*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => General Gossip => Topic started by: kos.viper on October 05, 2001, 05:05:15 pm

Title: Sad...Very Sad
Post by: kos.viper on October 05, 2001, 05:05:15 pm
Attention Boys and Girls (wonders if there r any) of the Mac R6/RS Community..... Theres a new foe in town known as "Th3 Sp0t" (must be a wanabe hacker w/ the 3 and 0 in his nick i guess) if u havent seen his web site here it is http://www.th3sp0t.cjb.net/

Now i dunno about u, but it looks like "Th3 Sp0t" has copied Mauti's code from the *DAMN Web site and has only changed the graphical appreance of the site.... i find this very disconcerning as Mauti has put tons of hours into the *DAMN site, while this wanabe webmaster has simply copied Mauti's HTML code and then changed some colors.

I also see that this guy has signed up for the *DAMN R6 Forum, in my opinion i would like to see him IP banned from this forum as coping someone elses site is just not cool....

Title: Re: Sad...Very Sad
Post by: KoS Ultimo on October 05, 2001, 05:16:03 pm
Yes viper:

Th3 Spot is Romulus. I guess after being kicked out of the *DAMN staff and site, he felt an obligation to copy *DAMN. He copied their forum...the setup...shit, even Newspro.But hey, what can we do huh ?.

Th3 Spot will never be nearly as good as the *DAMN community, and i can garuntee that almost nobody will even care about it......

Romulus, for once in your life, try to do something different to make you special, and dont reply on you being a dumbass for making you popular.

Title: Re: Sad...Very Sad
Post by: Bondo on October 05, 2001, 08:07:07 pm
If a tree falls in a forest and nobody is there, does it make a noise.  If a loser starts a web site and nobody visits, did it ever exist.

This tasty bit of philosophy brought to you by
*DAMN Bondo

Title: Re: Sad...Very Sad
Post by: SiGmA_X on October 05, 2001, 09:41:46 pm
This is my replay to Ult from my forum:
Lmao! I have been using NewsPro since Wrath gave me rs-hub. I did use their layout, but I am working on changing it. This Forum is NOT theirs. It's a public one, used on many sites. I use it because it's powerful, and not too hard to use.

I have more respect for *DAMN then ANY other clan online. They are a nice group of people, and have a kick ass site. Please speak of what you know, and not of what you guess.

Th3 Sp0t will be totaly diffrent in a matter of week's.

"All good things take time. All really good things take more time. - Clan Virus, Summer 2001

I know that I cannot make a site as good as *DAMN's. And also I feel no pain about being released from the *DAMN Staff. I am making this site to help Mac gamers, and for my own practice. It's not as if I wish to copy the *DAMN site. I am using some of the coding as a template, and I am changing it as a keep working.

No hard feelings *DAMN's. This is a BETA, and will look much diffrent when the final version is released. Truse me!

-Th3 Sp0t [Romulus]

Title: Re: Sad...Very Sad
Post by: SiGmA_X on October 05, 2001, 09:48:25 pm
One more thing (two):
  • The Forum: I am not *copying* this. I am using a powerful forum, reccomended to me by Wrath. It is used by many sites online.
  • The NewsPro: I have been using NewsPro's since Wrath first exsplaned them to me and gave me his rs-hub account.

Thank you Wrath.

And an IP ban would NOT be kewl! I am a *dumbass* but using some of Mauti's code doesnt deserve that. I am [stated above] changing the code as I bring the site out of Beta. It will be all graphical soon, and NOT resemble Mauti's, other then the NewsPro's and Forum. With the help of my Staff, I am making images that Th3 Sp0t alone have and use.

Viper - I am not a wantabe hacker. Sorry, you guessed wrong. And also, I'm not a hacker at all.

-Th3 Sp0t [Romulus]

Title: Re: Sad...Very Sad
Post by: kos.viper on October 05, 2001, 11:40:33 pm
Rom - "Truse" = *Trust, "reccomended" = *recommended..... "exsplaned" lmao *explained, "wantabe" = *wanabe

y dont u just start from scratch instead of using Mauti's layout for the site??? ?

