*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => General Gossip => Topic started by: SiGmA_X on October 30, 2001, 11:01:30 pm

Title: Quote's
Post by: SiGmA_X on October 30, 2001, 11:01:30 pm
Quote's. So many. I have a few good one's, but my current fav. is the following. Well, fav. 2nd only to Grifer's.
"There is no hunting like the hunting of a man, and those who have hunted armed men long enough and liked it, never care for anything else thereafter." - Ernest Hemingway

Please post Quote's in here, and tag their author's!

Title: Re: Quote's
Post by: QuotinGeek on October 30, 2001, 11:14:37 pm

Please post Quote's in here, and tag their author's!

Hmmm. ?Someone will have to help me with this one, as it's off the top of my head. ?I dedicate this one to Rom by the way, as it suits him SO well...

"It is best to keep quiet and let people assume you're an idiot, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt".

Sorry, I can't even tag the author. ?This one just says "Rom" to me though, so I felt I had to share....

Title: Re: Quote's
Post by: SiX.The_Punisher on October 30, 2001, 11:26:17 pm
Here's a quote for ya

"Life is just one crushing defeat after another, till you just wish Flanders was dead."

- Homer Simpson

Title: Re: Quote's
Post by: Bondo on October 30, 2001, 11:42:12 pm
If the person who used that quote elsewhere in the forums is to be trusted it is Winston Churchill.  Here's a quote for Rom to live by, "No one can make me feel inferior without my consent"  Said by Elenor Rosevelt.  Except Rom gives his consent.

Title: Re: Quote's
Post by: Ace on October 31, 2001, 12:41:58 am
That quote did come from Churchill as I stated before. Churchill worded it more eloquently, but you all understand the meaning.

Title: Re: Quote's
Post by: Destructo on October 31, 2001, 10:12:44 am
Stop spamming the forum with useless topics..



Title: Re: Quote's
Post by: The  Faus on October 31, 2001, 07:12:59 pm
Faus' Quote:
Note to all the nerds on this forum.. It has NOTHING to do with SNIPING or Rogue Spear or RS. Sorry

"The way I see it, sex with a girl is a race to orgasm, and I'm undefeated"

Title: Re: Quote's
Post by: Asterax on October 31, 2001, 07:44:11 pm
Here's my favorite quote: "Set and forget it, just like this site."


Title: Re: Quote's
Post by: SiGmA_X on October 31, 2001, 08:03:11 pm
Fauz - These quote's aren't ment to be for nerd's and RS players at all. I perfer real life quotes, from BOOKS... They just seem to have a better value... yeah

Asterax, heh.

Title: Re: Quote's
Post by: PsYcO aSsAsSiN on October 31, 2001, 10:53:38 pm
Romulus, you are a dipshit. If you read more than half of what you claim to have read, you think that you would learn how to spell. It just isnt typos, you just can't fucking spell.

My quote:
"Romulus, you are a dipshit" - The Master of Disaster.

I forgot who said it earlier, but Romulus, you should leave these forums and go dick around at "Th3 sp0t" because I, like most here, think that you are not welcome at this great site. Go preach your mag crap elsewhere, for the love of God.

Title: Re: Quote's
Post by: SiGmA_X on November 01, 2001, 12:27:30 am
I lie to you not. I can read well, and comperhend almost 100% of what I read. I just CANNOT spell. It's something that has been a problem for like 4-5 years now, and it's slowly getting better, but not much. I love rading, and I would like to spell better, but it's not something that is naturle to me. Everyone has something that they have a 'block' in, and mine is spelling.

Title: Re: Quote's
Post by: Bondo on November 01, 2001, 12:58:39 am
Usually when one says they aren't good at spelling it means they can't spell challanging words such as challanging.   ;) But you seem to spell basic words wrong.  I wouldn't call myself a good speller, but if you are considered bad, then I'm at least average.

Title: Re: Quote's
Post by: Asterax on November 01, 2001, 05:52:30 am
My second favorite quote: "PsYcO Assassin? His face is the result of a moose strapped to a cement mixer."
Uh oh, I hope I spelt that right, by the way faggot, I mean Ass-Hole, the concept of MaG came before GameRanger. By about let's say a year plus a few extra weeks.

"Behind gameranger, your dedication and effort has kept alive a true "Mac Gaming Community" by providing a website where Mac Gamers can come to for Rainbow Six and Rogue Spear news, mods, and updates. - PsYcO aSsAsSiN "



Title: Re: Quote's
Post by: fotogeek on November 01, 2001, 07:41:56 am

Fauz - These quote's aren't ment to be for nerd's and RS players at all. I perfer real life quotes, from BOOKS... They just seem to have a better value... yeah

You DO have to give Romulus credit, he IS quoting from books....

....mind you his first few didn't make much sense, given he was trying to quote picture books. ?His next few didn't do much better, as his one-liners consisting of "See Jane run" didn't relate to the forums very well.

I don't even want to discuss his period when he turned away from books, and tried forcing relevancy out of his "Tickle Me Elmo" doll.

Thank god for private school, hmmmm....?


Title: Re: Quote's
Post by: jn.blackhand on November 01, 2001, 12:06:34 pm
Asterax, you're wrong. The mag ladder was born before gameranger. However, until VERY recently Mag had no chat program or game program. Gameranger has had one for a long time now. I guess you aren't quite old enough to remember and too moronic to get your facts straight.

And please, if you hate all of us as you profess you do, just leave. Go play on your rip off, poorly ran, and butt ugly website, instead of coming here.

