*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => General Gossip => Topic started by: |MP|Buccaneer on February 09, 2004, 08:13:22 pm

Title: Kazaa Offices Raided
Post by: |MP|Buccaneer on February 09, 2004, 08:13:22 pm
Surprised it hasn't been mentioned here yet, but for those that haven't heard, Australian authorities have raided the offices of Kazaa, two of it's executives, Telestra (the huge ISP in Oz) and a couple universities.

Lot's of news about it on the net, so I wont bother linking you, everything from the Washington Post to Znet.

There should be more news today and tomorrow, with Kazaa challenging the court orders.

With Kazaa being the largest P2P network now, and so many of you here users of it, figured this would have been a hot topic.

On a related note, 3 Pepsi's and 3 free songs from iTunes so far!  I like dem odds.

Title: Re:Kazaa Offices Raided
Post by: Ace on February 10, 2004, 12:06:59 am
As much as I dislike Kazaa for being a major spyware vendor and running the largest piracy network in the world, they have technically done nothing illegal unless Aussie law is a lot different from ours. It poses a major civil rights problem if the network could be shut down because people CAN use it for piracy.

On a related note, 3 Pepsi's and 3 free songs from iTunes so far!  I like dem odds.

Meh, you can have the three songs if you are willing to drink that shit.

Title: Re:Kazaa Offices Raided
Post by: BFG on February 10, 2004, 12:15:13 am
yah you see the traffic to the apple site went up somthing like 500% after the apple/pepsi advert on superbowl?

oh erm kazza... yeah they aren't exactly my best friends but like Ace said... legally they are clean (unles ther is somthing we don't know about! :) )

Title: Re:Kazaa Offices Raided
Post by: KoS.Rebel on February 10, 2004, 01:16:52 am
Die ace my dad works for Pepsi. Pepsi pwns joo!

Title: Re:Kazaa Offices Raided
Post by: crypt on February 10, 2004, 02:08:32 am
Is there iTunes songs on 20 oz. Pepsi Vanilla bottles? If so, I'd buy a few.

Title: Re:Kazaa Offices Raided
Post by: 11.Dr.5150 on February 10, 2004, 04:17:18 pm
Coke Pwns you. . . .

Title: Re:Kazaa Offices Raided
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on February 10, 2004, 05:24:56 pm
Coke Pwns you. . . .

And Dr. Pepper pwns you all (even though Coke bottles Dr. Pepper in most areas).

Title: Re:Kazaa Offices Raided
Post by: Brain on February 10, 2004, 08:00:35 pm
feh... Sprecher pwns j00 all

Title: Re:Kazaa Offices Raided
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on February 10, 2004, 08:45:50 pm
feh... Sprecher pwns j00 all

lol....what the fuck is Sprecher???

Title: Re:Kazaa Offices Raided
Post by: Scrach on February 10, 2004, 11:30:37 pm
If you want talk about soda open up a new topic gezz.  

I deffinatly think that Kazza is shady and I never really like or userd there product anyway.  But I even more diss like the RIAA for all the shit that they have done to regular people just to scare everyone else.  I mean the programs they use to catch these people is probebly more illigal than Kazza should be.  

Umm.... oh yeah I head that a judge in one of the court herings (correct me if I am wrong) said that Kazza actually could sue the RIAA because they used a Hacked version of Kazza: K-Lite or K++ something like that I found that petty funny.

Title: Re:Kazaa Offices Raided
Post by: Blitz on February 11, 2004, 03:55:35 am
Ummm... GS... Pepsi makes and bottles Dr. Pepper, why they have it with coke products is beyond me.

Anyways about the Kazaa thing... I am kinda suprised. One thing is my CISCO class (everyone but me) own PCs. So they all have Kazaa, but whats really fun, is the fact my school makes it so we get internet, so if someone tries to telnet in, their IP is logged and so are the hops they take. So when my CISCO class was putting Kazaa on our XP machines, I laughed! I mean, they had like 250 songs downloaded in a matter of a week! Besides, does Kazaa pay the RIAA a small fee for every file downloaded/uploaded?

X1|Blitz 8)

Title: Re:Kazaa Offices Raided
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on February 11, 2004, 06:08:55 am
Ummm... GS... Pepsi makes and bottles Dr. Pepper, why they have it with coke products is beyond me.
X1|Blitz 8)

Dude, where are you getting your information?  Coca-Cola has had the bottling rights to Dr. Pepper for the last 20 years.