O and dont worry, i know ur not a wanabe hacker or a "real" hacker.....

Btw, you all like DEeZe NuTS?!?! ?
.....i dunno so dont ask

Title: Re: Sad...Very Sad
Post by: Bondo on October 06, 2001, 12:15:31 am
Seems a bit odd, that he copied everything and not just basic layout things. ?I mean he even has the modreview spot which is even more offensive too me seeing as that is the place here with my name on it ?:) ?I don't really care about this but it does seem pretty worthless of him to waste his time on. ?When it comes to Mac R6/RS gaming. ?This website has a virtual monopoly.

Title: Re: Sad...Very Sad
Post by: SiGmA_X on October 06, 2001, 02:34:01 am
Bondo - You guy's at *DAMN have the R6/Rs alright. We at Th3 Sp0t are going for ALL Mac games that we can get reviews on.

Sorry about you not liking the Mod/Game Reviews, but its nessary for a site that is focusing on all games. We need reviews.

Please check the new update (Less *DAMNy) tommorow, about 6PM PST (or is it PDT?...)

-Th3 Sp0t [Romulus]

Title: Re: Sad...Very Sad
Post by: KoS Ultimo on October 06, 2001, 07:01:29 pm
                               2 WORDS

Your Gay!!!!

Title: Re: Sad...Very Sad
Post by: SiGmA_X on October 06, 2001, 07:23:15 pm

[shadow=red,left,300]Ultimo Need's a LIFE![/shadow]

-Th3 Sp0t [Romulus]

Title: Re: Sad...Very Sad
Post by: PsYcO aSsAsSiN on October 06, 2001, 07:31:39 pm
I usually like to sit back in the forums and just read the shit posted here, but this is irresistiable. Romulus, you tell everyone to get a life, but you were the one who wasted well over 100 hours making god knows how many different versions of that shitty old clan site. Not only do you make yourself sound dumb, but you are a hypocrite also.

Title: Re: Sad...Very Sad
Post by: Ace on October 06, 2001, 09:14:28 pm
this thread is as lame as i would expect, so normally i would avoid posting

but i gotta give some props to ult... very nice insulting method, quite original (im glad i can use the modify button to see how you did it, simple yet elegant)

Title: Re: Sad...Very Sad
Post by: Black Sheep on October 06, 2001, 09:40:11 pm
ok ok, copying sites is gay as hell, and im not gonna even TRY to defend Rom about this one, (not that i would, im not in CIA anymore yay) but he says hes gonna make it completely different, so lets give him the benefit (spelling?) of the doubt, and wait a bit.  and i mean a BIT like, 2 days, dont push it rom,

Title: Re: Sad...Very Sad
Post by: KoS Ultimo on October 06, 2001, 09:50:05 pm
Thanks for the compliment Ace, i think thats the first time i ever got one from you.Glad i could be of service 8)

Referring to when romulus said he was gonna make his site less "damny". Why didn't you make it less damny before you put it on the web. I think the only reason you are gonna make it less "damny is because everyone is giving you a hard time about the total ripe off.

Title: Re: Sad...Very Sad
Post by: kos.viper on October 06, 2001, 11:31:59 pm
Seeing that i am extremely bored, i think ill write down some of my favorite Oxymorons....
"IBM compatible "
"Microsoft Works"
"Rap music "
"Clearly misunderstood "

O and Ace... let's get this "thread is as lame as i would expect" thing straight... Any thread in an online fake forum would be classified as a "lame thread"

Title: Re: Sad...Very Sad
Post by: SiGmA_X on October 07, 2001, 12:52:22 am
1) I have a life. I spent about 10 hours total on the CIA site, over 3 months.

2) Th3 Sp0t's site should be changed in layout as LATE as NEXT Sunday, but I am hoping to have time to fix/change it by THIS Sunday.

