Title: Finals for future seasons Post by: SAR(VoLaTile) on April 12, 2004, 09:17:59 pm I feel this issue should be brought up...I have seen many good clans make 5th and 6th place, that could have taken the whole thing. For example in RvS BoC started late into the season, but they were a very good clan, and had a very possible chance of taking it all, MP didn't make the finals because of a damn close last minute cb with BTs, where anyone could have taken it.
For GhR, 01 clan didn't start too well but later towars the season finished strong and proved to be a very good clan, they didnt make the finals, but could have taken it. cO started late in the season, and was beating many good clans, this is another clan that could have taken it. I also personally liked the finals as a bigger deal than just 4 clans makign it and cbing a couple of times. I enjoyed the wildcard rule too, made everyhting more fun to me. I know many people will argue that more people in the finals will bring more complications to the finals, but with the new rules up, and the standard set time, I don't think this will be a problem. If admins don't like this poll for whatever reason, feel free to delete it, but I thought this issue should be brought up. Vote wisely, and leave reasons for your vote please. P.S.: This is just incase Loth's idea does not apply for next season Title: Re:Finals for future seasons Post by: Acri on April 14, 2004, 10:53:16 pm I agree on everything except 01 being able to take our spot. It is rightfully ours. :)
I'd like to see the top 6 clans in the finals! Title: Re:Finals for future seasons Post by: crypt on April 15, 2004, 12:02:05 am This idea is dead, Loth's idea is much new and improved.
Should be instated immediately. Title: Re:Finals for future seasons Post by: SAR(VoLaTile) on April 15, 2004, 12:38:35 am Well, like i said...this is just incase Loth's idea gets rejected.
Title: Re:Finals for future seasons Post by: cO.Vickedson on April 15, 2004, 12:57:19 am I agree on everything except 01 being able to take our spot. It is rightfully ours. :) I'd like to see the top 6 clans in the finals! What the fuck is that supposed to mean? BTW- learn some respect...... it's [01] Title: Re:Finals for future seasons Post by: Acri on April 20, 2004, 10:53:41 pm It meant:
AW MAN QUIT THAT! We won because we were the best this season and [01] wouldnt have beat us in the finals anyhow Title: Re:Finals for future seasons Post by: Aramarth on April 21, 2004, 12:23:56 am Locked by request of one of the involved parties. Voting may continue.