*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => General Gossip => Topic started by: jn.blackhand on October 19, 2001, 09:56:26 pm

Title: Th3 Sp0t is dead?
Post by: jn.blackhand on October 19, 2001, 09:56:26 pm
One email to hypermart was apparently all it took to take Romulus' site down. yay for international copyright laws!

Title: Re: Th3 Sp0t is dead?
Post by: Grifter on October 20, 2001, 09:45:58 am
LOL, no kidding?

BTW, all your spamming caused this little gem to be lost in the depths of page 2.

Title: Re: Th3 Sp0t is dead?
Post by: kos.viper on October 20, 2001, 12:20:55 pm
"Excellent Smithers, Excellent"  8)

Does this also mean that he wont come back to this very forum too ? :P

Title: Re: Th3 Sp0t is dead?
Post by: Th3 Sp0t on October 20, 2001, 07:32:57 pm
Im sorry, we aren't dead. The account was removed on false proof. They at HM said that I copyed the LINK for *DAMN off of the *DAMN site. All I needed to do was email them back explaning that I had not in fact copyed the HTML and my account would still be there. Being I am not online much durning the week, I did not get this email until about a day after termination. This is no consern to Th3 Sp0t, becase we now (Th3 Sp0t top staffers) have a job at a gaming site, running their site.

Thank you.

Title: Re: Th3 Sp0t is dead?
Post by: Matt on October 20, 2001, 09:29:22 pm

Title: Re: Th3 Sp0t is dead?
Post by: PsYcO aSsAsSiN on October 20, 2001, 09:49:37 pm

www.gaysex.com is not a "top gaming site" even though you may think so. I bet you are pulling another lie about the link thingy. Anyway, I am sure they shut your sorry lame ass down for copyright infringement and if you pop up at another URL, there will be people out there trying to shut your ass down again.

Also, wasnt it sometime a few weeks ago that you said you would also change the graphics interface by that sunday? last time i checked your gay site, it was still the same interface.

Also again, this "false proof." This "false proof" is also what you said when mauti kicked your lame ass off the staff. When your sorry ass gets caught in the act of wrong doing, it is always "false proof" with you. learn to take responsibility and make original crap so you wont have to use your "false proof" excuse. I bet your next version of "th3 sp0t" is going to have the same graphics interface as www.yahoo.com

Title: Re: Th3 Sp0t is dead?
Post by: jn.blackhand on October 20, 2001, 10:24:47 pm
nice one psyco.

although, i'm sure whatever gaming site romulus and his preschool cronies are "employed" at, the site design will end up looking a bit more like this:


Title: Re: Th3 Sp0t is dead?
Post by: KoS Ultimo on October 20, 2001, 11:19:21 pm
***takes a breath*** hahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahha
hahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahha ;D

Title: Re: Th3 Sp0t is dead?
Post by: Grifter on October 20, 2001, 11:42:28 pm
LMAO Blackie.. where did you find that site?

Rom, you seem to have a thing about saying "false proof".... the funny thing about it... I've read your posts.. you said you did do some of the things Deadeye accused you of.... but still call that false proof... and you admitted to copying this entire site for th3 sp0t.... but then say you didn't (just because you plan to change some of it??)  When you admitt to doing it in the first place... how can it be false??

Title: Re: Th3 Sp0t is dead?
Post by: jn.wrath on October 21, 2001, 01:46:30 am
Douf.. when I saw that site, I was not prepared for it. It owns.

Title: Re: Th3 Sp0t is dead?
Post by: kos.viper on October 21, 2001, 01:03:07 pm
LMAO @ blacks nice site....
Great music btw.... A Team

What is this stuff about "We Th3 Sp0t"?  r u guys like a "l33t" clan now or something, got a little gay sex cult goen on?

