Title: a replay that we ask to MoD Shade Post by: Po)| Plo Koon on March 10, 2004, 11:48:25 pm Hi, we had a problem with MoD Shade cause we ask for a replay and took more than 45 minutes , but they submitted the cqb rigth away.
It was the CQB # 2210 He said later cause he had to eat first. but still no good comunication for them to us. We ask for a replay and we deserve a short answer. Title: Re: a replay that we ask to MoD Shade Post by: Po)| Plo Koon on March 11, 2004, 02:06:26 am hi again,
I have to add that when MoD Shade finally send me the replay via AIM , the replay didnt work, then i ask him to e-mail me the replay and he did it, but still the same result. I need the help of some administrator to solve this problem, we request a replay rigth after we felt a problem exist, and the other part (MoD) did not fullfil our request. TY Title: Re: a replay that we ask to MoD Shade Post by: c| Splinter on March 11, 2004, 02:09:56 am did you eventually get a working replay?
(http://dynamic.gamespy.com/~damnr6/yabbse/YaBBImages/admininvestigates.gif) Title: Re: a replay that we ask to MoD Shade Post by: Stripes on March 11, 2004, 06:55:55 am Spilnter, He Writes he got a email, via his email account.. and 1 via aim they Both didn't work and got sended 45 mins 2late...
Stripes Title: Re: a replay that we ask to MoD Shade Post by: c| Splinter on March 11, 2004, 06:59:45 am I saw that, but basically when dealing with replays all the other clan gets are warning points. If the replays were sent late, then it's 0.3 warning points. If they were never sent, then it's 1.0 warning points. I just wanted to know if he ever got working replays.
Title: Re: a replay that we ask to MoD Shade Post by: Stripes on March 11, 2004, 03:16:56 pm Shadow, is one of my best friends on GR. he Would never do it on purpose (of if ploo thinks :MoD: // Shadow Cheats Then his wrong). Shadow likes food, and if my parents told me 2 eat, Then i would go eat instead of sending replays 2 Po i =) .. i guess all has a life ;-)
But The Thing is, nbk| had same problems vs [TRIBE] in a old cb. but it was the wz who bothered it, so mb u cant use the replays cuz of the wz who is bothering it.. Title: Re: a replay that we ask to MoD Shade Post by: BFG on March 11, 2004, 04:43:44 pm However as splinter is trying to find out the inportant factor is whether or not a replay was eventually sent...
And whether the issue was resolved from the replay if and when the replay worked! Title: Re: a replay that we ask to MoD Shade Post by: Stripes on March 11, 2004, 04:46:46 pm BFG, Replay was sended by MOD 2 late thats the prob, and you guys gave Po Replays that they couldent use.
Title: Re: a replay that we ask to MoD Shade Post by: PLOPje on March 11, 2004, 05:35:37 pm stripes just want to point out that those replays were tried with everey wz we could find, it never worked...
so be sure that the host uses the good wz Title: Re: a replay that we ask to MoD Shade Post by: Stripes on March 11, 2004, 06:04:09 pm thx pLOp Finally a guy who knows what im talking about ;-)
Title: Re: a replay that we ask to MoD Shade Post by: c| Splinter on March 11, 2004, 06:17:09 pm Stripes and PJOPje - I understand what you guys have been saying perfectly fine, and while I realize you guys are trying to help, neither of you are in either MoD or Po)|, and I need represntitives from either of those clans that were in the CB to answer my questions.
Plo Kloon - get Shadow to send you a copy of the warzone he was using for this cb, and try the replays again. If you are having a hard time with it, find me when I'm online and I'll help you out. As BFG said, Po)| still has the issue of what happened on those replays, and they need to be viewed. Title: Re: a replay that we ask to MoD Shade Post by: Stripes on March 11, 2004, 06:20:35 pm ty splint ;) hehe okay ill stay away then :) just wanted 2 help...
Title: Re: a replay that we ask to MoD Shade Post by: Po)| Plo Koon on March 11, 2004, 10:26:53 pm hi again,
to many post after mine. well, none of the replays work I had a chat with MoD Shade and he told me after he review his replay many times he thinks he glitch. A very honorable attitude to recognize an error that deserve Kudos to MoD. I have a screenshoot of the chat and I'm asking any direction to posted here if needed. TY all for the comments and directions, i really want to learn how to manage this affairs the best way as posible. :) :) Title: Re: a replay that we ask to MoD Shade Post by: Civrock on March 11, 2004, 11:46:40 pm according to rules this?d mean that the affected game will be turned into a win for Po)|.
-> final score changes from 4-3 for MoD to 4-3 for Po)| i think warning points for MoD are not necessary here since he admitted it himself. good sportsmanship. :) Title: Re: a replay that we ask to MoD Shade Post by: cO.Vickedson on March 12, 2004, 12:27:03 am Stripes, stop saying "sended"...it's buggin the shit outta me.
Title: Re: a replay that we ask to MoD Shade Post by: Saberian 3000 on March 12, 2004, 01:07:27 am My apologies Po)|. This should have been taken care of properly and I am only to blame because I obviously did not let my guys know enough on the importance of sending the requested ss's for the game within the alotted 10 min timeframe. Again, I know this has already been gone over but we do completely accept the loss and will make sure that this never happens again. Even though the replays were sent late, we do again apologize for the inconvenience. I will make sure that from now on my guys send the requested replays ASAP. I will be sticking my boot up someone's ass to fix this issue. Again, Apologies guys. The win in my eyes is deserved by Po)| in this issue for the inconvenience my guys have caused with this crap. Srry again. =(
:MoD:Saberian Title: Re: a replay that we ask to MoD Shade Post by: Po)| Plo Koon on March 12, 2004, 01:56:19 am TY Civic amd very special TY for your words Sab, Apologies are welcome , I'm sure we will continue as always our good relationships and our love for this game. I'm very glad about my conversation with Shade and the good intentions of him and MoD, again i have to say Kudos for them. ;) Title: Re: a replay that we ask to MoD Shade Post by: cO.Kuza on March 12, 2004, 03:49:17 am koon why dont you just make a forum account?
Title: Re: a replay that we ask to MoD Shade Post by: cO.Kuza on March 12, 2004, 03:51:21 am Stripes, stop saying "sended"...it's buggin the shit outta me. Stripes should just stop talkingTitle: Re: a replay that we ask to MoD Shade Post by: Stripes on March 12, 2004, 07:28:31 am :S Kuza :S
Title: Re: a replay that we ask to MoD Shade Post by: Civrock on March 12, 2004, 01:37:35 pm solved. closed!