*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => General Gossip => Topic started by: **SBR** Peekay on October 23, 2001, 10:06:49 pm

Title: Show Some Respect
Post by: **SBR** Peekay on October 23, 2001, 10:06:49 pm
Alright, recently, I have joined **SBR**.  I enjoy being in it.  All the people are nice and old friends of mine.  But I've gotten really pissed off recently.  Fotogeek especially.  He comes into the R6 game and starts making fun of SBR.  Making up his "clan" on the spot called "BSR."  And starts saying that all the members of SBR are newbies.  I'm sorry foto, but f*** you.  (I'm making it easier on the moderators by doing that)  Foto, for once, can you just shut your trap.  First of all, we don't say anything to you.  We don't make fun of you, we say nothing.  And for the newbie thing, so me and romeo are rusty.  No way!?  We've ONLY been gone for a year.  I tried to be nice foto, I tried, but your attitude just pissed me off.  Spyder, calling us newbies, ha!   All you do is follow in what foto does.  Spyder, shut up.  So make fun of me because of what I've done in the past.  Don't make fun of a clan that people care about.  Nixon and Cow have tried their best to make SBR the best clan they could.  And if you call me, Romeo, and Vapor newbies, you do that.  Enjoy yourselves.


Title: Re: Show Some Respect
Post by: Bondo on October 23, 2001, 10:37:50 pm
First things first, you don't need to make things easier by not actually saying fuck, cussing is so common in these forums that if the moderators actually tried to edit it all out they wouldn't do anything else, besides, they do as much of it as anyone else.  Back to the point, I think SBR is a good clan and for the most part solid players, they are not newbies.  If foto truly said that he is being an ass.  Make fun of foto for SEALs, after all it is such a good clan that Ace and Sling Blade are members... oh wait... never mind.

Title: Re: Show Some Respect
Post by: Ace on October 24, 2001, 01:54:11 am
First off, don't rip on SEALs. SEALs was one hell of a clan. The only problem is that the majority of us don't have the time to play anymore. The reason I left is more personal than it has to do with the clan. If I had a problem with SEALs, I would have joined a different clan. I still talk to all my SEALs buddies and things are no different between us.

And while we are on the subject of SEALs, Foto sure as hell has a right to diss SBR. I haven't played much lately, but unless things changed A LOT, SBR is basically Cow, Wench, and a bunch of newbies. Peekay, you above all else deserve to take shit.


Title: Re: Show Some Respect
Post by: Bondo on October 24, 2001, 09:04:29 am
Heh, don't worry Ace, I thought as much of SEALs (a year ago) as anyone, but we must allow newer clans to be formed with out ripping them constantly.  Anyway, I think SBR has passed the "newbie clan" stage.  You forgot to mention Vapor and Nixon with Cow and Wench as non-newbies.  I don't know exactly who else is SBR but having some newbies doesn't make a newbie clan or a bad clan because everyone was a newbie once.

Title: Re: Show Some Respect
Post by: Ace on October 24, 2001, 11:48:20 am

I haven't played much lately, but unless things changed A LOT, SBR is basically Cow, Wench, and a bunch of newbies.

I stand by my original statement.

Title: Re: Show Some Respect
Post by: Bondo on October 24, 2001, 12:17:38 pm
How long precisely do you have to play to be considered no longer a newbie, I understand there are other issues than time but assuming the person doesn't act like a newbie, how long must they be a newbie to not be one.

Title: Re: Show Some Respect
Post by: jn.blackhand on October 24, 2001, 02:21:35 pm
any clan that has vapor as a member i have no respect for.

any clan that has peekay for a member i have no respect for.

any clan that has romeo for a member i have no respect for.

i like nixon and i moderately like vapor, even though he is a clan whore, but most of sbr is crap. Need proof? Peekay is in...

