*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => General Gossip => Topic started by: ?{RiP}? Vapor on October 28, 2001, 10:50:37 am

Title: This Anthrax Shit Is Getting Kinda Scary
Post by: ?{RiP}? Vapor on October 28, 2001, 10:50:37 am
If any of you guys watch the news, then you saw yesterday that a post office in Priceton, New Jersey was tested postive for antrax a few days ago. Well, this is scary to me considering I only live half an hour away from Princeton and that this post office is next to where my sister works.

Also, a few weeks ago a friend of my sister, recieved in the mail a vile of white powder. The family then called the cops and the cops took the vile to be tested. I don't remember what the test said was in the vile. But that's pretty damn scary.

Title: Re: This Anthrax Shit Is Getting Kinda Scary
Post by: Bondo on October 28, 2001, 01:18:26 pm
I'm not scared at all but that is only because I don't fear death like you'll must.  BTW, I don't think the terrorists should be put in a zoo, they should be sent to a slaughterhouse.

Title: Re: This Anthrax Shit Is Getting Kinda Scary
Post by: jn.blackhand on October 28, 2001, 01:27:10 pm
I too am scared by 80's one hit wonder bands.

Title: Re: This Anthrax Shit Is Getting Kinda Scary
Post by: SiGmA_X on October 28, 2001, 02:41:46 pm
I do not know why the citizens of the USA should fear anything. Death is natural, and will be more peaceful then life. The media is blowing this hole thing out of porpition...

Title: Re: This Anthrax Shit Is Getting Kinda Scary
Post by: Grifter on October 28, 2001, 03:30:25 pm
Now, I'm no friend of the media (news), but how are they blowing the Anthrax threat out of proportion??  

Biological / Chemical warfare is (imho) the lowest of the low.... one tiny step below H-Bombs.  (the only reason I think it's worse is because Biological weapons can spread across the whole world if unchecked, and linger for decades... not in a few hundered square miles, but over entire countries...)

Rom, if you think Death is so much better then life... what are you still doing here..??  

Being afraid to die is a waste of time... trying not to die isn't a waste of time.... there is a difference.  No matter what is to come, I'm happy in the here and now, and am in no hurry to find out what comes after....

Title: Re: This Anthrax Shit Is Getting Kinda Scary
Post by: Ace on October 28, 2001, 04:36:38 pm
Rom is trying to wax philosophical. Fucking hilarious.

GRIFT pointed it out well. I am not afraid of dying, but I sure as fuck don't want to die for a long time. If I can avoid it, I would be very happy.

Our country is under a biological attack, one that we have never seen before. If anything, the media has done well to provide the facts and security tips to prevent widespread hysteria.

Title: Re: This Anthrax Shit Is Getting Kinda Scary
Post by: ?{RiP}? Vapor on October 28, 2001, 06:39:30 pm
I agree with Ace and Grift. The media is keeping the public elert for our safety. In no way are they blowing this out of proportion. We need to realize how dangerous this can get and we must be precautious.

When I saw that about the post office across from where my sister's works I was like holy shit. The mail that my sister gets at work comes out of that post office. My mom told me sister she should go get tested for it. But my sister will just wait a lil while to see if it is a big thing here.

Title: Re: This Anthrax Shit Is Getting Kinda Scary
Post by: kos.viper on October 28, 2001, 10:15:55 pm
The chances of everyday people getting Anthrax is very low.  And what is the death count right now of it... like 20 or something?! thats nothing compared to the population of the USA.....

Title: Re: This Anthrax Shit Is Getting Kinda Scary
Post by: SiGmA_X on October 28, 2001, 10:54:26 pm
I am not saying that I want to die either, but I feel that death is not some thing to be afraid of...

The media is not helping at all. Sure, it's nice to know what is happening, but all it's really doing is keeping the fear in the American public alive. And perhaps making it greater. I think that the media could change tactics and have happy news once and a while... And for us in the NW, news that is not accompanied with a foot of rain! (That was an exaggeration, but I HATE rain...)