3) Viper, lmoa! MS Works!! Heh, no it doesnt!

-Th3 Sp0t [Romulus]

Title: Re: Sad...Very Sad
Post by: jn.blackhand on October 07, 2001, 01:58:41 am
wow. this is truly an all time low for even you romulus.

if you're going to copy the DAMN site down to the fucking source code, you could at least be smart enough to copy the amount of worthwhile content.

That review of SIN. Sigh.

Anyone who thinks romulus doesn't deserve the amount of belittling that goes on here in these forums is right. he deserves much more harrasment then we are giving him.

we need to take up a collection, buy a huge billboard, and cement into romulus' front lawn. that way, whenever he looks out the window, he'll see a huge sign that simply says, DUMBASS. Arial. Bold. Size 1000000.

Title: Re: Sad...Very Sad
Post by: SiGmA_X on October 07, 2001, 02:08:20 am
Lamo BlackHand! It's not MY review. It's Asterax's.

Title: Re: Sad...Very Sad
Post by: *DAMN Mauti on October 07, 2001, 04:09:24 am
Tztztztzt that can't be. Just unbelievable. There is no word for it lol. You just copied my whole code. I spent over 2 month to make this site and yeah you copy it in 10 min. Sure Newspro and YaBB are free for everyone but I can't remember that Newspro comes together with MY HTML layout code. Does it!?

"Please check the new update (Less *DAMNy) tommorow, about 6PM PST (or is it PDT?...)" - Rom

Less *DAMNy but nevertheless my code, sigh! Modreview layout hmmm is also the same. Maybe I deserve this because I almost always tried to help you when you had a problem with your CIA site. Lol.
I am very sure that you won't redo the whole site but you should.

Rom are you proud what you have done? Are you proud about "your" site? I couldn't if I know that I have used the whole layout code and ideas from another site.

Title: Re: Sad...Very Sad
Post by: SiGmA_X on October 07, 2001, 04:43:23 am
Mauti, I can promise you that it will NOT look like your site after about 2 days.

The headlines will be on the side's of the page. There is no changing that, but I can garentee that it will NOT look like the *DAMN site.

-Th3 Sp0t [Romulus]

Title: Re: Sad...Very Sad
Post by: Grifter on October 07, 2001, 04:44:54 am

Maybe I deserve this because I almost always tried to help you when you had a problem with your CIA site. Lol.

Hey Mauti, this is why I don't forgive Rom anymore.  I can't count how many times I've tried to be nice and help the guy out.  Only to put up with crap.

Rom, copying the whole site is idiotic.  I mean, go in, read the source for how something cool works so you can immitate it.... don't just copy it.... and not the whole damn site!  If you really want people to go to your site (like we all visit Mauti's site) you need to do something different.  Something new.  Stealing all Mauti's hard work isn't special.  It's pathetic.  Mauti has worked very hard to give us a place on the web to increase our enjoyment of GR and R6/RS.  Mauti gave you the chance to be a Battle League Admin, review mods, and be a moderator.  Over all the objections, he gave you a chance.  Don't be a dick and repay him by stealing his hard work.

As a last note... you, Romulus, are always crying about people stealing your images... your copyright... if you actually care about the right and wrong of such things... what the hell are you doing copying all this work?

Title: Re: Sad...Very Sad
Post by: SiGmA_X on October 07, 2001, 04:55:02 am
Grift - Let it rest! I am re-doing it as I am typing this out! The only reason I used the HTML was to get m NewsPro's setup, accualy! I had no other reason. I don't want my site to be a copy of Mauti's. He has done his own work, and it's great. If i copy it, it (mine) wont be as good. I am not going into further detal, but I am redoing it, so its my own. Thank you.

