*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => General Gossip => Topic started by: jn.wrath on November 09, 2001, 11:44:26 am

Title: 2nd Anniversary... and more..
Post by: jn.wrath on November 09, 2001, 11:44:26 am
Well guys, it's been about 2 years (plus or minus a few days) for me on GR.. I've met a lot of people, played a lot of games.. and.. had a lot of fun times.

But, like all good things, it has to come to an end. Over the past couple months, since the closing of POD, GR and games in general haven't really interested me like they used to.

Another major reason is that lots of people that I've known on GR are never on anymore.. which leaves mostly just the SWAT guys.. not that you guys aren't cool, but a lot of my friends I've known for years just aren't on anymore, or they left.. and since RS doesn't have much of a community, it's kind of pointless.

I probably won't be gone forever, but you probably won't see me for a couple months (I hope..)..

Anyone who has AIM can get in contact with me easily, my screen name is "th3 mattriX".. I'm not neccessarily stopping using the computer, just GR and most games in general.. I may frequent the forums.. but not as much as before..

Mauti, if you want to remove me as a moderator, I'm fine with that, but if you want me to keep on moderator-duty (part-time), than I'm cool with that.

So, instead of making some big long message.. I'll just say goodbye to everyone.

Lemme just run through my buddy list..

Semp, Phate (PoE, whatever )CAM, spaz, Ace, Grift, black, JohnN, Mort, Piggy, Easy, Buff, Oso, Kyo, Civ, Anti, Matt, MPE, AXID, Sling, Bander, Mauti, Postal, Dancer, Chicken, Fassst, blaze, Pun, Kord, Bwana, Glide, Saint, Eura, D-fox, Morpheus/ChainsawMcgraw, Agent Orange/Backspace/Cheese Snyper (hahah), $nipe$, Maverick (not the RS one), Strutt, foto, Brew, Macs, jesse, navy, Pir8, Doughboy/Zargon, Skip, Beef, Bohe, Zomar, cyb, vandy, kol, crazyjake, baron, JediMike, Falcon, Rumrunner, FMJ, Geek, Ass(assin), Mr Miller, Ult, Munk, ELECTRONICJO IS TEH DEVIL!!!!, Bkrazy, Killadrew, Gator, Sniper, ?berCow, and anyone else I may have forgotten.. such as people who never use GR anymore and I would have deleted from my buddy list..

Well, keep in touch, everyone. Grift, get AIM and use it :) Grift or Matt, tell Kyo to get AIM as well :) Matt, if you want to kick me from SWAT, I'm also fine with that..seeing as I won't be on.

Signing off,
Wrath of the Eternal Swarm AKA: jn.wrathoftheeternalswarm, of the Fruit Loops, Lucky Charms and Wheaties.. of the Templar.. and any number of names

Title: Re: 2nd Anniversary... and more..
Post by: *DAMN Bondo's Clone on November 09, 2001, 01:03:37 pm
I want to be on your buddy list wrath.  I thought I had you on mine but I spelled it wrong.  Anyway, my sn is RainSixStud.  Talk about a cool name  ;)

Title: Re: 2nd Anniversary... and more..
Post by: Zomar on November 09, 2001, 02:18:31 pm
animi taking your life?  ;) heh

bye wrath, hope we play again some time

Title: Re: 2nd Anniversary... and more..
Post by: jn.blackhand on November 09, 2001, 10:15:51 pm
animi is almost as good as anime.

not to get all emotional, but wrath you will be missed.

and remember, when ever you start to miss all your gr pals, don't make the same mistake as mort, always be sure to use water based lubricant.

Title: Re: 2nd Anniversary... and more..
Post by: Oso on November 10, 2001, 06:24:57 pm
wrath you soB!!! how dare you leave me like this!!! OOOOH YOU WILL PAY! hmm reminds me i need more food... brb......ok..DAMMIT WRATH DONT BE GETTING A LIFE ON ME NOW!!! JOIN THE LOSER CLUB..(AKA) ME AND THE OTHER LOSERS!! DONT LEAVE FOOOL!!!!! OR ELSE! this ---->  now that that has been done... you will see me in your nightmares wooth untill i see you back on GR! muahahah OSO will prevail!

/..... well on the lighter note.. We will all miss you Wooth of lucky charms/ fruit loops /Oso rules!

Bye Wooth!!!!
from the coolest guy on GR and the coolest guy who plays RS/ has no life! --- ?SWAT? Oso

Title: Re: 2nd Anniversary... and more..
Post by: SiGmA_X on November 10, 2001, 06:28:57 pm
Oso... Lamo... You should make an original name...


Title: Re: 2nd Anniversary... and more..
Post by: PsYcO aSsAsSiN on November 10, 2001, 08:33:40 pm
oso is more original than Romulus you ass. lets see here, a mythical founder of a city, or a spanish word...let me guess...

