*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => General Gossip => Topic started by: tasty on May 04, 2004, 03:56:28 am

Title: "May Madness" - Who will Kerry's VP be?
Post by: tasty on May 04, 2004, 03:56:28 am
Kerry VP Brackets (http://www.cnn.com/ELECTION/2004/veepstakes/misc/story1.html).
CNN made a fun game out of Kerry's search for a VP. Personally, I would love to see a Kerry-McCain ticket or a Kerry-Clinton ticket, but neither of those are likely to happen any time soon. I like that Iowa's governor, Tom Vilsack, is one of the top contenders too, but I think the most likely choices for Kerry are conservative southerners.

Edwards of NC, Nelson of FL, and Richardson of NM deserve to be considered as the most serious choices in my opinion. Who do you guys think he will pick/should pick?

Title: Re:"May Madness" - Who will Kerry's VP be?
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on May 04, 2004, 05:04:14 am
It really doesn't matter who he chooses, because:


Title: Re:"May Madness" - Who will Kerry's VP be?
Post by: Cossack on May 04, 2004, 05:20:16 am
Shut your pie-hole GS. Dont ruin our fun speculating who the VP canidate will be.

Now there is word around the office (I work for my local congressman) that he (Lloyd Dogget) is being considered for Kerry's VP spot. I hope it comes true.

Title: Re:"May Madness" - Who will Kerry's VP be?
Post by: PsYcO aSsAsSiN on May 04, 2004, 09:27:45 pm
Well, seeing as he is a Roman Catholic from Massachusetts, he will end up picking a Southerner who is more centralized in his politics, a woman, or a minority.

However, I doubt Edwards will run for VP because he doesn't want to destroy his political career while it is still young.

Title: Re:"May Madness" - Who will Kerry's VP be?
Post by: KoS PY.nq.ict on May 04, 2004, 10:06:34 pm
Sack...no offense but Lloyd Dogget is a loon...

Title: Re:"May Madness" - Who will Kerry's VP be?
Post by: tasty on May 04, 2004, 10:55:28 pm
It really doesn't matter who he chooses, because:

That's silly. They are almost neck and neck, and many empirical political scientists who predict election results are predicting that this race will be almost as closer or closer than the 2000 election.

Title: Re:"May Madness" - Who will Kerry's VP be?
Post by: c| Spetsnaz. on May 05, 2004, 12:27:10 am
My picks for VP; Max Cleland, Wesley Clark or Bill Richardson. On another note, a great site for sifting through the slew of lies concoted by the right; http://mediamatters.org/ (http://mediamatters.org/)

PS: Bush is un-American because he is using Canadian buses on his tour(Kerry uses the American made rival), or so it would seem if I used the logic of the right(the same logic that claims Kerry votes against specific weapons systems).  

Title: Re:"May Madness" - Who will Kerry's VP be?
Post by: alaric on May 05, 2004, 01:04:24 am
this race will be almost as closer or closer than the 2000 election.

That settles it. I'm moving to Florida. Who's with me?

Title: Re:"May Madness" - Who will Kerry's VP be?
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on May 05, 2004, 02:26:27 am
It really doesn't matter who he chooses, because:
That's silly. They are almost neck and neck, and many empirical political scientists who predict election results are predicting that this race will be almost as closer or closer than the 2000 election.

Don't talk to me about what other political scientists say.....


You forget that my other degree (besides my BA in History) is a BS in Political Science.  Also, I will soon have my Masters in both History and Political Science.

Now, I'm telling you, Bush will be re-elected President in 2004.  And I still have a bet with Dr. No and Kuza on the subject (a bet which they will lose).  Anyone who thinks that Kerry actually has a chance at winning the Presidency is as warped in the head as he is.

Title: Re:"May Madness" - Who will Kerry's VP be?
Post by: Mr.Mellow on May 05, 2004, 02:42:24 am
Move to Florida, please! We need voters who know what they're doing. :) I'll be voting.  ;D All of our voters are confused, senile individuals with Republican tendencies. Doesn't "Republican tendencies" sound dirty? Anything with "tendencies" on the end does.