Have fun Th3 Sp0t(s)

Title: Re: Th3 Sp0t is dead?
Post by: Asterax on October 21, 2001, 01:56:19 pm
Listen twits Th3 Sp0t is NOT dead me and Romulus are at this point fixing it up and gettting a new provider to host Th3 Sp0t. I will be the columnist for the most part and Romulus will program the site thus be the webmaster. He is off-lined sinced 10/20/01 3:55:14 PM EST time. So Th3 Sp0t will return, I will return to write and who the fuck is the lamer who wrote that article on "10 Things to do to be called a DUMBASS in the forums?" Not cool and completely disrepectful. I'm NOT impressed. When I find who wrote it you can bet your ass my first post up on the new Th3 Sp0t site will be on THEM.

-Asterax (YES the same one who was banned from GR)


Title: Re: Th3 Sp0t is dead?
Post by: PsYcO aSsAsSiN on October 21, 2001, 03:05:40 pm
Well "Asterax," lets see exactly who is the "twit." I will dissect your post and you will see that you are the ultimate "twit."

me and Romulus

Columnists should know how to use good grammar.

He is off-lined sinced 10/20/01 3:55:14 PM EST time.

Excellent word choice, heh. Didn't know someone could be "off-lined."

who the fuck is the lamer who wrote that article on "10 Things to do to be called a DUMBASS in the forums?" Not cool and completely disrepectful. I'm NOT impressed. When I find who wrote it you can bet your ass my first post up on the new Th3 Sp0t site will be on THEM.

Well, twit, if you had half a brain cell in your tiny brain, you would see that the author of the article is at the top of it.

Also, aren't you the twit who wrote that scintillating (I am being sarcastic) article about SiN? If so, your "website" will crash to the ground faster then you can say "Romulus is a dumbass."

Not to drag this piece out any further, but if you are the "article writer," you would be considered as Romulus puts it, "a sp0t top staffer," wouldn't you? Well if you are a "top staffer" what "top gaming site" are you operating for another person? (No reply to this last question implies that Romulus is lying once again)

Title: Re: Th3 Sp0t is dead?
Post by: jn.blackhand on October 21, 2001, 04:24:38 pm
Finally, someone to take the place of Peekay as the forum gameranger-banned dumbass. Welcome to the forums Asterax!

Title: Re: Th3 Sp0t is dead?
Post by: Asterax on October 22, 2001, 07:11:08 am
I'm not sure if that was an insult or not blackhand. Well let's hope talking to you will be more stimulating then talking to that Ass-Hole I mean Assassin. Can't that lamer stay in his own forum section or keep his nose out of every ones business? By the way when Assassin reads this (I assume he will) he can PISS OFF!! Besides the reason I was banned from GR was for being right. =)


Title: Re: Th3 Sp0t is dead?
Post by: jn.wrath on October 22, 2001, 12:31:03 pm
That, my friend, is what all lamers say after they've been banned.

Title: Re: Th3 Sp0t is dead?
Post by: Asterax on October 22, 2001, 02:23:42 pm
Actually I left quite a name for myself when leaving GR. I had known the true secrets behind GR. Also, I was never technically banned I could easily change my IP by disconnecting my cable modem and working off my 56k but what would be the point of that.

-Asterax | Xaretsa

Title: Re: Th3 Sp0t is dead?
Post by: jn.blackhand on October 22, 2001, 02:57:48 pm
Wow. Asterax really is a moron.

Title: Re: Th3 Sp0t is dead?
Post by: Bondo on October 22, 2001, 03:51:57 pm
hey Asterix, if you were as known on GR when you got banned as you claim, how come I haven't heard of you?  Stop lying, you were banned because you were stupid and you were never known by more than a few of your other stupid cronies.

Title: Re: Th3 Sp0t is dead?
Post by: Th3 Sp0t on October 22, 2001, 07:41:59 pm
Asterax was well known, if you were on before 10:00:00 PST any time durning the summer. He is an 3117 EF player and was a very talkative person in the chat's. Many people knew him, and in fact, Asterax knew Evill a little too much. Hence the permaban.