Title: Re: Show Some Respect
Post by: **SBR** Peekay on October 24, 2001, 06:36:50 pm
I'm okay with your ripping on me...But please, don't make fun of SBR.  I would never make fun of any other clan, not even =FR=.  SEALs was, and still is, a great clan.  I remember my first ass raping from you guys about 2 years ago when R6 first came out.  Back then, back on my AOL 28.8, it was great.  All clans are important, and what foto did is disrespectful.  The only reason people don't call foto is because he is good.  If he was descent, his attitude would overule the gaming skill and he would probably be considered a newbie.  I don't know,I'm just kinda pissed at him.  And blackhand..first you say u don't like Vapor, then you say you like him moderately...weird.  Again, I'm accepting any death notices about being a dumbass and stuff, it's fun.  


Title: Get a Grip ACe
Post by: **SBR** on October 24, 2001, 09:21:45 pm
First of all i wanna thank the ppl that  stand behind us. As far as what that NEWBIE Ace said i got  this to say !!  Foto is a funny guy sometimes but he should not try to talk shit on a clan when the most of the ppl in it  are better than him!!  And Ace i have no idea what the fuck is crawling in your dumb ass head but u must be on drugs man!! I wanna say thanks to blackhand and all that put a word in i never put no clan down!! We just all friends and we happen to ply not bad!! Ace if u think I personaly am a newbie u must be one too I guess there are some jealuous ppl out there or u got nothing better to do  but SBR  dont SUCK  and we are friendly ppl too  just wanna have a good time so ACE SHUT YOUR DAMM MOUTH and practice a little more intead of running your mouth and spreading lies TY ALL and God Bless AUFWIEDERSEHN {ps wanna thank SIX  for the backing especially JN and KORD} later **SBR** Nixon  {we no newbie clan}  >:( >:(

Title: Re: Show Some Respect
Post by: **SBR** Peekay on October 24, 2001, 09:28:10 pm
Nix: You seem a little mean this evening.  Are you drunk again? (hehehe).


Title: Re: Show Some Respect
Post by: ?{RiP}? Vapor on October 24, 2001, 09:29:33 pm
First, I would like to thank Bondo for showing some support. And now...


What right do you have calling SBR newbies when I'm online more hours a day then you on in a month? I mean hell you ain't been on in how... long? Then shut the fuck up because you have no right to say we are newbies when you haven't been on. You can only assume it is like it was. So just shut your pie hole.


Yeah, me and you talk every now and then, but we ain't best of buddies. Now let's see... call me a clan whore eh? When I fuckin first game to GR back in January or December... you were in so many fucking clans I can't remember. When I was a Janitor let's see you were rain,pod,janitors, syrup, and fuckin probably others. And not to mention you were in all these clans at the same time. Unlike me where I was only in one at a time. So plz tell me how am I a clan whore when I changed clans in a matter of a month but yet u in 5 clans at the same time?


Let's see... Foto's favorite map... ROAD. Now you ask why?... well let's see sniping and camping... the best two things that foto is good at cause we all know he sucks my nutz at close combat. Why the hell do we play road so good damn much and when u kill the whole other team and then u turn a corner... don't see anyone and fucking capped by none other then foto... cause he is a CAMPER. Foto is just a fag... no better way to explain it.

Now... SBR

Let's see we all noobs huh. Geez... we have wench, nixon, peekay, romeo, me, cow, and others. Noobs are people new to the game not people who suck. And we sure as hell don't suck... cause if we suck then all other clans must REALLY suck.

Don't bash on SBR anymore, cause sometimes your history isn't good at all.

Title: Re: Show Some Respect
Post by: **SBR** Peekay on October 24, 2001, 09:31:02 pm
9mm bullets and C4 Plastiques may break our bones but words will never hurt us.

Some words of wisdom from:


Title: Re: Show Some Respect
Post by: fotogeek on October 24, 2001, 09:57:51 pm

Fotogeek especially. ?He comes into the R6 game and starts making fun of SBR. ?Making up his "clan" on the spot called "BSR." ?And starts saying that all the members of SBR are newbies. ?I'm sorry foto, but f*** you. ?(I'm making it easier on the moderators by doing that) ?Foto, for once, can you just shut your trap. ?

