*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => General Gossip => Topic started by: DF| DeadZone on October 07, 2001, 06:59:24 pm

Title: KoS Be brave and CB non newbie clans
Post by: DF| DeadZone on October 07, 2001, 06:59:24 pm
hi everyone

I would like to say to KoS that you guys are pussy's!
OMG you only cb newbie clans that just started , that is why you have so many wins, i heard you guys cbed Virus and lost, but too bad you guys made it a friendly cb! Have some guts, jeeze. Cb a good clan like pysco, SEALS, six,swat,damn(dont pussy out),ice, and sac.
oh and i feel that kit's record shouldnt go under the same ranks for the BL. MAUTI FIX THIS!!! please! and i feel that the adminstrator for the battle league shouldnt be an administrator

Title: Re: KoS Be brave and CB non newbie clans
Post by: DF| DeadZone on October 07, 2001, 07:00:53 pm
clan* not admin for the last sentence

Title: Re: KoS Be brave and CB non newbie clans
Post by: ?{RiP}? Vapor on October 07, 2001, 08:32:25 pm

First of all, you have no right to say that. And let me tell you a lil story. Ok, well KoS only basically plays RS but they play R6 to CB. So one nite when I was in SEALs me and ace decided to CB with KoS Ultimo and KoS Viper. Well, they beat us. Job well done there. It was a good CB. No bickering and it went into double overtime because it was tied after 10. So don't be calling them pussies for CBing newbie clans, because their record is something like 18-0. And that pretty much means that they probably CBed all the real clans (god knows there are very few of them) and now they CBing whoever they can. So just leave them alone.

Title: Re: KoS Be brave and CB non newbie clans
Post by: SilentbutDeadly on October 07, 2001, 09:33:43 pm
u told us to cb swat? we already did.  U told us to cb damn, ice, psyco? we are more than ready and willing.  U told us to cb sac? WE DONT PLAY R6 THAT MUCH SO SHUT UR MOUTH

u really dont have much of a right to talk shit about kos, but  Its expected from not as mature people.  I'm used to it, and your tirade  here doesnt do anything except make you look like a dumbass immature fool .  

BLAH! thats how i feel about   u ;D

Title: Re: KoS Be brave and CB non newbie clans
Post by: kos.viper on October 07, 2001, 09:35:02 pm
Ok you fucking no name pussy, there is no clan DF and ur not even listed as a player on GR

.... First off if u have even taken ur fucking dumbass over to the KoS site and taken a look at the cb's, u might of seen that was HAVE in fact cb almost all of the clans, but they have not been all official. ?

So far the only clan taht we have lost to is PsYcO cuz they be bad ;)...... and uh Deadfuck, we have cb'd SWAT and as Vapor said, we cb'd SEALs too... so i think you should shut ur fucking pussy mouth... and i dont believe u have rights to all us pussies, mb u should try to become a better player then accuse us of being "pussies".... ?

Oh, and btw... if you were smart enuff, you would be able to tell from the stats in the BL and the news in the BL that we have not infact only battlled newbie clans...

:-[ ::)

Title: Re: KoS Be brave and CB non newbie clans
Post by: PsYcO aSsAsSiN on October 07, 2001, 09:45:36 pm
you all dont get it, this DF| character is either
A) Romulus, or
B) one of his cronies

Also, us administrators(Ultimo and myself) are doing a hell of a good job. Even Mauti himself said so. I have a lot of respect for KoS and would like to meet them in combat for round two...because round one was close (6-4 us) and also because PsYcO vs KoS is always a good fight.

As for KiT, they disbanded, so WTF are you talking about. KoS is a good clan and your accusation that they fight newbie clans only comes because often, that is all there is to fight at any given time. It would be really interesting to reveal your true self so we could all rip on you some more.

Title: Re: KoS Be brave and CB non newbie clans
Post by: Grifter on October 07, 2001, 10:04:37 pm
I have to stick right up for Ultimo and Ass(assin) here.  I think they have both done a hella job as BL administrators.  Not only have they been fair and worked hard to keep the ladder as up to date as I've ever seen it... but they are willing to discuss their decisions in an open forum, and even take advise from some of the more respectible people around here.  Sorry, but they've put up with too much of this shit.  I haven't always agreed with either one of them, but they are both deserving of my respect for the job they've done (and continue to do).  So until sombody has something bad to say about them that can be backed up with a little proof (or it at least comes from a reliable, known source), don't make yourself look like such a dumbass.  Shit, nobody liked Rom, and these two guys defended him against a newbie with a chat log of what happened... what in the hell makes someone think that they should be booted just because they belong to a clan.  Who here doesn't??  (Besides Vapor... and a few others that are just "between clans").