Title: Re:"May Madness" - Who will Kerry's VP be?
Post by: c| Spetsnaz. on May 05, 2004, 03:18:48 am
Ghost, being a Political Scientist you should know that no Republican President has carried the majority of electoral votes without winning Ohio. It's simple, if Bush doesn't win Ohio he doesn't get reelected.

Being an Ohioan I have made it my personal Jihad to see that Bush does not win this state.

169,700 Ohio manufacturing workers have become unemployed since Bush took office, trust me he will not win Ohio, and therefore will not be reelected.

Title: Re:"May Madness" - Who will Kerry's VP be?
Post by: Cutter on May 05, 2004, 05:43:28 am
McCain wouldn't do it. i honestly think edwards or richardson would be his best bet.

Title: Re:"May Madness" - Who will Kerry's VP be?
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on May 05, 2004, 05:56:58 am
Ghost, being a Political Scientist you should know that no Republican President has carried the majority of electoral votes without winning Ohio.

Hey, first time for everything.  :)

Title: Re:"May Madness" - Who will Kerry's VP be?
Post by: Cossack on May 05, 2004, 06:25:25 am
BS is right. The Ohio thing is just some silly superstition. Bush will "win" the election. An official of Diebold the electronic ballot company was quoted by saying, "We will deliver Ohio."

This is for Py and any other Central Texan:
How the god damn hell is Dogget a loon? Explain yourself Py! Dogget is sexy, he protects my job, and I dated his daughter for two weeks. What more do you want from a congressman? Also, you are from Lago Vista and you are not in his constituency. So chill out and do something stupid with Mansfield Dam. Not to mention he wins by 80% every time.

Title: Re:"May Madness" - Who will Kerry's VP be?
Post by: "Sixhits" on May 05, 2004, 07:26:47 am
I nomiate Ghost Sniper as VP.

He'll bring in the wingnuts.

Title: Re:"May Madness" - Who will Kerry's VP be?
Post by: Brutha on May 05, 2004, 01:34:37 pm
GS...just because you have a BS in political science, it dosnt make you a political scientist....you actually have to work with it to become on....you are a car salesman, and I cant believe I had to remind you.

And please stop slapping your degrees around....impressive the first time...now it has become annoying.

Who will kerry choose as a Vp..who knows...will he win? who knows....

Title: Re:"May Madness" - Who will Kerry's VP be?
Post by: abe 2.0 on May 05, 2004, 02:57:22 pm
Having an undergrad degree in poli sci doesnt make you a political scientist...i have one too. And it definately doesnt allow you to make predictions about the outcome of an election that will be held six months from now. Even people who deal with polls and election behavior for a living have no idea who will win since so much can happen between now and november, so predictions coming from a car salesman with the analytic capacity of a peanut are worth shit....no offense.

Title: Re:"May Madness" - Who will Kerry's VP be?
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on May 05, 2004, 03:31:20 pm
GS...just because you have a BS in political science, it dosnt make you a political scientist....you actually have to work with it to become on....

Well, sorry guys.....I figured that since I have worked for every Republican Presidential, Governor's, Senator's, Representative's, and Mayor's local campaign effort every year since 1998, it made me a political scientist.  Wow, and all this time those guys have been calling me a political scientist.....I guess I better give them all a call and tell them I've just been lying to them all this time.

You see, people, I am very heavily involved in politics.....just because I'm a Fleet Sales Manager doesn't mean I don't have time to do other things.

Let's see,

1.  I'm also the Vice President of the Air Force Association for the Southern Half of the State of Mississippi.  I am also a Life Member of the AFA.

2.  I'm a member of the American Legion

3.  I'm a member of Civil Air Patrol, with 3 actual aircraft "finds" to my credit.

4.  I'm a member of my local Macintosh User's Group

5.  I'm a member of the North American Auto Dealers Association

6.  I'm a member of the P-38 Lightning National Association

7.  I'm a member of the Air Force Museum Foundation

8.  I'm a member of the American Juvenile Diabetes Foundation

9.  I'm a member of the Republican National Committee

10.  I'm a member of the U.S. Army Ranger Association

11.  I'm a member of the U.S. Army Signal Corps Association

Hmmm.....I'm probably forgetting a few.  So, seems like I have time for a lot of things.  And I make time to participate in ALL of those organizations.....I don't just carry around a little card that says I'm a member!

