*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => General Gossip => Topic started by: jn.blackhand on October 27, 2001, 02:38:48 am

Title: Why is it so easy?
Post by: jn.blackhand on October 27, 2001, 02:38:48 am
so bondo, believe me yet?


Title: Re: Why is it so easy?
Post by: Ace on October 27, 2001, 05:44:45 am
Viva Las Vegas

Title: Re: Why is it so easy?
Post by: Bondo on October 27, 2001, 10:50:44 am
Hey black, what didn't I belive you on, that he was banned (I knew because he said so), that he lived in LV?  What exactly are you trying to show me with this?

Title: Re: Why is it so easy?
Post by: SiGmA_X on October 27, 2001, 11:30:33 am
Damn, I havn't changed it yet. That's fixed now tho. If yo want t a picture of our rainy day up here in Portland, just ask. It's probley about 50? and it's looking like it will rain... Which didn't happen in Vegas much at all.

And I am perma banned from gamerAnger for no reason. I changed my email, loged out, and cannot get back in...

Title: Re: Why is it so easy?
Post by: Grifter on October 27, 2001, 12:21:19 pm
I believe the point here is:

Rom said he live in Portland... Rom says he hasn't lived in Vegas since before coming to the forums, and never said he lived in Vegas...

Yet in Rom's MaG profile  (a new system), Rom lists his city as ...ehm... Vegas.

Not that I care, there are many bigger items to target... But I believe that was the point.

Title: Re: Why is it so easy?
Post by: Ace on October 27, 2001, 02:53:37 pm
Rom, you must have done something. Despite what everyone says, you don't get banned for bullshit like that. Besides, you probably deserved it anyways for general stupidity.

Title: Re: Why is it so easy?
Post by: SiX_Mr.Buffy on October 27, 2001, 08:12:53 pm
my guess is that once the dumbass changed his email addy in his prefs, GR automatically changed his log-in password.
I did that once, so did Roybatty.

Title: Re: Why is it so easy?
Post by: PsYcO aSsAsSiN on October 27, 2001, 09:12:08 pm
My feeling is that if Buffy doesnt have it right, Romulus is lying to all of you saying that he was banned while he really is on GR under one of his other accounts. He had at least 4-5 CIA Romulus/server accounts and I wouldnt be surprised if he is using one of those or if he made a new account on GR. Hell, he has lied about where he lives among other stuff, so why wouldnt he be lying about this too?

I am 80% sure that one of Romulus' new accounts is #62996

Also as a side note to show that Romulus is a dumbass, this quote came from an email from him to me:

Assassin, it?s not ?SNAFU? - that?s a good thing.

SNAFU means "Situation Normal: All Fucked Up" last time I checked, the army didn't use that term when things were nice and dandy.

Title: Re: Why is it so easy?
Post by: SiGmA_X on October 27, 2001, 11:40:42 pm
Why the MaG thing said Las Vegas: Because I would have rather left it there, where I lived before, because it's a harder place to find me. Trust me, my name is only in the phone book once in Portland, but many times in Las Vegas. Hence I never changed it.

Assassin, so maybe I was wrong. That account is not me. I have a banned account. If you would all like a image of the banned message, it's not a problem. I can get you one, and if you all want a image of my permit, I can get that for you also.

Assassin, you are a general fool if you think I can get on. I use MaG because I cannot use GamerAnger...

Grifter, I have lived in Portland since early April, late March... Like Spring Break for Portland, so it's the end of March...

Title: Re: Why is it so easy?
Post by: Ace on October 28, 2001, 12:53:52 am
Rom, you are a fool if you can't get on, permaban or otherwise. Any moron with a dynamic ISP can do it easily.

And yes, you could give us images of all of those. I could also give you an image the beachfront property I own in Hawaii. Gotta love the internet and photoshop.

Title: Re: Why is it so easy?
Post by: SiGmA_X on October 28, 2001, 12:50:36 pm
I have a static IP, and a iMac, so I only have one MAC Address, and it's kind of hard to change it...

Yes, but mine would be real, and yours might or might not be.

Title: Re: Why is it so easy?
Post by: Ace on October 28, 2001, 01:02:57 pm
Rom, I know you have a router (unless you were lying in the other posts) You could do it just as easily with that.

And for the second part, you completely missed my point. Figures.

Title: Re: Why is it so easy?
Post by: SiGmA_X on October 28, 2001, 02:24:24 pm
Yes, I have a router. A LinkSys. I cannot use a diffrent IP, because we only have one for my computer. Only one works because the other is only for our PC. The router has one MAC address - Mine. I am on MaG, not GamerAnger.

Title: Re: Why is it so easy?
Post by: ?{RiP}? Vapor on October 28, 2001, 07:18:15 pm

I know what you are banned for... being incredibly stupid. When you change your email on GR, and then logout it sends a new password to your new email that you just selected (I'm pretty sure it's the new email but also check the old one). GR sends a new password and then just log-in with that password.

