*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => General Gossip => Topic started by: *DAMN Bander on October 26, 2001, 04:14:39 pm

Title: Moderators: Warning!
Post by: *DAMN Bander on October 26, 2001, 04:14:39 pm
Okay - i received an email from Luxx that he is banned for defending himself by another "ace-attack". also i am banned (funny, really) from my account at work.

Before i give mauti a phone call to one for once removing some incompetent and respectless "moderators" here i demand to unban immidately ALL *DAMN R6 World Users who are victims of your wannabe-god actings.

Now someone of you guys really crossed the line - i can promise u - whoever did this - your days as moderator are counted here on *DAMN Web-Ground. Also the problems with the battle-league will be invgestigated by trustable *DAMN members who never got into suspection for being "not neutral".

Our mate  mauti had to go to the army so he had great hope into you guys to help us out with some work here. but seems one or more of you misused your functions here to enjoy their "web powers". all who are guilty in this violated the point number 1 rule of the *DAMN Clan: The main purpose is having FUN as a equal community. posers, dictators and respectless nerds have nothing to do with the aims of clan *DAMN.

All *DAMN Members: You have my email, use the *DAMN member only section from now to gather info about those ongoings (bannings/league) and then we deliver a all-in-one report to mauti. meanwhile post there who would have time to keep an eye on the forums as moderators instead of people who damage the image of damn or violate the reight of free speech here.

This is adressed to the persons responsible for banning users from this site (including ME - thats truly a funny move, but was the last one here) - all other moderators who do their job bravely (no matter if i like em or not) ignore this post.


Title: Re: Moderators: Warning!
Post by: Ace on October 26, 2001, 04:42:13 pm
Baseless accusations from Bander. Just another day in the General Gossip forums...

First off, we can't ban anyone. Nor would I. I would really like to know how he thinks he is "banned" You can cut the *DAMN Gestapo crap out. The battle league may have gotten fucked up, but I had nothing to do with that nor the power to fuck with it. Take that shit to the Battle League forum.

Second, get off your fucking high horse and quit these bullshit personal attacks. I'm tired of you coming on here with "OMG ACE IM GOING TO GET YOU REMOVED AS A MODERATOR CUZ YOU DID THIS OR YOU DID THAT" Yes, I mocked Nixon, but I did this before I became a moderator and I will continue to do so if you try to get me removed. I love how you cling to your precious freedom of speech then try to attack me for using mine.

Title: Re: Moderators: Warning!
Post by: Grifter on October 26, 2001, 05:09:56 pm
nice chip on your shoulder. What in the world makes you think it was a forum moderator?? Just because you are an idiot, and a couple of us has said so, you don't need to prove it in such a blatent way.

As far as I know, a lowly forum moderator cannot ban anyone, not even from his little sandbox in the forums.

And, let us not forget, Mauti asked us all here to help him out. The only "moderator abuse" I've ever seen here was when Ace, Wrath and I were picking on each other... it was confined just to the three of us, and it was before Mauti went into the Army.

So, just because you don't like our opinions posted on "Bander's Forums", don't act like you are out of justice here. If you were out for justice, you'd be looking for what went wrong.... not who banned someone! Ever think there could just be a fucking computer glitch?!? (no, they never happen...) If someone is breaking through the security of the forums and fucking it up, I'm the first in line to take a swing at them.... but until you know, don't go throwing accusations around.... that's slander. I don't care what you write about "if it's not you, just ignore this".... until you have some reason to think it is one of us, please stop your baseless accusations, they are insulting.

BTW, if you are banned... how the fuck did you post this under your account??

Title: Re: Moderators: Warning!
Post by: jn.wrath on October 26, 2001, 06:19:13 pm
Bander, as I have used YaBB quite a lot, I know that it is not possible for moderators to ban anyone.

However, seeing as Mauti would probably not ban you or Nix, I'm guessing it's a glitch in the software... or perhaps it is a problem on your end? (Your company blocking the site, perhaps..)

I'd even go so far as to throw out the idea that someone got a hold of Mauti's admin account's password and banned people they didn't like... that, however, is a bit proposterous..

Title: Re: Moderators: Warning!
Post by: Bondo on October 26, 2001, 07:37:21 pm
Well, I can't say anything to the bannings and such but if you need a *DAMN representative in the General Gossip moderators, I'm the man for the job as I'm fairly cool-headed in not having personal conflicts with anyone (even rom).  Also, I check the forums about 8 times a day so I wouldn't miss anything.

Title: Re: Moderators: Warning!
Post by: PsYcO aSsAsSiN on October 26, 2001, 11:22:00 pm
Well bander, I for one know that I have not 'abused' my powers as an admin because all I do is clear the *DAMN BL drop box. As for this 'investigation' into the *DAMN BL messup, I bet it will find some kind of scripting error or something of the sort because the league actually reset all the way back to the first posting by then BL admin, Romulus. I truly hope when you say 'problems' Bander, that you are referring to a scripting problem because Ultimo and I have done our jobs about as good as anyone could have as admins to the BL.

Title: Re: Moderators: Warning!
Post by: kos.viper on October 26, 2001, 11:31:45 pm

From my exsperance's with YaBB's...

RSC: Experience ... Tisk tisk rom, we've already covered this one in a l8er post... SHAM on u

As for the banning, i thought Moderaters and the Head Admin could IP ban any user on the forum....

Title: Re: Moderators: Warning!
Post by: SiGmA_X on October 27, 2001, 12:55:52 am
Ass(assin) - This would appear to be a scripting problem, but an outside 'force' probley could have done it, but who would want to? CIA is dead, and no clan would profit from it, would they? And it cannot be your or Ult's fault... Why would you reset it to the first 2 CB's? And more so, why to CIA? I can understand the KoS one, but not the CIA one... I just hope you saved a copy, like a good admin would.

Viper - No, only the Head admin, and other people with 'Admin' privs. Mod's have control to move, delete, and lock topics, and delete and modify people's posts.

I tend to agree with Wrath on the fact that it's probley a script error. From my playing with my YaBB's, I noticed a few bug's... And even with replacing it with a 'fresh copy', it was still semi-buggy... Oh well... But I think the BL stuff is lost, until it's all re-entered... You guys did save a copy somewhere, right? (Directed to BL admin's)

Title: Re: Moderators: Warning!
Post by: Grifter on October 28, 2001, 03:23:51 pm
I do believe that after Mauti's post about what has really happened, Bander owes an apology for jumping all over people he doesn't like with baseless accusations....

Title: Re: Moderators: Warning!
Post by: SiGmA_X on October 28, 2001, 03:48:38 pm
I think that one of the reason's that Bander jumped all over people is because he is *DAMN so he automaticly think's he has more power. Sure, he might, but just like anyother player, he has to be fair, and find the fact's. As Grifter does, research what you are saying, so that you are not incorect.

