*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => General Gossip => Topic started by: Supernatural Pie on February 29, 2004, 03:40:04 pm

Title: Cost of Mini IPod Raises Questions
Post by: Supernatural Pie on February 29, 2004, 03:40:04 pm
Cost of Mini IPod Raises Questions - Yahoo! News (http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&cid=769&ncid=762&e=7&u=/nm/20040228/music_nm/music_ipod_dc)


Title: Re:Cost of Mini IPod Raises Questions
Post by: |MP|Cringe on February 29, 2004, 03:56:09 pm
Suck my dick, the mini owns, and if youre dumb enough to refuse buying it because it costs 50 more, youre a complete moron since you get so much more for those 50.

Title: Re:Cost of Mini IPod Raises Questions
Post by: BTs_Mysterio on February 29, 2004, 04:23:56 pm
All stupidity, iPod vs Mini is so last month. No one cares, I'm buying my iPm soon so shhhh and let this thread die a terrible death.

Title: Re:Cost of Mini IPod Raises Questions
Post by: Typhy on February 29, 2004, 06:25:05 pm
 I couldn't agree more, Snipe.

Personally, I don't understand why anyone would buy an iPod mini. If you're going to spend 250 bucks on an MP3 player, shell out another 50 to get a far superior one.

Size? Fuck that. I would rather have my 10GB reguar iPod than even a 10GB mini.

I don't think the mini's will sell well, simply because they hit an unwated market. Their price tag will scare away the people who are just looking for a cheap MP3 player, and their lack of storage will scare away the buyers who want a decent MP3 player.  

Title: Re:Cost of Mini IPod Raises Questions
Post by: kami on February 29, 2004, 10:37:15 pm
1 GB isn't enough for a decent mp3 player? What world do you live on? There were more than a 100k pre-orders of the mini, I feel it's going to fare fairly well. I'd buy one if I had the money, those things are just so damn nice.

Title: Re:Cost of Mini IPod Raises Questions
Post by: BTs_Mysterio on February 29, 2004, 11:26:40 pm
Typhy, I take back what you said earlier, you were better off with your head up Casper's ass than you are with it up your own.

The only people who don't like the mini are those who are so ignorant that the would prefer a old Ti Powerbook over a 3Ghz G5. (Not pointing any fingers at anyone previously mentioned in this post).

Title: Re:Cost of Mini IPod Raises Questions
Post by: Mr. Phil on March 01, 2004, 03:47:28 am
Dear Gentle Readers,

Reasons that the Mini-iPod is worth more than the regular iPod:

 - The Mini-iPod is brand new.. New products usualy cost alot when they come out, and the price reduces after many people buy it, and it starts to get old.

- it is smaller than a regular iPod. It takes more money and it is harder to make electronic devices very small.

That's what I believe.

Title: Re:Cost of Mini IPod Raises Questions
Post by: "Sixhits" on March 01, 2004, 09:46:43 am
When the mini hits 5 gigs I'm buying one.

Title: Re:Cost of Mini IPod Raises Questions
Post by: BFG on March 01, 2004, 03:17:25 pm
Just a quicky..... People have been complaining about the cost of the mini but actually considering the technology it would be bloody inpossible currently to produce the product for any less... lets not forget this thing is freaking tiny... if i didn't have a 40Gb ipod i'd have bought one of these little babies... in fact i might get one for my little bro's 18th b'day :D

Title: Re:Cost of Mini IPod Raises Questions
Post by: BTs_Mysterio on March 01, 2004, 10:20:39 pm
I think a trip to the past is in order. This is how people reacted to the original iPod:
http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=500 (http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=500)

De ja vu.    

Mini haters ---> :-[  <-----iPod Mini

Random quotes from reactions to original iPod:
"iPoop... iCry. I was so hoping for something more."
"Great just what the world needs, another freaking MP3 player."
"I still can't believe this! All this hype for something so ridiculous! Who cares about an MP3 player?"
"gee! an mp3 player with a HD! how original! kinda reminds me of a JUKEBOX i once knew.."
"OH NO! Just checked Apple Store - they want $399.00 for this thing...Ouch!!!"
"I mean 5GB in a little tiny thing like that, it's amazing."--more ironic than bad.
"All that hype for an MP3 player? Break-thru digital device? The Reality Distiortion Field?"

Read the rest yourselves, seems so...well only a smilie could describe this: :P

Title: Re:Cost of Mini IPod Raises Questions
Post by: BFG on March 02, 2004, 04:04:14 am
lol... wonder if those folks who posted those are eating thier socks yet.

