*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => General Gossip => Topic started by: Bondo on October 24, 2001, 04:23:05 pm

Title: Post Averages
Post by: Bondo on October 24, 2001, 04:23:05 pm
Just decided to do some number crunching using the numbers at top of forum.
219 members
8260 post
800+ threads
Restricting the numbers just to members would give the average member 38 posts and 4 threads started.  I have a feeling there must be a good amount of single digit posters that are balancing out the us 3-5 star people.  Come on you underacheivers, I want you lightweights to get the average at least above 50, I mean 5 posts a day isn't that hard.  Just give two weeks of active posting and you too can get another star, in 4 months you can be one of the few, the proud, five star people.  I should be hitting 150 this week so I only have about a month until star 4 and hopefully can be getting towards number 400 by the end of they year.  Also, if the rest of you post, I can post even more by having someone to talk to besides my self.

Title: Re: Post Averages
Post by: SiGmA_X on October 24, 2001, 06:34:35 pm
Yeah, but you should make sure to post in EVERY post! Every post, every catagory, just like I did back in June/July! Heh

Title: Re: Post Averages
Post by: **SBR** Peekay on October 24, 2001, 06:42:48 pm
I'd Rather play R6.


Title: Re: Post Averages
Post by: Bondo on October 24, 2001, 07:18:32 pm
My connection at college is so bad that I can't really play so for the next two months I have nothing better to do than post at the forums.  Once I get back home to my beautiful cable I'll probably start posting at a slower rate

Title: Re: Post Averages
Post by: Grifter on October 24, 2001, 07:54:40 pm
Yeah, be sure to post to every thread in every forum... make sure they are meaningless.... and become famous!  You too can be up for the first DOTY (dumbass of the year) award!

Title: Re: Post Averages
Post by: Bondo on October 24, 2001, 08:58:36 pm
No Grift, I don't plan to get myself nominated for that, and I know you'd just delete all my posts if I pulled that stunt so it wouldn't be worth it.  500 posts doesn't mean anything if you do that anyway.

Title: Re: Post Averages
Post by: SiGmA_X on October 24, 2001, 09:46:08 pm
Yeah, that's a good point....

Title: Re: Post Averages
Post by: Grifter on October 24, 2001, 09:52:04 pm
Heh... I need to check the sights on this thing.... it seems I keep hitting off the mark with my mocks.

Bondo, this wasn't directed at you.  This was more to the point of my Top 10 ways to be called a Dumbass editorial... of which this is actually one of the ways... and was done by a couple people here, most notably, the one that posted in this thread....Rom.

The thing is, 5 meaningful, well articulated posts in one day is nothing (well, for many a dumbass, it's like sleeping with a supermodel.... something they can only dream of ever doing).  The problem comes when some dumbass posts the one liners which have no real value to anything... and do it on every possible thread.  Even worse, when they post 3 and 4 posts in a row, instead of just modifying the first...

So Bondo, no worries.  I didn't mean this in your direction... but your invitation could attract dumbasses.... oh look, it has.... heh.

Title: Re: Post Averages
Post by: Bondo on October 24, 2001, 10:40:45 pm
Hehe, indeed I did get the dumbasses in, but anyway, I knew you were joking about that, I was just adding a serious point to it and it looked like I was replying like I didn't see yours at a joke.  I like these misunderstandings, they help boost post count, just look at all the posts me and bander got to put in the terrorist threads.

Title: Re: Post Averages
Post by: Ace on October 24, 2001, 11:15:34 pm
Well said GRIFT. I would like to point out that while Rom has posted more than us, we have five stars to his three because we actually have something meaningful to say.

One thing I would like to contradict GRIFT. A one line post when used properly can be very effective. However, do this too often and it loses its power. (cough *wrath* cough)

Title: Re: Post Averages
Post by: jn.wrath on October 25, 2001, 12:54:11 am
Who? Me? :)

Seriously, I can't really justify making longer posts if there's nothing but one or two lines to say. Seeing as I'm not engaging actively in combat, there's not much to say.

If, say, someone starts a flame war directed against me.. thats another matter.

Title: Re: Post Averages
Post by: The Fotogeek Incident on October 25, 2001, 07:19:19 am

If, say, someone starts a flame war directed against me.. thats another matter.

Oooooooo. ?OoooOoooOOoo! ?Memememe! ?Now, lemme go get my flamethrower...

*runs off and rummages through the cupboard*

Dammit, used all my napalm on Vapor. ?Tell ya what Wrathie, let me run to the store for a fresh supply, and we'll start mocking you posthaste! ? :D

Title: Re: Post Averages
Post by: jn.blackhand on October 25, 2001, 06:36:36 pm
One note about number of posts, it is not the quantity of posts you make, but the quality of the posts you make.

Anyone want to compare Grift to Romulus?

Title: Re: Post Averages
Post by: ToonmaN on October 25, 2001, 07:01:32 pm
***Toon flicks on meaningless oneliner coment swtich***
You guys are all debating about meaningles posts that just drive post numbers up.  Well guess what this thread was created to do! You got it!
*Toon flicks off meaningless oneliner coment swtich***

Title: Re: Post Averages
Post by: Bondo on October 25, 2001, 07:28:23 pm
I take offense to that, this thread was created for noble purposes of pointing out some statistics and to tell those who want to raise their post count in a legitimite way how easy it is if you put it in terms of 5 posts a day.  I had no intent to use it as a worthless post count raising thread.   ;)

Title: Re: Post Averages
Post by: kos.viper on October 25, 2001, 08:34:50 pm
Judging from how many post some of you have made ? It appears to me that some of you need to get out more ;)  

I'm not going to list names tho  8)

Title: Re: Post Averages
Post by: Bondo on October 25, 2001, 08:44:49 pm
I take offense to that, I take the 5 min walk to each of my 12 classes per week plus the 1 min walk to the dining hall for two meals a day. ?I get out of my dorm room for over 30 hours a week. ?Oh, wait, that isn't good is it. ? ;)

Title: Re: Post Averages
Post by: Grifter on October 25, 2001, 08:51:06 pm
Ace, I was wondering if anyone was going to pick up the Wrathy mock in there.... hehe.

Blackie... "see spot run" vs "Dante's Inferno"... that answer your question.... at least, I hope so.

Title: Re: Post Averages
Post by: Ace on October 26, 2001, 12:22:07 am
GRIFT is comparing himself to Dante motherfucking Aligheri... does someone need to have their ego knocked down?

That said, "see spot run" is giving Rom too much credit.

Title: Re: Post Averages
Post by: jn.blackhand on October 26, 2001, 12:32:46 am
I quote Brad Pitt:

"Fuckin' Dante... poetry-writing faggot! Piece of shit, motherfucker!"

Title: Re: Post Averages
Post by: Bondo on October 26, 2001, 09:29:16 am
Well, I tried to read some Dante and usually I can read poetry but I agree with the quote from Se7en on this one.  Fuck Dante.  It is the combination of Old English and Poetry that makes it unreadable.  From what I hear it is about it sounds cool but alas.

Title: Re: Post Averages
Post by: Grifter on October 26, 2001, 05:15:25 pm
mearly showing a contrast... not comparing myself to Dante at all.... except that we both can be hard to read by your average Dumbass.

Title: Re: Post Averages
Post by: Ace on October 26, 2001, 05:37:41 pm
Of course, I was just letting a slight mock out (I just got done with a midterm that day, I was intellectually drained. It was pretty weak)

And if thinking Dante is tough to read (and truly understand), call me a Dumbass. I hate reading him, except for some of the cool shit (Brutus and co. being in the lowest circle of hell, etc)