*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => General Gossip => Topic started by: ToonmaN on October 30, 2001, 02:14:46 pm

Title: DAMN Parents
Post by: ToonmaN on October 30, 2001, 02:14:46 pm
   Ok, I didn't mean that for all parents in general.  Maybe I should title this something like "People that Don't Understand Our Addiction." Ok, as to why I'm pissed: Here we were me and my clan (HARM) m8's right in the middle of cb'ing PsYcO, PsYcO's host had just finished his 5 games and we were winning 4-1.  So, while we are trying to figure out which HARM member will host next, (none of us have very good connections) my dad walks in demanding that I go offline, I beg for him to let me stay on just 20 mins longer but noooo "It's a school night, get the hell of your computer or I will take your computer (ibook)." It was only 10:30 or so, why on earth don't they understand our addiction?  Sigh.  Anyway, Ass(assin) didn't wanna do a 2vrs2 or anything (understandable, they were losing) so we are having a rematch tonight, hopefuly my dad will let me stay on longer tonight.  BTW, please, no age realated jokes, you guys at times with your "must be a 15 year old" sound almost as bad as Rom attempting to pick on Grift with "lol yur 35 geat a life."  Anyway, that was quite a rant.  Anyone else have any coments?  Had a girlfriend break up with you because you spent to much time playing a silly game?  Contacts becoming one with your eyeball's?

Title: Re: DAMN Parents
Post by: Grifter on October 30, 2001, 02:20:44 pm
Hey.... I'm only 29!!

Also, if Danielle is right, I'll be a parent in 9 months or so...... so the question will be: will my kids understand my addiction... hehe.

Title: Re: DAMN Parents
Post by: Ace on October 30, 2001, 02:25:05 pm
Parents just don't understand... (OMG YOU MEAN HE WAS A RAPPER BEFORE HE DID MEN IN BLACK?!?!)

I have generally found that parents who are too restricting make it worse on their kids. Then again this is coming from the guy who got kicked out of his house on numerous occassions last year.

However, any freak who spends more time on the computer than with his girlfriend (Mine is 300 miles away so this doesn't apply) should be shot and have his right to a penis removed.

Title: Re: DAMN Parents
Post by: Bondo on October 30, 2001, 02:47:16 pm

Parents just don't understand... (OMG YOU MEAN HE WAS A RAPPER BEFORE HE DID MEN IN BLACK?!?!)

By this do you mean the name Fresh Prince didn't come from a TV show?
Also, his movies Bad Boys and Independance Day before Men In Black were both better movies

Anyway, true, if you have a girlfriend you shouldn't spend so much time on the computer, unless of course you are playing with her. ?But for those without girlfriends, why not just spend every waking hour at it...there is no shame in that.

Title: Re: DAMN Parents
Post by: ?{RiP}? Vapor on October 30, 2001, 02:51:14 pm
Stop looking at porno on the internet and get a g/f!

My parents get quite pissed sometimes. Cause I will be like "fuck homework" that shit can wait lol. Oh well, I use it less and less with sports now that school is going on. I play on two soccer teams and a wrestling team. So I am quite busy with practices, games, and matches.

Title: Re: DAMN Parents
Post by: jn.blackhand on October 30, 2001, 02:52:24 pm
Daddy, what does "boot the motherfucking tker bitch ass blackhand" mean?

Title: Re: DAMN Parents
Post by: ToonmaN on October 30, 2001, 02:53:19 pm
Congrats Grift, sorry I got the age wrong.  Sigh, Will hasn't done any good movies since Men In Black, Wild Wild West... yuck.

Title: Re: DAMN Parents
Post by: ?{RiP}? Vapor on October 30, 2001, 02:58:13 pm
aww.. the fresh prince and dj jazzy jeff... old schooooool rap.

Title: Re: DAMN Parents
Post by: SiGmA_X on October 30, 2001, 07:09:20 pm
I totaly hear you Toonman. Happen's all the time... Like on a Saturday night (sunday morning) durning summer... Im saying it's only 4AM, but they think I should have been alseep about 6 ?hours ago... Dunno..And I think I never put Grifter over age 30, and we have talked. I think it's accualy kinda kewl that he still does other things, other then just being with ppl ?8)

Ace, I agree. When my parenst limited my iNet time, I just lose sleep... Damn... No wonder I sleep in class! Heh... And about the girlfriend thing, I cannot TOTALY agree... I am online mostly at night, so I don't think that can be counted. It should be 'reasonable daylight hours'.