Title: Re: Moderators: Warning!
Post by: jn.blackhand on October 28, 2001, 04:15:25 pm
The new voice of hypocritical reasoning: Romulus.

Title: Re: Moderators: Warning!
Post by: Ace on October 28, 2001, 04:24:54 pm
The new voice of two months belatedly stating the obvious: blackhand.

And Bander, I want an apology, and a good one at that.

Title: Re: Moderators: Warning!
Post by: KoS Ultimo on October 28, 2001, 07:18:13 pm
I didnt make a copy of the *DAMN Battle league. I dont know about AsSaSsIn, however i do the work that is needed, and that is enough. I have a life, even though its so hard to believe, and HW in honors classes is something amazing. Also i never imagined that *DAMN, out of all places on the web would run into a problem like it did.... so Rom, to answer your question , no.

Title: Re: Moderators: Warning!
Post by: jn.wrath on October 28, 2001, 09:44:16 pm
Mauti posted? Where?!


Title: Re: Moderators: Warning!
Post by: SiGmA_X on October 28, 2001, 11:12:09 pm
AsS(aSsIn)/Ultimo - Just save the emails/post's from the clan's that submit results. like make one BIG post w/ all the scores. It will save a lot a trouble in the long run, if this sort of thing ever happens again, and it is really simple to do.

Wrath - *DAMN R6/RS World (http://dynamic.gamespy.com/~damnr6/index.shtml)

Title: Re: Moderators: Warning!
Post by: Bander (unbanned) on October 29, 2001, 03:04:33 am
Assassin & Ultimo:

Dont worry, all i meant was that we must try to restore the scores of the B-League (and find a way to "save" those standings in future, in case such a problem occours again). I guess everybody here knows u are "neutral" B-League admins and that "breakdown" of the ladder wasnt your fault. But now we know this can happen so we shall find a "backup" possibility for the stats. (Mauti told me he and Elandrion will find a way).

About banning people (IP ban) from this site:

Dont get funny ace, i got my own forum like this one and i know u CAN ban IP adresses from users. Look: As it seems i am unbanned already (what a surprise) and i guess Nixon got unbanned out now. Btw. Mr. Clever: Did u ever check that i also use my work-mac for posting here? So much to your statement i still can post under my account here (lol, not only i question myself who might be the real dumbass here). So eat shit ace.

About having *DAMNs as admins here:

Yeah i will talk to mauti and suggest to take more *DAMN Members (who all have been choosen by us for being likeable and honourous people) as moderators and admins here. At last this is a *DAMN website and i dont see the point why *DAMN members permanently have to defend themselves for their postings of any kind. Free Speech? Sure. But also for the "creators" of this webcommunity. I think BONDO would be an excellent moderator here too.

And even when grifter gets hysterically again: Dont worry. U can talk as much shit and spill dirt over whoever u like - i dont care, *DAMN doesnt care. Just do your job here and dont start to do funny things (like the person who banned me and Nixe over the weekend).

Ace: U arent a moderator in my eyes u are just a riot-starter and provocating people here (not just me EVERYONE). I will tell mauti that for my personal taste such an offending character doesnt fit as moderator here. This is just my opinion. Apologizing? Haha - how pathetic.

Banning me and other close friends of *DAMN from this site and THEN calling us (or just me) an idiot for demanding to be unbanned is really a indicator for a very very low character-profile.  As is said in my starter post: All moderators who do their job bravely (No matter if i like em or not - ignore this post - and tnx for your help)

*DAMN Bander
Second Khan of Clan *DAMN (eat this!)

Title: Re: Moderators: Warning!
Post by: jn.wrath on October 29, 2001, 11:27:06 am
Bander, we keep saying that "moderators CANNOT BAN ANYONE FROM THE FORUM"

Judging by the fact that you and Nix were both unbanned, I would guess that someone somehow got Mauti's password and thought they could be funny by banning a couple guys.. and as soon as it was brought to the public attention, immediately unbanned you.

Title: Re: Moderators: Warning!
Post by: **SBR** Peekay on October 29, 2001, 11:48:29 am
The thing that makes this so weird is that I'm not banned....I mean...of all people, don't you think I'd be the first on their "To Ban List"?  just a little weird...


Title: Re: Moderators: Warning!
Post by: Ace on October 29, 2001, 11:49:36 am
Bander, I would like you to know that Mauti asked me to be a moderator because he felt I would be good for the job. I act no differently now than I did before. If Mauti has a problem with me, fine, I'll quit. But I am not going to give up this job because of baseless accusations. For the 156487313279th time, WE CANNOT BAN ANYONE FROM THE FORUMS. Hell, I wouldn't want to even if I could. I would much rather have morons come on here and demonstrate their idiocy so there is no doubt about it. Bander, I think you should take heed to something Winston Churchill once said. "It is better to remain silent and be thought of as an idiot than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt" (the quote isn't exactly right, but you all get the gist) And I still want my apology. You accused me of something I did not do. Common decency would suggest an apology, but I guess that is too much for you.

Title: Re: Moderators: Warning!
Post by: Destructo on October 29, 2001, 02:33:41 pm
Why would you want to ban ppl from a fourm???

1st of all you can't

and 2nd, isn't the point of a forum to express idea's, agreements and disagreements...

you don't just ban ppl because they raise hell...that's the point...

I commend the moderators who let it be as it is....

R6/RS, is a fuckin intense game and sure tempers flair...but that's what adds the fuel to the fun...

if you banned everyone for every little thing this would be one boring fourm...

Yes, i can see if moderators are abusing thier power, fine, then some shit needs to be sorted...

But from my expiernces with moderators, if you take a crack at them, they crack back..witch is fantastic...

ex. Ace is gay...
or Grifter likes boys
or even Ultimo licks cock for cash...

this is waht makes the form "A FORUM"

Title: Re: Moderators: Warning!
Post by: kos.viper on October 29, 2001, 02:40:38 pm
Dest, u dumbass  ;D o and RS is not an "intense" game, u want intense u play Tactical Ops, now that shit is intense

Title: Re: Moderators: Warning!
Post by: Destructo on October 29, 2001, 02:50:04 pm
Viper is harrassing me today..

ban him

8) <---------yes!

Title: Re: Moderators: Warning!
Post by: Bondo on October 29, 2001, 02:54:03 pm

and 2nd, isn't the point of a forum to express idea's, agreements and disagreements...

You forum newbie.  Sure the forum is a place to express idea's and all that but if you've looked at what happens in this forum it is just a place to repeatedly make fun of another or argue a point without reading the post you're replying to.  None of the pure freedom of speech crap you're spouting.  This forum lacks any form of civility.

