*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => General Gossip => Topic started by: c| Dr. NO on April 18, 2004, 02:41:52 pm

Title: North American East Side Gamers Meet 2004 - Manhattan Island
Post by: c| Dr. NO on April 18, 2004, 02:41:52 pm
Evening All North American East Side Gamers:

     An idea have entered my mind this late late ass night and i would like to hear some feed-back on it.

     I am getting ready to fly out to New York (Manhattan - South East area) and plan on hooking up with my good on-line friend Ssickboy.  Now i know there are a lot of east side players...can we not have a gathering of fellow gamers?  Can we not all get together, take over some bar, get drunk, and laugh/cry about our on-line life face to face?  I say yes!  Lot's of people and clubs involved in the same sport/hobby get together in person to share tips, ideas, and funny times!!  Why can't we?!  Sure it my sound tardish "ya...we're a buncha guys from an on-line community..."  LOL, yes i agree, and I've been through it!  

Story time:  

      Ssick told me he was coming to the bay area (this is where Doc lives [California]) and we though...FUCK!  Let's hook up!  Now sad to say ssick could not make it, but his girl friend did!  Then Splinter and his girl friend thought they might join in as well.   Let me tell you, the first 10-15 minuets were weird, but in the end we had a blast!  I'd tell you all about our adventures but I'm trying to keep this post short and sweet.  Let me just say that i made three personal friends that day, and I'll be attending Splinter's wedding this year, and look forward to chilling with Barf (Ssick's girl) again!  wOOt!!

     So i putt it to you, the people I've come to know through a kick ass hobby.  From Rainbow Six to Raven Shield.  Questions:

a)  Is this something that interests you?

b)  If so, would you be willing to commit to a time and place sometime in between august 12th to the 15th for a Game Ranger gathering on Manhattan island?

c)  If so, would you be willing to get other on-line friends involved in this thread that are not otherwise checking out these forums?

     Keep in mind folks before you post.  This is a thought, an idea, something i think could turn out to be real fun.  I see no reason why this can't happen in even the smallest forum.  Bring a friend if your scared.

     Just please, does post BS, don't flame others even if you hate them through some words you've read at some point.  To promote this though preference i openly invite BTs_GhostSniper to come.  Though i way disagree with you on almost all political issues, i'm thankfull for the right side argument.  To see the other side of the argument, and in fact hope you come so we can have some heated conversation.  :)

Let the thread begin!  We have lot's of time to get this in stone.


Title: Re:North American East Side Gamers Meet 2004 - Manhattan Island
Post by: crypt on April 18, 2004, 04:59:45 pm
From what i'm reading, i'm guessing you're excluding teens. :(

Title: Re:North American East Side Gamers Meet 2004 - Manhattan Island
Post by: Ssickboy on April 18, 2004, 05:32:32 pm
One at a time please!  there're just too many replies.  

Even if it's just you / me, barf and her hot friends, and all your sister's hot friends.  what's that ratio, 25:1?  should be a blast.  I got an idea... change the forum title to "ATTN: NEW YORKERS!! and East Siders... PartaY!!" for that ratio to go down.  Or "New York gaming congregation/meet/reunion/convention" to stay about the same.  Either way, it will be so dope to see you.  

Title: Re:North American East Side Gamers Meet 2004 - Manhattan Island
Post by: Ssickboy on April 18, 2004, 05:34:08 pm
From what i'm reading, i'm guessing you're excluding teens. :(

house party?

Title: Re:North American East Side Gamers Meet 2004 - Manhattan Island
Post by: onwig on April 18, 2004, 05:45:58 pm
*cough *cough what about the rest of the world

flights from UK= ?495.20 GBP (average price / person)

would be kinda expensive to do it though ;)

Title: Re:North American East Side Gamers Meet 2004 - Manhattan Island
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on April 18, 2004, 10:03:05 pm
To promote this though preference i openly invite BTs_GhostSniper to come.  Though i way disagree with you on almost all political issues, i'm thankfull for the right side argument.  To see the other side of the argument, and in fact hope you come so we can have some heated conversation.  :)

Wow, a personal invite!  How cool is that!  Well, I may not be able to get up to Manhatten for it, but since you invited me I will NOT go looking for any overlooks to snipe you all from  ;)

Hope you guys have a blast!


-GhostSniper Out.