Title: Re: Why is it so easy?
Post by: SiGmA_X on October 28, 2001, 11:17:25 pm
Vapor - Talk about what you are sure of. I did nothing stupid. I changed my email to 'th3sp0t@mac.com' I think (It's been 3 weeks) and I logged out and checked my email. Well, there was the message to th3sp0t@mac.com so I opened it and tried logging in. It said something to the effect of a perma-ban (Time remaining: No limit) or what ever it says. So, I did nothing wrong, other then having multiple accounts that have registered the same IP when I tried to retrieve their passwords. I am not entirely sure, but I think that I could get anyone banned on the Forum by telling the GamerAnger.com site to retrieve their email address's... This could be one hell of a lot of fun ;)

Title: Re: Why is it so easy?
Post by: Bondo on October 29, 2001, 08:34:51 am
For the record rom, the e-mail I have listed here isn't the same one that GR knows.

Title: Re: Why is it so easy?
Post by: **SBR** Peekay on October 29, 2001, 09:22:34 am
Rom: I believe the message looks like the following:

Connecting to server...
Suspension remaining: Indefinite
Account is currently suspended.
Log-in refused.
Connection refused.

btw, Ace, been there, done that...I think Kevill gestalts for the comps mac addy thru the program.  Along w/ MAC addy and HD serials and stuff of that sort.


Title: Re: Why is it so easy?
Post by: jn.blackhand on October 29, 2001, 12:35:07 pm
Peekay, the whole point is that if Romulus did nothing wrong as he claims he did, then he is an idiot for not being able to log in.

Of course, he most likely did something really stupid and was permabanned. You of all people should now about doing stupid things to get permabanned, even if you were only guilty by association.. sigh.

So what it comes down to is that in this case either Romulus is a dumbass or a liar. Both of which have been proved many times before. Has anyone actually been able to keep track of all the Romulus related crap?

Title: Re: Why is it so easy?
Post by: Grifter on October 29, 2001, 05:33:54 pm
Blackie.... why would anyone want to??

Title: Re: Why is it so easy?
Post by: SiGmA_X on October 29, 2001, 06:00:10 pm
All I am guilty of is having more then one account number pointing to my IP address. And Peekay, you are wrong. When you DONT have a GamerAnger window up (Because you were fully loged out and puting info back in, such as account number, password, name, and screenname) you don't have that window. It is a pop-up in my case. It doesn't matter anyways, though.

I am far happier on MaG then I was on GamerAnger.

Title: Re: Why is it so easy?
Post by: Bondo on October 29, 2001, 07:49:43 pm

I am far happier on MaG then I was on GamerAnger.

Where Rom is joined by the rest of the GR outcasts.

Title: Re: Why is it so easy?
Post by: PsYcO aSsAsSiN on October 29, 2001, 08:03:41 pm
All i know is that i went on mag the other day and it was full of the outcast GR members and other fags. I mean, what i saw was  GR permabanned and Asterax with 5 different accounts, go figure. MaG will die shortly if it doesnt pick up the slack.

Title: Re: Why is it so easy?
Post by: **SBR** Peekay on October 29, 2001, 08:34:55 pm
Peekay, being bored out of his mind, not wanting to do his essay on how Phineas, Leper, and Gene survived or perished in the symbolic world of experience, from which Adan and Eve picked the apple from the tree of knowledge of good and evill, would like to say that something....but he forgot...Oh yea....MaG is fun when it comes to WC2, w/ the tourneys going on and stuff, but otherwise pretty bad.


(And yes, I'm trying to get more posts in so I can get more pretty stars)

Title: Re: Why is it so easy?
Post by: SiGmA_X on October 30, 2001, 01:08:55 am
Asterax had 'ghosts' left in MaG. This is a beta bug that leaves a 'ghost' of you when you are either booted, or drop offline (unplug CM).

I really like MaG better because it has OS X support, unlike GamerAnger.

Title: Re: Why is it so easy?
Post by: jn.blackhand on October 30, 2001, 11:48:11 am
Rom, leave the forums. They're for GR users and Mod Makers. You're neither.

Title: Re: Why is it so easy?
Post by: kos.viper on October 30, 2001, 12:07:35 pm

I have a static IP, and a iMac, so I only have one MAC Address, and it's kind of hard to change it...

Rom ur a dumbass... GR cant ban a MAC Address, wtf is wrong w/ u... when Evill or one of his many admins bans people, they ban their IP, not the MAC address... MAC addresses r used for LAN, WAN, and MAN....

MAC Address - Standardized data link layer address that is required for every port or device that connects to a LAN. Other devices in the network use these addresses to locate specific ports in the network and to create and update routing tables and data structures.