Title: Re: Moderators: Warning!
Post by: Destructo on October 29, 2001, 03:02:46 pm
With the average age being 14, how civil can you expect this forum to be???

There are moderators, and they do there job....

"You forum newbie. "....is that a name?


Title: Re: Moderators: Warning!
Post by: jn.wrath on October 29, 2001, 04:21:19 pm
Whew, I escaped that insult! Dodged it like a true Matrix fan, I did..


Title: Re: Moderators: Warning!
Post by: Grifter on October 29, 2001, 05:23:35 pm

Yeah i will talk to mauti and suggest to take more *DAMN Members (who all have been choosen by us for being likeable and honourous people) as moderators and admins here. At last this is a *DAMN website and i dont see the point why *DAMN members permanently have to defend themselves for their postings of any kind. Free Speech? Sure. But also for the "creators" of this webcommunity. I think BONDO would be an excellent moderator here too.

And even when grifter gets hysterically again: Dont worry. U can talk as much shit and spill dirt over whoever u like - i dont care, *DAMN doesnt care. Just do your job here and dont start to do funny things (like the person who banned me and Nixe over the weekend).

Ace: U arent a moderator in my eyes u are just a riot-starter and provocating people here (not just me EVERYONE). I will tell mauti that for my personal taste such an offending character doesnt fit as moderator here. This is just my opinion. Apologizing? Haha - how pathetic.

*DAMN Bander
Second Khan of Clan *DAMN (eat this!)

Bander, you are an asshole, do you know that?

Wrath, Ace and I cannot ban people. ?Yes, you run a forum, and YOU (being a WEBMASTER) can, so can Mauti here (since he is the WEBMASTER). ?A MODERATOR doesn't have the access to ban anyone. ?And we wouldn't even if we could. ?MODERATORS only have the ability to move, modify, delete and lock/unlock posts in their own areas (Ace and I can't even touch posts in any of the other areas besides General Gossip) so how can we ban someone from the site?? ?So, it is you that is the dumbass of which you speak. ?Don't believe me... ask Mauti (DOH, SORRY, BANDER ISN'T ALLOWED TO BE WRONG, SO HE WONT CHECK). ?Go ahead, ask Mauti to check the logs and see how it happened... or don't you have the guts to be proven wrong?? Again!

As for my status as a moderator here... I'd be glad to give it up if Mauti asked me to. ?After all, I'm doing this to support HIM. ?Mauti has made a wonderful place here for the R6/RS community to get together. ?He asked, and it's the least we can do to help out. ?So I'm happy to do it for him. ?If he has any doubts as to how we conduct ourselves, I'd be glad to hear it...... FROM HIM. ?You, Bander, are just a little baby. ?You can't stand the fact the you make yourself look like a dumbass with your posts, and that Ace and I have pointed it out. ?So please Bander, continue being an asshole, after all, I stand by the fact that you being an asshole is your right as a humanbeing.

Why do I say these things, because you, Bander, love to throw baseless accusations about.... you're just a little hate monger looking to point anger in a direction other then yourself, so nobody notices how small and pathetic you really are. ?

BTW, Wrath, Ace and I were also chosen because Mauti though we were likeable, honorable guys.... and in my opinion, we've lived up to it. ?Also, you accuse Ace of being a "riot starter"... you are such a hypocrate... what do you think starting this thread was?? ?You accusing the moderators of something... when you know ABSOLUTELY NOTHING ABOUT WHAT HAPPENED. ?That, to me, is "riot starting"... so, be an asshole... accuse Ace of doing EXACTLY of what you just did!

Title: Re: Moderators: Warning!
Post by: SiGmA_X on October 29, 2001, 05:41:56 pm
Well... I was just coming in here to say almost what Grifer said about not being able to ban. A WEBMASTER can and a MODERATOR cannot. It seems REALLY simple to me... Hell, if I got it, shouldn't he be able to? (He as in Bander)...

Also, I think that Ace, Grifter, and Wrath are great moderators. They are knowledgeable, and rational people. They do not remove posts (;)) and they are very 'level-headed'.... I must say that Mauti chose good people when he chose them.


Title: Re: Moderators: Warning!
Post by: **SBR** Peekay on October 29, 2001, 08:28:05 pm
Hey Rom,

You got a little brown on your nose.  :::Hands Rom a hankerchief::: you might wanna wipe that off. ;D


Title: Re: Moderators: Warning!
Post by: Bander from DAMN on October 30, 2001, 04:32:10 am

The only true moron and master of idioty. Listen u stupid brainless Mongo:

DAMN was founded by mauti and me, THIS site was co-developed from the beginning by mauti and me (mauti DOES and DID the main work but the basic C.I, Logos, Tags have been designed by myself). This Page has a public forum but its still a fukcing *DAMN Website.

So - and what do u do? Insulting one of the 2 owners of this site PERMANENTLY!!! (not only in discussion but whenever possible). Also jumping at *DAMN members who come here as they are used too to "discuss" (a term that u dont even know, u are only good in gangbanging and throwing insults from one corner of the world to the other end, dumb, childish and really a poor sign of your intellects).

I really dont care anymore u style-less idiots: U seem not to check that i could have removed u from that "functions" u have from the beginning of your posings against me. I did NOT cuz i tried to see these things as a neutral person. But your attemts to really make me sick of u one for all really worked. I will have a meeting with mauti during this week or over the weekend and we will discuss some important things together. Alone the style of your last postings here "for" me are such a niveau-less speech that reminds me on the cursings of some cheap street-whores full on crack. U have no style, u have no class, and the worst thing: U DONT fit into the "*DAMN Clancode". So i will discuss with mauti if its really good to have some agressive, insulting and perma-cursing people here as "moderators".

At last i SWEAR i will make sure that the general gossip thread WILL be moderated by people with some sense of calming down things and NOT such ones who spill oil into the fire instead of defeating it. Grifter u can keep on dreaming about my "idiot reputation" - but as far i can see the only 2 idiots that emerged out of these discussions are yourself and your funny gang-members here lol. But honestly: I already wasted too much time with u (Grifter and Ace) and i will not keep up my "discussions" with u clowns anymore.

Quarrel or not: Either u are for *DAMN or u are against us. But permainsulting of one of the clan founders and continuing this on *DAMN Veterans and Members (btw. what was that for a stupid Gestapo Comment u nerds?)
is fairly enough for me to remove your stupid ignorant and respectless asses from this forum part.

ITS A FACT: Nixe and i got banned over the weekend. We WILL find out who did this and then u can keep your mouths shut a while.

If you come to our house and respect the people who live there u are very welcomed. If u come into our house to act respectless towards its owners (*DAMN) we will kick u out faster than u can imagine.