-Th3 Sp0t [Romulus]

Title: Re: Sad...Very Sad
Post by: kos.viper on October 07, 2001, 10:12:22 am
Question on the floor:  Rom, are u even in school? See, i understand y rom did copy Mauti's code.... do you think a guy who can hardly spell would be able to make a big site just like Mauti's? i didnt think so  8)

Let's Recap on today's spelling list's:

"Truse" = *Trust, "reccomended" = *recommended..... "exsplaned" = *explained, "wantabe" = *wanabe and our newest word of the day "promose" = promise.....  

Why does Romulus have such a hard time w/ simple words?

Title: Re: Sad...Very Sad
Post by: Grifter on October 07, 2001, 10:24:47 am
1) that was my first post on the subject.  No reason to "let it rest" until I have already voiced my opinions.
2) If you really mean that you don't want to copy it, do the right thing and take the site down until it's your work, not Mauti's.  
3)I really hope you mis-wrote this:
    And if your site took you a 2 months, so sorry! I can make the same thing in about 30min.[/list]
    If you are saying that you could have done the job that Mauti did so much faster....  that's pretty insulting.  If you could have made it in 30 mins, why didn't you... why copy his work?

    Title: Re: Sad...Very Sad
    Post by: SiGmA_X on October 07, 2001, 01:24:12 pm
    Viper - Lay off. I as typing at like 3AM and I wasnt watching... I am not normally a very good speller, and at night its worst.

    Grifter - Okay. I used it cuz I didnt want to remake it just to test some ssi's. My staff and I are currently making our own images and layout.

    Thank you,
    -Th3 Sp0t

    Title: Re: Sad...Very Sad
    Post by: PsYcO aSsAsSiN on October 07, 2001, 02:12:28 pm
    I think i remember something about Romulus and copyright infringment... mb if Rom hasd half a brain, he would have seen this:

    "? by *DAMN Mauti a.k.a Clemens Mautner Markhof, Salzgries 17/11, 1010 Vienna, Austria; Phone: +43-676-6158786;
    Thanks to PlanetRainbowSix a division of Game Spy Networks for hosting and supporting us. All rights reserved."

    at the bottom. Now, wouldn't it be funny to see Rom's ass get hauled to jail or pay a huge fine for being a thief? However, stealing source code is nothing new for romulus, you can ask sniper on how he jacked our source too for one of his early model CIA sites.

    Lol, and to top it off, he posted his crappy ass mod review that was rejected by *DAMN, and it still is linking over to the *DAMN T.E.T section and *DAMN mod download portal without giving *DAMN credit...the nerve of that little boy.

    Title: Re: Sad...Very Sad
    Post by: SiGmA_X on October 07, 2001, 02:41:54 pm
    Yeah, right. When did I jack your source? Mauti (MAUTI, NOT YOU) told me about how to use the GR Indecater, which IS open source. Most clans use it.

    Title: Re: Sad...Very Sad
    Post by: zak on October 07, 2001, 04:31:31 pm
    Viper, i resent that speling shit, hell, i cant spell if my life depended on it, of course i cen do everyhting else better then you, so =p

    Title: Re: Sad...Very Sad
    Post by: kos.viper on October 07, 2001, 09:51:17 pm
    lol lmao zak..... you see tho Romulus stated in one of his replys .... AHHHHHH HE FUCKING FIXED THEM AFTER I TOLD HIM THE CORRECT SPELLING, lmfao... you see before in this post"Mauti, I can promise you that it will NOT look like your site after about 2 days. " used to look like this:

    "Mauti, I can promose (i cant spell)  you that it will NOT look like your site after about 2 days. "

    Hummmm, and zak... its good to know that i can still kill u in a good ole game RS  ;)

    Title: Re: Sad...Very Sad
    Post by: JaggedEdge on October 14, 2001, 11:26:53 am
    i dont even know whta to say lol but i do know that ur in the wrong ROM ur site is for more less the exsact thing as the *DAMN site just not as good hehehehe dont even try to defend urself ROM u know it is u sure r making urself to look like an ass first u cheat and get cia shutdown now this tsktsktsk im ashaimed of u.