Oh my.

A touch sensitive, aren't we?

Well, I was joking, like I always do. ?If you guys really feel like going off the deep end like that, feel free. ? ? Frankly, it's funnier than hell.

Nix, you I apologise to. ?I'd thought we'd played enough games that you knew that's just how I am. ?Honestly, I meant no offense. ?
The REST of you however, are the biggest conglamoration of dumbasses I've EVER seen online. ?If this is how the lot of you react to some simple teasing, then perhaps you should seek therapy. ?Or the solace of a woman's embrace (perhaps your mothers...maybe a second cousin...mebbe Aunt Mathilda? ?Wait, that may be how you actually came to be.....)

Oh, and Vap- say what you like. ?Perhaps you should express your feelings in an improved, more comprehensive form. ?An essay maybe? ?I'd like at least thirty pages on how "SBR rules and the evildoing Fotogeek should burn in hell forever for making fun of SBR". ?Maybe you should include a few paragraphs on how the world's going to end because I called you lot a "conglamoration of dumbasses".

*sigh*. ?the world's going to hell and you kids are getting all worked up because of the **RBS** clan tag we used. ?I wish everything was so simple.....

.....at least this all makes me smile. ?If not laugh uproariously. ;D

Title: Re: Show Some Respect
Post by: Bondo on October 24, 2001, 10:50:51 pm
Well sure Peekay and Vapor may be "dumbasses" (like Jagged and Rom) but you guys were using the word newbie.  They are different and you should make sure to use them properly.  Oh, Vapor and Peekay, please don't take offense to this.

Title: Re: Show Some Respect
Post by: SiX.The_Punisher on October 25, 2001, 12:45:32 am
Hehe you guys are hilarious, i've never laughed as much as when I was reading all this nonsense.

Title: Re: Show Some Respect
Post by: SiGmA_X on October 25, 2001, 03:47:56 am
Wow. Peekay's crime's must have been forgoten to rate him lower then me!

Title: Re: Show Some Respect
Post by: Ace on October 25, 2001, 04:47:11 am
Make a thread about SBR, and the idiots come out in force. Not a coincidence in my mind.

Nix, while reading your post (and in between headaches from trying to decipher it) I had a nagging voice in the back of my head saying you were MR MAUL reincarnated. I am not a newbie (read: Im not SBR material) I was playing r6 long before pretty much everyone here, and I think the last time I was called a newbie, the current "new and exciting" feature of GR was the ability to ping hosts. You can come on here and run your mouth all you want, but the mindless drivel you attempt to pass off as English (I think the original Cantebury Tales resembled modern English moreso than your post) will only serve to strengthen my argument.

Vap, shut up you little clan whore. And yes, I can call you a clan whore. I was in one clan the entire time you were on GR. Don't even try to call me a newbie. Yeah, so what if you spend more time online than me right now. I'm sorry I don't lead the life of a pubescent 14 year old where games and masturbation occupy 90% of your time. Since I got to college, I have been pretty busy. I would like to be able to play r6 more often (I hate seeing good ping go to waste) but there are other more pressing matters. Just as with Nix, by the looks of your posts here, you guys are still a bunch of newbies.

Rom, you are one of our resident dumbasses. Nothing will change that.

And finally, any moron who tries to take foto seriously is just plain dumb. Foto is a harmless goofball (I mean this in the best way foto... you know i wuv j00 too) If you are truly insulted by him, it's usually a sign that you lack some serious self-confidence.

