*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => General Gossip => Topic started by: BFG on February 10, 2004, 08:37:55 pm

Title: France has gone and done it.
Post by: BFG on February 10, 2004, 08:37:55 pm
Channel 4 news in the UK:

France has just voted by apparently a huge majority to ban any child from wearing a headscarf in school... apparently skull caps and large cross's ect could be soon to follow...

Absurd.. totally absurd

Title: Re:France has gone and done it.
Post by: Supernatural Pie on February 10, 2004, 09:31:44 pm
My god...

Who said it was just one crazy frenchman...?

They're all crazy.

(http://dynamic.gamespy.com/~damnr6/yabbse/YaBBImages/uzi.gif) (http://community.the-underdogs.org/smiley/misc/francais.gif)

Title: Re:France has gone and done it.
Post by: Cutter on February 10, 2004, 09:32:55 pm
the vote was 494-36. i'm pretty much against religion, but i respect other people's beliefs and traditions. it's kinda shocking and quite shamefull that they'd be doing this, even more amazing is how much the the vote won by. i see lots of problems for the french government with this one. if it were a matter of taste or saftey i may understand it. like girls wearing exrta revealing clothing in school or gang members wearing aticles of clothing that show their "gang colors" or shit like that. the christians and jews will protest this and take it to the courts, the muslims (france has europes largest muslim population)  however may not go about it in the same manner.

Title: Re:France has gone and done it.
Post by: Supernatural Pie on February 10, 2004, 09:35:02 pm
like girls wearing exrta revealing clothing in school

Hey... we need something to keep our sanity while sitting in class listening to a teacher talk for an hour.

Title: Re:France has gone and done it.
Post by: seth on February 10, 2004, 09:41:05 pm
It is stated in the french constitution that religion is not to be shown in schools. Outside, you can do whatever you want.
Catholics (the majority in France) agree on that, why shouldnt any other religion do the same ?

Title: Re:France has gone and done it.
Post by: Cutter on February 10, 2004, 09:41:48 pm
i agree completly snipe. that's one of the reasons i live in south beach now, i got tired of having to use my x-ray vision to see through the three layers of clothes the girls wear up north.

Title: Re:France has gone and done it.
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on February 10, 2004, 10:07:38 pm
Just one more thing that makes me feel good about boycotting all French goods.  And if they ever think I'm gonna waste my money visiting there again they're really fucking crazy.

Title: Re:France has gone and done it.
Post by: Ssickboy on February 11, 2004, 02:17:48 am
ghostsniper, I'm always somewhat offended in each post you make.  Unless you have suddenly changed overnight, I really doubt you can empathize with anything outside of your livingroom.

The People of France have they're own constitution, own rules, own chemistry of cultures and practices.  I too was  surprized by france's decision to ban religious wear in schools until I read eOe bob's post.  

It is stated in the french constitution that religion is not to be shown in schools. Outside, you can do whatever you want.  Catholics (the majority in France) agree on that, why shouldnt any other religion do the same ?

In our own constitution we have the separation of church and state.  France practices this to a stricter degree than we do, and maybe they're onto something.  It sounds like they democratically voted it for this way, and I can only respect that.   To say France is crazy, is only showing how niave you are to cultures and opinions other than your own.  

My guess is in two year's or less, it will not even be an after thought.  I remember just before the recent smoking ban in New York, people thought smokers would storm and raze City Hall.  Has it even been a year? Smoking outside has become a way of life.  And as a smoker I'm kinda thankful for it.  

Sorry ghostsniper for the insult.  I actually appreciate reading an opinion as extremely opposite to my own.  It just takes me a few minutes to cool off and realize it.  

Title: Re:France has gone and done it.
Post by: c| Dr. NO on February 11, 2004, 03:18:10 am
On the one hand i agree with this law as it would help to stop discrimination and segregation simply by making everyone look the same...seemingly.  

On the other hand...shouldn't it be up to the individual?  It's awful that a person of a deferent religion gets picked on at school simply for that fact, but that is the world we live in.  Disgracefully as it my be to the person due to their religion the choice should be theirs.  Even if the going gets ruff i still think they should be given the choice to wear their colors or not.

Title: Re:France has gone and done it.
Post by: BFG on February 11, 2004, 04:12:26 am
Yeah i have to agree i think the seperation of state and religion is a very wise one.. i wish we could do the same and the americans also..

Just one more thing that makes me feel good about boycotting all French goods

Dont tell me... you like calling french fries 'freedom fries' . and why dosn't u boycotting french goods surprise me....