Thank you

Title: Re: Th3 Sp0t is dead?
Post by: The slack jawed yokel =) on October 22, 2001, 08:18:32 pm
Well sp0t, most people do not go on GameRanger before 10am. Last time I checked, this is a R6/RS forum so most people would not know of a faggot who plays faggoty games such as Elite Force. For the record sp0t, what exactly is 3117? If this is "1337" talk, it comes out to "ellt." If you want to speak in hacker talk, get it right. This asterax character reminds me of a dumbass from  long time ago on GameRanger, his name was KRS-ONE. Also asterax, when you get perma-banned, it bans more than your IP address, it also bans your serial numbers from your hardware. (I know this from experience)

Title: Re: Th3 Sp0t is dead?
Post by: jn.blackhand on October 22, 2001, 08:31:06 pm

Title: Re: Th3 Sp0t is dead?
Post by: PsYcO aSsAsSiN on October 23, 2001, 12:11:05 am

Ass-Hole I mean Assassin.

Wow, original.


stay in his own forum section

Last time I checked, this is an open forum, so suck my fat cock.

So, my original question:

Well if you are a "top staffer" what "top gaming site" are you operating for another person? (No reply to this last question implies that Romulus is lying once again)

was never answered by this pathetic piece of trash known as asterax (or Romulus for that matter). He gets owned and all he can call someone is a lamer...heh. It isnt my fault if I made you sound like a "twit" from your own post.

This proves once again that Romulus and co. are a bunch of lying sacks of shit who can't furnish evidence with their rantings.

Title: Re: Th3 Sp0t is dead?
Post by: Romulus @ Th3 Sp0t on October 23, 2001, 01:03:24 am
Well. We cannot disclose what gaming site we are working on until it's published. It's not up to us.

Asterax play's Rogue Spear, Rainbow Six, EF, SiN, umm, and about 28 other games (no joke.). Ask him what he has, I only know of those ones.

'3117' means 'elite'. The way that you get that is that 'ellte' is close to 'ellt' and to '3117' is what is used. It's not nessarly 'hacker speak'. It's rather PC gamer speak.

Asterax and I know how to get around ban's, by using our Router's (Thx Grifter for teaching me  :))

Blackhand - We had no pop-up ad's. And the site is down for repair's, until we get out of beta (xspect 2 weeks). We are already on a new host, but not passing out info. Currently, only Asterax and I know of the host and so it shall stay until Th3 Sp0t open's to the public.

Thank you.
-Romulus (th3sp0t@mac.com)

Title: Re: Th3 Sp0t is dead?
Post by: Slack Jawed Yokel on October 23, 2001, 02:29:18 am
to say "elite" in hacker talk, it is "31337", not this '3117' trash. Also...any ass who is willing to pay you money to work on a gaming site must have been high as a kite, or you drugged him with GHP or with ruffies because no one in his right mind would hire people who can not make original work. I still think that Asterax is that slut KRS-ONE and you can not get around bans just by routers.

Title: Re: Th3 Sp0t is dead?
Post by: Bondo on October 23, 2001, 10:05:23 am

Well. We cannot disclose what gaming site we are working on until it's published. It's not up to us.

Blackhand - We had no pop-up ad's. And the site is down for repair's, until we get out of beta (xspect 2 weeks). We are already on a new host, but not passing out info. Currently, only Asterax and I know of the host and so it shall stay until Th3 Sp0t open's to the public.

Oops, you must have had a fruedian slip.  I think you meant two months not two weeks, kind of how you meant to say never instead of one week on how long it would be before your site wasn't a blatant rip-off of the DAMN site.  And about this secrecy, any site that dosn't want people to know about it must be shit because in the real world, publicity is usually considered a good thing, well, if you want people to come to the site that is.