And Grifters kid's will be lucky - he will (he damn should, at least!) understand why they want to finish the CB... and they will get the bestest computers also (hand-me-downs - two weeks old 8))

Like the topic said, DAMN PARENTS (who dont understand our addiction)...

Oh, and Grifter, Good Luck!

PS - WTF w/ the bold's? I didnt put the tag in it...

Title: Re: DAMN Parents
Post by: foto on October 30, 2001, 07:24:28 pm

However, any freak who spends more time on the computer than with his girlfriend (Mine is 300 miles away so this doesn't apply) should be shot and have his right to a penis removed.

No need to worry Ace, she's in perfectly acceptable company.

She says "Hi" by the way....


Title: Re: DAMN Parents
Post by: Grifter on October 30, 2001, 08:40:32 pm

Foto, that's so sweet of you to try to make Ace feel better like that... but come now, don't get the boys expectations up, you know what she really said was:

"Ace who?"

Mind you, that was after she could talk again (she needed to catch her breath from yelling out YEESSS, GRIFTER YEEEESSS!!) (oh, and a preemptive mock... she was also out of breath from laughing at the size of Foto's penis....)

Title: Re: DAMN Parents
Post by: Ace on October 30, 2001, 09:11:17 pm
Yeah foto, I have no need to worry about her cheating if the guys she is around are flaming homosexuals.

And GRIFT, the only time she would say yes to you is after you asked, "Would you like fries with that?"

Title: Re: DAMN Parents
Post by: Bondo on October 30, 2001, 09:22:24 pm

And GRIFT, the only time she would say yes to you is after you asked, "Would you like fries with that?"

So she's one of those biggie size types.  To each their own.

Title: Re: DAMN Parents
Post by: jn.wrath on October 30, 2001, 09:28:26 pm
Ace, you have just raised Grift and foto up a few levels by placing them in the "french fry" size category.

Hell, you even placed foto on the charts.

Title: Re: DAMN Parents
Post by: jn.blackhand on October 30, 2001, 09:40:13 pm
Um. Grift. Do a lot of woman scream out your GameRanger alias during sex?

Title: Re: DAMN Parents
Post by: Grifter on October 30, 2001, 10:07:25 pm
Actually, they usually scream out "Oh Greg!"... since I don't tell them my real name either.

The really funny thing is when Ace scream out "oh Grifter!" when he's having sex with his girlfriend....

Title: Re: DAMN Parents
Post by: SiGmA_X on October 30, 2001, 10:16:14 pm
Holy shit. This is hella funnie! The gameranger name comment, lamo... I have nothing to add, but that was funnie...

Title: Re: DAMN Parents
Post by: HungLikeASquirrelGeek on October 30, 2001, 10:18:42 pm

Ace, you have just raised Grift and foto up a few levels by placing them in the "french fry" size category.
Hell, you even placed foto on the charts.

Okay, you want to know what is incredibly frightening about this whole thread?

Picture this: ?Grifter, Ace and Wrath, all three standing in a circle. ?All unzipped. ?Grifter has the ruler, with Ace and Wrath arguing about who gets to do the measuring.

As fortune would have it, the ruler is metric. The millimeters are going to be VERY important in this little competiton (heh, "little" competition, I love accidental punnage).

OOOoooo, and speaking of accidental "punnage", Ace just made a mess, at the behest of Wrath. ?And you guys called ME a "flaming homosexual"?

This is one chart I want no part of. ?Especially if you lot have included graphics. ?Or made it a powerpoint presentation. ?Quite frankly, the image of the three of you in a circle with your "rulers" out is enough to not make me able to sleep. ?For the rest of the week. ?

Makes me want to pull an Oedipus and do some self-eye-gouging.



Title: Re: DAMN Parents
Post by: Grifter on October 30, 2001, 10:20:58 pm
Hung like a gnat.... tongue like an anteater....

'nuff said?

and Foto... I'm sure removing your sight is not the only thing that you and Oedipus have in common.

Title: Re: DAMN Parents
Post by: Ace on October 30, 2001, 10:31:13 pm
Heh, Foto's mom is something we ALL have in common...

Title: Re: DAMN Parents
Post by: campergeek on October 30, 2001, 10:34:41 pm

Heh, Foto's mom is something we ALL have in common...

K, my mom and Ace's girlfriend. ?You know, if we're all going to share like this, Grifter and Wrath need to ante up.
I think Ace was speaking of his Grandmother fetish earlier, if anyone wants to fulfill THAT need....and MY needs...

.....does anyone have some soft, furry pets?