    Title: Re: Sad...Very Sad
    Post by: kos.viper on October 14, 2001, 11:36:27 am
    Jagged, try using  comma's next time to sort out ur mess of a paragraph so its easier for others to read ur nonsense

    Title: Re: Sad...Very Sad
    Post by: JaggedEdge on October 14, 2001, 11:50:55 am
    OUCH that hurts here u go viper:
       i dont even know whta to say lol but i do know that ur in the wrong ROM ur site is for more less the exsact thing as the *DAMN site just not as good hehehehe
    dont even try to defend urself ROM u know it is u sure r making urself to look like an ass first u cheat and get cia shutdown now this tsktsktsk im ashaimed of u.


    Title: Re: Sad...Very Sad
    Post by: JaggedEdge on October 14, 2001, 12:03:42 pm
    y r u so meen u make me cry =( ANY FU**IN better:
    i dont even know whta to say lol but i do know that ur in

    the wrong ROM ur site is for more less the exsact thing as

    the *DAMN site just not as good hehehehe dont even try  

    defend urself ROM u know it is u sure r making urself to

    look like an ass first u cheat and get cia shutdown now this

    tsktsktsk im ashaimed of u.

    Title: Re: Sad...Very Sad
    Post by: kos.viper on October 14, 2001, 12:05:31 pm

    OUCH that hurts here u go viper:
    ? ?i dont even know whta to say lol but i do know that ur in the wrong ROM ur site is for more less the exsact thing as the *DAMN site just not as good hehehehe
    dont even try to defend urself ROM u know it is u sure r making urself to look like an ass first u cheat and get cia shutdown now this tsktsktsk im ashaimed of u.


    Fixed Version: ?OUCH that hurts here u go viper:
    ? ?i don?t even know what to say lol but i do know that ur in the wrong ROM,(COMMA) ur site is for ? ? ?
    more or less the exact thing as the *DAMN site just not as good hehehehe

    dont even try to defend urself ROM, **u know u r making urself** look like an ass,(COMMA) first u cheat and get cia shutdown, now this ?tsktsktsk im ?ashamed? of u.

    Title: Re: Sad...Very Sad
    Post by: JaggedEdge on October 14, 2001, 12:08:23 pm

    Title: Re: Sad...Very Sad
    Post by: Ace on October 15, 2001, 01:35:52 am
    Jagged, my current number one temptation to abuse the power of deleting other people's posts.

    Title: Re: Sad...Very Sad
    Post by: kos.viper on October 15, 2001, 09:56:00 pm
    Please do use this feature Ace  ;D

    Title: Re: Sad...Very Sad
    Post by: jn.wrath on October 16, 2001, 10:38:35 am
    Abuse? Well.. its only abuse if you are deleting worthwhile posts..

    I guess that puts this post up on the chopping block.. but Ass knows that if he deletes this, his post count will suddenly rocket down to 23..

    Title: Re: Sad...Very Sad
    Post by: PsYcO aSsAsSiN on October 16, 2001, 09:23:30 pm

    hate to break it to you, but I am not an admin in this section...and I do not delete posts besides cb's that have already been scored...soooooooo WTF are you talking about?

    Title: Re: Sad...Very Sad
    Post by: Grifter on October 16, 2001, 11:28:40 pm
    Ass(assin), reading the thread (with Ace talking about abusing his power in a just cause)... I think it's safe to assume that Wrath's comment was directed at the Resident Ass... not the Ass(assin).  
    So, if you see Ace's post number suddenly shrink to 27... you'll understand that he deleted a post of Wraths... =P  not that we are really serious... except about cleaning up some of that spam.

    Title: Re: Sad...Very Sad
    Post by: jn.wrath on October 16, 2001, 11:41:20 pm
    Ass is my pet name for Ace.

    Ass(assin) is my pet name for Ass(assin).

    Any questions?

    Title: Re: Sad...Very Sad
    Post by: Grifter on October 16, 2001, 11:43:53 pm
    got milk?