As i said before (2 times already): All other moderators who do their jobs bravely here - thank you - and ignore this thread. (But Ace and Grifter seem to like to find out how far they can go. I am really pissed now. Such a bitchness i never encountered in my web-live before. But - lol - uhhhhhhh i will use my EVIL powers and fix some things here so our clan and its GOOD friends feel comfortable again here. (and NIXE is a friend of damn 100%!!! - friends are welcomed, insulting little nerds are NOT)

a hint: maybe u should read the *DAMN Codex (at last) once - maybe u will find some interesting things there ...

Title: Re: Moderators: Warning!
Post by: Bander btw. on October 30, 2001, 04:52:39 am

U said one correct thing in your useless post GRIFTER:

Wrath and JN as the other moderators (no matter if i like em or not) ARE honourable persons. For excemple i respect JN very much for being an awesome r6 player who never gets moddy at newbies and always shows a cool & calmed style. And also Wrath: Ask him, we 2 had some hot discussions also but they never went that much out of hand like your "attacks" here. I respect Wrath for sticking to his opinion but also being able to understand what another person means. I also respect Black (again) cuz he had the gutts to reach out his hand to me (thats not that easy, after so much quarrel). I also respect Assassin (for doing a brave job here as BL-admin, even when we had a quarrel too), Ultimo is somehow "standing above those things" and really a smart help here too.

But Mr. ex-wise man and now: Supermoron Grifter (the one with the heaviest ammount of curse-word use now haha) and ace, just dance on my nervs. lol - this shall be a place where people can come together to talk and quarrel - but your steady private "dumbass elections" here start to annoy a lot of people already. Before i found out some things about ace i liked him very much too. But - but meanwhile hes just disgusting me.

all: sorry i was cursing too in those 2 posts but i am just answering (as it seems) in the only tone those 2 nerds understand here. and i have no problem to insult people who permanently dont watch the style of their messages.

so grifter (copy/past) something of this messages and add your shit to it - we will have a simple discussion among all damn members about these forums here and then we will act as we decided. (thats not gestapo-shit - its called democracy)

Title: Re: Moderators: Warning!
Post by: jn.wrath on October 30, 2001, 10:40:31 am
Okay, I've been limiting myself to 30 minutes of computer usage a day, but I must say something..

Bander: I understand what you're saying about this being a *DAMN-run site and such. I also understand that you want other DAMNs to be moderators here.

Mauti asked Ace, Grift and I to be moderators here after seeing how they managed to deal with dumbasses and such.. He knew that they do not back down from arguements, so don't be surprised if they don't act like Romulus to the founders of DAMN.. but, some of the DAMN members don't act like moderators should.. examples: silent killer, zak (:D) and jagg, Bondo, on the other hand would make a fine moderator.. she seems to have a good head on her shoulders (er, would that be his? :D)

Also, Grift and Ace are two of the best guys on GR.. hell, Grift sent me a hard drive when mine was screwed up.

Both Grift and Bander have a responsibility here. Bander, as the co-leader of DAMN has the job of being in charge of DAMN and representing DAMN here. Grift has the job of a moderator and keeping things in check.

Bander, I think that if you went through the recent archives, especially the Romulus and Peekay files.. you would see that Grift and Ace have done a marvelous job of keeping the dumbasses in check. I just stand around and look important, they are the ones doing the moderating :)

i received an email from Luxx that he is banned for defending himself by another "ace-attack"
Right there, Bander, you immediately assumed that Ace had banned you and Nix for defending himself from Ace.. the fact is that we (moderators) cannot ban anyone and that it is very unfair of you to refuse to apoligize for that jab. Suggesting that Ace and Grift would hide from a disagreement by banning someone (which is a very low move) is a low blow in itself. As I said before, they are some of the most honorable guys on GR. Ace was the only SEAL that showed up for a SEALs vs POD CB and he would have battled.. now that takes some nerve.. :) (Ace, no comments on POD)

Grift, Bander is also one of the best guys on GR, he has stuck to DAMN through good, bad and very bad times.

If Bander wants more moderators, I say, "the more the merrier"

So, I think that if everyone thinks about things before they post and realize that.. they do owe someone an apology, we can get this behind us and get on with non-flame wars.

BTW: Bander, the dumbass election thing was started by Silent Killer and we have had no part in it.

Title: Re: Moderators: Warning!
Post by: Grifter on October 30, 2001, 01:40:08 pm

Thanks for the complements.  I don't think you'll derail Bander's little crusaide against me, and  you may have brought yourself into the line of fire (since it was a post like that which started the war between Bander and me).

But, I do appreciate the thoughts.  So thanks!

Also, I do believe that is the longest post you've ever made....

Title: Re: Moderators: Warning!
Post by: jn.wrath on October 30, 2001, 01:54:45 pm
Grift, if it isn't, its pretty darn close! :)

About me being brought in.. I hope Bander will read my post over carefully before responding rashly to it.. b/c it isn't meant to incite any war between us.. we've already been through it twice.. :)

Of course, that was before you and Ace joined the forum.. if you want to go look, its in the "DAMN vs POD, news about CB vs SEALs" thread.. I can't remember where the other one took place.

I say we all should play an R6 game (Bander, Ace, Grift and I) and call it even. Perhaps even an RS game if Bander and Ace are up to it :) Often, people are harder to get along with when you only know them on the forum..

(this post taken from Wrath's Guide to Mediating "Discussions")

Title: Re: Moderators: Warning!
Post by: ?{RiP}? Vapor on October 30, 2001, 02:56:40 pm

First, Bander is right, why the fuck do people who only post few things on this forum get ridiculed after they make a post by those who (i stress) THINK they are the forum veterans? I hate those bastards who act like they are so great cause they have fucking 300 post or some shit. You guys should just stop say stuff about the guys that say little on the forum when they actually do post something.

BUT... why the fuck did we bring this up in the first place is beyond me. I couldn't really give two shits whether or not the assholes who ridicule the forum guys who don't post much actually know who much of an asshole they are.

Title: Re: Moderators: Warning!
Post by: Grifter on October 30, 2001, 03:41:17 pm

who are you talking about??  Since this thread was directed at the forum moderators.... I'm a bit confused.  I think most of the moderators here all share two things in common... we abuse dumbasses and we are fair.  I don't care if they have 300 or 400 posts (like Rom or Bander), or if they are posting their 10th time (like Peekay).  Now, I've seen many of the senior members here jump on people, but almost all of them have backed off when they were wrong.  I've jumped all over Rom on many an oppertunity, but I still have given him chances and don't jump on every post he makes.  I was all over Peekay several months ago, but I haven't had cause to jump on his recent posts,  because he hasn't been acting like a dumbass...  so he doesn't deserve the abuse.  

