooDoo....and anyone else that I never get along with....please read:

I have my opinions....you guys have your opinions.  That's great.  I may not agree with how you think, and you may not agree with how I think.  That's great, too.  I don't really want to get into some big flaming war on the forums with you guys.  I think we could all just accept that each of us has our own opinions on things and just listen to what each other says without getting into flame wars.

So I call a truce.  I wont call any of you stupid fucking morons for thinking the way you do, and you don't tell me I don't know what the hell I'm talking about for thinking the way I do.  All agreed?


-GhostSniper Out.

Title: Re:Truce Poll From GhostSniper
Post by: BFG on May 07, 2004, 06:57:49 pm
lol a truce poll... True GS style it jsut had to be a poll. Yeah Ghost, hell we agree to disagree on it. We've obviously got very different ideas about politics, people and the world and clearly are two very different people, and hell you never know if we were to sit down over a few pints we might find that through talking we had a little more to agree on!

But anyway. peace.

Title: Re:Truce Poll From GhostSniper
Post by: Mr.Mellow on May 07, 2004, 10:54:20 pm
I don't think that a poll is needed. People should just respect eachother's opinions and debate in a civilized manner. It just shows how bad it's gotten that we have to vote to be nice to eachother.  ;) I'm not trying to disrespect ya GS, it's good that you're calling a truce. It just seems a little silly to have a poll for it.  ;D But hey, I voted, so I guess I'm a little silly too. Silly little goose is what I am! silly silly. goose. yes. I'm done.

Title: Re:Truce Poll From GhostSniper
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on May 07, 2004, 11:10:49 pm
I don't think that a poll is needed.

Actually, the poll was just for an attention-getter.

You silly little goose.   ;)

Title: Re:Truce Poll From GhostSniper
Post by: the oNe on May 08, 2004, 12:42:54 am
this poll is stupid.

Title: Re:Truce Poll From GhostSniper
Post by: Typhy on May 08, 2004, 12:52:08 am
this poll is stupid.

Fuck off, one.

GS, I have no problems with your opinions. I have a problem with your lack of tollerance for other people's.

I also have a problem with your taking shots at Battle League admins, and acting as if Mauti should always rule in your favor, since you're a "*DAMN Supporter".

No more "fuck you, Typhy supporter", and "I'll buy you a plane ticket if you promise never to come back to america" ( or at least not quite as much of it). You do that, and we're cool. You're welcome to your opinions, I'm welcome to mine. That's what out country was founded upon.

Title: Re:Truce Poll From GhostSniper
Post by: the oNe on May 08, 2004, 01:06:30 am
EDIT: sorry I was too mean to you Typhy.

Title: Re:Truce Poll From GhostSniper
Post by: †FiRE Infection on May 08, 2004, 01:13:54 am
Ghost I really don't think that you need a poll.  Prove to everyone that you're going to stop the flaming and they will stop to.  Just don't do it anymore.

Title: Re:Truce Poll From GhostSniper
Post by: the oNe on May 08, 2004, 01:26:16 am

Title: Re:Truce Poll From GhostSniper
Post by: BFG on May 08, 2004, 02:24:46 am
Lol well points for creativity their one... funny stuff but perhaps not the best time or subject!

Title: Re:Truce Poll From GhostSniper
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on May 08, 2004, 02:38:40 am

OMG!  That is the funniest thing I've ever seen!  I can't stop laughing!  lol

Title: Re:Truce Poll From GhostSniper
Post by: BTs_Mysterio on May 08, 2004, 03:39:15 am
Since we're on the topic of flames, i thought i was only appropriate to mention the king... and some breaking news:

http://www.fanta.dk/news.asp?nid=DA5491AF-985F-486C-B672-D86F1B0C0316 (http://www.fanta.dk/news.asp?nid=DA5491AF-985F-486C-B672-D86F1B0C0316)

See if you can find the myst typing easter egg in there. First person to yell it at me gets to yell it at me.

Title: Re:Truce Poll From GhostSniper
Post by: Supernatural Pie on May 08, 2004, 04:19:28 am
See if you can find the myst typing easter egg in there. First person to yell it at me gets to yell it at me.


I win.

Title: Re:Truce Poll From GhostSniper
Post by: c| Dr. NO on May 08, 2004, 08:00:35 am
Without reading this whole thread;  GS i think i reason you face so much flame is due to your stubborn mind set, to me you don't seem open minded at all and or willing to compromise on an argument.  Your a crazy right winger...need i say more.