    Title: Re: Sad...Very Sad
    Post by: PsYcO aSsAsSiN on October 17, 2001, 12:16:58 am
    OK, I  got   your  drift  wrathy. ?;D

    Title: Re: Sad...Very Sad
    Post by: jn.wrath on October 17, 2001, 12:37:26 am
    got useless posts by grift made to boost his post count?

    Title: Re: Sad...Very Sad
    Post by: Ace on October 17, 2001, 03:18:09 am

    got useless posts by grift made to boost his post count?

    oh the hypocrisy

    Title: Re: Sad...Very Sad
    Post by: Bondo on October 17, 2001, 10:03:42 am
    I think Assassin would be better shortened to Ass.?
    Actually I wanted to do ass squared but I don't know how to get the two up there so I settled for the trademark.

    Title: Re: Sad...Very Sad
    Post by: Ace on October 17, 2001, 11:54:52 am
    If you try to trademark Ass, I'll sue you in the same court Rom took everyone in for "copying" CIA.

    Title: Re: Sad...Very Sad
    Post by: kos.viper on October 17, 2001, 03:42:26 pm
    Assassin, Don't you ever get tried of this tag that they've put on you?! "Ass(assin)"

    Title: Re: Sad...Very Sad
    Post by: JaggedEdge on October 17, 2001, 06:51:10 pm
    ACE UR AN ASS STFU!!!!!!!!!!!

    Title: Re: Sad...Very Sad
    Post by: Ace on October 18, 2001, 02:29:18 am
    Now for all you wannabe asses, this is a perfect time for me to demonstrate how these forums offer many different options for assing.

    First, let me introduce the basic vocabulary:
    Dumbass - Your run of the mill idiot who doesn't realize his idiocy. Often claims to be extremely intelligent with proclamations such as "OMG IM SO SMRT!"
    Ass - Highly trained professional equipped with a keen wit and unafraid to publicly humiliate a dumbass completely.
    These two terms can seem similar at first, but there is an enormous difference. Fail to notice this difference and you are liable to become one of the former.

    The newbie ass will invariably attack the simplistic nature of the dumbass' post. Generally, keywords such as "ur" and "stfu" are a sign of weakness. Another indicator is the use of all caps. This is a good foray to get your feet we in the art of assing. However, you should attempt to graduate from these as quickly as possible. (Even innovative twists on this, such as RSC and RGC, will lose their originality and fade faster than Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch. However, this is usually not the fault of the original ass, but the knockoffs who can't ass on their own yet and try to follow suit)

    Another slightly more advanced mock for a post such as this would be to attack the fact than any 2 year old with Downs syndrome could easily point out the same fact. Not a bad mock if you are in a rush or still getting a hang of things, but do these too often and you will lose all credibility as a technically proficient ass.

    *Stops to have a sip of Coke*
    "Coke, the official sponsor of Resident Asses everywhere"

    Now a well trained veteran ass will usually bypass the said options almost instinctively. Yet this does not mean that assing comes easily. It still takes time, thought, and effort, especially when the post is as short as the one said above. In cases like this, it is often helpful to use the post as an illustration of the subject's overall dumbass behavior. So in this situation, a proper response might be something along the lines of "Unlike you Jagged, my ass always remains shut (the fuck up) from outside intrusions. Have you been hanging around Rom too much lately?" or "Gee Jagged, I guess your other well-constructed remarks I have been seeing lately obviously left you intellectually drained on this one." These are mid-level mocks, but by no means of the highest quality for someone of my or blackhand's standard.

    Now my personal favorite for an advanced mock involves alluding to a piece of literature, historical event, or current event that will:
    A) Amuse those who get the joke.
    B) Confound the dumbass to the point where he isn't even sure if he is being mocked.
    So after a little thought, a well structured mock here might be something like "Jagged, your post epitomizes your stupidity just as the Maginot Line stood as a symbol of France's military ineptitude: worthless and obviously the least efficient use of the human mind seen in a long time."