As to the issue of KoS CB'ing only newbie clans.... hell, Ultimo challenges every clan he sees.  I only wish I knew how he talks them into CB's... since I can't.  And yes, KoS beat SWAT.  But SWAT and KoS and PsYcO can't just cb each other all the time... that would be stupid and boring.  So, all you clans out there that say "why don't you pick on sombody your own size" (because that's what this argument is), I say have some damn pride in your clan.  The only way to get better is to CB with the big boys.  I know that SWAT isn't going to participate in any "Friendly CB's" as they are just a stupid way for clans that are unsure of themselves to practice, without letting a deserving clan the chance to move up the ladder.

The only bad thing I can say about KoS at all is that Ultimo wont let them CB without him... and that's his right as the leader of the clan.

Title: Re: KoS Be brave and CB non newbie clans
Post by: electronicjo on October 07, 2001, 10:12:59 pm
OMG!, no explanation needed....we always get shit like this....

Title: Re: KoS Be brave and CB non newbie clans
Post by: +-KOS-+ DESTRUCTO on October 07, 2001, 10:14:32 pm
::) ;D

Deadman...boooooooooo fuckin hooooooooo

Deadman any fuckin day you want us you got us....

That goes for all the clans in GR...




+-KoS-+ Destructo

What the fuck did you call me?

Title: Re: KoS Be brave and CB non newbie clans
Post by: SilentbutDeadly on October 07, 2001, 10:17:03 pm
well grift, i dont mind that rule of ults, cause he's kinda FUCKIN AWSOME at rs.  or at least better than me, and thats's hard to do  ;)

BLAH! heh

Title: Re: KoS Be brave and CB non newbie clans
Post by: KoS Ultimo on October 07, 2001, 10:21:08 pm
OMG, this is gonna take a while......

First off.... i appreciate everyone's respect for +-KoS-+ and sticking up for us (vapor, assassin). However, this is not the first time some arrogant big headed fuck talked shit about +-KoS-+. I mean, shit talking always comes to the best clans.


i heard you guys cbed Virus and lost, but too bad you guys made it a friendly cb! Have some guts, jeeze.

OK. Referring to that comment : +-KoS-+ was willing to make that a REAL clan battle the whole time. When i asked Sniper-Man to clan battle he said "only if we do it as friendly". So we were not the people that asked for a friendly, and we dont deserve to be critized by it. Its too bad because it could have been our first loss, congrats to ViRuS once again.


Cb a good clan like pysco, SEALS, six,swat,damn(dont pussy out),ice, and sac.

OK....Obviously you dont keep up on currect affairs... Are you aware of the USA and the terroism war ? i wouldnt be suprised if it was the first news to you.... +-KoS-+ has cb'ed Swat, SEALs, Psyco. We beat Swat and SEALs, however lost to psyco (gj assassin and psyco).Also i would like to mention that SiX doesnt clan battle, so it is impossible to fight them....dumbass....


The only bad thing I can say about KoS at all is that Ultimo wont let them CB without him... and that's his right as the leader of the clan.

You know, alot of people have been critizing me about this issue....however i do it for one simple reason. If we do happen to lose, i want to learn from my mistakes...i mean hell, thats what clan battling is all about...LEARNING. Also, i believe i would like to blame myself then have to take my anger out on somebody in my clan.

In closing.... DF| Deadzone, i would like to ask to you reviel yourself.... if you got some balls then you wouldnt fucking critize the #1 clan without letting people get a chance to critize you. Hiding behind a name (Romulus's clan by the way) is a Pussy thing to do, and you call +-KoS-+ pussies. b    a    h !

Title: Re: KoS Be brave and CB non newbie clans
Post by: Bondo on October 07, 2001, 10:52:00 pm
For the record, I challanged KoS to R6 CB last week telling them to find a time and we would be there and I haven't heard from them since.  They also told me that most of them don't play R6.  I won't say that is because they are avoiding it, but if they don't want to CB R6 they should be listed on that ladder.  BTW, I am desperately looking for a R6 CB for DAMN to fight in but no one wants too, just send us a few time options and I'll make sure we have enough there to CB.

Title: Re: KoS Be brave and CB non newbie clans
Post by: +-KoS-+ DESTRUCTO on October 07, 2001, 10:52:28 pm

ppl always criticize the way thing are worked for Kos...mainly that Ulti has to be on for a cb...