It's hard to read your posts sometimes, very frustrating.  But at the same time creates an urge to post back bringing on the debate which i see as a good thing.  It helps to hear the thoughts of someone else, particularly someone opposite on what ever the debate may be.

Having said that, good luck with this thread.  It will never stop.


Title: Re:Truce Poll From GhostSniper
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on May 08, 2004, 07:26:03 pm
I'm not going to stop voicing my opinion on things.  I'm just more in favor of doing it without a bunch of flaming and name calling just because people don't see things the same way.

To o:n:e: This really wasn't meant as a real poll.  I did that just to get everyone's attention.  But calling it stupid is just more flaming, which is what I'm trying to stop.

To Typhy:  I am trying to be more tolerant of other people's opinions.  I have also stopped flaming and blatantly disrespecting the admins (I made a similar truce with them a few days ago in the BL section).  Of course the plane ticket is always there if you ever want it.  ;)

To ?FiRE Infection:  I made the poll to tell everyone I was changing.  And I did stop flaming (although I was far from the worse at flaming, and I usually wasn't the one who started the flaming in the first place).

To Dr. NO:  I know I am stubborn and I know I don't like to compromise.  That comes from years of military training and always knowing that if I do what I feel in my heart is right, I will be okay.  I'm not really a crazy right-winger....I just act like it sometimes.  But I am definitely very grounded in what I believe, and that will never change.

Thanks guys.....I just want us to have civilized discussions just like we were sitting at a table shooting the bull.

P.S.--That still does NOT mean you can say anything bad about the U.S. Military (in general).  When you do that you are messing with my honor, and I do take that very seriously.


-GhostSniper Out.

Title: Re:Truce Poll From GhostSniper
Post by: BFG on May 08, 2004, 07:39:54 pm
That still does NOT mean you can say anything bad about the U.S. Military (in general).? When you do that you are messing with my honor, and I do take that very seriously.

With all due respect Ghost you are not the US military though. u were a member of the US military fine, but in my oppinion  the fact that there might be problems with the US Army has nothing to do with your honor.

And i do believe there are problems wiht the US military...

Title: Re:Truce Poll From GhostSniper
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on May 08, 2004, 08:10:15 pm
That still does NOT mean you can say anything bad about the U.S. Military (in general).? When you do that you are messing with my honor, and I do take that very seriously.

With all due respect Ghost you are not the US military though. u were a member of the US military fine, but in my oppinion  the fact that there might be problems with the US Army has nothing to do with your honor.
And i do believe there are problems wiht the US military...

That's why I was saying "In General."  I know there are always going to be instances where a few bad apples do something to make the military look bad.  But "In General" the U.S. Military isn't inherantly messed up.  In other words, I just don't care to hear stuff like this:

"There goes the stupid U.S. Army again, taking over another country."  (you see, the U.S. Army doesn't do anything without the order of civilian leaders)

"The U.S. Military is just a bunch of baby-killers."  (lol, say those words to me in person, and I'll probaby snap, go crazy, and torture you to death....starting with breaking each of your fingers one by one...)

"The U.S. Military is wrong for being in Iraq."  (again, civilian leaders put us there)

"The U.S. Military is just a second-rate fighting force."  (now we all know that the U.S. Military is the most powerful fighting force in the world....just don't go there)

Anyhow, it is these "blanket statements" that bother me.  Sure, you can talk about how a few soldiers committed crimes (like these prison guards and the pictures) and you can talk about other individual acts of military members when they are wrong.  But don't say that the entire U.S. Military is like that or does those things.  And sure, I may be off of active duty now, but I can still be called up at any time to go back on active duty.  The U.S. Military will always be a part of my soul.

Do you understand where I'm comming from?

Title: Re:Truce Poll From GhostSniper
Post by: *DAMN Hazard on May 08, 2004, 11:00:19 pm
People are assholes especially over the internet. The only solution is to get used to it. There is always one person that everyone flames it went from Rapid, to snipey, to you. It's just how it is. When one idiot leaves it creates a vacuum to attract another flame worthy poster. You get flamed because in the beginning you made really stupid polls like everyday and you force your opinions on others. It's one thing to argue a point it's another to impose it on someone.

But if you sincerely have changed and aren't pulling a snipey then cool hope this works out for ya...