Title: Re:France has gone and done it.
Post by: Ace on February 11, 2004, 05:11:43 am
Ssickboy, I'm usually the first to jump on GS, but what is wrong with him boycotting French goods? He doesn't like the way their country does things, so he chooses not to spend his money on stuff that will cause the flow of cash to head to France. (Disclaimer: I boycott French goods too. The sneaky trading-with-Saddam bastards aren't to be trusted.)

As for the law, from what I gather, people cannot wear headscarves and the like due to their religious connotations in some religions (Islam I assume). If that's true, that's crap. I know our Constitution isn't theirs, but I feel that freedom of religion is a basic human right. It's not like these kids are forcing their religion on others; they are simply abiding by the religious laws they adhere to.

Title: Re:France has gone and done it.
Post by: Scrach on February 11, 2004, 05:18:02 am
Freedom fries are the work of members of the KKK too scared to go against black people because they know that the black people will kick their ass.

  I mean this is really retarted in my book that head scarves are banned.  I mean what will be the next to go? All resturaunts under 4 stars(I got that one from robin williams live on brodway too ;D)

But we really should critizize America more because if Americans don't critizise America no one will because we will have blown them up already.


Title: Re:France has gone and done it.
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on February 11, 2004, 06:05:28 am
Why SHOULD I call them "French" fries???  The French didn't invent them....they are a product of Belgium.  So if I want to call them "Freedom" Fries, I am no less wrong than if I called them "French" Fries.

By the way, I never did call them Freedom Fries....just as I would not have changed the name "hamburger" during WWII because of the German connotation.

Last but not least, I am at a dilema.....the Ford Thunderbird....the very nice $40,000 + vehicle that I sell....has a transmission made in France.  Now just how the hell do I boycott a product that I sell???  lol

Title: Re:France has gone and done it.
Post by: Ssickboy on February 11, 2004, 08:27:46 am
you guys can boycott all you want.  it's your own right.  I think it's kind of silly.  It all started with France not supporting GW's war, right?  So after not finding any WMD's, 500+ soldiers lost, a chaotic Iraq, and Bush's approval rating dropping through the floor... let me know when the mass boycott of France is over.  

How do schools that require uniforms in the US deal with this issue?

Title: Re:France has gone and done it.
Post by: |MP|Buccaneer on February 11, 2004, 10:08:36 am
It is stated in the french constitution that religion is not to be shown in schools. Outside, you can do whatever you want.  Catholics (the majority in France) agree on that, why shouldnt any other religion do the same ?
The People of France have they're own constitution, own rules, own chemistry of cultures and practices.  I too was  surprized by france's decision to ban religious wear in schools until I read eOe bob's post.  

Well, IF it actually said that in their constitution, that would be something.  However, I just read through Article 89, and it only mentions Education once, that being in Article 34, where it says that Parliament shall make rulings over it.

Most of us that studied history know that the French constitution used the American constitution as a template, improving and changing on it where they saw fit.  So, as you can imagine, the start of theirs is quite like ours:
The French people solemnly proclaim their attachment to  the Rights of Man and the principles of national sovereignty as defined by the Declaration of 1789, confirmed and complemented by the Preamble to the  Constitution of 1946.

By virtue of these principles and that of the  self-determination of peoples, the Republic offers to the overseas  territories that express the will to adhere to them new institutions  founded on the common ideal of liberty, equality and fraternity and  conceived with a view to their democratic development.

Article 1
France shall be an indivisible, secular, democratic and  social Republic. It shall ensure the equality of all citizens before the  law, without distinction of origin, race or religion. It shall respect all  beliefs. It shall be organised on a decentralised basis.

So you can see that they find liberty important.  They say it shall ensure the equality of all, without distinction of religion.  


Guess Not.

I'm all for the French fucking up their own country as much as they want.  How they treat themselves is their own say.  But, unless there's a new article to the French constitution that I can't fine yet, it doesn't say that.  

As a matter of fact, it says it less than our own American constitution does.

I'll be interested to find out if it holds up under challenge in the courts there.  Than again, it probably will, because if you read their constitution, you have to have Parliament's permission to arrest any of it's members for a crime.

For those that care, you can read the official english translation here:

Title: Re:France has gone and done it.
Post by: seth on February 11, 2004, 04:27:27 pm
actually the english version of the constitution misses one point:


Article 1 says the following:
"La France est une R?publique indivisible, la?que, d?mocratique et sociale."

The word "laique" means that the Republic is not related to any religion whatsoever.

On 12/11/1905, a law was voted that split the State and the Church.
Article 16 states that there is gonna be specific public places (churches, synagogues, temples, mosque..) for the practice of the religion.
Article 28 states that it is forbidden to place and show any religious belief outside those specific public places.
Article 30 states that religious courses is to be given outside regular public school hours.