Title: Re:North American East Side Gamers Meet 2004 - Manhattan Island
Post by: BTs_Lee.Harvey on April 18, 2004, 10:33:33 pm
The doc talk ot me about this last night (b4 he posted).. sounds good... I will try if i can

Title: Re:North American East Side Gamers Meet 2004 - Manhattan Island
Post by: BFG on April 19, 2004, 01:59:13 pm
*cough *cough what about the rest of the world

flights from UK= ?495.20 GBP (average price / person)

would be kinda expensive to do it thoug

Alas, wiggy i believe we have to sit this one out... Funny i have a friend who's on her hols in New York as i type this very minute... If only i could have persuaded her to take a BFG size suitcase i might just have smuggled my way accros ;)

Have a good one :)

Title: Re:North American East Side Gamers Meet 2004 - Manhattan Island
Post by: Brutha on April 19, 2004, 02:14:30 pm
*cough *cough what about the rest of the world

flights from UK= ?495.20 GBP (average price / person)

would be kinda expensive to do it thoug

Alas, wiggy i believe we have to sit this one out... Funny i have a friend who's on her hols in New York as i type this very minute... If only i could have persuaded her to take a BFG size suitcase i might just have smuggled my way accros ;)

Have a good one :)

Uuuuh.....guys....instead of bitching about it, why not plan a gathering of your own...for euroes and excluding teens ;D

And remember to openly invite ghostsniper....I do not think he will fly across the pond to snipe ppl, but lets be on the safe side, eh? ;D

Title: Re:North American East Side Gamers Meet 2004 - Manhattan Island
Post by: BTs_FahQ2 on April 19, 2004, 05:37:13 pm
Well, my current abilities keep me from traveling east at this time.  But if you, splinter or anyone else ever come down to Southern California let me know.  I would be more than happy to buy you a beer and drink drink drink.

Title: Re:North American East Side Gamers Meet 2004 - Manhattan Island
Post by: cO.gabe on April 19, 2004, 10:21:34 pm
Awww...I was just in Manhattan for a week...bah.  I also live in the Bay Area and maybe some of us could hook up here sometime!  I have already hooked up with Kuza in SF and it was a lot of fun.  Where do you live Doc?  Does anyone else live near San Fran?  Lets party here!  Screw NY (hehe jk)!

Title: Re:North American East Side Gamers Meet 2004 - Manhattan Island
Post by: c| Dr. NO on April 20, 2004, 03:50:42 am
LOL ahh man this is to funny to reread.  I wrote this at about 5am after about 2 bottles of wine...can you tell?

Don't get me wrong, i still stand by this idea.

So, new plan.  Party at Ssick and Saye's house (all ages, B.Y.O.B) Saturday Aug. 14th!!  Please extend you thanks to Ssick and Saye for their out right willingness to host this event.

Doc :)

P.S.  Gabe:  I'm in Sunnyvale, you?

Title: Re:North American East Side Gamers Meet 2004 - Manhattan Island
Post by: Ssickboy on April 20, 2004, 03:52:02 am
omg you're still drunk... I can fit about 3 people in our place. k maybe more, I'll see what barf thinks about it.  (and meet wanda)

Title: Re:North American East Side Gamers Meet 2004 - Manhattan Island
Post by: Ssickboy on April 20, 2004, 03:54:14 am
plus I'm six flights walk-up.  Someone with a fat pad needs to host up.  

Another option....  I just visited a bad-ass bowling alley.  nice bar, cute waitresses, near NYU on University place.  called bowlmor lanes.  way cool.

Title: Re:North American East Side Gamers Meet 2004 - Manhattan Island
Post by: c| Dr. NO on April 20, 2004, 03:59:30 am
plus I'm six flights walk-up.  Someone with a fat pad needs to host up.  

Another option....  I just visited a bad-ass bowling alley.  nice bar, cute waitresses, near NYU on University place.  called bowlmor lanes.  way cool.

That is a fucking great idea!!  I just started learing the game, i've been twice now.  I'm down...i'll suck...but i'm there.

Title: Re:North American East Side Gamers Meet 2004 - Manhattan Island
Post by: cO.gabe on April 20, 2004, 04:27:26 am
Another option....  I just visited a bad-ass bowling alley.  nice bar, cute waitresses, near NYU on University place.  called bowlmor lanes.  way cool.

Oh my god.  I know I'm not good GR friends with you ssickboy, but we shoulda hooked up last week...i was at NYU 3 days ago!  I think I even saw that bowling alley (I'm not sure though).  Do u go to the Strand often?  Thats an awesome place.  My cousin goes to NYU and she showed me around the whole area.  Its a really cool place.  Do you know Kate? (haha jk)

And Dr. NO, I live in Mill Valley - it is just north of SF.  You probably haven't heard of it...it's a pretty small town.