    I leave you with some final tips:
    1) Do not make an attempt to ass until you have seen a fair share of properly executed mocks. Foolish bravery has been the downfall of many before you.
    2) Pick an easy target first. With a subject such as JaggedEdge, you have no real fear of your mock being analyzed and picked apart. With time, you can move on to dumbasses with at least a slight ability to defend themself, such as Rom
    3) Have fun. Assing is a sport almost. And with every sport, after a victory, take some time to sit back and admire your efforts.

    Title: Re: Sad...Very Sad
    Post by: jn.wrath on October 18, 2001, 11:02:21 am
    One thing you forgot. As an Ass, you must always know, not just act like, you are in charge of the forum and that everyone else are targets of mockery. Always refer to anyone and everyone as "fools" and such.

    Other than that.. an excellent guide on mocking..

    Watch, I'll get mocked for this post.. :)

    BTW: Jagged's post is a classic example of a dumbass trying to mock a true Ass by.. calling him his title.

    Example: Dumbass A says "Wrath, you're a janitor, HAHAHAHAHHA THAT WAS FUN TO INSULT J00 B/C IM L33T AND J00 ARENT, BTW: JANITORS SUCKS!!!"


    Title: Re: Sad...Very Sad
    Post by: jn.blackhand on October 18, 2001, 01:02:36 pm

    Title: Re: Sad...Very Sad
    Post by: Ace on October 18, 2001, 03:06:52 pm
    "The janitors : the first, the only, the best anti-clan clan"

    Damn right, not only do "JANITORS SUXXORS", but they are lying sacks of shit who can't remember the one, the only, *Syrup*

    And thank you for those revisions Wrath. I'll let you off without a mock this time :P

    Title: Re: Sad...Very Sad
    Post by: KoS Ultimo on October 18, 2001, 08:06:59 pm
    You know what, what Ace said is very smart. I under estimated the talent of Ace to out smart me and when I steped up to the plate and tried to diss him out, i got dissed so bad all i could do was shut down my computer. And unlike some people (rom, jagged), i knew when to stop. Now i dont think Ace and me and so called "friends", but atleast he doesnt mock my posts anymore....maybe i am geting somewhere.

    Over time you learn to respect people that are powerful and leaders.....and with Ace being a moderator of the general chat in this forum, he is definatley a leader. So jaggededge, give up while you still can, before everyone turns against you...... 8)

    Title: Re: Sad...Very Sad
    Post by: Grifter on October 18, 2001, 09:24:48 pm
    Ace, wonderful post.... really... I mean it.... (you can just hear that sarcasim, can't you).

    OK, I really do mean it. ?You should put it on TET, right next to my Dumbass editorial.

    I'm just disappointed. ?I guess that maybe I've been both too direct when pissed and too mild when not to be considered amongst the ranks of professional ass's. ?I guess I'll just have to lift my skirt, drop my purse and start dishing it out like a man instead of my old grandmother (actually, if I could dish it out like her... ah, never mind, any Oedipus references here will be almost a total waste.... almost)

    BTW, I though JOLT cola was the preferred drink of the professional Ass (remember, when among asses, it's better to be the smart one).  Or maybe JOLT is the offical drink of those who only get 3 hours of sleep a night (wagon - horse; chickn - egg; cause -  effect)

    Title: Re: Sad...Very Sad
    Post by: jn.blackhand on October 18, 2001, 11:47:18 pm
    Ace, the Janitors were live and well in early 96.

    0wn3d. roxors. lol. stfu. OMG. lmao. sigh.

    Title: Re: Sad...Very Sad
    Post by: Ace on October 19, 2001, 12:47:30 am
    Thank you GRIFT. I already actually thought about taking it to TET, and I will do so when I get a chance.

    I am sorry for not including you. This was a mistake. Along with blackhand, we for the trinity of Forum Asses so to speak. I guess I overlooked you because you are more of a techinically sound ass, while blackhand and I are more flashy.