What is wrong with that anyway???

Ulti has a right to do what he wishes with his own clan, when you have your own you can do whatever you want..

Wouldn't you want the most talented ppl on your clan to fight cb's???

Hell i would...

Deadman a.k.a Romulus can talk all the shit he wants, until he is 12-0 or has a respectable clan with respectable members like everyone else, he has no right to open that fat ass mouth of his to critisize.....Here at KoS we cb any who ask us, half the time we have ot go out and look for one.....

I commend the way Grifter got away from the wife to comment and Assasin for standing up for what is right and responsible...

Deadman you are a poor excuse of an RS player....if i was in your clan or the leader of the clan you are in i would be ashamed and astonished how much you talk shit.,..


To me you are a piece of trash and your name being on this forum or even in GR is a disgrace to what is good..

so for the good of this forum, the admins and all the players on RS...


because i'm sure everyone would like to meet you....

fuck you

+-Kos-+ Destructo ;D

Title: Re: KoS Be brave and CB non newbie clans
Post by: KoS Ultimo on October 07, 2001, 11:02:38 pm

For the record, I challanged KoS to R6 CB last week telling them to find a time and we would be there and I haven't heard from them since.

Bondo : i would have to disagree with that comment. When you confronted me about a possible R6 battle, i said "sure" and you said you would get back to me. I think it was about 5 days ago when you came back online and said that you want to, and that you will make sure *DAMN is online when I want to clan battle. I remember saying to you that whenever *DAMN is online, and +-KoS-+ has R6 players online, we would accept the challenge. Once again, i want to CB, dont think we are pussies too....

Title: Re: KoS Be brave and CB non newbie clans
Post by: Geoff Russel on October 07, 2001, 11:08:28 pm
Hey, it's GORF everyone
from DA, CIA, MI6, and currently FBI......

1st off, i would like to say that the post about KoS is absolutly bullshit, they are the best in the world.  They can take out anyone, anytime, NO QUESTIONS ASKED.  Even though Ultimo didn't let me into KoS, i am still going to say that they OWN.  Like, it's not even funny.  I have ulti on the HBS and he's comin around the corner, and i start firing my PDW a half second in advance to hit him......   and yet 5 secs later, i am looking at a screen with a red cross next to my name.  They are INSANELY good.  anyway, it's bedtime 4 me, i'll vent about this later.

G-NIGHT ALL   :)    

Title: Re: KoS Be brave and CB non newbie clans
Post by: <=KSK>= Bl?ck M?gic on October 07, 2001, 11:12:46 pm
::) Dude suck it up and stop bitching, KoS is a great clan and they dont just cb newbie clans, so suck it up dont bitch cuz DF sucks

Title: Re: KoS Be brave and CB non newbie clans
Post by: Bondo on October 08, 2001, 09:46:44 am
Sorry for the misunderstanding Ultimo.  I thought you were going to find out when you could do the CB and then tell me.  Either way, who are R6 players so I know who I should be looking for online to CB.  I guess we can make it a 2v2 if it is going to be a spontaneous CB.

Title: Re: KoS Be brave and CB non newbie clans
Post by: KoS Ultimo on October 08, 2001, 12:23:36 pm
I believe the current r6 eligable players in +-KoS-+ are HockeyGuy, Viper?, Electronicjo, punisher, and myself. Sorry if i left anyone out, but i dont really know many r6 players being that we specialize in Rogue Spear.

Title: Re: KoS Be brave and CB non newbie clans
Post by: *DAMN Postal Worker on October 08, 2001, 01:07:22 pm
Look, I've said my share of negatice things on KoS...as well as good things too.  Ult and I were once very good friends...I don't know what happened there, but I'd rather not go into it.  (Pressed for time, Im in Computer Prog Class) KoS is a good clan with above average players.  Just because they may have started with new clans and whatnot doesn't mean that they are scared of "older" clans.  I don't think thats the case.  I have to give KoS props for CBing more than anyone.  
Now, once Ult had approaced me with an offer to join KoS.  Like I am now, I was in *DAMN.  I politely said that I would think about it...but after a moment I said to myself "*DAMN is my home...I can't leave it for this other clan."  I don't think it was a mistake not to join KoS just because their win record is high.  I've found more in *DAMN then I could ever hope in another clan.  I respect KoS (even though It may seem that I don't sometimes...Sry Ult) and I wish them the best of luck.
Now to the other guys...don't target a clan just because they are winning.  It isn't everything.  I see *DAMN as not the "greatest" or "most powerful" clan...but I'm willing to bet I enjoy myself here more than I would any other.  Its fun here...I've made lots of new friends while staying in contact with the old ones from my early days here.  So guys, in closing, it really doesn't matter if a rival clan is winner or not.  Don't try to make people disrespect them just because your jealous.  They worked hard...give em some credit.  

