*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => *DAMN Battle League(*DBL) => Topic started by: l ! l Dutchman on April 12, 2004, 02:39:22 pm

Title: Winner badges version 2.0
Post by: l ! l Dutchman on April 12, 2004, 02:39:22 pm
Hey all,

I adjusted the winnerbadges. The difference between RvS and GhR is more vissible now. I hope you all like it.

The clans who won a GhR season can mail me so i can adjust their previous winnerbadge and sent them a new version.... dutchman@core-clan.com

Later all!

| ! | Dutchman


Title: Re:Winner badges version 2.0
Post by: Toxic::Joka on April 12, 2004, 06:44:24 pm
Looks nice, good job dutch  :)

Title: Re:Winner badges version 2.0
Post by: crypt on April 12, 2004, 10:01:17 pm
Who's doing the Fun ladder winner badges? I would guess Mauti or Dutchman.

By the way, very nice job with the RvS ladder icon (and GhR too, of course), looks nice and clean!

Title: Re:Winner badges version 2.0
Post by: :MoD:Shade on April 12, 2004, 10:07:39 pm
Are there any runner-up badges??  ;)

Title: Re:Winner badges version 2.0
Post by: crypt on April 12, 2004, 10:10:14 pm
No, but a few clans thought it wise to "edit" the winner icon to fit their place. If you don't win, you don't get an icon I guess.

Title: Re:Winner badges version 2.0
Post by: Stripes on April 12, 2004, 10:11:17 pm
awww, i want one of em ! =P REALLY REALLY Nice ... Where can i dl em ? j/k :p

Title: Re:Winner badges version 2.0
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on April 12, 2004, 10:23:27 pm
Who's doing the Fun ladder winner badges? I would guess Mauti or Dutchman.
By the way, very nice job with the RvS ladder icon (and GhR too, of course), looks nice and clean!

Yeah, I'm patiently awaiting the badges for 1st Place in GhR CQB and America's Army.

On a side note, can BTs have a special Badge that says:

Battle League
Banned Season VIII

Title: Re:Winner badges version 2.0
Post by: crypt on April 12, 2004, 10:26:19 pm
For our CQB Ladder icon, it will most likely say Season 5,6,& 7 Winners.

Title: Re:Winner badges version 2.0
Post by: l ! l Dutchman on April 13, 2004, 12:01:14 am
At the moment there are two "official" BattleLeagues. GhR-team and RvS-team.
There is no official Damn Badge for the fun ladders, but I have seen a fun badge around which I didn't create. I guess you are free to use that one if your clan won a fun ladder.
If you want the real stuff you just have to win an "official" season in GhR or RvS ;)

Best regards,
| ! | Dutchman

Title: Re:Winner badges version 2.0
Post by: crypt on April 13, 2004, 12:10:22 am
It must have been Mauti that created it Dutch, thanks for the explanation.

Title: Re:Winner badges version 2.0
Post by: BFG on April 15, 2004, 07:59:53 pm
Very pretty. Very pretty indeed :0)   so what will the AA icon look like? and the future GhR2 icon!! ;)