Since wearing a headscarf is an apparent religous practice, it should not be tolerated in public schools.

Anyway, the law just passed and it is way more specific that before.

Title: Re:France has gone and done it.
Post by: kami on February 11, 2004, 07:36:40 pm
I'm with bob on this one, there are a lot of beautiful women with mid-eastern heritage (especially Persians).

Aside of that, I just want to point out how disgusting I think GS reasoning for not saying french fries is, he apparently thinks the US and France are at war.

And why would you boycott a country that just happens to disagree with you a bit? It's not like they have child labour and public executions, it's just fucking politics. We're all peaceful free countries, why should we be so hostile against eachother? It's just stupid.

Title: Re:France has gone and done it.
Post by: BFG on February 11, 2004, 07:50:55 pm
What Kami said. and repeat.

Title: Re:France has gone and done it.
Post by: |MP|Buccaneer on February 11, 2004, 08:18:28 pm
actually the english version of the constitution misses one point:


Article 1 says the following:
"La France est une R?publique indivisible, la?que, d?mocratique et sociale."

The word "laique" means that the Republic is not related to any religion whatsoever.

Article 1
France shall be an indivisible, secular, democratic and  social Republic

It didn't miss it at all Bob, notice the word secular.  Maybe you should look it up (http://www.webster.com/cgi-bin/dictionary?book=Dictionary&va=secular&x=15&y=15) if you don't know the meaning.

On 12/11/1905, a law was voted that split the State and the Church.
Article 16 states that there is gonna be specific public places (churches, synagogues, temples, mosque..) for the practice of the religion.
Article 28 states that it is forbidden to place and show any religious belief outside those specific public places.
Article 30 states that religious courses is to be given outside regular public school hours.

Since wearing a headscarf is an apparent religous practice, it should not be tolerated in public schools.

Anyway, the law just passed and it is way more specific that before.

1) That is a law, not the constitution.  You said it was covered in the constitution last post.
2) That law was put in place following the French Army / Government's framing and jailing of Dryfus (a Jew that was framed of spying for Germany to save the reputation of a Catholic).
3) That law was never completely reinstated after the 1945 liberation (France changed some key parts of it, giving "nationalized" treasures back to the churches, etc).

Like I said, it will be interesting to see if it holds up, as it doesn't seem constitutional.

More importantly, it was meant to not have crosses, or other religious influences by public education on the students.  Not meant to curtail the liberties of the citizens.

France cared as much about liberty as anyone back then.  They wanted liberty from church rule.  They didn't want a church telling the people what to believe, they wanted people to have the choice (very very much like it was meant in America).  This new law removes liberty, removes some freedom.  Not a good thing for those that believe in what was meant by those words.

One last note, just to prove that Chirac is every bit as full of shit as Bush is, take heed that the wearing of christian crosses (something not even required of their religions) is still allowed as long as they are not deemed "too large".  

One of these days, people are going to understand that secular doesn't equal atheist.

Title: Re:France has gone and done it.
Post by: Ace on February 11, 2004, 09:22:30 pm
I'm with bob on this one, there are a lot of beautiful women with mid-eastern heritage (especially Persians).

Aside of that, I just want to point out how disgusting I think GS reasoning for not saying french fries is, he apparently thinks the US and France are at war.

And why would you boycott a country that just happens to disagree with you a bit? It's not like they have child labour and public executions, it's just fucking politics. We're all peaceful free countries, why should we be so hostile against eachother? It's just stupid.

First, you are retarded.

Second, GS never said he doesn't say french fries. He was merely pointing out one possible reason for not calling them french fries. And, if you could read, you would realize that he states that he never called them freedom fries.

Third, you are retarded.

Fourth, how the hell is an economic boycott hostile? GS (and I for that matter) doesn't like how France conducts itself. In fact, I think it's the perfect way to respond to how France had all those contracts with Saddam to trade oil. That's pretty fucked up to have been trading with one of the worst despots known to Earth, so I'm sure as hell not going to let them see a penny of mine to go along with their previous unethical profits.

Fifth, you are retarded. Drop your damn unfounded anti-American bias and maybe we can have a civil discussion sometime.

Title: Re:France has gone and done it.
Post by: Toxic::Joka on February 11, 2004, 10:39:09 pm

Title: Re:France has gone and done it.
Post by: Ssickboy on February 11, 2004, 10:53:34 pm
Ace!!  Me retarded too!!  pelt me pelt me!  Bah.