The world is not a happy, warm puppy type of place.  When people say something stupid, they get jumped on here, just like in the real world.  It's one of the ways people learn.  So, while some people here jump faster and harder then others, everyone here is just typing their feelings.  Just because Ace has posted 400 times (you spammer Ace ;P) doesn't mean he has to act more kind or gentle.... Ace is supposed to be Ace.  Just like I'm just Grifter.  I'm kinder and more gentle then Ace, but I'm still an Ass when dealing with a dumbass.  

So, I guess what I'm saying is, if you have a problem with "people" here... bring it up to them.  If you think people with more posts are supposed to be better, then you with over 200 posts should be better and jump right in.

Title: Re: Moderators: Warning!
Post by: Ace on October 30, 2001, 04:12:01 pm
First, let me stand up and applaud at Wrath's post. You sure ended the streak of YaWWP's in style. Thanks for the compliments, but I must correct on thing. I believe that when I volunteered to CB POD alone is was more a combinaton of unbridled ego and foolish courage. :P

Vap, I don't act like I'm so great because I have so many posts, I act like that because, well, I always have. Hell, take a look at my first posts on the forums. I still act the same (for better or for worse) now. Like I have said before, post numbers don't mean a lot. That's why I think spammers are so stupid. If someone has a good point, I acknowledge it. If someone is a dumbass, I will mock them. It is as simple as that. Also, what's past has passed. Peekay has been relatively livable recently aside from some spamming so I leave him alone. Conversely, I will not let someone go just because they have shown to be smart before. I thought mort crossed the line too much lately, and I called him on it.

Title: Re: Moderators: Warning!
Post by: jn.wrath on October 30, 2001, 05:26:00 pm
We follow simple guidelines:

If the post from a wannabe dumbass is intelligent, we read over the post (and then delete it ;)) and we respect them for some intelligence.

If the post from a wannabe spammer/dumbass and it is worthless.. and if all their posts are useless, well, then we can justly call them on it.

Vapor, when you or anyone else on this forum who has made a good post, we haven't ridiculed you about it. As Grift pointed out, Peekay has made some intelligent and funny posts lately (his one about handing Rom a rag to wipe his brown nose.. haha!)

Now, I'm the most mild of us three, Grift has often ridiculed me for being too nice to certain people..:)

Title: Re: Moderators: Warning!
Post by: Grifter on October 30, 2001, 06:12:53 pm
I also ridicule Wrath for his excessivly long posts ;P

The thing I find most funny here is that Ace, Wrath and myself actually look forward to when we can go after each other... and nobody sees that.  We all love a challenge, and debating with these two is a challenge.  (along with a few others, so please don't feel disappointed Blackie, Bondo, Mort, Postal, etc).

Mocking a Dumbass is a duty, mocking someone worthy is a joy!  The only problem is that thy being so intelligent, Ace and Wrath just usually agree with me!

Title: Re: Moderators: Warning!
Post by: Ace on October 30, 2001, 07:08:43 pm
GRIFT, how dare you put yourself on the same level as me and wrath. We are intelligent and respectable young men, while you are nothing more than a lazy, egotistical, pedantic, paly-white Scot who thinks that we should let everyone smoke weed, cigarettes, and drive with no seatbelts!

Title: Re: Moderators: Warning!
Post by: jn.wrath on October 30, 2001, 07:10:29 pm
Not to mention advocating going back to college after flunking it the first time..

Title: Re: Moderators: Warning!
Post by: Campergeek on October 30, 2001, 07:19:04 pm

GRIFT, how dare you put yourself on the same level as me and wrath. We are intelligent and respectable young men, while you are nothing more than a lazy, egotistical, pedantic, paly-white Scot who thinks that we should let everyone smoke weed, cigarettes, and drive with no seatbelts!

I would just like to point out the fact that, for Ace to think of himself as intelligent and respectable, he must have been smoking weed, or at least some badly contaminated cigarettes. ?Makes his wiseass comment somewhat hypocritical.

Gawd foibid. ?Heehee.

And you and Wrathie are perfectly welcome to put yourselves on your own level. ?I'll be more than happy to wave from the glass elevator as I pass on up.


Title: Re: Moderators: Warning!
Post by: jn.wrath on October 30, 2001, 07:28:59 pm
That was the most intelligent jab aimed at Ace I've seen out of foto.. I guess he does have a brain beneath that thick seal skin..

A baaad mock, but, one of my first :)

Title: Re: Moderators: Warning!
Post by: Ace on October 30, 2001, 08:15:41 pm
Foto made an intelligent, well-stated mock. Well I'll be damned.

Someone should test the water in the road map in r6. Foto spends enough damn time camping there, and someway, somehow, it actually stimulated brain growth. Scientific (and IP) studies have yet to prove if this is the same foto we all know and love.

Title: Re: Moderators: Warning!
Post by: Grifter on October 30, 2001, 08:30:27 pm

GRIFT, how dare you put yourself on the same level as me and wrath. We are intelligent and respectable young men, while you are nothing more than a lazy, egotistical, pedantic, paly-white Scot who thinks that we should let everyone smoke weed, cigarettes, and drive with no seatbelts!

That would hurt if it wasn't coming from a sheep buggering, pencil necked irish sopranno (they have to drop before your voice lowers Ace ;P).  And besides, I'm not the blindingly pale one here.... I have all that nice Native American blood in me to make me look human (well, at least not like I've been dead and under water for 10 days like someone *cough*ACE*cough* here).

And Wrathy, I'd advocate you go back to college after flunking the first time, except I don't think you'll make it in.... so that advise was just for Ace.  Sorry for your confusion (well, if I appologized everytime Wrath was confused, that would REALLY spam the forums... hehe)

Title: Re: Moderators: Warning!
Post by: Ace on October 30, 2001, 09:02:06 pm
Wrath, you better make sure to take that advice about college from the guy who can't even spell like a decent fourth grader.

And "sheep buggering"? Last time I checked, it was the Scots who wore kilts because sheep can hear a zipper from miles away. And if you want to find out about being dead and underwater, I suggest you hop into a pool with me old man. Play a game of polo with me and then we can talk.

Title: Re: Moderators: Warning!
Post by: jn.wrath on October 30, 2001, 09:13:30 pm
Ace, I thought you played water polo. You are inviting Grift to a game of polo, which just happens to be a favorite pasttime of the Scots.

You are also asking Grift, the kilt-wearing herdsman/"caretaker", the master of "sheep buggering", into a pool with you. What happens to a kilt when the wearer jumps into a pool of water? It floats up.. up, up and away. Of course, you knew this and you intend to be in there with your skimpy Speedos, prancing about the pool as if you haven't a care in the world.

I think I'd better stop.. the thought of the two of them in a pool together, one naked and the other nearly naked is making me a bit queasy.. they'd be enough to scare even Bill Murray, the groundskeeper, away? Add foto"the hot camper"geek to the mix and you have yourself in "hot" water..