Title: sorry
Post by: DF| DeadZone on October 08, 2001, 03:41:49 pm
I would like to apoligize.. i have accused the clan with out doing research as most of you already stated. I guess i am just kind of sad that KoS (a recently new clan) is in 1st. Well i would like to say that i was truthfully wrong and would like to offer my hand in friend ship to all those i have upsetted. I just accused you of that cuz when i look at the damn sites. it says KoS vs some new clan... But yet i should have looked at KoS's site to see the truth.. Yet again i was wrong.. and i was proven that KoS is a truely great clan.

Sorry once again,
  DF| DeadZone

Title: Re: KoS Be brave and CB non newbie clans
Post by: Grifter on October 08, 2001, 06:30:01 pm
Just to make sure you all understand... I only made one little negative comment about KoS.. I give all due respect to them as a clan, and Ultimo and Ass(assin) as BL admins.  They deserve it.

I have a legit reason for questioning the practice of Ultimo not allowing CB's without him (and, as I already stated, this is his right).  That reason is he gave us much shit for trying to wait for our best players to be online... I heard it from both Ultimo and Electronicjo when I wanted to wait for CIV to show up.  So, the trash talking done back then by you guys is the ONLY reason I think I can give you shit about it.  

Title: Re: KoS Be brave and CB non newbie clans
Post by: SiGmA_X on October 09, 2001, 10:19:58 am
DeadZone - No using my clan's name. You are not in Clan DeltaForce, and have no right in using the name or tag.

Assassin - DeadZone isn't me or one of my friends. He is a imposter.

BlackMagic - If I had more member's, you would be on the CB Tray, heh. And about not having members, I have no intrest in having members... I am happy in my own clan, as a "Army of one", heh.

-Th3 Sp0t [Romulus]

Title: Re: KoS Be brave and CB non newbie clans
Post by: Black Sheep on October 09, 2001, 10:28:33 am
hahaha, "army of one" **wipes tear from eye** anyway, its ovious that Deadzone isnt rom, because rom knows that KOS battled tons of veteran clans, and unless he was TRYING to make himself look like an idiot.....

Title: Re: KoS Be brave and CB non newbie clans
Post by: KoS Ultimo on October 09, 2001, 03:01:17 pm

?I don't think it was a mistake not to join KoS just because their win record is high.

Postal, when i asked you if you were interested in joining +-KoS-+, it was before we even started clan battleing. And i do think i remember you asking me to  put you on the +-KoS-+ roster as a "+-KoS-+ ally" but i disagreed with that idea. So dont make it seem like i tried to pick you up for kos just because we had, and still have a great record.


I guess i am just kind of sad that KoS (a recently new clan) is in 1st.

Sorry once again,
? DF| DeadZone

Hmmmm..... What do you consider a new clan ??? Geek USA (my first recruit) was recruited on June 27th. So are you trying to say that a clan which is almost in 4 months of existence is a new clan ?? how weird. Do some more research........


That reason is he gave us much shit for trying to wait for our best players to be online... I heard it from both Ultimo and Electronicjo when I wanted to wait for CIV to show up.

Grift.... I would like to apologize for that situation. At the time i was feeling very nervous and anxious about the SWAT clan battle because i knew if we lost....poeple would think that +-KoS-+ was not a great clan. I remember trying to set up a clan battle with Swat for a very long time and in that situation, i think Swat had over 4 different Swats online. You told me you wanted to wait for Civ to get online, and yea it mad me upset. Its my fault, i should have respected that decision... Sorry. :(

link=board=GR&num=1002495565&start=20#21 date=10/09/01 at 06:19:58]
You are not in Clan DeltaForce, and have no right in using the name or tag.

Romulus, in saying that he has no right in using the delta force tag, you have no right to wear it either. Maybe you are not aware of this but the U.S Special Ops team is called Delta Force, and they are risking their lives protecting the U.S.A right now in our war against terrioism and afganistan....so stfu.

Title: Re: KoS Be brave and CB non newbie clans
Post by: jn.blackhand on October 09, 2001, 05:09:43 pm
wait. romulus' delta force is based on a real group???

next thing you'll be saying is that the CIA is also some real organization. lol.