Title: Re: 2nd Anniversary... and more..
Post by: KoS Ultimo on November 10, 2001, 08:49:26 pm
Wrath......when i first joined GameRanger..... *POD* took me in their clan and i learned alot from them, and you. U were kind, funny, and an overall nice guy. It seems to me that there isnt many of those people around anymore.... so there is no doubt in my mind that alot of people, even the people that dont post on this forum will miss you. I understand your reason in leaving. Alot of my friends from the old days have gone on with their lives. Unfortunatley your next in line to leave. The question is, Who is Next ?. Well i could talk for a while, but instead, i will quit while i am ahead. I hope ya like my little going away speech. I'll talk to ya on AIM, you got my SN.

Title: Re: 2nd Anniversary... and more..
Post by: Ace on November 10, 2001, 11:06:42 pm
Well I am sure I will still be seeing enough of w0tt, fortunately or unfortunately. I do feel like I got screwed here, SEALs and POD still have a CB to finish.

And Rom, what the fuck is up with you trying to be cool and commenting your name out. It's lame, and we all know you aren't a coding badass like you want to believe. Also, I have never heard of another Oso, but plenty of Romulus. That said, I have most most original name of all.

Title: Re: 2nd Anniversary... and more..
Post by: SiGmA_X on November 11, 2001, 01:39:20 am
Oso was in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six, the book that the game R6 is based on, which RS is the sequal to. I have yet to meet another Romulus on any chat service, yet I have met some other Oso's..

Romulus *was* (how can it really be confirmed?) the founder of Rome. Being my name is very close and I have heritage from that area, I decited to use the name Romulus. And Assassin is one of the most commen names on the chat services..

Ult - Movint on in your life as you put it is not a bad thing. Since being banned, I have had a lot of late nights to think about things in general, and also to sleep, some thing that I knew not of before I was banned. Oh well... You will grow up some day (as in age out of GR..)


Title: Re: 2nd Anniversary... and more..
Post by: Ace on November 11, 2001, 03:16:58 am
First off, I'm ashamed to call myself Italian after hearing Rom is Italian too. On the subject of names, who the fuck really cares? Your name is NOT original Rom, so just shut up before you start yet another stupid argument. And finally, if you continue to comment your name out, are we supposed to get our hopes up that you will one day not compile?

Title: Re: 2nd Anniversary... and more..
Post by: Matt on November 11, 2001, 09:11:16 am
we'll miss ya w00t, i can't imagine what could interest you more than R6 and RS though :)

I won't kick you, just put you down as inactive for when you DO come back, cause you WILL be back.

and Matt is the most original name fools :)

Title: Re: 2nd Anniversary... and more..
Post by: Asterax on November 11, 2001, 10:58:47 am
Hey, who else would think of  Asterax, Deadly Assassins, RR, and KRS-ONE? I will take 2nd place for most the orginal name ever, Matt's first of course. =)
(I remember back in the day, when I wanted to convert the "Apple Cubical" to a whole RS/R6 Room on GR. And thats how I met that crazy clan SWAT, who talked me out of it.)


Title: Re: 2nd Anniversary... and more..
Post by: Destructo on November 11, 2001, 07:40:32 pm

I really don't know you that well, wish i could of, other then a few smart remarks to my posts...

Good luck in the future dude...


Title: Re: 2nd Anniversary... and more..
Post by: KoS Ultimo on November 11, 2001, 07:43:25 pm

Ult - Movint on in your life as you put it is not a bad thing. Since being banned, I have had a lot of late nights to think about things in general, and also to sleep, some thing that I knew not of before I was banned. Oh well... You will grow up some day (as in age out of GR..)


Well Well Well........Does Romulus think he can get away with the "grow up" tactic which was used in kindergarden. Last time i check, you were 15 years old. Last time i checked, I am also 15. So is telling me to grow up a dumbass thing to do ? yes.

Also when you say "i have had alot of late nights to think", are you sure your not just thinking about some ugly girl and jerking off ? Because i find it hard to believe you would be able to think of something good without copying it from somewhere (ex: DAMN site / The Spot).

Title: Re: 2nd Anniversary... and more..
Post by: Destructo on November 11, 2001, 07:53:26 pm
Rom, you are so phony...

Rom is so far up the creek without a paddle, not even a search and rescue helicopter can reach him...


Jesus you must have no friends!, cause the way you talk I would not be surprised that i am not the only person who wants to kick your ass...

fuck i can't take this kid i'm gonna snap one day!

can someone socially educated this person plz!!!

for the love of god, plz edjucate him! :o

Title: Re: 2nd Anniversary... and more..
Post by: jn.blackhand on November 13, 2001, 09:37:01 am
how fitting. romulus took his name from a guy who killed his own brother, governed a city of fugitives and had to rape and kidnap women just to get some pootang.