*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => General Gossip => Topic started by: BFG on February 11, 2004, 08:07:09 pm

Title: Microsoft keep on screwing up!
Post by: BFG on February 11, 2004, 08:07:09 pm
just a matter of mins ago the news on the radio had an piece that said the following...

Apparently microsoft have just released a world wide warning to windows users to be extra carfull to make sure their systems are secure and all precations have been taken.. why? becasue microsoft have just found TWO Huge and fatal Security holes in two of the major releases of windows which can allow external access and control of the whole system..

Oh i love those guys, they never let us down  8)

Title: Re:Microsoft keep on screwing up!
Post by: Mr. Lothario on February 11, 2004, 10:41:43 pm
     Meh. Two more to add to the list.

     It's so cute how businesses think that the low cost of PCs offsets their high cost of operation, so they keep using PCs instead of Unix boxen or Macs.

Title: Re:Microsoft keep on screwing up!
Post by: kami on February 11, 2004, 11:57:01 pm
It's amazing really, they keep discovering holes in their software, doesn't seem to be an end to it, swiss cheese-software.

Title: Re:Microsoft keep on screwing up!
Post by: Scrach on February 12, 2004, 12:14:55 am
thats what you get from softwere that was made by bolivian kids who get paid minimum wage.  He has all that money.  Why can't he spend it on BETTER PROGRAMERS.  
And sience when hasn't windows users had to be carful.  I just wan't to get a free pc and see how many viruses I can get in a week no firewall no nothing.


Title: Re:Microsoft keep on screwing up!
Post by: |MP|Buccaneer on February 12, 2004, 05:26:14 am
The really scarry part of this is TechTV had the guys on the phone that first found this bug and reported it to Microsuck.  They found it over 200 days ago.  

Microsuck is all in a hurry for you to download the latest patches, but they've been sitting on them for almost 2/3 of a year.

Title: Re:Microsoft keep on screwing up!
Post by: Blufire on February 12, 2004, 05:35:27 am
thats what you get from softwere that was made by bolivian kids who get paid minimum wage.  He has all that money.  Why can't he spend it on BETTER PROGRAMERS.  
And sience when hasn't windows users had to be carful.  I just wan't to get a free pc and see how many viruses I can get in a week no firewall no nothing.


Actually, I would have thought Microsoft has some of the best programmers in the field. One of the problems is that they're working with a 10+ year-old codebase. That's why Longhorn (a complete rewrite, supposedly) is going to be a big step up.

One more point that 99% of mac zealots fail to notice. Microsoft PCs own a 90+% marketshare, right? With that many users, the design of the OS is being held up to immense scrutiny. Also, hackers realize that they can hit more targets because there are so many users. I'd bet you that OSX, or an Unix variant, would seem a lot less secure under the limelight.

Title: Re:Microsoft keep on screwing up!
Post by: BFG on February 12, 2004, 09:10:11 am
The hole point that people use unix and the mac os IS becasuse it is so secure.... and everyso often apple quietly rolls out a new security patch and solves issues regarding software and code in the OS that most people don't even use...

Title: Re:Microsoft keep on screwing up!
Post by: Mr. Lothario on February 12, 2004, 08:25:50 pm
     Actually, the "security through obscurity" argument is a common one when discussing Unix and OS X. Some people swear that if [insert *nix flavor here] or OS X were as popular as Windows, it would have just as many viruses and exploits. The generally accepted opinion among people who know what they're talking about is that that is bullshit. There are fundamental structural differences between *nix and Windows that make *nix far more secure. One of the major ones is that in Windows, the user is always running as "root" (quoted because there's no such thing in Windows, but the concept applies), so any user can install a virus, a piece of spyware, etc. with merely a click. In a *nix, installing something that is able to screw up the whole machine requires special steps and authorization. A virus which only messes up one user's files and can't replicate isn't a very successful one, and that's all that can be created for *nixes in the general case.

     Then there's the implementational security provided by years of development and the "many-eyeballs" effect, considered to be the greatest advantage of open-source development.

Title: Re:Microsoft keep on screwing up!
Post by: Blitz on February 12, 2004, 11:29:09 pm
Not to mention that, Slashdot.org has found some interesting information about Microsoft and the Windows operation systesm of NT and 2000.

http://slashdot.org/articles/04/02/12/2114228.shtml?tid=109&tid=187 (http://slashdot.org/articles/04/02/12/2114228.shtml?tid=109&tid=187)

It states there is an open source leak in the OS. LOL!

X1|Blitz 8)