Title: Re: This Anthrax Shit Is Getting Kinda Scary
Post by: Ace on October 28, 2001, 11:57:16 pm
Rom, I bet you think you are slick trying to add these not so subtle references to Portland and such. Just do us a favor, shut up, and quit the bullshit. Based on the factual evidence we have presented (such as blackhand's lovely screenshot) You are either a moron or a liar. At least admit to one.

And for the media, WE ARE IN A FUCKING WAR, THEY ARE GOING TO REPORT ON IT YOU DUMBFUCK. This war has come here, so they will report on it. What are they supposed to do? Ignored it? Imagine if Walter Cronkite had said, "Well, everyone is looking forward to the exciting Steelers-Cowboys game this weekend in Pittsburgh, and, oh yeah, JFK was shot."

Title: Re: This Anthrax Shit Is Getting Kinda Scary
Post by: SiGmA_X on October 29, 2001, 12:59:08 am
I know that you still do not beleive me. This is truly okay, but I live in Portland. I am no lier, and I am not a moron (Dumbass!=Moron).

I know that the media will report everthing, but it does make the general public scared, which it shouldn't being a very small amount of people are being affected, not counting all the familys of active duty solders.

Title: Re: This Anthrax Shit Is Getting Kinda Scary
Post by: Ace on October 29, 2001, 02:19:28 am
Nice code, I think you left out the rest. It's kinda like this
if (Dumbass != Moron)
  Romulus.truth == true;
  Romulus.truth == false;
You are a moron, a dumbass, and a liar. This is my gut instinct (based on some damn good facts here) and I'm rarely wrong when I go with my gut.

As for the Anthrax scare, this is an attack on our nation akin to Pearl Harbor: unprecedented and utterly terrifying. The media has a duty to report on it.

Title: Re: This Anthrax Shit Is Getting Kinda Scary
Post by: SiGmA_X on October 29, 2001, 02:25:29 am
Well. Being I am neither a moron or a liar, I cannot understand your reasoning. I have lied about nothing. All I did was NOT change my info. Who say's I am required to change it? No one.

Sure the meida can, and has the duty of reporting news, but since when should it be the main thing? Isn't there SOMETHING that is happy in the news? I havn't seen much, or any happy news lately...

Title: Re: This Anthrax Shit Is Getting Kinda Scary
Post by: Ace on October 29, 2001, 02:57:54 am
We are in a damn war. That's the main thing in this country. I suggest you go tell the families of the victims and dead soldiers that the recovering economy should be first on the news.

Title: Re: This Anthrax Shit Is Getting Kinda Scary
Post by: Bondo on October 29, 2001, 08:38:11 am
link=board=GR&num=1004287837&start=0#8 date=10/28/01 at 19:15:55]
The chances of everyday people getting Anthrax is very low. ?And what is the death count right now of it... like 20 or something?! thats nothing compared to the population of the USA.....

I don't sit and watch every event live on CNN or anything but I believe the number who have died of Anthrax is 3.  The guy at the paper in Florida who died at the beginning and the two postal employees in DC.

Title: Re: This Anthrax Shit Is Getting Kinda Scary
Post by: jn.blackhand on October 29, 2001, 12:27:51 pm
Bondo, more than that have died.

Romulus, you dipshit. Due to the fact the media is spreading the news of anthrax, MANY people's lives have been saved. Maybe in your sheltered adolescent world nobody gets hurt or sick, but in the real world information about deadly chemicals being distributed through the mail is considered a good thing. Show some fucking compassion.

So when you get a box full of white powder be sure to eat it, because after all the media has blown this whole anthrax thing out of proportion and the powder is probably just flour or a harmless packing substance.

Title: Re: This Anthrax Shit Is Getting Kinda Scary
Post by: Bondo on October 29, 2001, 01:00:55 pm
Blackhand, I read in this mornings paper that the total number of people infected with anthrax is 18.  Most of these people who are infected are cured and do not die.  And I stand by my claim that only 3 have died from it in the U.S. the past month.

Title: Re: This Anthrax Shit Is Getting Kinda Scary
Post by: Zomar on October 29, 2001, 02:08:24 pm
well black aret you going to yell at bondo for disagreeing with you like you do too often with rom?