And when I say that Bush will be reelected President in 2004......well, if you don't agree with me, then join in on Dr No and Kuza's little bet we have going.....The bet is:

If Bush loses, I have to buy Dr No and Kuza Premium Membership on GameRanger for a year.

If Bush wins, Dr No and Kuza have to come on the forum and say that I am the all-knowing, all-powerful member of the *DAMN Forum.

Simple as that....anyone want to join in on that bet?

Title: Re:"May Madness" - Who will Kerry's VP be?
Post by: Brutha on May 05, 2004, 04:02:01 pm
Sorry, but all that work does not make you a political scientist. Makes you involved in politics, but as you are biased(republican) you fail the requirement of becoming a scientist. Perhaps you see this differently, but I do not. But as this is said......Wow.....you do a lot for causes you believe in....when do you sleep?

And no, wont join you in that bet. Do not feel that it is in my place as I am not american. But I await the result of your bet with anticipation

Title: Re:"May Madness" - Who will Kerry's VP be?
Post by: BFG on May 05, 2004, 04:24:30 pm
Hold on so you have to fork out 80 dollors or so if you loose.... and Dr No and Kuza have to come on here, kissl your ass and lie on the forum?

But Dr No and Kuza will probably loose, bush will just have his little bro help rig the votes again and bobs your uncle

Title: Re:"May Madness" - Who will Kerry's VP be?
Post by: alaric on May 05, 2004, 06:14:15 pm
And when I say that Bush will be reelected President in 2004......well, if you don't agree with me, then join in on Dr No and Kuza's little bet we have going.....The bet is:

If Bush loses, I have to buy Dr No and Kuza Premium Membership on GameRanger for a year.

If Bush wins, Dr No and Kuza have to come on the forum and say that I am the all-knowing, all-powerful member of the *DAMN Forum.

Simple as that....anyone want to join in on that bet?

I'm in. But let's make it a little more interesting....

If kerry wins, you buy me premium for a year, however, if he wins by 10% or more, you get to buy me one of those Glock 20s you're always talking about. ;D

If Bush wins, I'll come on the forum and say you're the all-knowing, all-powerful member of the *DAMN Forum. And if Bush wins by more than 10%, I'll wear a .bush tag after my name on GR until January 1st, 2005.

And if NADER wins, we all join hands and sing kum-bah-yah while we wait for the Earth to become engulfed by the sun.

Title: Re:"May Madness" - Who will Kerry's VP be?
Post by: Ace on May 05, 2004, 06:21:14 pm
GS...just because you have a BS in political science, it dosnt make you a political scientist....you actually have to work with it to become on....

Well, sorry guys.....I figured that since I have worked for every Republican Presidential, Governor's, Senator's, Representative's, and Mayor's local campaign effort every year since 1998, it made me a political scientist.  Wow, and all this time those guys have been calling me a political scientist.....I guess I better give them all a call and tell them I've just been lying to them all this time.

You see, people, I am very heavily involved in politics.....just because I'm a Fleet Sales Manager doesn't mean I don't have time to do other things.

Let's see,

1.  I'm also the Vice President of the Air Force Association for the Southern Half of the State of Mississippi.  I am also a Life Member of the AFA.

2.  I'm a member of the American Legion

3.  I'm a member of Civil Air Patrol, with 3 actual aircraft "finds" to my credit.

4.  I'm a member of my local Macintosh User's Group

5.  I'm a member of the North American Auto Dealers Association

6.  I'm a member of the P-38 Lightning National Association

7.  I'm a member of the Air Force Museum Foundation

8.  I'm a member of the American Juvenile Diabetes Foundation

9.  I'm a member of the Republican National Committee

10.  I'm a member of the U.S. Army Ranger Association

11.  I'm a member of the U.S. Army Signal Corps Association

Hmmm.....I'm probably forgetting a few.  So, seems like I have time for a lot of things.  And I make time to participate in ALL of those organizations.....I don't just carry around a little card that says I'm a member!

And when I say that Bush will be reelected President in 2004......well, if you don't agree with me, then join in on Dr No and Kuza's little bet we have going.....The bet is:

If Bush loses, I have to buy Dr No and Kuza Premium Membership on GameRanger for a year.