Title: Re: Th3 Sp0t is dead?
Post by: Ace on October 23, 2001, 01:45:25 pm
Ok, a couple things for the dumbasses. 31337 = elite in hacker speak. 3117 = i like cock in hacker speak. Now that that is clear, let's move on the another fav subject of dumbasses: permabans. No, you cannot get around a permaban merely by changing your IP address. But yes, it is actually quite simple to evade one. However, most people that evade a permaban end up behaving so that they avoid one in the future. Evill pointed out to me once that if it causes them to change their behavior, it has had its effect, even if they are back on GR. So by  evading Evill's permaban, you are actually playing right into his hand. (Unless you get caught again, at which point you are a greater dumbass than maul)

Title: Re: Th3 Sp0t is dead?
Post by: jn.blackhand on October 23, 2001, 02:22:56 pm
The best way to not get permabanned is not to do something really fucking stupid.

Now, Romulus and Asterax.

1. No one in their right mind would "give" their "popular" huge gaming site to you to run. Grammar, spelling, punctuation, and intelligence are skills that you have none of.

2. Asterax knew Evill too well so he got banned. Riiiiight. Please, enlighten us, what super secret info did asterax posess? Knowing how to send a private message is not a secret...

3. Is it just me or is Romulus a chronic liar? I remember something about the battle league, 4 bmw's, a driver's license at the age of 14, 4 computers, and a dual flat screen display...

Anyone want to bet the this new host of theirs is either geocities or homepage.mac.com ?

Title: Re: Th3 Sp0t is dead?
Post by: Romulus @ Th3 Sp0t on October 23, 2001, 06:23:06 pm

3. Is it just me or is Romulus a chronic liar? I remember something about the battle league, 4 bmw's, a driver's license at the age of 14, 4 computers, and a dual flat screen display...

Anyone want to bet the this new host of theirs is either geocities or homepage.mac.com ?

First off, the host is not Mac.com or geocities, and we are buying space on a very fast, relible server until I get my old server working.

I did not say I had a drivers licence at the age of 14... I did not come on the Forums before I was 15, and I got my permit the day after my birthday...

My family has 4 BMW's.

I have 4 computers, and no, I do not yet have my G4 867 w/ dual Flat Pannel's. It's in the process, to be about Xmas... Paint ball is more importain, and Im getting a really nice gun...

-Romulus@Th3 Sp0t

Title: Re: Th3 Sp0t is dead?
Post by: Romulus @ Th3 Sp0t on October 23, 2001, 06:25:17 pm
Slack Jawed Yokel - I can make my router clone a MAC Address and this allows me on to gameranger, even though I am permabanned.

'3117' is elite in PC Gamer Speak...


Title: Re: Th3 Sp0t is dead?
Post by: Ace on October 23, 2001, 08:44:36 pm
Well IF 3117 is elite in PC gamer speak, who is dumber: them for starting it or you for believing it?

And about your family's money, WHOOP DEE MOTHERFUCKING DOO. My town was full of A LOT of rich people. Some of them are total assholes. Some are hella cool and benevolent to no end (Like Wozniak who donated a shitload of Macs to my school. I didn't have to use crappy PCs cuz of him) If you really wanted to compare family wealth in these forums, I know there are people who can beat you. Just shut up and try not to give everyone even more reasons to hate you.

BTW, www.moonfruit.com != reliable servers

Title: Re: Th3 Sp0t is dead?
Post by: SiGmA_X on October 23, 2001, 09:01:48 pm
Moonfruit? That's the server that Z@mar had his site on, a while ago... And Clan MI6 still does...

I am buying space, and a sersiously good server.


Title: Re: Th3 Sp0t is dead?
Post by: jn.blackhand on October 23, 2001, 09:34:20 pm
Romulus, you dumbass. You can't get your learners until 15 3/4. You may argue differently, but I think I already proved you dead wrong on this subject a LONG time ago. Stop lying.

Title: Re: Th3 Sp0t is dead?
Post by: Bondo on October 23, 2001, 10:22:13 pm
Hey black, I got my permit at 15.5 and could have had it at 15.25 but that is because I took a driver's training course.  After all that's what all rich kids do right rom.  Hehe, too bad I'm not Romulus rich, I only have 400mhz with normal 15"sony, oh the humanity.