Title: Re: This Anthrax Shit Is Getting Kinda Scary
Post by: kos.viper on October 29, 2001, 02:31:55 pm
Heh Bondo, i meant like affected w/ anthrax i guess  ;D

Rom: dont even go on w/ Ace, u wont win... Ace is too skilled in the areas of "Resident Assing" to be beaten by, yes, a dumbass....
btw Ace, thats a complement  ;)

Title: Re: This Anthrax Shit Is Getting Kinda Scary
Post by: Destructo on October 29, 2001, 02:55:21 pm

i'll get into it with Ace...np..

This may be a bit old news, i just heard it now...did u hear that someone just dropped a letter full of that shit in a public hallway with very high volume....

i don't know where tho...

but that shit is fucked...

Thanks God i bought my $1500 hazmat suit with appropriate filters....i'll be the coolest guy at all the bars 8)

Drink Canadian Beer...


Title: Re: This Anthrax Shit Is Getting Kinda Scary
Post by: KoS Ultimo on October 29, 2001, 04:57:18 pm
*** nominates Dest to be the new Forum dumbass***

Title: Re: This Anthrax Shit Is Getting Kinda Scary
Post by: Destructo on October 29, 2001, 04:58:57 pm
I second that

Title: Re: This Anthrax Shit Is Getting Kinda Scary
Post by: **SBR** Peekay on October 29, 2001, 08:42:48 pm
Yet, Ultimo and Dest are in same clan...Interesting...I guess I'll third it.


Title: Re: This Anthrax Shit Is Getting Kinda Scary
Post by: ?{RiP}? Vapor on October 29, 2001, 08:48:26 pm
lol even though i agree with you guys let's try to keep this thread on topic eh? ;D

Title: Re: This Anthrax Shit Is Getting Kinda Scary
Post by: Matt on October 30, 2001, 03:03:29 pm
So, how 'bout them Yankees...

Title: Re: This Anthrax Shit Is Getting Kinda Scary
Post by: KoS Ultimo on October 30, 2001, 03:13:04 pm
Soooo....... isnt Randy Johnsen just amazing, LETS GO D-BACKS

Title: Re: This Anthrax Shit Is Getting Kinda Scary
Post by: Ace on October 30, 2001, 03:54:03 pm
Randy Johnson, fellow Trojan. That makes this doubly sweet (I'm a Boston fan too)

Title: Re: This Anthrax Shit Is Getting Kinda Scary
Post by: SilentbutDeadly on October 30, 2001, 08:59:57 pm
ya i like how randy johnson has to do with anthrax and all.... ;D

Title: Re: This Anthrax Shit Is Getting Kinda Scary
Post by: jn.blackhand on October 30, 2001, 09:50:15 pm
*notes that he was wrong about the 3 anthrax related deaths*

zomar, yelling at romulus because he disagrees with me? nope.

yelling at romulus because he posts ignorant crap? yep.

Title: Re: This Anthrax Shit Is Getting Kinda Scary
Post by: jn.wrath on October 30, 2001, 09:57:39 pm
I dislike the Yankees, not because they beat the SEATTLE Mariners, but because their name sucks more ass than Ult's mom.

So, I second the "GO DIAMONDBACKS"! They're leading 2-0, right?

Title: Re: This Anthrax Shit Is Getting Kinda Scary
Post by: Bondo on October 30, 2001, 10:05:19 pm
The Yanks got hit by the Shilling Johnson door coming in, they'll get hit by it coming out.  Arizona 4- NY 1.  So yes, I third the D-Backs winning.

Title: Re: This Anthrax Shit Is Getting Kinda Scary
Post by: jn.blackhand on October 31, 2001, 02:11:12 pm
thank god i'm not the only one who hates the yankees.

Title: Re: This Anthrax Shit Is Getting Kinda Scary
Post by: Bondo on October 31, 2001, 02:49:49 pm
It's not that I hate the Yankees as much as I hate any team or person that wins every year  (like Jeff Gordon).  That is, unless they are a team I am a fan of (see Lakers)