Socks?... hats i mean, hats

Title: Re:Cost of Mini IPod Raises Questions
Post by: iroc38927 on March 02, 2004, 06:24:18 pm
Dear Gentle Readers,

Reasons that the Mini-iPod is worth more than the regular iPod:

 - The Mini-iPod is brand new.. New products usualy cost alot when they come out, and the price reduces after many people buy it, and it starts to get old.

- it is smaller than a regular iPod. It takes more money and it is harder to make electronic devices very small.

That's what I believe.
I totally agree my friend. Once rich consumers buy enough of the little bastards, us poor folk can afford one; hey maybe even two.

Title: Re:Cost of Mini IPod Raises Questions
Post by: |MP|Buccaneer on March 02, 2004, 08:51:30 pm
i haven't bought either because they are both still over priced for what they are.  

For the guys that think the reduction in size of the iPod mini is worth "paying more for less", I just wonder if you wear your pants too tight maybe.  

Size is the only thing the iPod mini has going for it.  And with the reduction in HD size, I just don't see the need.  

Then again, since my laptop goes almost everywhere I go, I just use it anyway.  Figure for about $1100, I get an iBook with 60GB, it would cost $1000 to get that much space out of iPods, and I can do more with the iBook.  Nice to be able to play a game of asshole while listening to the music.  

I can't actually think of any place I'd want to be listening to some music that I couldn't whip out my laptop, or that it would be more convienent to have an iPod.  

Title: Re:Cost of Mini IPod Raises Questions
Post by: Supernatural Pie on March 02, 2004, 11:23:21 pm
I can't actually think of any place I'd want to be listening to some music that I couldn't whip out my laptop, or that it would be more convienent to have an iPod.  

What about just walking around?

Title: Re:Cost of Mini IPod Raises Questions
Post by: BTs_Mysterio on March 02, 2004, 11:36:12 pm
Dear Gentle Readers,

Reasons that the Mini-iPod is worth more than the regular iPod:

 - The Mini-iPod is brand new.. New products usualy cost alot when they come out, and the price reduces after many people buy it, and it starts to get old.

- it is smaller than a regular iPod. It takes more money and it is harder to make electronic devices very small.

That's what I believe.

I thought Snipey was banned from *DAMN? (Mr/Dr.Phil, Brue, John =snipey)

Title: Re:Cost of Mini IPod Raises Questions
Post by: alaric on March 02, 2004, 11:53:29 pm
I can't actually think of any place I'd want to be listening to some music that I couldn't whip out my laptop, or that it would be more convienent to have an iPod.  

The main place I use my iPod is in my car. Without my iPod to save me from the hell that is corporate radio, I might just go insane. CDs or an iBook would accomplish about the same thing, but it wouldn't be nearly as convenient.

Another place I use my iPod is when I'm transfering computers around campus. A portable cd player could be used, but again, not as convenient.

Title: Re:Cost of Mini IPod Raises Questions
Post by: BTs_Mysterio on March 03, 2004, 01:45:13 am
I think think the iPod Mini's design sheds light into the future of it's big brother. As I said in previous threads, what baffles me why the iPod has a consumer look, and the mini have the pro look. Either way I'm still getting my mini when they are available in Canada.

Title: Re:Cost of Mini IPod Raises Questions
Post by: |MP|Buccaneer on March 03, 2004, 03:12:49 am
Alaric, I have a 6 CD changer in the truck, so that's pretty much enough for me.  For moving files around, External FW drives or networking does great.  Especially since I have that new gigabit switch, it's much faster than firewire =D.

Title: Re:Cost of Mini IPod Raises Questions
Post by: cO.gabe on March 03, 2004, 08:09:43 pm
Okay, so here is the big question.  I want an iPod.  I have about 500 songs in my music collection, but I am planning on expanding it.  I also would use my iPod for data storage.  Should i get an iPod or an iPod mini?

Title: Re:Cost of Mini IPod Raises Questions
Post by: kami on March 03, 2004, 08:12:33 pm
How about a little USB stick for small file transfers? Cheaper and easier.

Title: Re:Cost of Mini IPod Raises Questions
Post by: "Sixhits" on March 03, 2004, 08:37:51 pm

I suggest you wait.

You should stick to the wise old statement that one should never buy a new product.

And the iPod itself, while being a mature product, is pretty sure to drop in price and improve in performance before too long.

Besides, the mini is now competing with the major. That's going to make the prices change.

At 500 songs you can wait a while till the next revision.

Title: Re:Cost of Mini IPod Raises Questions
Post by: iroc38927 on March 03, 2004, 09:50:10 pm

I agree totally with what your saying. Their are numerous other mp3 players out there that hold just as much memory as an ipod and produce less quality. However, the ipod is the dominating mp3 player on the market, apple still manages to produce an smarter and smaller device as technology evolves. And at the rate of the mp3 player's are evolving, adding more and more feature's the price's should go down as the industry grows.