Title: Re:Kazaa Offices Raided
Post by: |MP|Buccaneer on February 11, 2004, 10:25:34 am
On the Kazaa side, one correction for Scrach.  It's not the RIAA that went after Kazaa, it was MIPI and AIRA.

Kazaa (actually, Sharman Networks, the parent company) have asked for a delay to wait for the MPAA US court decision.  They are hoping that a decision in the US not to hold companies responsible will be upheld and help their case down there.

I've read nothing of using an illegal client, since these were actually go in the offices and pull records situations.

On the Dr. Pepper front, you are both wrong.  Read the following:
Mr. PiBB and Pibb Xtra are not available in cans and bottles everywhere. There are many areas in the US where PiBB is not bottled by Coca-Cola bottling plants.? Due to lack of capable facilities, the Dr Pepper Company leases the right to bottle Dr Pepper in a particular market to the highest bidder--either Coke, Pepsi or 7up.? In some markets, Coke bids highest for the chance to bottle Dr Pepper (a very lucrative business) and in others, Pepsi or 7up gets the contract.? In these areas where Dr Pepper is found in Pepsi or 7up vending machines, Coke will offer its own creation -- PiBB -- in response.? In regions where Coke bottles Dr Pepper, PiBB is not produced.? The bottling agreement with Dr Pepper comes with a "no competition" clause which states that Coke cannot produce their spicy cherry soda.

There you have it, and also the mystery of why you can't find a Mr PiBB when you want to (PiBB Xtra is better than Dr Pepper even).  One side note, when it says 7up, realize that 7up and Dr Pepper are the same company, that's why 7up is often bottled by Coke as well.

Title: Re:Kazaa Offices Raided
Post by: BTs_Lee.Harvey on February 11, 2004, 11:02:17 am
In regions where Coke bottles Dr Pepper, PiBB is not produced.

Not always true.. Coke bottles Both Dr Peppper nd Mr pibb around here. But coke vending machines  around here will not have both.. some have Mr Pibb some have Dr pepper.


It sucks that kazaa and other places were raided, but sence judes have ruled that isp dont have to give out the ip adressses info to the organization that are doing this I guess they feel that they have to go after the companies that develop the software that most peeps use.... Next thing you know they will be raiding apple and microsoft b/c there web browsers are capable of downloading things from personal/private FTP sites.

Title: Re:Kazaa Offices Raided
Post by: |MP|Buccaneer on February 11, 2004, 11:59:58 am
Not always true.. Coke bottles Both Dr Peppper nd Mr pibb around here. But coke vending machines  around here will not have both.. some have Mr Pibb some have Dr pepper.

You sure they are coming from the same bottling facility?  You just may be between a few.

We don't get Mr PiBB at all up here, except at one Wendy's that just replaced Dr Pepper with it.

but sence judes have ruled that isp dont have to give out the ip adressses info to the organization that are doing this I guess they feel that they have to go after the companies that develop the software that most peeps use.... Next thing you know they will be raiding apple and microsoft b/c there web browsers are capable of downloading things from personal/private FTP sites.

Lee, those are US court decisions, this is in Australia.  Different laws apply.  

Title: Re:Kazaa Offices Raided
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on February 11, 2004, 04:20:12 pm
Ah, you are very correct Bucc.....Coca-Cola has simply had the rights to bottle Dr. Pepper exclusively in my area (most of the South) for the last 20 years.

I stand partially corrected....lol

Title: Re:Kazaa Offices Raided
Post by: BTs_Lee.Harvey on February 11, 2004, 10:26:49 pm
yea bucc.. i live like a mile from the bottleing plant here.. the DR pepper bottles here do say bottled by cole and we also have Mr pibb here too.. although i seee less and less mr pibb around here.

Title: Re:Kazaa Offices Raided
Post by: kami on February 12, 2004, 12:02:51 am
You have too many soft drinks that taste like syrup and water over there.

Title: Re:Kazaa Offices Raided
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on February 12, 2004, 12:06:08 am
You have too many soft drinks that taste like syrup and water over there.

Don't you know why?  Most of the current soft drinks taste like syrup because they were originally used for medicinal purposes and after it was found that they really don't do anything for you positive, the manufacturers started marketing them as normal drinks.

Title: Re:Kazaa Offices Raided
Post by: kami on February 12, 2004, 12:36:57 am
Haha, you wonder how those companies can stay afloat with old quack medication.