Title: Re:North American East Side Gamers Meet 2004 - Manhattan Island
Post by: c| Spetsnaz. on April 20, 2004, 05:51:42 am
I'm there, as long as I have a place to pass out.

Title: Re:North American East Side Gamers Meet 2004 - Manhattan Island
Post by: c| Dr. NO on April 20, 2004, 07:00:07 am
Gabe:  Never heard of it...but i have a car and any chance to goto San Francisco i take.  We should hook up some saturday night.

Spetz:  I'll be staying with my sister.  It's a small ass 2 bedroom apt. with 3 people living in it.  One of the room mates just moved in his girlfriend from Canada.  I'll be flying there with my brother, that makes six...i'm not going to say no at this point, but the chances are slim sorry to say.  Ssick on the other hand might have a tub for you to sleep in.

...having said that....i forsee alot of fun....i might ask ssick to stay at his place as well for late night bong hits :)  or just all gather at the closest pad after...?...Ssick, thoughts?

Title: Re:North American East Side Gamers Meet 2004 - Manhattan Island
Post by: Ssickboy on April 20, 2004, 07:52:30 am
thats a maybe, i could finagle something.  But then again i don't know where I'll be living come August.  might be bigger.  might be the same.  We could most likely work something out.  

Title: Re:North American East Side Gamers Meet 2004 - Manhattan Island
Post by: c| Dr. NO on April 21, 2004, 05:04:47 am
C'mon guys!  Is that it for the East Siiiiiiiiiiiiide!?!?!

   Come out and play you Geeks!!   lol :P

Title: Re:North American East Side Gamers Meet 2004 - Manhattan Island
Post by: kos.viper on April 21, 2004, 07:49:20 pm
Come to Detroit and Bucc and I can rock your world.  ;)

Title: Re:North American East Side Gamers Meet 2004 - Manhattan Island
Post by: "Sixhits" on April 22, 2004, 01:50:12 am
Evening All North American East Side Gamers:

     An idea have entered my mind this late late ass night and i would like to hear some feed-back on it.

      Ssick told me he was coming to the bay area (this is where Doc lives [California]) and we thought...FUCK!  Let's hook up!  

No, No! Dude, you don't have to go fucking and hooking up in order to get ppl to visit you!


Title: Re:North American East Side Gamers Meet 2004 - Manhattan Island
Post by: "Sixhits" on April 22, 2004, 02:03:11 am
And when the hell is the So Cal drunk night?

I know there are at least a few of us who live in the LA area.

On a related note, anyone going to E3?

Title: Re:North American East Side Gamers Meet 2004 - Manhattan Island
Post by: Mr. Lothario on April 22, 2004, 03:09:47 am
     Roger on E3, woot. Oh, and I'm looking for somebody or somebodies to split a hotel room with in LA, or better yet, somebody to crash with. : D I'm going to be renting a car to make the drive from San Diego to LA, but it's a three-hour commute, and I did that every day of E3 last year. I'm trying my damndest to avoid it this time.

Title: Re:North American East Side Gamers Meet 2004 - Manhattan Island
Post by: c| Dr. NO on April 22, 2004, 03:10:33 am
And when the hell is the So Cal drunk night?

I know there are at least a few of us who live in the LA area.

On a related note, anyone going to E3?

E3?  I thought of this since i'm already going to be seeing Ssickboy and i remeber him telling me something about a huge '[01]' clan gathering...since i don't go out east much i figure it a good idea.

Title: Re:North American East Side Gamers Meet 2004 - Manhattan Island
Post by: Ace on April 22, 2004, 04:34:42 am
Hmm, E3 seems to start the day of my last final. That means I guess I'm up for any Socal drunk night (f I still have a car).

Title: Re:North American East Side Gamers Meet 2004 - Manhattan Island
Post by: c| Dr. NO on April 23, 2004, 06:00:25 am
...the hell is E3?

Title: Re:North American East Side Gamers Meet 2004 - Manhattan Island
Post by: "Sixhits" on April 23, 2004, 08:23:26 am
Er. No?

It's only the best gaming/electronics/fun new shite expo ever. And it's held in LA, in the Staples center.