Title: Laughter
Post by: **SBR** Nixon on October 25, 2001, 05:56:46 am
OH Father Ace as far as all this shit goes i DONT care man just ppl like u give this game a bad name, this cyber shit makes me only laugh. As far as my English goes lol lol i speak 2 languages i think something your 15 year old ass can only dream of.  Foto is a cool guy and i did not take him serious just your comment was stupid nothing more and who cares if vapor is a clan whore he is not your boyfriend or?? So lets drop this Bullshit because my ribbs are hurting from laughter hehe PUN u right funny Stupid shit WHO CARES i just made a personl comment and spoke the truth later  ;D ;D Lets just ply  

Title: Re: Show Some Respect
Post by: KoS Ultimo on October 25, 2001, 06:09:48 pm
Foto and Ace are not the right people to be fucking around with....so just drop it nixon and sbr. I learned my lesson, i am just trying to warn you  8)

Title: Re: Show Some Respect
Post by: jn.blackhand on October 25, 2001, 06:32:33 pm
I was never in Rain or Syrup.

I was in SF, but left only AFTER that clan disbanded.

I was in The Janitors, sadly some people didn't realize that it was a platform/joke clan. The whole purpose? To get people noticed. It worked for Mort, myself, loud, and you. POD's, Damn's, well, loudnotes. (yay!)

I was in POD until Wrath closed it.

Now, for Vapor: Janitors left for DAMN left for SEALS left for the "new" POD left for a failed attempt at getting into six which lead to joining SBR.

Title: Re: Show Some Respect
Post by: Ace on October 25, 2001, 06:33:08 pm
Nix, je peut parler dans une autre langue ici si ce sera plus facile pour toi. J'ai dix-huit ans, pas quinze. Je ne suis pas un petit enfant comme tes copains de SBR. Je m'en fous si tu veut m'insulter. Mais tu devrais ?tre prepar? pour ce que je vais te faire apr?s ?a. Il faut que tu me respectes avant que je vais te respecterai.

Title: Re: Show Some Respect
Post by: SiX.The_Punisher on October 25, 2001, 09:23:55 pm
LOL now we move into french, LOVIN IT, keep it coming guys, this is priceless stuff.

Title: Re: Show Some Respect
Post by: otogeek-fay on October 25, 2001, 11:20:45 pm

LOL now we move into french, LOVIN IT, keep it coming guys, this is priceless stuff.

Time for some latin!

BRsSay ewNay embersMay reAy eeniesWay. ?IxonNay nlyOay ewlkay uyGay hereTay.

Man, all those "ay"s make me sound Canadian!

Title: Re: Show Some Respect
Post by: Grifter on October 25, 2001, 11:44:04 pm
do me a favor and add subtitles next time.  I hate missing a good mock.  Or, do it in spanish next time, I haven't had to speak it much in 14 years or so, but I might be able to keep up at least.  

I really love when people come in thinking they are talking to a stupid kid.  Actually, I don't love it, but it can be entertaining.

Title: Re: Show Some Respect
Post by: Ace on October 26, 2001, 12:36:29 am
Hey foto, how do you spell Canada? C-eh-n-eh-d-eh

GRIFT, the post itself wasn't a great mock, but the fact that I could put it in better French than his English was the best part. Basically, I told him that I can speak French if he really wants, that I'm no kid, and that I can dish it out as well or better than he can.

Title: Re: Show Some Respect
Post by: **SBR** NiXon on October 26, 2001, 06:51:08 am
Tanks Ultimo  but i dont care  i speak my mind and truth and if it huts ppl fine they should think before  the speak but all is good now  God Bless  Ciao ;D

Title: Re: Show Some Respect
Post by: **SBR** on October 26, 2001, 06:59:56 am
Hey  this  is totally stupid !! My foum days are over this is totally gay {oh nice essay Ace lol } but fotos was better !!

Title: Re: Show Some Respect
Post by: Bondo on October 26, 2001, 09:43:51 am
Foto y Ace eran muy estupido.  Ellos no tiene una cabeza.  Me gusta pelerar a los dos.

Title: Re: Show Some Respect
Post by: **SBR** Peekay on October 26, 2001, 02:13:31 pm
I always seem to start up so much trouble...  I guess I'm just a natural born trouble maker.  Yea.  Well, after listening to foto play w/ some other clans, I take back that whole beginning statement, but some of you have to understand, you'd probably hate it if some guys came into a room and starting calling you newbies.  I'm a sensitive guy.  Or for those still thinking I'm a girl, a hermaphrodite.