If Bush wins, Dr No and Kuza have to come on the forum and say that I am the all-knowing, all-powerful member of the *DAMN Forum.

Simple as that....anyone want to join in on that bet?

For the last fucking time, nobody gives a flying fuck about any of that bullshit. To us, all you are is a smalldick piece of shit who has to come on here and flash credentials in order to try and create some sort of a reputation. News-flash moron, this is the Internet, the great equalizer. All that matters is how you act, and you act like a fucking prepubescent twelve year old with no sense of self-confidence or self-worth. So take your degrees, take your job, shove them up your ass, and shut the fuck up already.

To everyone else, I suggest you don't reply to GhostSniper anymore. Act like he isn't there. Basically, the same treatment Rapid gets. Don't feed the trolls.

Title: Re:"May Madness" - Who will Kerry's VP be?
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on May 05, 2004, 06:21:40 pm
I'm in. But let's make it a little more interesting....

If kerry wins, you buy me premium for a year, however, if he wins by 10% or more, you get to buy me one of those Glock 20s you're always talking about. ;D

If Bush wins, I'll come on the forum and say you're the all-knowing, all-powerful member of the *DAMN Forum. And if Bush wins by more than 10%, I'll wear a .bush tag after my name on GR until January 1st, 2005.

You are on Alaric.....so the bet now stands at GhostSniper versus Alaric, Dr No, and Kuza.

And if NADER wins, we all join hands and sing kum-bah-yah while we wait for the Earth to become engulfed by the sun.

If Nader wins, I'm going to sell my computer, my house, and my car and go live like a hermit in the Rocky Mountains.

Title: Re:"May Madness" - Who will Kerry's VP be?
Post by: Cutter on May 05, 2004, 06:30:23 pm
GS...just because you have a BS in political science, it dosnt make you a political scientist....you actually have to work with it to become on....

Well, sorry guys.....I figured that since I have worked for every Republican Presidential, Governor's, Senator's, Representative's, and Mayor's local campaign effort every year since 1998, it made me a political scientist.  Wow, and all this time those guys have been calling me a political scientist.....I guess I better give them all a call and tell them I've just been lying to them all this time.

You see, people, I am very heavily involved in politics.....just because I'm a Fleet Sales Manager doesn't mean I don't have time to do other things.

Let's see,

1.  I'm also the Vice President of the Air Force Association for the Southern Half of the State of Mississippi.  I am also a Life Member of the AFA.

2.  I'm a member of the American Legion

3.  I'm a member of Civil Air Patrol, with 3 actual aircraft "finds" to my credit.

4.  I'm a member of my local Macintosh User's Group

5.  I'm a member of the North American Auto Dealers Association

6.  I'm a member of the P-38 Lightning National Association

7.  I'm a member of the Air Force Museum Foundation

8.  I'm a member of the American Juvenile Diabetes Foundation

9.  I'm a member of the Republican National Committee

10.  I'm a member of the U.S. Army Ranger Association

11.  I'm a member of the U.S. Army Signal Corps Association

Hmmm.....I'm probably forgetting a few.  So, seems like I have time for a lot of things.  And I make time to participate in ALL of those organizations.....I don't just carry around a little card that says I'm a member!

And when I say that Bush will be reelected President in 2004......well, if you don't agree with me, then join in on Dr No and Kuza's little bet we have going.....The bet is:

If Bush loses, I have to buy Dr No and Kuza Premium Membership on GameRanger for a year.

If Bush wins, Dr No and Kuza have to come on the forum and say that I am the all-knowing, all-powerful member of the *DAMN Forum.

Simple as that....anyone want to join in on that bet?

For the last fucking time, nobody gives a flying fuck about any of that bullshit. To us, all you are is a smalldick piece of shit who has to come on here and flash credentials in order to try and create some sort of a reputation. News-flash moron, this is the Internet, the great equalizer. All that matters is how you act, and you act like a fucking prepubescent twelve year old with no sense of self-confidence or self-worth. So take your degrees, take your job, shove them up your ass, and shut the fuck up already.