First, you're a... nvm.

Second, Mid-Eastern, Persian, and Southern Russians are damn Hot! Among the sexiest of all godly creatures.  If you don't think so, you need to get out more or check your head.  (it is of course my opinion)

Third, It's all politics.  We used to be in bed with Saddam up until the gulf war.  What we're doing by getting our greasy lil hands on Iraq's oil fields is no different than France's interests.      

Boycott all you want.  But don't be another pawn to the adminisration's blurred line between American patriotism and bad policy.  It's complete BS.  

Fourth, "Drop your damn unfounded anti-'retard' bias."

Fifth,  French Fries are mmm.. gooooood!

(6) good points bucc.

Title: Re:France has gone and done it.
Post by: tasty on February 11, 2004, 10:56:33 pm
Mmm, delicious French food? too bad it's next to impossible to find any in Grinnell, IA!

Title: Re:France has gone and done it.
Post by: Ace on February 11, 2004, 10:59:17 pm
Fourth, "Drop your damn unfounded anti-'retard' bias."

Sorry, I'm the Resident Ass, it comes with the territory.

Title: Re:France has gone and done it.
Post by: kami on February 11, 2004, 11:55:22 pm
Now now Ace, I never said GS didn't say french fries, I said that his comparison to WW2 was making me nauseous, I guess I could've been clearer on that. Where is all this 'kami hates America' bullshit coming from anyways?

A boycott isn't a hostile action? What, you boycott every country you love?

Title: Re:France has gone and done it.
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on February 12, 2004, 12:10:56 am
A boycott isn't a hostile action? What, you boycott every country you love?

lol....no, I only boycott France.  And no, boycotting isn't a hostile action....it is simply my money and I can spend it however I see fit.

Title: Re:France has gone and done it.
Post by: c| Spetsnaz. on February 12, 2004, 12:28:13 am
How many goods do you buy that are actually made in France? Probably not many compared to lets say ummm CHINA! Now if you really want to help the United States you would boycott Chinese products(probably impossible), as the United States has the largest bilateral deficit trade with China($120-$130 Billion Dollars projected for 2004), and the out sourcing of U.S. jobs to China is a major problem that is growing out of control, while the folks in Washington do nothing because they are all getting rich from of it. Of course if you stopped buying Chinese products, then shopping at Wal-Mart would be out of the question, which for many people is sheer insanity.

Title: Re:France has gone and done it.
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on February 12, 2004, 12:36:29 am
How many goods do you buy that are actually made in France? Probably not many compared to lets say ummm CHINA! Now if you really want to help the United States you would boycott Chinese products(probably impossible), as the United States has the largest bilateral deficit trade with China($120-$130 Billion Dollars projected for 2004), and the out sourcing of U.S. jobs to China is a major problem that is growing out of control, while the folks in Washington do nothing because they are all getting rich from of it. Of course if you stopped buying Chinese products, then shopping at Wal-Mart would be out of the question, which for many people is sheer insanity.

Actually, upon searching through my house one day looking for French products I happened upon quite a few things that I immediately tossed out (namely every bottle of perfume my wife had and every bottle of cologne that I had).  Man it's a bitch trying to find cologne and perfume made in the U.S.A.!!!

As for China....yeah, I don't think they should have as good of a trade relation with us as they do, especially since they are so hostile towards the U.S.  I also don't like getting products from Japan....hell, they couldn't beat us militarily so after we rebuilt their country they decided to try to beat us economically!  We are the only country in the world that treats our enemies so nice after we win a war against them.

Title: Re:France has gone and done it.
Post by: kami on February 12, 2004, 12:40:26 am
Actually, upon searching through my house one day looking for French products I happened upon quite a few things that I immediately tossed out (namely every bottle of perfume my wife had and every bottle of cologne that I had).  Man it's a bitch trying to find cologne and perfume made in the U.S.A.!!!

There are quite a few American made perfumes with French names, perhaps you made some mistakes there? I think my cologne is American actually...


This link doesn't have anything special with the topic to do but what the hell, read the midpart about when the doctor saw human hands scratching the window, that's my favourite.

Title: Re:France has gone and done it.
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on February 12, 2004, 12:47:21 am
There are quite a few American made perfumes with French names, perhaps you made some mistakes there? I think my cologne is American actually...

Actually, the part that gave it away for me was where it said "Made in France".

Title: Re:France has gone and done it.
Post by: kami on February 12, 2004, 01:21:00 am
Haha, yes, the 'Made in France' tag also works.

