*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => General Gossip => Topic started by: Supernatural Pie on February 18, 2004, 04:40:43 am

Title: A Short Story I Wrote
Post by: Supernatural Pie on February 18, 2004, 04:40:43 am
I was inspired to write this short story when I saw the "Which is Worse: Campers vs Spawn Killers" thread. I think after reading this you'll know why I voted for Spawn Killers.

And now, without further adieu, I give you my story.


The familiar game begins. 8 men in desert camoflage flood the sandy map from all directions. I make my way down the cliff, and around to the side of the map. It takes me three minutes, but the time spent was worth it. I steady the scope of my M24, and watch my subject crawl between the rocks, oblivious to my presence. It's over in a second.
However, I failed to consider all options, and just as I turn my rifle and see my next subject, I become aware that I am the subject.

I spawn... I hear shooting from all directions, and there's no cover around for 100 yards.

I'm dead.

I spawn again... and, coming as no surprise to me, still no cover, and the shooting still doesn't stop.

I'm dead again.

I spawn a third time... and I calmly collect myself and take aim at where I think my spawn killer is... I see him... I squeeze the trigger as my reticule surrounds his head, his face peaking up from the crest of the cliff...?

A loud crack from my sniper rifle sends a feeling of triumph through me, and I know that I have conquered this "ruiner of fun."

But I am wrong.

A small explosion of pixels cloud the face of my enemy, as if my bullet was shattered by the warm desert air in front of my attacker's eyes. Sensing his mysterious invulnerability, he peers through the scope of his OICW, taking his time, knowing that I am without both the means for a defense, and now, the means for an assault.

A crack is heard through the air, and I know I am hit. I spin around frantically, looking for an escape route, desparation setting in. Another shot, and the crunch of my knee being split into twenty pieces.

I am now hopeless. I stand still, looking at my enemy... pleading with him not to shoot... not to end it all. But he is my enemy. And he does not feel sympathy for me.

The final shot comes.

I spend the next 11 minutes in disgust of him.

Title: Re:A Short Story I Wrote
Post by: spike on February 18, 2004, 04:56:32 am
and that ladies and gentlemen is what im talking about. that is why spawn camping sucks.

Title: Re:A Short Story I Wrote
Post by: |MP|Buccaneer on February 18, 2004, 05:13:57 am
But, you can cure spawn camping easier than you can RvS/RS campers.

I know on the MP servers, we'd turn up the spawn invincible time (where you can't kill and can't be killed) to 5 or 10 seconds (we'd go to 10 if it was getting bad).  With 10 seconds, you can go and find yourself some cover.

Why not ask current servers / hosts to just turn up the invincible time?

Title: Re:A Short Story I Wrote
Post by: Supernatural Pie on February 18, 2004, 05:16:11 am
Why not ask current servers / hosts to just turn up the invincible time?

Because I will never play ghost recon again... thanks to the spawn killers.

Thanks for allowing us to use your server for a fun game like Raven Shield. We all appreciate it.

Title: Re:A Short Story I Wrote
Post by: Toxic::Joka on February 18, 2004, 06:57:40 am
Because I will never play ghost recon again... thanks to the spawn killers.

Thanks for allowing us to use your server for a fun game like Raven Shield. We all appreciate it.

So becouse Ghost Recon gives you the choice to choose between spawns and no spawns it makes it a bad game? Don't blame it on the game, blame it on the host...and the boogie

Pssst. Raven Shield is everything but fun, its smugglers run 2 all over again (the ultimate frustration game)

Title: Re:A Short Story I Wrote
Post by: Supernatural Pie on February 18, 2004, 07:04:17 am
So becouse Ghost Recon gives you the choice to choose between spawns and no spawns it makes it a bad game?

Oh please... everyone did spawn games, and you know it.

Title: Re:A Short Story I Wrote
Post by: Toxic::Joka on February 18, 2004, 08:44:22 am
I haven't played GhR actively for a month or so, but back then there was almost only "no spawn" games. Atleast the ones I played in, so again.. .blame the host

Title: Re:A Short Story I Wrote
Post by: BFG on February 18, 2004, 10:43:10 am
nice little story there snipe. nice bed time reading epsecially just that moment when the bullet shatters your knee cap... very nice ;)

spawn killing is worse no doubt about it, but there are two easy work arounds... in reality you have to protect your insurion and exursion points, hell if you need to get supplies in, and injured troops out you have to make sure that you defend your ability to do so....  IF (it will never happen) in big games teams worked more as a team then people would always sit and defend the spawn site...

but like bucc said... just pleed with the host to put some invinsibility time on... or play with ...*gasp* no spawns!!

Title: Re:A Short Story I Wrote
Post by: spike on February 18, 2004, 02:34:35 pm
yeah yeah yeah *gasp* no spawns is okay for ghr. but for other games, it gets worse. like in halo, someone camps you with a tank, and you're never getting out of it.

Title: Re:A Short Story I Wrote
Post by: BFG on February 18, 2004, 06:08:53 pm
Halo and spawn killing... not good. especailly if you get a sniper controlling yoru spawn spot... Must say i have never seen a guy in a tank spawn killing, thankgod. Allthough in GhR i have been spawn killed by a tank in Bigtext's crazy ass mod.... bloody tank