To everyone else, I suggest you don't reply to GhostSniper anymore. Act like he isn't there. Basically, the same treatment Rapid gets. Don't feed the trolls.

damn ace, your season 7 forum flamer winners icon is in the mail :D

Title: Re:"May Madness" - Who will Kerry's VP be?
Post by: c| Spetsnaz. on May 05, 2004, 06:37:57 pm
BS is right. The Ohio thing is just some silly superstition. Bush will "win" the election. An official of Diebold the electronic ballot company was quoted by saying, "We will deliver Ohio."

Superstion? Seems to have held true in previous elections, Ohio is key battle ground state. As for the electronic voting machines, most counties have not made a decsion yet because of a public disapproval.

Ps: Who was this offcial?

Title: Re:"May Madness" - Who will Kerry's VP be?
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on May 05, 2004, 06:42:03 pm
For the last fucking time, nobody gives a flying fuck about any of that bullshit. To us, all you are is a smalldick piece of shit who has to come on here and flash credentials in order to try and create some sort of a reputation. News-flash moron, this is the Internet, the great equalizer. All that matters is how you act, and you act like a fucking prepubescent twelve year old with no sense of self-confidence or self-worth. So take your degrees, take your job, shove them up your ass, and shut the fuck up already.

To everyone else, I suggest you don't reply to GhostSniper anymore. Act like he isn't there. Basically, the same treatment Rapid gets. Don't feed the trolls.

Ace, stop being an Ass.  I think someone needs to step in and give you a warning for flaming.

Or, is it only GhostSniper that isn't allowed to flame?

Title: Re:"May Madness" - Who will Kerry's VP be?
Post by: KoS PY.nq.ict on May 05, 2004, 09:47:49 pm

that wasn't a flame....the REAL flames were all against Rapid....

Those were the days...

Title: Re:"May Madness" - Who will Kerry's VP be?
Post by: tasty on May 06, 2004, 10:56:27 am
It really doesn't matter who he chooses, because:
That's silly. They are almost neck and neck, and many empirical political scientists who predict election results are predicting that this race will be almost as closer or closer than the 2000 election.

Don't talk to me about what other political scientists say.....


You forget that my other degree (besides my BA in History) is a BS in Political Science.  Also, I will soon have my Masters in both History and Political Science.
Although this has already been responded to, I feel the need to respond because of its insulting and quite frankly silly nature. When I use the term "political scientists", I mean professional political scientists. Here are some of the qualifications to be one:
-PhD in political science from a top university
-work in academia, government, campaign, or think tank environment where your knowledge and expertise is required and respected

You have a BS (preposterous in the first place because political science is NOT a science, I should know because I am a Poli Sci major at a real school who only gives out poli sci degrees as BAs, what they SHOULD be) from a third rate university in the south. As was pointed out earlier, your work is intensely biased, which alone discredits the "scientific" term. When I referred to empirical political scientists, I meant those who used hard numbers and math to come to their findings rather than some form of blind partisan intuition. If you want to be taken seriously as a political scientist then don't say such outlandish things.

BTW: While I congratulate you on your high level of civic involvement (seriously, more people should be involved like you are), it does not bolster your claims of expertise in political science. Nor does the fact that you have worked on campaigns; they will take anyone who can answer phones and lick envelopes, believe me I have worked on campaigns at various levels as well.

Title: Re:"May Madness" - Who will Kerry's VP be?
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on May 06, 2004, 03:58:56 pm
-PhD in political science from a top university
-work in academia, government, campaign, or think tank environment where your knowledge and expertise is required and respected

You do not have to have a PhD to be a political scientist.  Give me a break, in the real world, outside of a campus, a PhD doesn't mean that much.  And from a top university?  That is just crap.

Work in Academia?  Man, I gotta tell you.....I don't trust "academia" for anything.  All "academia" is doing is filling young people's heads with a bunch of bs.

You have a BS (preposterous in the first place because political science is NOT a science, I should know because I am a Poli Sci major at a real school who only gives out poli sci degrees as BAs, what they SHOULD be) from a third rate university in the south.

If you knew anything about the time period when I got my BS in Political Science, you would also know that it was given out quite frequently then.  It has only been in the past 10 to 15 years that colleges changed it from a BS to a BA.  By the way, I took the extra classes to make it a BS because you have to have a BS, not a BA, to get a commission in the U.S. Military (that is a little-known fact).