Title: Re: KoS Be brave and CB non newbie clans
Post by: KoS Ultimo on October 09, 2001, 05:23:43 pm
Actually, Romulus is so dumb, he probably doesnt even know its based on a real group, thats why i was pointing out he has no right to wear a delta force tag. period.

Title: Re: KoS Be brave and CB non newbie clans
Post by: SiGmA_X on October 09, 2001, 06:19:51 pm
Utl. I do in fact know that DeltaForce is over in the Middle East and that it's team members are risking their lifes for us. One of my friends from school's dad was in DeltaForce in 'Nam for four year's, in fact, and he went on many mission's.


Title: Re: KoS Be brave and CB non newbie clans
Post by: KoS Ultimo on October 09, 2001, 07:33:44 pm
So answer me one question :

What gives you the right to wear the tag ??

Title: Re: KoS Be brave and CB non newbie clans
Post by: Grifter on October 09, 2001, 08:14:23 pm
Ultimo, no worries with me.  I'm just explaining for the masses what you and I worked out long ago.  My point, which was not said well... and was missed because I didn't say it well... was that I could say only that one little thing bad about KoS... and I even still had a reason to.  So the thing is... people that didn't have that little confrontation with Ultimo (again, no worries) about who's in a CB... doesn't really have a reason to question even that.  

A pretty long winded way to say to those who like to bash the guy on top to shut the fuck up unless and until you have a real reason to bash someone.

So Ultimo, sorry if you thought I was brining up things that were done and buried... It just didn't come out right.  

Title: Re: KoS Be brave and CB non newbie clans
Post by: PsYcO aSsAsSiN on October 09, 2001, 09:05:54 pm

1) Officially, there is no such unit as "Delta Force"...it is a myth (because the Pentagon denies its existance) that supposedly is comprised of the best of the best Navy SEALs.

2) Romulus, you are the worst liar ever. For one, even if your friend's dad was in Delta Force, he would not be allowed to mention it. Secondly, no one, even Navy SEALs were subjected to four years of active duty in Vietnam.

3) Blackhand, what do you expect from someone who cant think of an original acronymn?

4) I still believe this guy is one of Romulus' cronies

5) Romulus, you infact dont have a fucking clue exactly what Spec Ops units are in the Middle East. Only units we know about are the bigger units from Ft. Bragg and the 10th Mtn. Division. Spec Ops deployments are highly classified.

Now that I have done my 30 seconds of venting, back to studying for the SAT for this saturday...grrrrrr

Title: Re: KoS Be brave and CB non newbie clans
Post by: SiGmA_X on October 09, 2001, 09:15:21 pm

So answer me one question :

What gives you the right to wear the tag ??

Reason's: Beacuse I want to and because I clamed the Clan's name first. What give's SWAT reason's? What give's FBI reason's?

Title: Re: KoS Be brave and CB non newbie clans
Post by: KoS Ultimo on October 09, 2001, 09:46:51 pm
Whats gives CIA's reasons. Forgot that one. LOL ;D

Yeah no problem Grifter, thanks for clarifying that though. I thought you were stilled pissed off in the back of your mind. O well, case closed.

Title: Re: KoS Be brave and CB non newbie clans
Post by: jn.blackhand on October 09, 2001, 10:43:02 pm
OMG. Ther's an elite spekial force called Gi Joe. I know because my uncs friend sarved in the civil war for 2 yers and went on mny cavalry charges. so stfu. im r0x0rs. my website is dap1ac3.cjb.net i 0wn3d you. my server is da b0mb. i own hypermart. my dad traded in his fifth bmw and forfitted my drivers license so i could  drive a go kar t to the war and see sitting bull die. it was tight.


Psyco, NSA didn't "exist" until the 70s. Even then, the whole operation was very hush, hush.

That's why the NSA has earned the nicknames, Never Say Anything and No Such Agency. :)

However, regardless if there is a delta force or not, there is definately a whole slew of very elite groups, many of which, we won't ever know about.

But back to the point, yep, Romulus is a dumbass.

Title: Re: KoS Be brave and CB non newbie clans
Post by: Grifter on October 09, 2001, 11:10:12 pm
Ultimo, it's all good.  Not mad at all.  Like I said, I just didn't make my point right.

Rom, SWAT is not a proper name.  CIA is the name of an agency... SWAT is just an FLA for Special Weapons and Tatics.  There is no real single SWAT, unlike FBI, CIA, SEALs, Delta, etc. et.al.  As for me... I like the imagination found in many names, but don't care much... it's what a clan is and does that matters.  CIA wasn't bad because of what they were named.... it's because of how they acted and they they full of newbies that couldn't CB.