Title: Re: Show Some Respect
Post by: The Fotogeek Incident on October 26, 2001, 09:11:18 pm

Foto y Ace eran muy estupido. ?Ellos no tiene una cabeza. ?Me gusta pelerar a los dos.

Hmmm. ?Well, I've hit SBR pretty good with my smart-assedness of late, mayhaps I should set my sights somewhat higher.

Wait, I'm replying to Bondo. ?Hmpf. ?I'm not sure wether to set my sights higher, or just get down on the ground and wiggle through the dirt for him there. ?I guess I could ask a passing worm for directions, or at least an address.

I MIGHT just need a shovel. ?Perhaps a lenghty system of subterranean caves would be a good start, from where my tunneling to the lowest areas of Earth's crust may be somewhat shorter and that much easier.

I wonder if I'll hit magma? ?Let's find out..... :D

Title: Re: Show Some Respect
Post by: Bondo on October 26, 2001, 09:17:43 pm
lol, I consider myself sufficiently burned.  nice one foto

Title: Re: Show Some Respect
Post by: Ace on October 27, 2001, 01:24:55 am
Foto, you might want to remove Rom's lips from your ass. You don't know where they have been.

Title: Re: Show Some Respect
Post by: fotogeek on October 27, 2001, 07:57:37 am

Foto, you might want to remove Rom's lips from your ass. You don't know where they have been.

Ya, no kidding. ?Sheesh. ?Some flagrant displays of articulate flaming, and the kid goes all ga-ga. ?I'm forever in your debt for deleting that post, as it was incredibly nauseating. ?Sycophants suck (BTW- it's 6 AM and I can't bloody sleep, so if I haven't spelled "sycophants" correctly, well, deal with it).

Besides Ace, my ass is yours. ?You know that, I know that...why worry? ? :D

Title: Re: Show Some Respect
Post by: Bondo on October 27, 2001, 10:57:42 am
Hey SK, many people do quite well without camping so all I can decide from his overuse of camping is he can't win in active battle  ;)  Also, from my recent games with him he camps on non-sniper maps also.
Also, I was the one who semi-insulted SEALs, It was more of a joke than insult but I was saying SEALs is weaker now with Sling and Ace leaving but I still think SEALs is a decent clan.  Then again, I don't fear any SEALs.
Fianally, why SK must you make your posts look like that, you would fit right in with Jagged as our biggest DAMN dumbass.  Try some grammar and less capitalation.

Title: Re: Show Some Respect
Post by: CamperGeek on October 27, 2001, 12:17:52 pm

Hey SK, many people do quite well without camping so all I can decide from his overuse of camping is he can't win in active battle ?;) ?Also, from my recent games with him he camps on non-sniper maps also.
Fianally, why SK must you make your posts look like that, you would fit right in with Jagged as our biggest DAMN dumbass. ?Try some grammar and less capitalation.


Okay, you want to know why so much camping. ?I'll even dumb this down so the dregs of the forums will understand.

*parts Bondo on the head and offers a Milkbone*

Good boy! ?Now back to the magma with you....

Now anyways, the flaming and general smart-assedness tends to get some people a little riled. ?This forum would seem to be an excellent example. ?You could say that it's almost been elevated to an art form of late, but I digress...

Now, isn't it interesting that the camping has the same effect. ?I blatantly third person camp in some of the sweetest parts on road and am able to drop entire teams (well, save for that damn wench who's figured me out, but he seems to be the exception). ?You can almost see the looks on the players faces as they run around a corner and have a hot, steamy encounter with a spray of virtual lead.

Needless to say, people get riled. ?The laid back people get a good laugh out of it, but the more...uhm..."wound up" individuals blow a snit. ?This might have something to do with the fact that certain individuals don't quite understand that this is a game, and that, in the end, me camping like a dime store whore dosen't really effect the eventual outcome of the universe as we know it. ?I mean, the worst that's happened is that Vapor might call me a "fag".

