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*DAMN R6 Community => Gaming (All your Gaming needs are here!) => Topic started by: Rev) on March 27, 2004, 03:03:53 am

Title: RvS Tip#1:
Post by: Rev) on March 27, 2004, 03:03:53 am
A neat trick to do to Raven Shield before actually hacking it, is to mess around with its bind movement keys.

Open up User.ini (Raven Shield Data/Profiles/Save/)

If you like to have lower position and move faster use this combo.

LeftMouse=primaryfire | LowerPosture | OnRelease RaisePosture

If you would like to lean and move at the same time use...


You can add more actions to any keys by selecting them approprietly.


Title: Re:RvS Tip#1:
Post by: Supernatural Pie on March 29, 2004, 09:49:04 pm
Does this happen in multplayer as well?

If so, it would really piss me off... just thinking about MOHAA, all of the lean-while-running guys looked retarded.

Title: Re:RvS Tip#1:
Post by: crypt on March 29, 2004, 10:03:42 pm
Not only did they look gay but it was so annoying trying to hit them in the head.

My thoughts were (as well as another person) that this might be construed as cheating. Anyone else?

Title: Re:RvS Tip#1:
Post by: Rev) on March 29, 2004, 10:28:37 pm
Yes this is avalible in any game format.

Title: Re:RvS Tip#1:
Post by: Supernatural Pie on March 30, 2004, 05:26:11 am
If it can be used in Multiplayer, I would absolutely consider it cheating.

In my opinion, since the game was not designed to be able to do that, it should be considered a "glitch" and punished accordingly.

On the other hand, I certainly do not want to see the Raven Shield ladder turned into the Ghost Recon ladder with glitching accusations every three seconds.

Hmm. This presents quite a problem.

Title: Re:RvS Tip#1:
Post by: Revelation on March 30, 2004, 07:52:49 am
Well their is far worse to Raven Shield. Its when you start scripting I say can be called cheating. Be nice to dicuss about the admins on how far of RvS tweeks is cheating or not. Any thoughts?

Title: Re:RvS Tip#1:
Post by: BTs_FahQ2 on March 30, 2004, 11:10:35 pm
Well in AA these Binds are considered definitely cheating.  I have seen it many times people running and leaning and is just plain unfair.  It's a scripted advantage.

So yes, ban this and ban it we must.  But how do you prove? There are no replays in RVS and you sure as hell won't get anywhere with his word against mine.

Very interesting.

Title: Re:RvS Tip#1:
Post by: crypt on March 31, 2004, 01:45:39 am
If most people think like me, they won't give a fuck about this, I didn't even want to when I first saw it, looks stupid.

Title: Re:RvS Tip#1:
Post by: Revelation on March 31, 2004, 05:50:11 am
Its more the idea of Simple RvS scripting before using "hard cheats" and neverless this single one i pointed out.

Title: Re:RvS Tip#1:
Post by: th.Sentinel on March 31, 2004, 04:44:33 pm
Well any scripting should be banned from the BL, it gives you an advantage towards other players who don't know these kind of tricks. I even find the .ini tweaks to get better framerates some sort of cheat, because a new RvS player doesn't know about this and it can give you some real advantages getting 90+ fps instead of 15-20. But there is no way to prove such things...

Title: Re:RvS Tip#1:
Post by: Fishy on March 31, 2004, 06:50:24 pm
If getting better performance is cheating, then you must be a big cheater, since you have a dual G5 :)

Title: Re:RvS Tip#1:
Post by: Revelation on April 01, 2004, 03:45:34 am
There is not much you guys can do to detect simple script tweeks ect...

Title: Re:RvS Tip#1:
Post by: BTs_Lee.Harvey on April 06, 2004, 11:44:30 am
well you can run lean w/ out scripting... (if you know how to get your fingers on all the right buttons at once :o) so it would be hard to tell if some one had it scripted or just got good at doing it manualy!!!

Title: Re:RvS Tip#1:
Post by: Raven? / Kip? on April 29, 2004, 05:15:27 pm
Well I do not that you can peek right or left and side step left or right already. Maybe not with perfect accuracy, but if you hold peek left and sidestep left at the same time, you can peak and sidestep in that direction at the same time.  It only works like that easily if you use the defaul controls of w = forward, s =backward, a = left, d = right, q = peek right, and e = peek left. so therefore if you hold q+a around a corner you peek and sidestep left. I don't know if anyone does this, but holding down the two keys is just as easy as one since they are so close....but whatever. I would consider it cheating cuz you are modifying your controls to make a greater shortcut.  but then again the peek sidestep one doesnt make much of a difference...but the crouch and fire is really modifying it outside the box.

Title: Re:RvS Tip#1:
Post by: c| PsyOps on April 30, 2004, 09:08:22 am
well you can run lean w/ out scripting

Hell yeah-- you can run in every direction and lean--I've been doing it since I got the game--just hold q or e while running around as usual.

Title: Re:RvS Tip#1:
Post by: BFG on April 30, 2004, 08:33:16 pm
Not sure if you could really qualify this as cheating can u?? All the user is doing is customising their key set up to how they like it... personally i wouldn't do it as hell u wouldn't always say want to be crouching when u fire... as an example... but a neat trick none the less

Title: Re:RvS Tip#1:
Post by: Rev) on April 30, 2004, 09:57:33 pm
Less on this one bind and more on the broad idea. You can bind other keys such as.. Making your gun automaticaly go to single shot on zoom. Physical binds should be banned if thats what you guys are argreeing on.