Title: What happen to the ladder? / why Po)| is not in it ? Post by: Po)| Plo Koon on April 05, 2004, 03:07:34 am Hi all, I'm just wondering why after we grab #9 position b4 finals, we ( Po)| ) are no in the final list of the ladder?
in other words, we was in the #9 position and now we are out at all of the ladder record. WHY ? Please fix it, cause we played almost all the season and we are proud of our job in it. thanks 8) ??? Title: Re:What happen to the ladder? / why Po)| is not in it ? Post by: SAR(VoLaTile) on April 05, 2004, 05:01:03 am Didn't Noreaga leave gameranger for good? maybe he took you guys off. Don't know just a guess.
Title: Re:What happen to the ladder? / why Po)| is not in it ? Post by: BTs_Lee.Harvey on April 05, 2004, 06:39:31 am no.. Nor left.. but turned over controll of po)| to nurdura
Title: Re:What happen to the ladder? / why Po)| is not in it ? Post by: ~Po~ TiroFino on April 05, 2004, 03:56:22 pm Right before Noreaga left, we gathered as a Clan and elected Nurdurah (Murdurah) as our new Clan Leader!
Po)| is here to stay !!!!!!! Title: Re:What happen to the ladder? / why Po)| is not in it ? Post by: Aramarth on April 05, 2004, 04:20:15 pm Uh guys... I went to check for ya, and you are right there. Ninth place... Maybe someone else fixed it and didn't mention it.
Ara Title: Re:What happen to the ladder? / why Po)| is not in it ? Post by: Civrock on April 05, 2004, 06:21:27 pm oops, that was me, heh. :)
Title: Re:What happen / ty ty ty ty Post by: Po)| Plo Koon on April 06, 2004, 03:00:30 am Ok, now is good
Thanks, Thank You very Much, muchas gracias, tytytytytytyttytyty ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D np Civic 8) Title: Re:What happen to the ladder? / why Po)| is not in it ? Post by: Civrock on April 06, 2004, 03:06:37 am grateful people make a BL admin happy. :D
Title: Re 8) Post by: Po)| Plo Koon on April 06, 2004, 03:37:55 am Is a shame not all the administrators in the world, specially in my building arent so cool as here. Nice job guys, keep doing it cause u do great. ;) Title: Re:What happen to the ladder? / why Po)| is not in it ? Post by: [01] Ein? on April 10, 2004, 03:26:17 am Hey Plo, could you pull your head a bit away from Civic's but?
...kiss...kiss...kiss.. Just kidding. I still love you Civic and Plo ..Well Plo, at least. We do appreciate the things the admins do for us lowly players Ein :P Title: Re:What happen to the ladder? / why Po)| is not in it ? Post by: GhRa> Skipper on April 13, 2004, 12:18:14 am lol!!!!! ;D ::)
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