*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => General Gossip => Topic started by: "Sixhits" on April 30, 2004, 01:25:03 am

Title: Don't switch horse mid-apocalypse!
Post by: "Sixhits" on April 30, 2004, 01:25:03 am
http://www.horkulated.com/images/bush_sticker10.gif (http://www.horkulated.com/images/bush_sticker10.gif)


Title: Re:Don't switch horse mid-apocalypse!
Post by: BFG on April 30, 2004, 07:17:28 pm
lol. can i have one of those please?!

Vote Bush/Cheney 04' :   get to see Armaggedan for the first and last time!

Title: Re:Don't switch horse mid-apocalypse!
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on April 30, 2004, 10:39:55 pm
lol. can i have one of those please?!
Vote Bush/Cheney 04' :   get to see Armaggedan for the first and last time!

The EXACT same thing was said about Reagan....and personally I'm glad Reagan did the things he did.

One day all of you people (specifically BFG, Sixhits, and others like you) will realize that you were on the WRONG SIDE OF HISTORY.

Sleep well tonight guys.....cause there are far better people than you out protecting your freedoms tonight.

Title: Re:Don't switch horse mid-apocalypse!
Post by: BFG on May 01, 2004, 01:16:08 am
Ahh is that what bush is doing is it? Is that what the americans are doing In Bagdad?

... somtimes the way things are going i wonder if any of us will live to see the outcome...

Well right now all those people who supported how the invasion of iraq went perhaps don't have the last laugh. for all of us who said "hey what the fuck are you doing? Firstly this is illigal and secondly what are you going to do afterwords" can't help but say somthing along the lines of "i told you so" as we see american soldiers killed daily... and the growing hatred towards america and the occupying forces.

Great job on the protection of our freedom heh. Perhaps we could have someone who has a few brain cells and dosn't think that the way to solve the worlds issues is to march around with a great big army? you never know we might get somewhere.

One day all of you people (specifically BFG, Sixhits, and others like you) will realize that you were on the WRONG SIDE OF HISTORY.

And there perhaps you hit the nail on the head... There is no Good v Evil. it is not that simple. There will be no right and wrong side. What there will be is a lot of dead people, and a very very messed up world....
And just as Britain was wrong to go to war in the way that it did in iraq, so perhaps you will one day accept that the US was wrong also, and that it has made a far far bigger mess...

Title: Re:Don't switch horse mid-apocalypse!
Post by: Ssickboy on May 01, 2004, 04:34:04 am
Sleep well tonight guys.....cause there are far better people than you out protecting your freedoms tonight.


thank god, cause i was pretty tired.  

Title: Re:Don't switch horse mid-apocalypse!
Post by: "Sixhits" on May 01, 2004, 09:13:08 am

The bomb has been dropped!

Title: Re:Don't switch horse mid-apocalypse!
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on May 01, 2004, 08:10:31 pm
Scickboy, if you think that is representative of the entire U.S. Military, than you are just one stupid fucking moron.

If I had you in my presence right now I would beat the living shit out of you, because one thing you don't do in front of me is bad-mouth the American Military.

The few people that were involved in this will be punished....but don't you dare sit there and act like this is something that everybody in the military is doing.

Fuck You, Scickboy.


-GhostSniper Out.

(Some of you little pricks on here better hope you never get the chance to meet me in person.)

Title: Re:Don't switch horse mid-apocalypse!
Post by: BFG on May 01, 2004, 08:16:40 pm
Ghost, nobody said that was a representation of the whole military... just some of them. And whether right now anyone in iraq (however good they are doing their job) has absolutly fuck all to do with "defending our freedom" i don't know. the idea that freedom is constantly in need of defending through military activity seems a little amusing. Give yourself the feeling your defending your freedom, and in the process destroy someone else's.

Id love to meet you ghost :)  Preferably in a dark alley  ;D i'll be the little midget in the corner lol

Title: Re:Don't switch horse mid-apocalypse!
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on May 01, 2004, 08:22:24 pm
Id love to meet you ghost :)  Preferably in a dark alley  ;D i'll be the little midget in the corner lol

That's why I've never said I would kick your ass, BFG....I don't beat up little guys.   ;)

Title: Re:Don't switch horse mid-apocalypse!
Post by: BFG on May 01, 2004, 08:32:09 pm
I don't beat up little guys.
... nor me. Hence why i never get into any fights i guess. either that or they have more common sense than to pick a fight i wonder.

Title: Re:Don't switch horse mid-apocalypse!
Post by: Ssickboy on May 02, 2004, 01:44:08 am
Scickboy, if you think that is representative of the entire U.S. Military, than you are just one stupid fucking moron.

If I had you in my presence right now I would beat the living shit out of you, because one thing you don't do in front of me is bad-mouth the American Military.

The few people that were involved in this will be punished....but don't you dare sit there and act like this is something that everybody in the military is doing.

Fuck You, Scickboy.
(Some of you little pricks on here better hope you never get the chance to meet me in person.)

First off your internet threats are pretty sad.  You should take a step back and open your eyes GS... Your uncivilized behavior is similar to the likes of those few soldiers and ignorant leadership who went let an ugly situation like this occur.  This event will make our soldiers situation out there greatly more difficult.  

I don't fault the soldiers who did this as much as I fault the lack of decent leadership and composure behind it.  This is not an isolated incident.  If the US media finds footage of one case you know there are more cases out there.  And it doesn't matter what I see so much as it matters what the grass roots Iraqi citizens are hearing.  I KNOW this in not a representation of others serving in the military.  I know the good likes of great men out there fighting for what they believe to be right.  I hate seeing these events happen.  This was the last thing the US military needed to occur and they should have absolutley made sure that it did not!  I'd beat the shit of my buddy if I witnessed him take part in something like this.   Then I'd beat out the shit out of the cameraman for taping it.  These soldiers and people like you GS put the rest of us cultured, friendly, logically thinking citizens at risk.   I've seen pictures taken by friends in the special forces doing shit they thought was funny, but was utterly wrong and against international law.  And I know you know that this shit occurs, so don't play innoccent and pretend this has never happened before.  This incident in the end does reflect the US military and I hate it.  It reflects the United States and I hate it.  There is a problem in this country.  A serious problem.  and it's you!  Check your head GS.  This is not the world that you, god or any of us want for our families.  

Title: Re:Don't switch horse mid-apocalypse!
Post by: BFG on May 02, 2004, 01:58:47 am
Ssickboy if your ever In England let me buy your a drink and shake u by the hand  :) Thank god there are people like you that help balence out those folk that think like GS

Title: Re:Don't switch horse mid-apocalypse!
Post by: *NADS Lo$eMoney on May 02, 2004, 07:46:02 am
wait, wait, wait, are you guys saying that im the only person who thought those pics were funny in that politically incorrect kind of way?

Title: Re:Don't switch horse mid-apocalypse!
Post by: cookie on May 02, 2004, 01:29:56 pm
funnier things occur after you've just smoked a bowl, LM.

hint hint mb  ;D