Foto, put that money you intended to stuff into Ace's Speedos away!

Title: Re: Moderators: Warning!
Post by: Bondo on October 30, 2001, 09:27:29 pm
Not saying that your kilt reasoning is wrong but one of the primary reasons for the kilt was to be able to walk through the bogs (or some type of thing) in Scotland.  This proved very important in the battles against England.  Well that and easy mooning.

Title: Re: Moderators: Warning!
Post by: jn.wrath on October 30, 2001, 09:50:36 pm
Bondo, I don't come to this forum to learn!

black and Bondo both need to learn that anyone who comes here should not be forced to learn interesting facts like which sniper has the most confirmed kills or why Scots wear kilts.

Do your homework, Bondo. This forum is for people who already know all there is to know, except for certain "gifted" and "special" members, such as Ace or Grift. Of course, I meant that with the sincerest respect!

Title: Re: Moderators: Warning!
Post by: Grifter on October 30, 2001, 10:00:59 pm
The fact that Wrath was picturing me naked disturbs me... the fact that he was thinking of Ace in a speedo really worries me... a lot.

Ace, my pete moss drinking cousin... I think I've seen as many pictures of them Irish buggers in kilts as my fine Scotts.... it's just that us Scotts aren't ashamed.  Maybe because your mommy made you wear that plad skirt and just called it a kilt....?

Title: Re: Moderators: Warning!
Post by: campergeek on October 30, 2001, 10:01:37 pm

Foto, put that money you intended to stuff into Ace's Speedos away!

I dunno, he has that roll of quarters stuffed in there, no room for much else.  A little optimistic on Ace's part though, I would have though half-a-roll of dimes would have been more realistic.

Besides, it's no match for the rolls of Twoonies (Canadian money eh) I got stuffed in my thong!


Title: Re: Moderators: Warning!
Post by: jn.wrath on October 30, 2001, 10:07:38 pm
Actually, he isn't much around the groin section, so the money can always slide down farther.

foto, you know that money is from me because I wanted you to stop dancing aboot my room in that skimpy leather thong.

Okay, the thought of foto in a leather thong is scaring me even more than the thought of me imagining Ace in a Speedo worries Grift..

Title: Re: Moderators: Warning!
Post by: Ace on October 30, 2001, 10:28:56 pm
GRIFT, the only reason me in a speedo scares you is because you are afraid of my mad 2m skills.

And foto, there isn't any room to store twoonies in a thong, so i guess you must have stuck them up.... oh no, I'm going to be sick.

Title: Re: Moderators: Warning!
Post by: Bondo on October 30, 2001, 10:31:07 pm
This is all getting disturbingly complicated.  Just to make it worse though, isn't naturalism popular in Canada (well, more so than in U.S. because it is more popular in almost every country compared to the U.S), well except for in the Middle East (or is it muslims with their stricter clothing restrictions).

Title: Re: Moderators: Warning!
Post by: Grifter on October 30, 2001, 10:35:55 pm
Is Bondo inviting us all to come get naked in Canada?!

I think it's time to lock this thread!!

Title: Re: Moderators: Warning!
Post by: fotogeek on October 30, 2001, 10:38:10 pm

And foto, there isn't any room to store twoonies in a thong, so i guess you must have stuck them up.... oh no, I'm going to be sick.

You know, I wondered why the girls at K-Mart always turn that shade of green when I need to make change. ?It's amazing the storage capacity available back there.

Mind you, coins are one thing- have you seen Ace trying to start his car with where he keeps his keys?

Title: Re: Moderators: Warning!
Post by: SiGmA_X on October 30, 2001, 10:43:13 pm
Is it just me (problely so...) or did any one else NOT understand what Foto said?

Title: Re: Moderators: Warning!
Post by: coin-dispenser geek on October 30, 2001, 10:50:37 pm

Is it just me (problely so...) or did any one else NOT understand what Foto said?

Hmmm...poor, poor innocent Romulus. ?Does anyone else wish to corrupt the poor boy, or should we make him find out in the school yard at recess like every other poor male to suffer the American public school system? (I have a feeling if Rom asks about this at recess, the school system isn't the only thing he'll suffer).

As for me dispensing certain coinage from certain areas, just be happy I haven't offered anyone some Pez.


Title: Re: Moderators: Warning!
Post by: NoAccountForMeGeek on October 30, 2001, 11:06:24 pm

Okay FotoDumbshit. I am in HighSchool, so no recess. And I go to a private school. ByTh3W4y - Get an account.

So....from this, we can gather that:

A) ?Recess may very well exist, they're just too embarassed to let him out. ?I'll let everyone add to the multitude of reasons that immediatly come to mind.

B) ?Private school. ?Hmmm. ?Rom, when the teachers in the white coats (doctors) come by to give you your homework (heavy, HEAVY medication), it's probably because your rightfully concerned parents (poor sods that accidentally "adopted" (found beside the road) you) came to the wildly obvious conclusion that you'd be eaten alive in the "real world" (outside, beyond the tall, electrified fence). ?Even if, at this point, the "real world" would consist of only "High School" and not "private school" (Sunny Hills Asylum for the Chronically Insane and Those Suffering from Poor Grammatical Skills).

Ahhhh, that felt good. ?I doubt he'll get any of it, but it felt good. ?Now pass the puppy dogs, matches, and gasoline....

Title: Re: Moderators: Warning!
Post by: Bondo on October 30, 2001, 11:34:13 pm
Lol, very funny but, I think were might be getting a little rough on Rom.  Ah what the heck, Rom, just be glad you got a padded room to your self because chances are if you had to share a room, that sicko would show you how to use the coin dispenser foto uses.

Title: Re: Moderators: Warning!
Post by: Bondo on October 30, 2001, 11:46:11 pm
Rom removes his lips from DAMN's ass so fast it creates a negitive pressure gradient rivaled only by a black hole.

Title: Re: Moderators: Warning!
Post by: SiGmA_X on October 31, 2001, 01:33:50 am
What the fuck?

Title: Re: Moderators: Warning!
Post by: jn.wrath on October 31, 2001, 10:15:10 am
Bondo, nice work :)

Rom, you just walked right into the trap of foto.

Title: Re: Moderators: Warning!
Post by: *DAMN Bander the Snatcher on October 31, 2001, 11:37:22 am
8) Darn!

Okay - after i phoned with mauti and another friend who set up my own forum wich is similar (but not identically) to this one i cant avoid it and it hurts, but its my own fault: I HAVE to apologize to Ace (just for accusing him to have banned me and nixe, wich REALLY isnt possible for him, as i learned).

I also didnt really want to accuse him personally but while putting that "another ace-attack" thing in front of my post it was like doing so.

