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*DAMN R6 Community => General Gossip => Topic started by: BTs_GhostSniper on February 19, 2004, 05:57:12 pm

Title: Best Macintosh Ever?
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on February 19, 2004, 05:57:12 pm
Just wondering which Mac Case Design Mac Users think is the most beautiful.  If you think one I didn't list is better than one of those, tell us about it.

Title: Re:Best Macintosh Ever?
Post by: BFG on February 19, 2004, 07:01:35 pm
G5 gets my vote.. although so does the original imac, and so does the 2nd geneartion 'angle poise' imac

Title: Re:Best Macintosh Ever?
Post by: kami on February 19, 2004, 07:50:29 pm
My Cube is simply angelic, nothing compares to it. The G5 is pretty neat as well, as is the AlPb, but no, they don't beat the gift from god (Steve), the divine cube.

Title: Re:Best Macintosh Ever?
Post by: Ace on February 19, 2004, 08:28:44 pm
As someone sitting next to two of the computers on this list, I must say hands down that the Cube takes it. It is the ultimate in design elegance and functional engineering.

Title: Re:Best Macintosh Ever?
Post by: Supernatural Pie on February 19, 2004, 09:32:26 pm
My vote has to go the the Flat Panel iMac. Regardless of upgradability or power, the shell takes the cake.

Title: Re:Best Macintosh Ever?
Post by: |MP|Buccaneer on February 19, 2004, 09:53:04 pm
As someone sitting next to two of the computers on this list, I must say hands down that the Cube takes it. It is the ultimate in design elegance and functional engineering.

Setting next to 4 of them, I'll also say the cube.  Though the colorclassic comes in a close second.

Title: Re:Best Macintosh Ever?
Post by: *DAMN Elandrion on February 19, 2004, 11:02:48 pm
my vote goes to the cube, but i also like the look of the 2nd gen. xserves. small, sleek yet powerful - as an apple should be.

Title: Re:Best Macintosh Ever?
Post by: BFG on February 20, 2004, 12:02:55 am
sitting next to not enough of them... and i forgot about the damn cube... Its got to be up at the top - noboby has created somthing even near to it yet! Its just a pity people wern't ready for the cube when apple released it

Title: Re:Best Macintosh Ever?
Post by: kami on February 20, 2004, 12:13:55 am
Yeah guys, lets make a re-release petition! Yeeaaaah!! Who's with me?? *Runs away as everyone else sits still and watches*

Title: Re:Best Macintosh Ever?
Post by: |MP|Buccaneer on February 20, 2004, 09:53:27 am
Maybe there will be a chance with the future G5's which don't run nearly as hot as the current ones.  But if they can't do it without a fan, it's not worth it.  

Title: Re:Best Macintosh Ever?
Post by: BFG on February 20, 2004, 09:54:45 am
According to BusinessWeek's Corporate Scoreboard, Apple reported the largest profit increase of all tech companies in 2003. The company saw a 552 percent jump in annual profits to US$137 million. Total profits for the 900 companies on the Scoreboard rose 76 percent from the year before, the highest profit surge in its history.

Sounds nice dosn't it! Wheres that kid who was saying apple was going under?

Title: Re:Best Macintosh Ever?
Post by: th.Sentinel on February 20, 2004, 10:09:31 am
I like my G5, I like my iMac, I like my B&W G3 which was one of the first coloured comp after the long range of grey boxes.

But what I really like is my Apple IIc, it has a handle on the back of the keyboard and I can pick it up and take it with me where ever I want, I just need a screen to plug in on it and I can continue working  ;D. To bad it doesn't have a HD, a cd-rom station, a diskdrive... It only has a floppy drive  ;)
But I still like it, it was one of the first portable computers I think, they only forgot to integrate the screen. :o

I'll put a pick of it up this weekend, so that the guys that don't know the IIc will see some fine piece of Mac history. And guess what, it still works!!!

My top 5:
1) Cube
2) 1st Coloured iBooks
3) G5
4) Flatpanel iMac
5) Xserve

Title: Re:Best Macintosh Ever?
Post by: BTs_Lee.Harvey on February 20, 2004, 10:26:52 am
I stilll like the old power pc mac cases.. the 8600 powermac case.. yea it was big.. and i still have one sitting under my desk (that i hope to upgrade to make it a server) that still works!!

Title: Re:Best Macintosh Ever?
Post by: Toxic::Joka on February 20, 2004, 02:07:59 pm
If its just the design the the flat panel iMac is definately in my oppinion the best, very bold and elegant - Industrial design at its best.

Although the G5 being the newest is obvioulsy the best in terms of performance.

Title: Re:Best Macintosh Ever?
Post by: kami on February 21, 2004, 02:07:46 am
Duh Joka, of course the newest PM will always crush everything else performance wise. I personally don't really like the newer iMac's that much, neither did I ever like the clamshells, this Cube still marvels me with its beauty, even though it's starting to feel a bit weak.

Title: Re:Best Macintosh Ever?
Post by: BFG on February 21, 2004, 02:37:46 am
Can't question the beauty of the cube, there just isn't anything quite like it... although i do think the latest iMacs are pretty stunning

Title: Re:Best Macintosh Ever?
Post by: |MP|Buccaneer on February 21, 2004, 06:03:12 am
Yeah, the new iMacs run behind the cube still, in my opinion, though the new iMac is closer to the cube than it is the old iMacs.

