*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => *DAMN Battle League(*DBL) => Topic started by: (SiX) CAM on March 18, 2004, 12:50:28 am

Title: Match Scheduling
Post by: (SiX) CAM on March 18, 2004, 12:50:28 am
Hola peoples, anyways...I was checking out the RvS Battleleague and the scheduling/point system is still all too ghetto!  Why isn't it setup to have like one match a week and it tells you who you play.  You have to talk to the other team and get a date/time of when the match will happen and then if the team doesn't show they forfeit.  Then after that week a program then picks the next team you are to match.  This way a clans have to participate and then at the end of the season the teams with the most points go to finals.  Don't take this idea as mine(b/c I'm not that smart), go to www.caleague.com or www.ugsleague.com and see how they  do it.  I think this other way works a lot better.  There might be one little problem though, there are not enoug clans for this to really work, but I don't know.