Another thing: Mr. grifter was using his well educated speech on me again and i was responding on the same deep level (cursing) like he spoke to me. That was in fact not that cool but i can admit i was REALLY angry at that time. In future i will really try to keep up some style no matter how niveauless and insulting the one or other posting  here might be.

Point three: About the moderators. As already said most of u do a excellent job here (and wrath: u are doing a damn good job too by "just looking cool here" hehe. Sometimes a good written post at the right time is worth more than 1000 useless bullshit-postings ;)
Even Mr. Grifter and Ace arent all bad moderators but i cant accept that u act like this are your damn forums here and that u permanently jump on the opinions of others (not with counter-arguments but with stupid word attacks). This makes these forums a "unfriendly" place for many GR users (me included) and interested people who dont dare to post here anymore cuz they fear to be mocked next.

When i suggested to take more *DAMN Members as moderators i did NOT mean to REPLACE our old moderators. (Except the ONE who baned us as i thought) But i really think that Postal and Bondo for excemple would be excellent moderators also - they charming and likeable attitude (lol yeah - even yours postie) also made the reputation of DAMN to what it is now. And i really stick behind my words: DAMN has a clan codex. we DAMNs try to follow this "codex". Its also necassary to remind our own members on that codex from time to time (me included) but its there and its "rules" are good and honorable. Wrathy i agree that not EVERY damn member would be a good moderator here - hehe - thats why we are glad to have some good friends who help us out here with their valuable time.

Also i never meant that only damn members here are trustable and honorous persons. (just in case if i sounded so). There are many good friends, comrades, and allies from all over the world sticking with us - and i also see many "clanless" mac gamers that i met as very cool guys.

In fact: even if i said so. its not my style to use my co-founder status in DAMN to "remove" people i dont like (as they dont like me, who cares). I will meet mauti today and i will NOT demand to remove anyone here. But i am pretty sure that we both will agree that we must soften our tone here all together. Moderators and DAMN members have a way bigger responsibility here to act "professional".

And one last thing to Wrath of the eternal dude:
A friend of me uses to say: Only friends who already had a wild quarrel together have established  a real friendship. cuz in times of confrontation it will proove if your friendship is strong enough to come together again, no matter what these differences where.
Wrath u also stick to your opinion and dont run away from a confrontation. But its a matter of "style" - and yours is just great  ;)

actually I dont know if Nixe can access our forums here again by now (lets find out) and i hope to get some info how that "banned-style" error could occour for him and myself : "FORBIDDEN. You have NO permission to access that site". SORRY ace (grrrrr) but when nix messaged me he had a fight with u here (i wasnt wondering much) i first thought u banned us. after a while i realized that even when we are "enemies" now, its not your style either to bane me, nixe or someone else for some curseword excange.

So be happy now: Bander HAD to apologize to u (print this out and stick it onto your wall man - it wont happen that fast again ;P)

regards and have a smart day

Title: Re: Moderators: Warning!
Post by: Grifter on October 31, 2001, 04:41:44 pm
Wow, after all that, I still feel insulted!

I see that Bander has chosen to appologize to Ace now, and others before, but still not me.  

I'm also so confused by the fact that he claims that I only swear at him and never discuss the facts... but when I quote him directly and talk about (dispute) his comments, he complains that I'm going to far into it.

Thre really disturbing part here is I'm one of the guys that jumps on people the least.... especially for no reason.  I mean, even when I jump on Rom or Peekay, I'm always talking fact.  It's not like I post those zippy one liner "stfu you asshole" messages....

Think about this Bander... you insulted me before I ever insulted you.  You continue to insult me.  

You say that you are a man of honor.... well, I don't see it.  I see you accusing Ace, Wrath and myself of misconduct.... then ignoring me in the appology... where's the honor there??  You say that you are angry... did you ever think that you make me very angry as well??  Probably not.

And to your point of makeing this a more mellow, friendly place... I say, be specific.  If you see something you don't like, jump right in and say so.  Not in a general, accusing manner... but right in the appropiate thread... where it can be understood and discussed...

Title: Re: Moderators: Warning!
Post by: jn.wrath on October 31, 2001, 04:41:50 pm
Well educated speech? Grift is one of the stupidest people there is.


BTW, Grift: stfu you asshole ;)

Title: Re: Moderators: Warning!
Post by: Grifter on October 31, 2001, 04:48:30 pm
the "Mr. Grifter's well educated speach" is Banders way of saying only he has the right to get angry and use profanity here....

HYPOCRISY - The practice of professing beliefs, feeling, or virtues that one does not hold or possess; insincerity.

Short form -> I just say that's a synoym for "asshole"

Sorry Wrathy, I thought you were talking to me not just about me...

Title: Re: Moderators: Warning!
Post by: jn.wrath on October 31, 2001, 04:52:42 pm
It's Dr. Baker PhD PhDa (a PhD in alpha-testing), so everyone knows. If you want to stalk him, his address is..

Wait, he has my address too, I'd better not post his :D

Grift, what did I say about shutting up? STFU ASSHOLE

Title: Re: Moderators: Warning!
Post by: *DAMN Mauti on November 01, 2001, 06:25:40 am
Well i don't have to add here much because it seems that this quarrels has been almost solved.

First thanks to all moderators here for helping me out.
However I don't understand why you make such a huge thread and quarrel out of this "ban" accusions!?

Bander wrote in his first post:

"This is adressed to the persons responsible for banning users from this site (including ME - thats truly a funny move, but was the last one here) - all other moderators who do their job bravely (no matter if i like em or not) ignore this post."

So why you all felt so insulted? Even if Bander hadn't posted this you all should know him long enough to know that when he is in rage his posts are full of emotions and to strike back with more insulting posts makes nothing better contrary as you can see the problem(who is obviously a problem at the user end or a currently GameSpy downtime) escalated.

At all I can only laugh about this and Grift come on don't be so theatrical "Wow, after all that, I still feel insulted!" - hehe don't you also laugh about this!?

Well guys life goes on be friends again and even if you really dislike each other forget this sh*t of quarrel. There are more important things.

Title: Re: Moderators: Warning!
Post by: jn.wrath on November 01, 2001, 10:36:26 am
Once again, Mauti proves to be worthy of the job of adminstrating the DAMN site..

Title: Re: Moderators: Warning!
Post by: jn.blackhand on November 01, 2001, 12:09:59 pm
we were so close to have the forums become a state of martial law. stupid reasoning.

Title: Re: Moderators: Warning!
Post by: Ace on November 01, 2001, 01:14:22 pm
I was so close to stealing wrath's glasses and running around yelling
sucks to your assmar

[This post was made possible by Mauti's cool forums and the ingenuity I copied from Ult]

Title: Re: Moderators: Warning!
Post by: Bondo on November 01, 2001, 03:26:59 pm

I was so close to stealing wrath's glasses and running around yelling
sucks to your assmar

*raises hand*
Oh, I know where Ace is refering to there. ?Something about the king of creatures that sit on shit.