Title: Re: Why is it so easy?
Post by: jn.wrath on October 30, 2001, 01:17:00 pm
Viper, I could say the same of you.

When you are banned, you are banned by your IP address and your MAC address. A MAC address is like an IP for a piece of hardware (according to your definition).

Title: Re: Why is it so easy?
Post by: Grifter on October 30, 2001, 02:11:04 pm
without pulling the source for GR, we can't know exactly what Evil uses to ban people.  I'm pretty sure he uses more then just IP for his permabans (afterall... just hanging up and redialing for the 56k'ers would create a new IP).  Even if he banned a block of IP's.... people banned would still be getting around it more often.  

So, could he ban by MAC address... yes, he could.  Does he... I don't know.  The thing people don't really talk about is that there is a world of information that the GR client app could be pulling and transmitting back to the GR servers when you log on (you know, something Microsoft got in trouble before most of the people here touched a keyboard).  He could do it with just a couple invisible files on your HD.  He could do so many different things, in combo's.  It's all in what he wanted to code in, and how pissed he is....

General theory is that he uses a combo of IP and MAC address.  The only real way to know would be to packet sniff what was being sent when you log into GR... and then decrypt it if he thought to encrypt it.  Between seeing what info is being sent and knowing what info is shared through normal TCP/IP connections..... one couold figure it out.

No matter what he does, there are ways around it.... if you are smart enough and want to spend the time and/or money needed.  I'm not going to give out the instructions.... I came close to doing it once, and I'd regrett it.  But all the clues are here if you know what to look for.  Then again, if you are smart enough to do it, you probably are smart enough never to get banned in the first place.

Title: Re: Why is it so easy?
Post by: **SBR** Peekay on October 30, 2001, 08:49:30 pm
Grift, couldn't agree w/ you more.  I've also heard some rumors of undeletable write-only memory blocks.  But I'm not really believing in it.  A possibility.  You could possibly also use virex snapshot b4 and after you install/log-into GR to see what files were added, it could be helpful.


Title: Re: Why is it so easy?
Post by: Grifter on October 30, 2001, 10:18:55 pm
did you finally go read a book??

Actually, I wouldn't go looking at sector snapshots of a HD until I checked out the packet sniffing...  there's way too much going on with the HD to know.

As for undeleteable, write only memory blocks... not on a HD.  That's how DirectTV did hash a bunch of SmartCards that were pulling down steal-a-vision.  The wrote to the WORM (write once read many) boot sector of the SmartCard.  Hard Drives don't have WORM on them.  That said, viri that attack the boot sector of a HD could screw it up and make it act that way.... which is why you never screw with the boot sector of you HD.

Title: Re: Why is it so easy?
Post by: SiGmA_X on October 30, 2001, 10:47:59 pm
Trust me, it's the MAC and IP. I swiched IP's on my iMac, just to test, and I am now banned on that one also :) Oh well. And these Forum's are PUBLIC, for RS/R6 gamers, which I still am. I will be playing some games this weekend, on my friends G4 8)... Quite happy. But, this 'fix' only lasts a night, then I am back on the iShit...

Title: Re: Why is it so easy?
Post by: Grifter on October 30, 2001, 11:22:17 pm
For those of you not paying attention....   If he had the GR client app write an invisible file... or if he's having the GR client app send him any other piece of information that identifies your computer as belonging to a dumbass (sorry, someone banned).... it doesn't have to be the MAC address.

The difference here is I said *I THINK* he uses the IP and MAC address... not that *I KNOW*.  There are so many ways to do what he did, without looking at the code, or having to spend the time to figure it out (by getting banned myself), there's no way for me to really know.

If it were the IP and MAC address only, you could test it out within 30 mins, 1 phone call and $8 - $200 (depending on your solution, any combo of these)

Title: Re: Why is it so easy?
Post by: SiGmA_X on October 31, 2001, 01:32:28 am
Oh well. I am really quite sure that it's a MAC/IP ban... I might be wrong, but I think not.

Title: Re: Why is it so easy?
Post by: **SBR** NiXon on November 09, 2001, 08:53:32 am
Bah kids thease days

Title: Re: Why is it so easy?
Post by: Asterax on November 09, 2001, 01:35:48 pm
Your ass is grass Assassin, (when you talk about me or MaG, no one else) how about you go fuck yourself, and get the hell out of my affairs first of all. The reason I had all these "ghosts" is due to the fact I am lacking RAM. MaG had nothing to do with it, secondly regardless if you realize, MaG will not die. This isn't a threat against GR, GS or any other Mac Gaming Service you use, its a fact. As much as a detest to hear MaG respects all Mac Gaming Services. It has a very successful future and you have to remember in your pea-sized brain is that MaG is a BETA. This means: bugs, errors, and crashes are possible and likely. Assassin go back to your Forum section and stop commenting about stuff you don't know shit about.