Ass(assin) and Blackie, There were people that did 3 and 4 tours in Vietnam.... not many, and they all did it because they really wanted to.  Stormin' Norman spent more then a couple years over there (the first 2 were when he was attached to the CIA, training the southern army) - they just ran his Bio on A&E two weeks ago.  You are completely correct about anyone being part of Special Ops not talking about it today.  I have a buddy that is a real Navy Seal (we were on the same swim team for years) he doesn't speak of anything he's done, or even speculate on it with us.  All we do know is that he's "not available" at the moment.  He left town abrubtly and isn't answering his e-mail... so either he's over there now, or just staged somewhere under a communications blackout.... the only reason I'd say that is because when he's been on ship for training, he has had access to his e-mail in the past.  Oh, and to be clear.... he's been out of touch since Sept 11, not just this past week.  I personally think that there have been spec war teams in Afghanistan since the 12th or 13th, to help coordinate with the Northern Alliance if nothing else.  But that's just me speculating.

Title: Re: KoS Be brave and CB non newbie clans
Post by: KoS Ultimo on October 09, 2001, 11:16:02 pm
Well +-KoS-+ was finally stoped today.....sad.....so sad...

Me and Viper Faced *DAMN, Bondo and Zak. We played in Rainbow six (NOT RS) and lost 4 games to 6. It was a very close battle however Bondo's hosting capabilities pulled threw for *DAMN. There was a instance in game 9 where i think i was about to win and there was a mysterious case of crashing.... but nevermind that. They played very well. So now we are 1-1 in r6, and still 13-0 in rs. That is all.

Title: Re: KoS Be brave and CB non newbie clans
Post by: 6.Dr.??SsSt.qc on October 10, 2001, 04:19:57 am
Hello folks,

I havent been in here in a while...I see not much has changed...Rom is still as retarded as ever...except for now he has a little retarded friend as well...who the fudge is Deadzone and why did he even open his ass to speak...?

Yo Grif, Ass, blackie, Ace, Ulti, SBD, ejo...

In closing I would like to say that the dumbass is a natural occurence in the wild. Unfortunately a few find their way to the city and then we are unwillingly exposed to them. They are, for the most part, harmless enough, the only thing to worry about is the constant spewing of stupidity...Altogether the Dumbass is a great mocking target.

;D ;D ;) ;) :) :)

pssst...electronic jo is TEH DEVIL!! ;)

Title: Re: KoS Be brave and CB non newbie clans
Post by: *DAMN Postal Worker on October 10, 2001, 09:19:41 am
Ultimo,you know as well as I do that I didn't mean that comment the way you made it sound. ?That was a comment made in retrospect. ?Looking back I don't think it would have mattered for me to join KoS. I'm saying as now...looking at your record, I do not feel as if i had missed out on anything in KoS. ?And that KoS Ally thing? ?Buh? ?Joke. ?You don't think I was serious...do you?

Anyway, I still have some respect for you now...not as much as before...(you have changed). ?I was here coming to your aid and you make me out to be the bad guy? ?Well thank you, pal. ?Here I am trying to make up for stuff that's happened between us and you call me out this way? ?Shame on you.

OH, and about the Delta Force thing...There was no Delta Force in NAM. ?They were referred to as LRPS. ?Long Range Recon Patrol. ?There was however a training center called Recondo School that was the "Home of the Delta Force Detachment" ?and seeing how only a few hundred guys went there...and most of them were killed (durring the school. ?The final test was to actually ?go out and conduct a recon mission in enemy territory while the actuall class was basic Grunt stuff), I find it hard to believe that your friends dad was actually in Delta Detachment let alone Nam.

The "Delta Force" that we know now crosstrains with the GSG-9, SAS, Rangers, SEALs, MFR, ect. ?All those SpecOp types. ?Assassin was right when he said that the pentagon denys any knowledge of Delta Force (much like Area 51) ?We know it exists...its just a matter of the gov't saying it doesn't to protect their hides when something dirty goes down. ?Kinda like the guys from Mission: Impossible. ?Eh, Anyway...your friends dad wasn't in ?Delta durring Nam.

Title: Re: KoS Be brave and CB non newbie clans
Post by: Precious_Roy on October 10, 2001, 10:16:57 am
well, now I've finally stopped laughing at the rampant stupidity in here. I feel so much better after that. Thanks guys.