Title: Re: Moderators: Warning!
Post by: jn.blackhand on November 01, 2001, 05:28:04 pm
*chuckles at the thought of wrath of the eternal templar is actually a 15 year old 90 pound weakling with glasses*


Title: Re: Moderators: Warning!
Post by: Bondo on November 01, 2001, 05:50:08 pm

*chuckles at the thought of wrath of the eternal templar is actually a 15 year old 90 pound weakling with glasses*


Yeah, that is sad. ?Much sadder than being a 18 year old 190 pound weakling with glasses.

For the record that is 190 pounds on a 6'1 frame.

Title: Re: Moderators: Warning!
Post by: jn.blackhand on November 02, 2001, 12:07:22 am
chubby. ;)

Title: Re: Moderators: Warning!
Post by: Bondo on November 02, 2001, 12:28:25 am
Well I attempted to get another one of those name the book that this reference things we did with Moby Dick going with Ace's referance with moving type.  Please get your guesses in, and if you know it, give a further hint for those who didn't.

Title: Re: Moderators: Warning!
Post by: Grifter on November 02, 2001, 08:30:41 pm

Well i don't have to add here much because it seems that this quarrels has been almost solved.

First thanks to all moderators here for helping me out.
However I don't understand why you make such a huge thread and quarrel out of this "ban" accusions!?

At all I can only laugh about this and Grift come on don't be so theatrical "Wow, after all that, I still feel insulted!" - hehe don't you also laugh about this!?

Well guys life goes on be friends again and even if you really dislike each other forget this sh*t of quarrel. There are more important things.

Well Mauti, as much as I hate to disagree with you, I don't think I'm being overly dramatic. ?It's not all contained in this thread, but I'm sick and tired of Mr. Banders false accusations towards me. ?His lies and insulting remarks piss me off. ?Yes, I can get pissed as well as him. ?

I've tried to end this quarrel a couple times.... telling him he misread my post, that's not what I meant... go back and read them... he just continues to throw accusations at me. ?So, I throw them back.

He's a hypocrite. ?He says that moderators should be above this, that we shouldn't curse... yet he loweres himself and curses all the time. ?

So, sorry, if you want me to kiss and make up, he's been pissing me off since September, so he needs to do some making up himself.

Also, this isn't the first time he's threatened to have you kick us as moderators Mauti... he's said it more then once.

Title: Re: Moderators: Warning!
Post by: *DAMN Mauti on November 03, 2001, 03:46:08 am
What shall I say now!? ?- I know what problem you are pointing at and yes I also know that he ?threatened you more than once to kick you ?and the other moderators from this forum.

But I also know Bander in real and that he isn't really mad about you and the other moderators and that he doesn't want to quarrel with you. Sure his posts are often very provoking and insulting but you all don't hesitate to start a quarrel out of it or I am wrong?!
Well I can't solve the problems between you and Bander(you both are old enough to clear that issues between each other) but I post here to avoid more troubles.

Even when his posts are offending(because emotional) try to filter out the real problem he want to discuss ignore the rest. Don't let you provoke I am sure when you answer him in a normal way Bander won't offend anyone in the thread anymore ?because his adrenalin level goes down when he notices that you talk normally with him.

For example beside the "ban" accusions Bander wanted to state that he got several mails from forum visitors that the moderators mock to much and that they don't dare to post anymore. To sum it up he just wanted to mention that you shouldn't mock so much and that if you are even the Resident Ass of the Forum you should show a little bit respect for everyone here and try to discuss things and "not mock everything down".

I know Bander didn't posted it this way contrary first he made accusions and ... you know the rest. Look how long this thread is now and how many posts have anything to do with the problems Bander let make this post(the one I mentioned above).

I don't dare to say something about the problems ?USA - Afghanistan and the patriotism of some forum visitors. I don't wonder that these posts are full of emotions because Bander is one lonely half afghan at the forum defending his point of view against 200 americans so he also often makes general statements that can be very offending no question. I don't want to discuss this further but for all other problems: please Grifter and all other moderators as well as visitors try to filter out what Bander wants really to say and discuss(I also told him not to make so aggressive posts and to make the posts more clear because the quarrels are definitive not only your ?fault). However for the moment try not to make the same fault as he does: to shoot first with accusions and after that to start to mention the problem

That would be great - thanks.


Title: Re: Moderators: Warning!
Post by: Grifter on November 03, 2001, 08:33:42 am

for you, I'll try.  No promises, but I'll try.

I think one of the reasons he pisses me off so much is because when I tried to clear things up, he wouldn't listen at all.  But I'll give it another shot.

Title: Re: Moderators: Warning!
Post by: *DAMN Bander on November 03, 2001, 08:37:44 am

Title: Re: Moderators: Warning!
Post by: *DAMN Bander on November 03, 2001, 08:49:48 am
Heyas: I also will meet Mr. Grifter with "Normal attitude" in future. (But lol i just cant get along with people that great, who permanently call me an asshole. and - why should i try that? i am not a bitch) This leads nowhere ...

there is an iron fence between us wich will remain there after all what has been said. But as long only Grifter and I are at "war" its really harmless ;)
i will not "accuse" him on anything anymore and just try to keep it comfortable for him too here (live and let live).
Best suggestion: No more discussions here between us. Easy.

btw. yeah i am all alone here (as lonely half-afghan). Damn! I badly need some allies - i also take americans ;)

Title: Re: Moderators: Warning!
Post by: Grifter on November 03, 2001, 12:08:20 pm
That's the pity of it all... if you read my posts... I was on your side... your ally... until you started the rants about fat americans only looking for the nearest Burger King etc...  Half the people I grew up with are Moslem, and I know their attitudes on this war, and I know how they are sometimes mistreated because of racist assholes.

Also, I don't think we'll be able to avoid discussions... since the two of us are two of the most active posters in the forums.

Title: Re: Moderators: Warning!
Post by: *DAMN Bander on November 04, 2001, 08:05:22 pm
again: this burger king thing was used like an symbolic image for some kind of americans - and not meant generally. but lets stop this -

lets discuss about the weather instead man ;)

Title: Re: Moderators: Warning!
Post by: jn.blackhand on November 05, 2001, 01:33:18 pm
fuck wrath. he's the reason it's cold outside.

Title: Re: Moderators: Warning!
Post by: jn.wrath on November 05, 2001, 04:44:09 pm
::gives black the cold shoulder::

Title: Re: Moderators: Warning!
Post by: fotogeek on November 05, 2001, 07:15:45 pm

::gives black the cold shoulder::

Black, yer lucky- that's his GOOD side.  You should see what he tried pointing at ME the other day.

Someone call my therapist- I'm too traumatized to even dial......