Title: Re: Th3 Sp0t is dead?
Post by: PsYcO aSsAsSiN on October 23, 2001, 11:28:21 pm
Well, for one, most states require drivers under 18 to take a drivers training course before they ?can get their permits and along with that, you cant start the driver's ed until you are 15 years old.....btw, we have already been over this romulus lying thing, hell, I even made a thread about it.


Well IF 3117 is elite in PC gamer speak, who is dumber: them for starting it or you for believing it?

Well, we all know the answer to this question... ;D


BTW, www.moonfruit.com != reliable servers

I am not sure if Ace was speaking in terms of C++ computer language, but if he was, this statement means that www.moonfruit.com is NOT a reliable server. (!=) = not

Title: Re: Th3 Sp0t is dead?
Post by: jn.blackhand on October 24, 2001, 02:30:26 pm
Assasin and Bondo: I said you can't get a permit until 15 3/4. You menaing Romulus. In another thread a long time ago Romulus was talking about how he got his permit the day after he turned 15. He claimed to live in Las Vegas at that time and the driving laws of Nevada contridicted his statement.

At which point he said he moved to another state north of Nevada to get his permit, to which I showed him that none of those States allowed a driver to get his permit the day after they turn 15.

It's long and confusing, but the main point is romulus IS a chronic liar, and nothing out of his mouth can be taken seriously.

Title: Re: Th3 Sp0t is dead?
Post by: jn.wrath on October 24, 2001, 03:40:39 pm
Ass(assin), perhaps you should research your programming languages..

!= is "does not equal" in many languages. Not just the C family..

Title: Re: Th3 Sp0t is dead?
Post by: Bondo on October 24, 2001, 04:02:41 pm

At which point he said he moved to another state north of Nevada to get his permit, to which I showed him that none of those States allowed a driver to get his permit the day after they turn 15.

So did rom actually say "I moved to another state north of Nevada"  That would be funny as hell that he just said a state north of Nevada rather than naming the state.  Hehe, probably thought that would allow him to lie, but black is to much of an "ass" to let that one by.

Title: Re: Th3 Sp0t is dead?
Post by: SiGmA_X on October 24, 2001, 06:42:00 pm
Look, I live in Oregon, for all you who are saying I lied. I got my permit on 4/16/2001, the day after my birthday.... my birthday is 4/15/1986.

I kno you have to be 15 and 1/2 in some state's, such as Washington and Nevada, but since I lived in Oregon since approx. end of Feb.... that shouldn't be a problem. I do not remember saying I lived in Nevada at any point since I joined the Forums, but I might be wrong.

Yeah, Ass(assin), its not just C/C++, and it's not "not", it's "does not equal" or !=

Bondo, I did not answer what state I lived in because it is private info, and if you so disire to know, go track my IP or some thing...


Title: Re: Th3 Sp0t is dead?
Post by: Bondo on October 24, 2001, 07:08:28 pm
Hehe, I don't care where you did or do live, or when you got your permit.  I'm just checking whether black is making up his insults of you or is bashing you with actual past events.

Title: Re: Th3 Sp0t is dead?
Post by: Grifter on October 24, 2001, 07:49:05 pm
where Rom is involved, you can be assured that there is no need to make anything up to insult him with, he leaves so much hanging out there to take a bite from, it's usually not even sporting... just necessary sometimes.

Title: Re: Th3 Sp0t is dead?
Post by: jn.blackhand on October 25, 2001, 06:45:07 pm
Thread : *DAMN R6/RS Community / General Gossip / Re: New G4's

Did I froget to mention that I no longer live in Nevada? I must have! I moved reccently, to a northern state, where I got my permit the day after my birthday.

Just to clarify, yes In Oregon you can get your permit when you turn 15. My fault. So Rom, when are you going to take Driver's Ed? Or did you take it this Summer?

Title: Re: Th3 Sp0t is dead?
Post by: jn.blackhand on October 25, 2001, 06:46:57 pm
I couldn't leave this gem of a post out...

Thread : *DAMN R6/RS Community / *DAMN Mod Section / Re: how tomake mods on a mac??