Original names?  No one on GR has any creativity fools.  I haven't seen anything very original since.... The Janitors?

Title: Re: KoS Be brave and CB non newbie clans
Post by: KoS Ultimo on October 10, 2001, 10:23:20 am
Anyway, I still have some respect for you now...not as much as before...(you have changed).

Postal..... i apologize, but when i read what you said about me asking you to join kos, i enterprited it as " I will stay loyal to *DAMN even though kos has a nice record" and i am sorry for that. Now you say that i have changed.....but then again look at yourself. People change...... We arent the same guys that used to rape 8 people in rogue spear demo anymore, i understand that. With the constant attacking on +-KoS-+, Yea i probably aint no fun loving guy or anything....but what do you expect. A man has to bring his guard up when his clan is being attacked all the time. So yea..... I apologize.

Title: Re: KoS Be brave and CB non newbie clans
Post by: *DAMN Postal Worker on October 10, 2001, 02:43:48 pm
Ult, I think we should go back to the good old days for a bit.  Next time we're both on, let us nail some people in the Met.  You with your PDW and me with my UMP.

Title: Re: KoS Be brave and CB non newbie clans
Post by: KoS Ultimo on October 10, 2001, 03:17:24 pm

Title: Re: KoS Be brave and CB non newbie clans
Post by: Bondo on October 10, 2001, 03:55:30 pm
Getting back to the original point.  KoS CBed DAMN last night so just quit the whole debate, they play whoever wants to battle them whether they are good or bad, they just want to battle.  I sympathize with them because I've been looking for CBs in R6 for two weeks now and they were the first I could find.  It isn't easy or right to only look for specific clans and not play others.  They just play whoever is there to play.  Now that I've babled on, I don't even know what I said but I'm sure it was meaningful.

Bondo, The Pot Smoking Libertarian  8)

Title: Re: KoS Be brave and CB non newbie clans
Post by: kos.viper on October 10, 2001, 07:36:29 pm
Ya PW and Ult can have their killing fun at the met until i show up and cap both of u  :o

Good CB *DAMN, if my ping wasnt 300 on both Ult and Bondo's host, it woulda been more fun for me

Title: Re: KoS Be brave and CB non newbie clans
Post by: SiGmA_X on October 12, 2001, 01:16:59 am
Well, since I have been away [offline, catching the SUN RAYS!], much has happened!

Good job to *DAMN. We all knew you could do it  :)

Assassin - I don't lie. As far as I know (From what has been said between his father and myself) My friend's father was there four years, and was home a very small part of the time (Leave). He cannot tell me more about his unit, but it's something like, or is the 'DeltaForce'.


No Further Comment.

Title: Re: KoS Be brave and CB non newbie clans
Post by: jn.blackhand on October 12, 2001, 02:31:11 pm
link=board=GR&num=1002495565&start=40#43 date=10/11/01 at 21:16:59]
I don't lie.


Title: Re: KoS Be brave and CB non newbie clans
Post by: kos.viper on October 12, 2001, 04:56:50 pm
link=board=GR&num=1002495565&start=40#43 date=10/11/01 at 21:16:59]

Good job to *DAMN. We all knew you could do it ?:)

Romulus, What are you getting at?
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Who's "we"?

Title: Re: KoS Be brave and CB non newbie clans
Post by: SiGmA_X on October 12, 2001, 10:39:49 pm
We as in everyone who knew that *DAMN cound beat KoS. No offence, but it is time for you guys to lose. You have done great, better then any other clan I have ever seen on GamerAnger (http://www.gameranger.com/), but it is time for another clan to show you some thing. Thank you.

-Th3 Sp0t

Title: Re: KoS Be brave and CB non newbie clans
Post by: kos.viper on October 13, 2001, 12:49:39 am
Romulus Spell Checker (RSC) - "offense"

You better back the fuck up bitch, im not gonna stand for that shit... Until you actually fucking get into a "real" clan Romulus, you should fucking keep your mouth shut

O and Rom, i dont see anyone backen your ?"we" shit up

Title: Re: KoS Be brave and CB non newbie clans
Post by: KoS Ultimo on October 13, 2001, 12:52:04 am
May i remind you that *DAMN beat us in r6, a game that we only play when we cb. If they beat us in Rogue spear (the game we specialize in) then it would another whole story. I think alot of people knew that *DAMN could beat us in a game we barley play.

Title: Re: KoS Be brave and CB non newbie clans
Post by: SilentbutDeadly on October 13, 2001, 12:57:40 am
also to add to what ult said,  from reading the news on cbs , the r6 cb with damn was  decently close too.