Title: Re:North American East Side Gamers Meet 2004 - Manhattan Island
Post by: Mr. Lothario on April 23, 2004, 09:26:12 am
     May 12-14, IIRC. But you have to be affiliated with the gaming industry to get in. It's a trade show, not a show show.

Title: Re:North American East Side Gamers Meet 2004 - Manhattan Island
Post by: "Sixhits" on April 23, 2004, 07:43:52 pm
    May 12-14, IIRC. But you have to be affiliated with the gaming industry to get in. It's a trade show, not a show show.

I'm highly confident I can finangle an E3 pass or two. I'll need to do some research into it, but I know some ppl who know some ppl.

Title: Re:North American East Side Gamers Meet 2004 - Manhattan Island
Post by: Mr. Lothario on April 23, 2004, 10:13:27 pm
     Registration ended several weeks ago. You may still be able to pull it off, but time is against you.

Title: Re:North American East Side Gamers Meet 2004 - Manhattan Island
Post by: cO.Vickedson on April 29, 2004, 05:40:25 am
Much of the [01] clan does live in the New York City area...in fact alot of us know each other well and always hang out anyway so we are definately down for a "summit"....

Myself, Carbon, Vegito, and Myth....well, Myth just moved to Miami, all live right around here and have had the pleasure of Ssickboy attending one of my illustrious house parties...Crazy mutherfucker hung out for at least an hour before letting me know who he was, that was fuckin funny.

Anyways, let me know what you guys want to do.  I can easily have a party at my place where there will be tons of ass and kegs galore....just like high school.  Or we can go out, whatever you're feelin.  Maybe we can get Collins to drive over from Wisconsin...he stayed at my crib for a couple days a while back.....or we could drag the infamous Scrabbler out of Queens and let him preach Mormonism to us.............

Whatever it is it's cool.  On a side note I have been traveling to LA alot recently for a project I'm working on out there...for anyone who's interested I'm working on designing the new Supreme clothing store on Fairfax Ave. in Hollywood, go check it out.  I'll be back out over the summer for most likely a big opening party with Tony Hawk and Jamie Thomas types there so I'll let all the LA heads know and you can come by...

BTW, I think Revolt is heading to E3 this year I think so hit him up and punch him in the mouth for me.

Title: Re:North American East Side Gamers Meet 2004 - Manhattan Island
Post by: "Sixhits" on April 29, 2004, 06:33:36 am

just like high school.  

you kids are so young. ;-)

Feel likes only ... two years ago i was drinking so much i'd puke all over my girlfriend when I nailed her. The memories.

Title: Re:North American East Side Gamers Meet 2004 - Manhattan Island
Post by: cO.Vickedson on April 29, 2004, 08:55:02 pm
Feel likes only ... two years ago i was drinking so much i'd puke all over my girlfriend when I nailed her. The memories.

Well....  I never did that, but hey....whatever floats yur boat.

Title: Re:North American East Side Gamers Meet 2004 - Manhattan Island
Post by: c| Dr. NO on May 01, 2004, 04:44:31 am
Hey Wick, sounds great man!  Where abouts do you live?  Not sure how far i'll be able to get...hope your on M. island.

Title: Re:North American East Side Gamers Meet 2004 - Manhattan Island
Post by: cO.Vickedson on May 01, 2004, 06:34:16 pm
I live in Midtown Manhattan.

I work a block from where Ssickboy lives apparently.

Title: Re:North American East Side Gamers Meet 2004 - Manhattan Island
Post by: Ssickboy on May 02, 2004, 02:09:57 am
I work a block from where Ssickboy lives apparently.

and I think that information should remain undisclosed.  Cause I wouldn't want online threats to know that I live at First Avenue and 46th Street, New York 10001.  

King of Pop's in town right now.  Gonna get some drinks tonight.  

A house party would be cool.   A night on the town would also be a blast.  

Title: Re:North American East Side Gamers Meet 2004 - Manhattan Island
Post by: cO.Vickedson on May 03, 2004, 06:21:54 am
Cause I wouldn't want online threats to know that I live at First Avenue and 46th Street, New York 10001.  

Liar.....there's no way 1st and 46th is in the 10001 zip code.  Because that was my old zip code back when I live at 7th Ave and 27th Street.

callin you out!

but whatever, keep us informed fellas

Title: Re:North American East Side Gamers Meet 2004 - Manhattan Island
Post by: cO.Kuza on May 03, 2004, 07:08:54 am
Doc, when you get back you can come meet up with gabe, blufire , venom and I.

We could go to the Wired Nextfest or somthing. PM me when you get back