From a third rate university in the south???  You call the AIR UNIVERSITY, of the U.S. Air Force, a third rate university???  Dude, where do you think all of the Flag Ranks--Generals, Admirals, Foreign Leaders (from every branch of the military) go for their higher education?  More of these leaders get their PhD and Masters degrees from there than anywhere else.  It is one of the top Universities in the country and it is only available to the military.  Also, some of my classes did come from MS State University and the University of Southern Miss, but I also have many many courses from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University.  I would hardly call Embry-Riddle a third rate university in the south.

BTW: While I congratulate you on your high level of civic involvement (seriously, more people should be involved like you are), it does not bolster your claims of expertise in political science. Nor does the fact that you have worked on campaigns; they will take anyone who can answer phones and lick envelopes, believe me I have worked on campaigns at various levels as well.

I wasn't answering phones and licking envelopes.....I was giving campaign advice to the candidates.  You see, EXPERIENCE means more to these people than how many letters you have after your name (PhD doesn't mean much when a guy with a BS has better ideas).


-GhostSniper Out.

Title: Re:"May Madness" - Who will Kerry's VP be?
Post by: BFG on May 06, 2004, 04:06:25 pm
a PhD doesn't mean that much

Thats funny... In the rest of the world it means rather a lot.

Title: Re:"May Madness" - Who will Kerry's VP be?
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on May 06, 2004, 09:31:14 pm
a PhD doesn't mean that much
Thats funny... In the rest of the world it means rather a lot.

NO, IT DOES NOT.  All it means is you have an education.  Big deal.  Do you think Steve Jobs has a PhD?  How many Presidents have a PhD?  Those little initials behind your name don't mean shit.  I've known some of the dumbest people (talking common sense here) that had PhD after their name.

Title: Re:"May Madness" - Who will Kerry's VP be?
Post by: cO.gabe on May 06, 2004, 09:43:15 pm
a PhD doesn't mean that much
Thats funny... In the rest of the world it means rather a lot.

NO, IT DOES NOT.  All it means is you have an education.  Big deal.

Hmm...well I guess thats why you are a car salesman who spends eight hours a day posting on a gaming forum.

Title: Re:"May Madness" - Who will Kerry's VP be?
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on May 06, 2004, 09:54:10 pm
Hmm...well I guess thats why you are a car salesman who spends eight hours a day posting on a gaming forum.

No, not a car salesman....a Fleet Sales Manager.

The difference is:  When I was a car salesman I only made $60,000 to $80,000 a year.  Now I make $150,000 to $250,000 a year.  All that and no PhD behind my name.

P.S. The vast majority of people with PhD behind their name don't make what I make.

Title: Re:"May Madness" - Who will Kerry's VP be?
Post by: Ace on May 07, 2004, 09:06:12 am
To everyone else, I suggest you don't reply to GhostSniper anymore. Act like he isn't there. Basically, the same treatment Rapid gets. Don't feed the trolls.

Title: Re:"May Madness" - Who will Kerry's VP be?
Post by: tasty on May 07, 2004, 10:16:01 am
To everyone else, I suggest you don't reply to GhostSniper anymore. Act like he isn't there. Basically, the same treatment Rapid gets. Don't feed the trolls.
Aww, but it's so tempting? his posts in this thread have been a parade of retardism.

Yet I will follow your advice and resist the urge to respond.

Title: Re:"May Madness" - Who will Kerry's VP be?
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on May 07, 2004, 04:20:53 pm
To everyone else, I suggest you don't reply to GhostSniper anymore. Act like he isn't there. Basically, the same treatment Rapid gets. Don't feed the trolls.

Look Ace, you seem to be the only one on the forums with a problem with Free Speech.  I suggest you either shut up about it or meet me somewhere so we can handle our little problem like men.

Either put up or shut up man.  I'm really tired of your shit.

Title: Re:"May Madness" - Who will Kerry's VP be?
Post by: Ace on May 07, 2004, 06:18:36 pm
To everyone else, I suggest you don't reply to GhostSniper anymore. Act like he isn't there. Basically, the same treatment Rapid gets. Don't feed the trolls.