LOL sheep! i have a iMac, a P3 800 Laptop, and tons of extras... Rich? yes. we drive multipul BMW's and have a large house. only one prob... parenst make me buy my own computers  ...i am getting a G4 500-533 DP, with 1-1.5GB of RAM, 105GB of HD, and 1-2flat screens (1 if i get a Pc also...) and 1-2 regular LARGE (19-21) monorots...
Romulus - Juliets Killer

Title: Re: Th3 Sp0t is dead?
Post by: Bondo on October 25, 2001, 07:23:25 pm
yeah, his parents make him buy his own stuff out of his 2,000 a month allowance.  Thankfully my parents consider a computer a education expense and take it out of my college fund because it would take a few years for me to get the money from my allowence.

Title: Re: Th3 Sp0t is dead?
Post by: Grifter on October 25, 2001, 08:43:18 pm
Myself, I'll give my kids my hand-me-down computers when I upgrade.  Sure, they wont have the latest and greatest, but I'm sure they'll get by when that time comes.  Although, my dad will be pissed, because he get's them now...

Title: Re: Th3 Sp0t is dead?
Post by: Ace on October 25, 2001, 08:48:48 pm
I never got my own computer until I got my lovely TiBook. But I did earn this one, so don't try to call me spoiled. Gotta love those scholarships.

Title: Re: Th3 Sp0t is dead?
Post by: Grifter on October 25, 2001, 08:57:43 pm
Ace is Spoiled!!! =P

Anyone here that doesn't know I"m kidding is an idiot, btw.

Ace, I had to buy my first computer too.  But I figure hand me downs wont spoil them too much.  But, I could be wrong.  As long as they don't turn out like some dumbasses, I'll be happy.

Title: Re: Th3 Sp0t is dead?
Post by: Bondo on October 25, 2001, 10:58:19 pm
In my family, my mom and grandparents get hand-me-downs, me my brother and my dad all get new ones.

Title: Re: Th3 Sp0t is dead?
Post by: SiGmA_X on October 26, 2001, 12:24:33 am

Thread : *DAMN R6/RS Community / General Gossip / Re: New G4's

Did I froget to mention that I no longer live in Nevada? I must have! I moved reccently, to a northern state, where I got my permit the day after my birthday.

Just to clarify, yes In Oregon you can get your permit when you turn 15. My fault. So Rom, when are you going to take Driver's Ed? Or did you take it this Summer?

Blackhand - No, I havn't taken Driver's Ed yet, but Im consitering it. My parents want me to take it, so I problely will soon...


I couldn't leave this gem of a post out...

Thread : *DAMN R6/RS Community / *DAMN Mod Section / Re: how tomake mods on a mac??

LOL sheep! i have a iMac, a P3 800 Laptop, and tons of extras... Rich? yes. we drive multipul BMW's and have a large house. only one prob... parenst make me buy my own computers ?...i am getting a G4 500-533 DP, with 1-1.5GB of RAM, 105GB of HD, and 1-2flat screens (1 if i get a Pc also...) and 1-2 regular LARGE (19-21) monorots...
Romulus - Juliets Killer

Yes, I have a imac, acusse (Once again, I fuck my spelling up..) to a Dell Laptop/P3 800 (My parents) which I use some times. And I am not getting the G4 DP 533, cuz it's OLD. Im either waiting until the G5's come out and getting a G4 800 DP or getting a AMD 1.8GHz PC really soon...

About my allowance, it's not that high, unfourtanly...  ;) and so I have to buy all my own computers, cuz my parents see no need of them...


Title: Re: Th3 Sp0t is dead?
Post by: Ace on October 26, 2001, 12:25:39 am
Oh wait, I forgot something. I actually did get spoiled by a hand-me-down. In 1999, when we got our g4, I was handed down our oh-so-spoiling LC.

And rom, even if your parents don't "buy" your computers, I *highly* doubt you work, meaning they must buy them, directly or indirectly. Quit trying to not so slyly flash your wealth. We have caught on, we don't care, and I know there are richer people who will just keep their mouth shut cuz they aren't assholes.