Title: Re: Quote's
Post by: Destructo on November 01, 2001, 03:38:38 pm
I'm beginning to think Rom is couped up in a corner of a house in a dark room with nothing but books about war and death...

with his imac of course..

I smell wacko!


Title: Re: Quote's
Post by: Asterax on November 01, 2001, 05:56:48 pm
Blackhand I have no problems with what you think say MaG, but please shut the fuck up about MaG, unless you are concerned with MaG and it's development. (I say that since you got your facts wrong) I said: "the concept of MaG" was thought of in 97. The MaG CHAT CLIENT APPLICATION was only created until recently. If you think it sucks, I don't really care. The point is, MaG: Macintosh Gaming League was established before GR. I was not concerning the comparing of any of these apps. Please shut your pie hole, and get YOUR facts straight. If you have any other comments Junior, just private message me. I don't want to turn this site forum into a ?Flame War Battle Field.?


Title: Re: Quote's
Post by: Ace on November 01, 2001, 06:12:45 pm
Asterax, if we want to bash the MAG client for being maybe an even bigger piece of shit than GS, we can. If we want to bash you for being a dumbass, we can. Welcome to the jungle, you gonna diiiiiiiieeeeeeee.....

Title: Re: Quote's
Post by: Romulus Not Loged In on November 01, 2001, 06:43:41 pm
Wow... Dest - I have the darkest livable room in the house. It's in the 1st sub-basement, and only have like 2 windows to the back yard, which are ALWAYS kept closed and blineded. I have sum war book's also, and my iShit.

Title: Re: Quote's
Post by: Black Sheep on November 01, 2001, 06:48:32 pm
"There is no hunting like the hunting of a man, and those who have hunted armed men long enough and liked it, never care for anything else thereafter." - Ernest Hemingway

"hes got that right, the hunting, not the killing."- Carlos Hathcock

Title: Re: Quote's
Post by: Rom - Not Loged In on November 01, 2001, 08:12:21 pm
Sheep - Did you read 'Marine Sniper' also? Great book... I think Im gunna get 'Silent Warrior' also, as it's by same author

Title: Re: Quote's
Post by: kos.viper on November 01, 2001, 10:58:31 pm
Question of the Day:  Why do we even waste our time with Romulus?  O and Rom.. ur 15 and cant spell "Reading"?

"Romulus, Gateway to the World"
Real Scary site for u..... Romulus ALL over the place, and i believe grifter doesnt live to far from there

Title: Re: Quote's
Post by: SiGmA_X on November 01, 2001, 11:21:10 pm
Of course i cna splee reading, i am juts haeving fun wiht tyeping! dhu! hehehe cityofromulus... right...

Title: Re: Quote's
Post by: jn.blackhand on November 02, 2001, 12:11:54 am
Apparently Asterax has to resort to modifying his posts after the fact to come up with a halfway decent insult.

Title: Re: Quote's
Post by: Bander?s on November 02, 2001, 01:18:58 am
What tha hell is MAG? Is it THAT crappy that i never heard about it until now (while owning a mac since 1989) hmm must be a smart community with members of asterax style ...)

Listen: From time to time some clowns step up and announce a New Mac Gaming Community. After a while everyone knows: Hah another dumbass announcement from another moron (yes even morons own macs)

If your marvelous MaG is that smart then why do u have to come here and make this crap-style announcement.
Take your damn (porn)-MaG and remove your ass from this GR related forum if u just spill dirth around here ...

First GS now MaG, whats next? Bah ...

Title: Re: Quote's
Post by: SiGmA_X on November 02, 2001, 03:11:50 am
Lay off! It's really accualy good, and once it's outta Beta, it will be better then GamerAnger.


Title: Re: Quote's
Post by: Asterax on November 02, 2001, 05:42:41 am
Modifying my post my ass. You may not care, by saying that you have just lost all respect I have for you. Listen Blackhand it isn't a insult, there fucking true facts. How can I modify posts, I'm just a "Junior Member." So Blackhand just go off and play RS and get the hell out of my face.


Title: Re: Quote's
Post by: Bondo on November 02, 2001, 08:38:56 am

Lay off! It's really accualy good, and once it's outta Beta, it will be better then GamerAnger.


Yeah, and I'll be thin once I get out of my beta fat-ass state.

Title: Re: Quote's
Post by: Ace on November 02, 2001, 11:23:50 am
Blackhand, hate to break it to you, but Asterax didn't modify his posts. That still doesn't change the fact that he is a dumbass and that you or I could whip out better mocks from a coma.

Title: Re: Quote's
Post by: jn.blackhand on November 02, 2001, 11:35:11 am
I thought he changed it from "mag was here before gameranger" to "the concept of mag was here before gameranger." maybe not.

Meh, regardless, he and romulus can have fun with MaG and "th3 sp0t" just don't bring the crap here. It's not wanted.

Title: Re: Quote's
Post by: kos.viper on November 02, 2001, 02:22:49 pm
Rom: You have no fucking future; u cant fucking spell, No1 cares about MaG, its a piece of shit and there r not enough Mac Gamers to use it....

Asterax - You can modify ur own fucking posts u dumbass

If you havent been able to tell yet, im Pissed  >:( Fucken retards are the problem.  Some1 go and get me some anti-idiot pills please

Title: Re: Quote's
Post by: KoS Ultimo on November 02, 2001, 03:56:13 pm
*** goes to the town pharmacy and gets some laxative for Viper?***

This should help all of your problems buddie old pale. ;D