    And GRIFT, I guess I have an Oedipal complex if your mom counts for me too. Then again, most guys here think Oedipal means that it's ok to eat. (Wow, just realized the nasty pun the came out of that, hehe)

    Title: Re: Sad...Very Sad
    Post by: Grifter on October 19, 2001, 12:57:42 am
    That was one vision I really didn't need at 1 am, right before going to bed....

    And Ace, I'm going to assume that you are one of the few guys that knows where my new quote comes from.... and the first guy that says "Wrath of Kahn" will bring upon mocking wrath like the breaching of a whale.

    Title: Re: Sad...Very Sad
    Post by: Ace on October 19, 2001, 04:12:28 am
    I like that last little hint there Aha... errr GRIFT.

    Title: Re: Sad...Very Sad
    Post by: Bondo on October 19, 2001, 09:27:31 am
    ahem, keep your dick out of this forum grift. ;)

    Title: Re: Sad...Very Sad
    Post by: jn.wrath on October 19, 2001, 10:40:57 am
    Can I answer "Wrath of the Fruit Loops" without being martyred and having my leg removed and replaced with a pegleg? :)

    Title: Re: Sad...Very Sad
    Post by: Grifter on October 19, 2001, 02:13:49 pm
    Well, nice to know that three of the eight or so fella's I figured would know, did know... even if I was way too obvious...

    Ace, one other point concerning your construction of mocking (or 10 easy steps to become a professional ass).  There is a fine line that must not be crossed.  It is so easy to mock so far over a dumbass's head that you could sound like Dennis Miller announcing Monday Night Football.  While I'm a big fan of MNF, and a huge fan of Dennis Miller's rantz..... they mix like Potasium and water.... ok, not even that well.

    Title: Re: Sad...Very Sad
    Post by: Bondo on October 19, 2001, 06:53:34 pm
    I agree about Miller and MNF.  The biggest problem with him there is that he stops being an ass and tries to be a football commentator.  The only reason he was hired was to be an ass so why can't he be one damnit.  Oh well, I guess I'll have to continue listening to my tapes of Rants, Ranting Again, and Rants Redux.  His rants never stop being funny, especially as I understand more of his jokes.  At least that's my opinion, I could be wrong.

    Title: Re: Sad...Very Sad
    Post by: Bondo on October 20, 2001, 12:59:33 am
    {now, now Bondo, don't give the answer away that quickly.  If you really want to post it, I'll put it back here.. but for now I'll make this one little abuse} -Grifter is the answer to the question for those who are so incapable of thought that they had not figured it out yet. ?Speaking of those incabable of thought, I see black and roy are having some fun with posting.

    Title: Re: Sad...Very Sad
    Post by: kos.viper on October 20, 2001, 12:16:40 pm
    You guys want to see the perfect definition of wut JaggedEdge? is? ?check out http://www.dictionary.com/cgi-bin/dict.pl?term=N1bb

    Title: Re: Sad...Very Sad
    Post by: Ace on October 28, 2001, 02:20:24 am
    As I promised, I put up the TET Editorial (Slightly belated though) Please check it out and add comments.

    And GRIFT's signature is from Moby Dick. I figure we can let this out now.

    Title: Re: Sad...Very Sad
    Post by: fot...er, ACE!  Yah... on October 28, 2001, 09:25:29 am

    {now, now Bondo, don't give the answer away that quickly. ?If you really want to post it, I'll put it back here.. but for now I'll make this one little abuse} -Grifter is the answer to the question for those who are so incapable of thought that they had not figured it out yet. ?Speaking of those incabable of thought, I see black and roy are having some fun with posting.

    Hmm, not Wrath of Khan, eh? ?Hmmmm.....

    OOoOOoooOOooo, I know! ?Undiscovered Country! ?That Klingon guy ran around quoting that Skake...Shake....Shakeandbake guy!

    Ahhh, I am SOOOOOO smrt.