Title: Japanese women having fun! Post by: "Sixhits" on April 30, 2004, 01:00:36 am >>>
After decades of wishing for a rebirth as a man, a growing number of women now want to be reborn in the same gender, according to the survey conducted at five-year intervals since 1953. <<< and >>> Institute officials have carried out the survey every five years since 1953, with 2,350 adults under the age of 80 providing answers to a poll carried out in September and October last year. From the 1953 start of the survey until at least the '70s, more than 60 percent of respondents felt Japanese society contained more enjoyment for men than women, with the number believing the reverse was the case never reaching 20 percent. Then, for 20 years, respondents were not asked about which gender they felt had a better time. When they were asked again during the last survey in 1998, however, women had closed the gap. In last year's survey, however, for the first time more respondents believed Japanese women had more to enjoy in life than men. At 56 percent, a majority of women surveyed believed their lives are more fun than their male counterparts. Also reflecting the easier ride women get in today's Japan was the attitude respondents had toward selection of their preferred gender if given a second chance at life. Where back in 1958 only 27 percent of women said they would like to be the same sex, last year saw a whopping 69 percent of women declare their gender as their favored selection. <<< I'm just glad fewer Japanese women hate themselves. http://mdn.mainichi.co.jp/news/20040429p2a00m0dm013000c.html (http://mdn.mainichi.co.jp/news/20040429p2a00m0dm013000c.html) |