Actually, I'd hoped for something better than "fag", but I guess you get what you get with vapor. ?You all can insert your own smart-assed comments at this point, I'm simply overwhelmed from the variety of choices.

Getting back to it, I could also make the smug comment on how the GOOD players can weed out a camper, and drop him in his spot. ?I'll refrain however, from making rude obnoxious comments on everyone's "1337 skillz". ?We'll save that for the fifteen year olds.

It's all entertainment. ?Yes, I'm a mean, twisted son-of-a-bitch, and I go light puppy dogs on fire when I'm not on GR. ?I'm a jerk. ?I camp so much that Coleman has contacted me for a sponsorship contract.

Deal with it :D

Oh, and I'll leave it up to everyone to decide on exactly HOW serious this post should be taken. ?Being deliberatly vague like that confuses the hell out of the dumbasses. ?Right Ace? ? :D

Title: Re: Show Some Respect
Post by: Ace on October 27, 2001, 02:47:01 pm

I haven't seen anything that funny out of an insomniac in a long time. I don't really need to add much.

And yes, I know your ass is all mine...

Title: Re: Show Some Respect
Post by: jn.blackhand on October 27, 2001, 07:14:56 pm
Silent, are the period, comma, and caps lock keys on your keyboard not working?

Title: Re: Show Some Respect
Post by: Ace on October 28, 2001, 12:57:55 am
A coma is a state where people could still probably type more coherently than you.

Title: Re: Show Some Respect
Post by: SiX.The_Punisher on October 28, 2001, 01:28:06 am
This stuff is still hilarious guys. Keep up the good work.

Correcting grammar is lame, you all know what people mean, so get the over it.
Who cares if people camp, it's just a style of play. Sure I don't agree with it, but they are much more interesting to sneak up on an unsuspecting camper and put a few rounds in the ass, skull-fuck them then continue on.

I don't bitch about it  I deal  with it.

Seriously though keep the funny shit coming. :)

Title: Re: Show Some Respect
Post by: ToonmaN on October 28, 2001, 02:48:58 am
I hear ya'  Pun.  Could someone save this thread and have it forever imoratalized on some site when/if this thread dies and drops to the 5th page?  Keep it up guys, the SBR topic seems kinnda dead so you guys are just going at each other, new topic mb.... nah.

Title: Re: Show Some Respect
Post by: Flamin'Geek on October 28, 2001, 09:43:57 am

Keep it up guys, the SBR topic seems kinnda dead

Hmmm, I COULD say "dead clan walkin'", but that may start up a whole new thread. ?Or, I could just go for broke.


-SBR players are such newbies, running backwards with full auto is how they get most of their kills. ?Tks included.

-SBR clan battles involve their players trying to hit the "pg up" button fast enough so they can see SOME action before the last man dies.

-SBR members are such newbies that they bitch in the forums until they get flamed so bad that everyone's forgotten about Vapor's essay. ?Well, except for me.

-SBR members are such newbies that Nixon is the one that's been around the longest. ?And MAN that's NEW..(k Nix, down boy, put the pitchfork away...)

- SBR members are such newbies that their egos are so soft that their heads explode (POP goes the weasel?) when you mention the words "SBR" and "newbies" in the same sentence.

See? ?I COULD go for broke, but I think I'm showing some admirable restraint at this point. ?Now, I plan to run and hide before Nix has an aneurysm and hauls his German butt over to Canada with the specific notion of kickin my ass... :D

Title: Re: Show Some Respect
Post by: Bondo on October 28, 2001, 01:12:14 pm

-SBR clan battles involve their players trying to hit the "pg up" button fast enough so they can see SOME action before the last man dies.

I don't necessarily agree with your jokes but lol, this one is about the funniest thing I've ever read.

BTW, shut up Silent.