Title: Re: KoS Be brave and CB non newbie clans
Post by: Bondo on October 13, 2001, 01:36:47 am
I have played some RS with the KoS guys and must agree that they are much better there, then again I am horrible at RS.  Although I do think they shouldn't hang on the R6 ladder if they aren't going to dedicate to being good at it.  Then again, there aren't many other active teams on the R6 ladder left to CB.

Title: Re: KoS Be brave and CB non newbie clans
Post by: SiGmA_X on October 13, 2001, 02:59:35 am
I dont want to start any shit here. I was in a clan, and sure, we werent the best, but we did okay, and we had FUN.

KoS - I know you dont play R6 but in CB's, so you did do great. I dont want to say that I think you should lose, because you have earned the wins. I want to say that someone else needs to be here, some one that is as good as you. *DAMN steped up. Once again, I congradulate you for the win *DAMN, and good luck in the future. KoS, keep the gaming strong.

Oh, and I was playing with some of you ppl's tonight, adn they were kickin... sure, they werent wining the whole game, but we were up against some major 56k lag in there

Last word's: GL, HF, and Remember is Only a game

-Th3 Sp0t [Romulus]

Title: Re: KoS Be brave and CB non newbie clans
Post by: kos.viper on October 13, 2001, 08:17:15 pm
link=board=GR&num=1002495565&start=40#51 date=10/12/01 at 22:59:35]
Once again, I congradulate you for the win *DAMN, and good luck in the future.

RSC: "congratulate"

Title: Re: KoS Be brave and CB non newbie clans
Post by: PsYcO aSsAsSiN on October 13, 2001, 10:55:58 pm
Let me try Viper's new idea:

link=board=GR&num=1002495565&start=40#51 date=10/12/01 at 22:59:35]
*DAMN steped up.

Oh, and I was playing with some of you ppl's tonight, adn they were kickin... sure, they werent wining the whole game

RSC: stepped
RSC: and
RSC: kicking
RSC: winning

This is just spelling folks...maybe I will come out with the "RGC" (Romulus Grammar Checker) to point out his atrocious grammar.

Title: Re: KoS Be brave and CB non newbie clans
Post by: Grifter on October 14, 2001, 12:44:00 am
Viper, Ass(assin), you'll spend your whole online lives trying to keep up the RSC...

No way to automate it I'm afraid.  The checker logic would have to recognize what he was trying to say... which is hard enough for a human mind.... the poor computer doesn't have a chance.

Title: Re: KoS Be brave and CB non newbie clans
Post by: Ace on October 14, 2001, 03:56:19 am
RGC posts will need to be deleted as a favor to all our 56k users :P

Title: Re: KoS Be brave and CB non newbie clans
Post by: kos.viper on October 14, 2001, 09:32:10 am
lmfao @ Sin, Grift, Ace !!!!

It might take awhile grift, but in the end it will really help out his poor spelling skills and mb, just mb Romulus can actually get something out of the net other than gaming.....

Title: Re: KoS Be brave and CB non newbie clans
Post by: Grifter on October 14, 2001, 10:43:33 am
Viper.... Rom got something other then gamming out of the net.... he got all of Mauti's source for the *DAMN site, didn't he!

Title: Re: KoS Be brave and CB non newbie clans
Post by: kos.viper on October 14, 2001, 11:55:20 am
LMAO, ahahahaha... Copyright Infringement?

Btw, is my icon working yet???

Title: Re: KoS Be brave and CB non newbie clans
Post by: JaggedEdge on October 14, 2001, 12:06:28 pm
Im just goin to leave this subject alone and no ur icon aint workin Viper

Title: Re: KoS Be brave and CB non newbie clans
Post by: PsYcO aSsAsSiN on October 14, 2001, 01:28:24 pm
This is some funny shit. RSC would take a long ass time however. Damnit Ace, shooting down my ideas already  ;). RGC would take way too long and it would lag the hell out of 56k users, so you are right  ;D. You should all check out my thread on Liar boy...he is in a new clan...called "ArMy Of OnE" and he is "#1". As in typical Romulus fashion, he steals his ideas from places elsewhere, this time being my rotating caps.

Check out the thief on GR, ID# 32060.

Title: Re: KoS Be brave and CB non newbie clans
Post by: kos.viper on October 14, 2001, 10:33:30 pm
:( Romulus has left the forum according to one of his recent posts  :(.....

Now i cant use my RSC!!!!  >:(