I have to say that while the clam shape of the first iBooks didn't appeal to me, other design aspects of it still do.  The spring loaded top, the rubberized bottom, the handle was even useful as all hell running around to meetings.  Most of all, they were more durable than the current models.  That extra space they had around the sides to give it the rounded look takes one hell of a beating.  Lose the gay colors they had, lose some of the rounded crap look, but bring back some of the cool features that made the iBook stand out when it first was introduced.

Title: Re:Best Macintosh Ever?
Post by: BTs_Mysterio on February 21, 2004, 04:12:16 pm
I think the new Powermac design is a very good step. The old G3/G4 styled towers had the consumer appearence. Now they've made all pro computers have the aluminum look. I personally hate the new iMac, to me it sort of defeated the purpose of the series. The new flat panels aren't as durable and easy to move around. The display portion of the new iMac is nice (with the swing arm) but it really seems fragile if you were to take it somewhere.

Other Apple things that need work right now:
-Studio/Cinema Displays: Need a new look to match G5s, atleast drop the pin stripes outside of the fake press photos.
-iPod (High end): Looks like the consumer product even though it's the pro product. Perhaps they should drop the iMac white plastic/chrome look.
-PowerBook: let's assume the put a G5 in it, I think it needs a more defining look again, the all Al (even the keyboard) looks almost cheap.
-iBook: Perhpas the whole consumer colour stuff shoudl come back, look at the iPod mini. Them colours are sexy.
-eMac: Needs some more power, and a sleeker case, maybe just cut the back in more,  make it LCD with the all in one so you can jam alot in the back and keep it sleeker.
-NEW CUBE! Apple said the project was on indefinite suspension, not cancelled.

Apple products that are on course:
iSight, Display Sizes, G5 case, iPod Mini, 90nm G5, Xserve G5.

Just my 2? (Written at 10 am on saturday so don't blame me if there are many mistakes...)

Title: Re:Best Macintosh Ever?
Post by: kami on February 21, 2004, 04:43:33 pm
Indefinite suspension is pretty much the same as 'killed'.

Title: Re:Best Macintosh Ever?
Post by: Mr. Lothario on February 21, 2004, 11:27:17 pm
     But this is Apple, where "interim CEO" is the same as "boss".

Title: Re:Best Macintosh Ever?
Post by: kami on February 21, 2004, 11:49:10 pm
Haha, true, but even though Apple has a way of sometimes surprising everyone, I still don't believe they'll ever release a Cube again, perhaps something else just as small, or smaller (with just as sexy design), but it won't be a Cube per se.

Title: Re:Best Macintosh Ever?
Post by: BTs_Mysterio on February 22, 2004, 02:31:16 am
I think they need to do something that will fit in between iMac and PowerMac. The iMac currently is a bad price and a bad low end comp. If they made the iMac cheaper again and let the PowerMacs stay the same, there would be the perfect spot for the pro-sumer computer. Perhaps something with power but not any fancy shit. Perhaps a (then) older G5 and a decent GPU. There is space in apple for a 3rd line up, they just have to do it right.

Title: Re:Best Macintosh Ever?
Post by: BFG on February 22, 2004, 03:16:50 pm
I think thats a bit unfair on the poor old iMac... For what they are i think they are great comps. If your a no nonsense guy who needs a computer to write essays, to do emails, surf the web, play a few games and generally mess about the imac is fine.

Title: Re:Best Macintosh Ever?
Post by: BTs_Mysterio on February 22, 2004, 05:56:56 pm
Hardly BFG, a computer starting at 1299 barely would fall into that category. Most PC people buy $500-800 computers. Apple can't pass off a emac as a family computer, simply because they brand it for education. The case they put the iMac in now costs too much to produce, and has no chance of any expandability. It would be wise to lower the iMac price poitn with a new formfactor and all new guts.

The current iMac hasn't made the impression that the bondi iMac did. I really think they need to do something with iMacs and do it soon. Bang for buck stevve, not eligence and perfection swing arms.

Title: Re:Best Macintosh Ever?
Post by: Supernatural Pie on February 23, 2004, 12:16:17 am
I think there are too many people voting for the G5 based on the question "Best Macintosh Ever". Of course the G5 is the best macintosh ever, but it's not even close to the best design ever, which is what is being asked. Now, don't get me wrong, I think the G5 tower is really cool design, but I mean honestly... put it next to a cube or a new iMac, and it just looks boring.

Title: Re:Best Macintosh Ever?
Post by: BTs_Mysterio on February 23, 2004, 01:05:50 am
I think there are too many people voting for the G5 based on the question "Best Macintosh Ever". Of course the G5 is the best macintosh ever, but it's not even close to the best design ever, which is what is being asked. Now, don't get me wrong, I think the G5 tower is really cool design, but I mean honestly... put it next to a cube or a new iMac, and it just looks boring.

The New iMac is ugly. I vote the cube as best.

Title: Re:Best Macintosh Ever?
Post by: Supernatural Pie on February 23, 2004, 03:50:20 am
The New iMac is ugly.

*Snipe covers his iMac's eyes*