Title: Re: DAMN Parents
Post by: SiGmA_X on October 30, 2001, 10:40:51 pm
Yes, Ace, you are right. We all have Foto's mom in common... Lucky for us, she won free, nation-wide plane ticket's!

Title: Re: DAMN Parents
Post by: Ace on October 30, 2001, 10:44:14 pm
Well GRIFT can ante his wife, me my girlfriend, foto his mom, and wrath his dog. Now that we all got our objects of desire, what do we do?

Title: Re: DAMN Parents
Post by: SiGmA_X on October 30, 2001, 10:50:32 pm
Wrath's dog?!??? SICK!

*Runs and hids in a corrner*
*pulls out M4 to ward off dog and master*
*pitch's tent to wait in*
*see's dog*

Oop's! That wasnt Wrath's dog, that was Foto! Damn, they Do look a lot alike!

Title: Re: DAMN Parents
Post by: jn.wrath on October 31, 2001, 10:23:28 am
Well, we could always raffle them off. Maybe start an Auction for America on ebay and see which one fetches the highest price.

Title: Re: DAMN Parents
Post by: Bander (when younger) on October 31, 2001, 11:57:33 am

Hey dont be too angry at them - hehe they re just - you know: Parents!

When i was around 14 (C64 ?ra) my first computer was a "MSX Homecomputer". That was kind of a "homecomputer standard" like MS DOS is standard for most PCs todays. It was a 8 bit computer with very off graphic capabilitys, a data tape-deck (lol) and connected to a ordinary TV set. The only STUPID thing was: Tons of games but unfornantely in JAPAN only hehe. So a friend who had also a MSX and i started to program our own games in BASIC (the only thing that was pre-installed onto those MSX machines). The only games we where able to get where games like: Boulder Dash, Frogger, Zaxxon etc.

So after a while we both got totally addicted into basic programming cuz it was great fun to create your own little games wich where almost as good as those "professionals". our PARENTS where totally freaky about that. It started that they tried to forbid us to turn on our MSXes after 9 o clock evening. So we waited that they go to bed and sneaked back to our "machines" right when we heard our dad?s snooring. hehe. but after they catched us several times (while visiting the toilet in the middle of the night) tey started to use dramatic measures hehe. So my mom was keeping to remove my connection wire to that TV set - but i managed to make a improvised "wire" out of some old wires (fuzzy screen but it worked). It ended that our parents started to lock our comps away from time to time hehe WEIRD!

Okay now to come to the end: One day we received a letter from a british software company wich distributed basic games, wich said: congrats boyz we wanna pay you 6.500 Dollars for the rights on that game u sended us (the name of the rose, graphic adventure).

After THIS success hehe our parents where really changed and they started posing around like "my son is a programmer talent, they already sold a game ..."
I didnt care, my friend didnt care: At last they left us alone with our MSX machines and stopped being nerdish (even when we just played some games)

So dont be too mad on your parents ;) they dont mean it bad but believe me: i know how annoying this must be.

Btw.: Cool from your CB-foes to agree on a CB delay cuz of this (smart move guys, i forgot wich clan it was)


Title: Re: DAMN Parents
Post by: jn.wrath on October 31, 2001, 04:48:31 pm
The moral of this story: You have to program a groundbreaking sequel to Half-Life to get your parents to let you use the computer.

Title: Re: DAMN Parents
Post by: SiGmA_X on October 31, 2001, 05:52:59 pm
Yes Wrath, you would... So would I tho... My parents think it's a waste of time, becasue they don't understnad how much RogueSpear will help me in life! Heh... And they think that the site I run is okay, but still see it as a waste of time because its about gaming... Even thought my dad is the biggest UT fan I hav eever met... Lol...

Title: Re: DAMN Parents
Post by: Band er on November 02, 2001, 01:22:03 am
lol rom - heehe. cool that your dad is a UT freak. maybe its cuz he knows how fast u can get addicted by a amazing game ... ;)

Title: Re: DAMN Parents
Post by: Bondo on November 02, 2001, 08:41:01 am
I wouldn't call UT a cool game. ?One of its mods maybe but not UT. ?There should always be a fairly sane limit on weapon power. ?If you've ever played with some non-crappy people you too can feel dead very fast and very often.

Title: Re: DAMN Parents
Post by: *DAMN Bander on November 04, 2001, 08:08:05 pm
bondo: i agree - but how should a dad know that?
so i say its cool that a dad even plays an online multiplayer shooter (even when its for kids. uhmm is?nt r6 also hehe ...)