*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => General Gossip => Topic started by: KoS PY.nq.ict on May 06, 2004, 04:36:16 am

Title: What happened to these boards?
Post by: KoS PY.nq.ict on May 06, 2004, 04:36:16 am
What has happened to these boards?

This is my first time on here in about a year or more and I see a lot of bs...

People with "Im a flaming Liberal" and "Cockmongering Liberal Hippie Douche" and "Guntoting Nigger-raping Republican" as avatar messages....

WTF? I remember these boards as a bunch of old RS vets flaming Rapid and generally having good ole fashion fun....

May I say that....ALL NOOBS SHALL BURN IN HELL....

Title: Re:What happened to these boards?
Post by: Toxic::Joka on May 06, 2004, 06:37:56 am

Title: Re:What happened to these boards?
Post by: Typhy on May 06, 2004, 06:42:29 am
What has happened to these boards?

This is my first time on here in about a year or more and I see a lot of bs...

People with "Im a flaming Liberal" and "Cockmongering Liberal Hippie Douche" and "Guntoting Nigger-raping Republican" as avatar messages....

WTF? I remember these boards as a bunch of old RS vets flaming Rapid and generally having good ole fashion fun....

May I say that....ALL NOOBS SHALL BURN IN HELL....

The horrific noob infestation of '03 kinda ruined the forums.

Title: Re:What happened to these boards?
Post by: c| Spetsnaz. on May 06, 2004, 07:00:07 am
It's called life, shit changes, even queer video game forums.
Anyone who takes pride in being a video game vet should kill themselves now.

If it were not for the progression of new games bringing in new gamers, this shit hole would have died a long time ago, along with GR.


Title: Re:What happened to these boards?
Post by: Mr. Lothario on May 06, 2004, 09:04:35 am
     Pac-Man, huh? Man, those were the days. ::gets misty-eyed::

Title: Re:What happened to these boards?
Post by: KoS PY.nq.ict on May 06, 2004, 09:49:12 am
It's not necessarily getting teary eyed over "video game nostalgia"...It's missing the way us older people used to interact. We never came into the forums arguing about how one of your players had a 400 ping lag spike and then making it a 7 week issue causing the BL to come to a screeching halt. Or how nice your boyfriend's cock felt in your ass after getting back from a Felatiate Kerry convention...

And yes...this forum may be queer...but you're just as queer for getting offended about something that apparently doesn't concern you all that much...

Title: Re:What happened to these boards?
Post by: Cossack on May 06, 2004, 05:54:54 pm
Py, get back in the kitchen and bake me a pie bitch!

Title: Re:What happened to these boards?
Post by: KoS Ultimo on May 06, 2004, 06:32:33 pm
Sup PY long time no see buddy, hope everything's going good for you. Hopefully when CoD comes out for Mac we can meet up and play together.

Cheers  ;)

Title: Re:What happened to these boards?
Post by: *NADS Foxy on May 06, 2004, 11:25:29 pm

Slunt mouf!

Title: Re:What happened to these boards?
Post by: |MP|Nomad on May 07, 2004, 01:44:50 am
Hey babe!! Glad to see yer back, hopefully now that yer about to finish school, you'll be on more and its perfect timing with CoD, so I can own yer ass like I always did in Mohaa  ;)

Ultimo, yer on my hit list too sexy  8)

Title: Re:What happened to these boards?
Post by: spike on May 07, 2004, 02:30:08 am
Foxy, stop being a pc whore. Win the lotto, buy a G5, come start dwat with me....

Title: Re:What happened to these boards?
Post by: PY on May 07, 2004, 08:04:59 am

Title: Re:What happened to these boards?
Post by: KoS PY.nq.ict on May 07, 2004, 08:19:45 am
What he said ^^^^^^^

Title: Re:What happened to these boards?
Post by: |MP|Nomad on May 07, 2004, 04:16:03 pm

ewwwww  :(  But Py smells like my ass, how could you?