Look Ace, you seem to be the only one on the forums with a problem with Free Speech.  I suggest you either shut up about it or meet me somewhere so we can handle our little problem like men.

Either put up or shut up man.  I'm really tired of your shit.

Ahh, there's nothing like a man exercising his right to free speech than by showing he has absolutely no clue about what it really means. But, hey, that's why I love our country.

PS - I know I'm a flaming hypocrite for breaking my own rule so early, but come on, wouldn't you in this situation?

Title: Re:"May Madness" - Who will Kerry's VP be?
Post by: BFG on May 07, 2004, 06:26:06 pm
GS i think somehow if you had a PhD you wouldn't slag it of quite as much as you do. And YES sorry but IT does mean somthing. It means someone has worked bloody hard towards somthing, and is recongnised of being at a significantly high level of knowledge etc in that area. Talk shit about it but it dosn't change the fact a PhD is a highly regarded qualification.

better to listen to Ace i guess

Title: Re:"May Madness" - Who will Kerry's VP be?
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on May 07, 2004, 06:38:41 pm
Okay, look, no flaming here.....Ace, BFG, Typhy, VooDoo....and anyone else that I never get along with....please read:

I have my opinions....you guys have your opinions.  That's great.  I may not agree with how you think, and you may not agree with how I think.  That's great, too.  I don't really want to get into some big flaming war on the forums with you guys.  I think we could all just accept that each of us has our own opinions on things and just listen to what each other says without getting into flame wars.

So I call a truce.  I wont call any of you stupid fucking morons for thinking the way you do, and you don't tell me I don't know what the hell I'm talking about for thinking the way I do.  All agreed?


-GhostSniper Out.

Title: Re:"May Madness" - Who will Kerry's VP be?
Post by: "Sixhits" on May 08, 2004, 01:16:18 am

Now I make $150,000 to $250,000 a year.  All that and no PhD behind my name.

I knew it. I just fucking knew it! Ghost is a rich motherfucker!

No wonder he likes Bush! Rich boy it getting fatter off all those tax cuts and throw backs while us normal people are all getting slimmer!

(tongue stuck firmly in cheeck)

Title: Re:"May Madness" - Who will Kerry's VP be?
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on May 08, 2004, 02:14:50 am
Now I make $150,000 to $250,000 a year.  All that and no PhD behind my name.
I knew it. I just fucking knew it! Ghost is a rich motherfucker!
No wonder he likes Bush! Rich boy it getting fatter off all those tax cuts and throw backs while us normal people are all getting slimmer!
(tongue stuck firmly in cheeck)

No, I'm far from being rich.  I have a wife and a daughter and the government is getting OVER 50% of my income in taxes.  So in a year when I make $150,000 I bring home less than $75,000 and in a year I make $250,000 I bring home less than $125,000.  Sorry, but I don't think the government should be getting that much of my money.

Title: Re:"May Madness" - Who will Kerry's VP be?
Post by: "Sixhits" on May 08, 2004, 02:19:53 am
Now I make $150,000 to $250,000 a year.  All that and no PhD behind my name.
I knew it. I just fucking knew it! Ghost is a rich motherfucker!
No wonder he likes Bush! Rich boy it getting fatter off all those tax cuts and throw backs while us normal people are all getting slimmer!
(tongue stuck firmly in cheeck)

No, I'm far from being rich.  I have a wife and a daughter and the government is getting OVER 50% of my income in taxes.  So in a year when I make $150,000 I bring home less than $75,000 and in a year I make $250,000 I bring home less than $125,000.  Sorry, but I don't think the government should be getting that much of my money.

Boohoo about only getting 75k. :-P That like 50k more than me, pre-tax.

Seriously, tho, if you really want to find a way to legitamately keep more of your money then those ways are out there.

I'm sure some of your fat cat friends could tell ya how to do it ...

Title: Re:"May Madness" - Who will Kerry's VP be?
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on May 08, 2004, 02:40:43 am
Seriously, tho, if you really want to find a way to legitamately keep more of your money then those ways are out there.
I'm sure some of your fat cat friends could tell ya how to do it ...

Yes, there are many ways, but I don't break the law.  All joking aside, all of the killing I did was sanctioned by the U.S. Government, so even then I wasn't breaking the law.