I was just thinking about something, if you'd already bought those French perfumes, why would you trash them? That wouldn't hurt the French economy what so ever... It'd just make you a few perfumes poorer. Oh let me guess, it's a matter of personal morals and ethics?

Title: Re:France has gone and done it.
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on February 12, 2004, 01:43:08 am
Haha, yes, the 'Made in France' tag also works.

I was just thinking about something, if you'd already bought those French perfumes, why would you trash them? That wouldn't hurt the French economy what so ever... It'd just make you a few perfumes poorer. Oh let me guess, it's a matter of personal morals and ethics?


Title: Re:France has gone and done it.
Post by: |MP|Buccaneer on February 12, 2004, 05:21:49 am
And why would you boycott a country that just happens to disagree with you a bit? It's not like they have child labour and public executions, it's just fucking politics. We're all peaceful free countries, why should we be so hostile against eachother? It's just stupid.

Ask some French why they boycotted lamb from New Zealand a while back, pffft.

Spets, I actually try to not buy Chinese.  Except for the food =D.  Seriously, there are a lot of embedded things made in china that you don't know about, but what I do know about, I avoid.  

Ssickboy, thanks for noticing.

Title: Re:France has gone and done it.
Post by: Ace on February 12, 2004, 08:06:49 am
And why would you boycott a country that just happens to disagree with you a bit? It's not like they have child labour and public executions, it's just fucking politics. We're all peaceful free countries, why should we be so hostile against eachother? It's just stupid.

Ask some French why they boycotted lamb from New Zealand a while back, pffft.

Spets, I actually try to not buy Chinese.  Except for the food =D.  Seriously, there are a lot of embedded things made in china that you don't know about, but what I do know about, I avoid.  

Ssickboy, thanks for noticing.

Aye Bucc. A Mac is one of the highest % American made computers around, but we all still have some Asian parts in our boxes. At least we can sleep at night knowing the CPU, case, and software were all made by Americans.

Title: Re:France has gone and done it.
Post by: kami on February 12, 2004, 05:13:25 pm
I'm not saying the French were any better for boycotting NZ, it's just as stupid imo.

Title: Re:France has gone and done it.
Post by: PLOPje on February 12, 2004, 07:08:26 pm
I have never understood why people called fries "french fries"
and then some americans started to call it "freedom fries", what the hell do they ahve to do with freedom, Why not just call them fries.
I dont know if they really come from belgium but I always loved to say they do :)

But if the french want to ban those caps let them do it if you still want to wear one you can still search yourself a private school. Here in Belgium politicians are also considering to ban religious symbols. Some say there is liberty for womans who are forced to wear it. And others say they want to wear it and that there liberty is in danger...  
Stupid discussion they should learn to defend themselfes and say no if they dont want to wear it

Title: Re:France has gone and done it.
Post by: Ace on February 12, 2004, 10:22:25 pm
I'm not saying the French were any better for boycotting NZ, it's just as stupid imo.

Ok, now I'm pretty sure I remember you being a vocal opponent to war. Now you are a self-proclaimed opponent to using economic boycotts against a country. So, please, explain to me HOW THE FUCK ARE YOU SUPPOSED TO GET A MESSAGE ACROSS? If bullets and/or dollars won't do the trick, do you think asking politely is going to get you anywhere?

Title: Re:France has gone and done it.
Post by: Ssickboy on February 13, 2004, 01:04:15 am
How about... Global pressure.  You guys ever watch survivor?  Isn't it interesting how the FIRST person to start a coup upon another teammate is the person sure to go?  Backfires everytime.  That's us.  We're the ones next to get voted out.  "The tribe has spoken."

Seriously though, I'm not completely sure Ace.  too complicated to get into long debate.  But I bought a bottle of French wine last night.  Just in spite of this topic.  It was good.  And it scored some points with the lady too.  1-0  ;)

Title: Re:France has gone and done it.
Post by: tasty on February 13, 2004, 01:47:52 am
The only things I boycott are products from certain US companies: Wal-Mart, Best Buy, Boise Cascade, Exxon, General Electric, Starbucks. I prefer to buy American made things, so I always make sure to buy New Balance shoes, Apple Computers? but some foreign companies just make some of the best stuff, so I still have my Ecco shoes, my Honda sedan, and my Warsteiner beer :).

Yeah I guess this post was pretty pointless. I personally think that boycotting entire countries is kind of immature, since it's not like the individual makers have any impact on the policy really? for all I know, Evian could be the biggest bunch of pro-war interventionists around. But whatever, like it was said before, it's your money, spend it how you want.

Title: Re:France has gone and done it.
Post by: kami on February 13, 2004, 04:36:11 pm
Good stuff Tasty.