*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => General Gossip => Topic started by: Asterax on November 05, 2001, 08:55:24 pm

Title: What is the worst game you have played?
Post by: Asterax on November 05, 2001, 08:55:24 pm
What is the worst game you have played? Either Mac, PC, Linux, PS2, PS, DC, N64, GameBoy, Sega, and any others I forgot. Well I will change my offical response from Army Men: Sarge's Heros to SiN. You may ask why the fuck would I post such a (many of you have stopped asking these days) stupid post, well I am bored and want to see who else plays games besides RS and R6. Good enough response? I thought so too.


Title: Re: What is the worst game you have played?
Post by: Bondo on November 05, 2001, 09:27:02 pm
Worst game ever,  five words, South Park: Chef's Love Shack or what ever the last word was.  Worst games that people actually think are cool.  Metropolis Street Racer (DC), Shenmue (DC), Gran Turismo 1,2, and 3 (PS1/2), Aliens vs Predetor (Mac), Final Fantasy 7-10 (PS1).  If you make favorite games thread expect server crash as I'll post a long, long list.  Then you'll all damn me for the two years as a Video Game reviewer where I played about 200 games.  BTW, any thread is important if it can get me one post closer to 250.

Title: Re: What is the worst game you have played?
Post by: jn.blackhand on November 06, 2001, 12:07:41 pm
Bondo, I'd respect your opinion as a video game reviewer if only that site weren't so butt ugly. And if you think Shenmue sucks then you should realize that many people would classify r6 and rs as buggy pieces of crap with bad graphics.

Title: Re: What is the worst game you have played?
Post by: Bondo on November 06, 2001, 01:26:12 pm
Unlike Rom, I'm not responsible for a bad site (can't say ugly because Rom's site wasn't after all it was basically DAMN site).  I'm only a writer for the site, not for the html.  Also, my two year work there has finished so I'm not directly associated with them further.  But about people thinking R6/RS being ugly and buggy, they'd be right, but Shenmue was just boring as hell and much contributing to motion sickness.

Title: Re: What is the worst game you have played?
Post by: Ace on November 06, 2001, 02:50:38 pm
R6 is a buggy, butt ugly game, but I still love it. Chrono Trigger is graphically not even that great for it's time, but it is still the best RPG ever (where my w0tt at)

Title: Re: What is the worst game you have played?
Post by: jn.wrath on November 06, 2001, 02:53:06 pm
Ace hit the nail on the proverbial head, unfortunately, he doesn't do that often.

Title: Re: What is the worst game you have played?
Post by: Destructo on November 06, 2001, 04:25:29 pm
The worst game i have ever played would have to be was Booble Bubble...how can so many ppl like that boring ass game??????

The best game that I ever played, and it is probably one of my all time fav's is the normal Street Fighter 2...in the arcade not on nintendo...also DOUBLE DRAGON, in the arcade too, not on nintendo, oh and Ninja Gaiden series rock too...

p.s Rom steals

L8ter ::)

Title: Re: What is the worst game you have played?
Post by: Destructo on November 06, 2001, 04:27:33 pm
OMG i know this is the opposite way, but i forgot to mention 1 more of the best games!..


p.s rom still steals...

l8ter :P

Title: Re: What is the worst game you have played?
Post by: jn.blackhand on November 06, 2001, 04:29:54 pm
you're all bastards. bubble bobble is a classic. shenmue was very enjoyable. the first zelda is the best rpg ever. and r6 is much better than rs. but the greatest game of all time is nhl 94. period.

Title: Re: What is the worst game you have played?
Post by: Destructo on November 06, 2001, 04:34:12 pm
i noticed blackhand's response so that's why I am replying so early...

all I have to say, black is on crack..

wow..i'm a poet and i don't know it..

that was gay...DA WELL!



Title: Re: What is the worst game you have played?
Post by: kos.viper on November 06, 2001, 08:25:52 pm
Let see, worst game ever, id have to give that award to Chip and Dale, Rescue Rangers on NES  ;)

All time classic game, Zelda for NES  :)

Title: Re: What is the worst game you have played?
Post by: Bondo on November 06, 2001, 11:03:49 pm

you're all bastards. bubble bobble is a classic. shenmue was very enjoyable. the first zelda is the best rpg ever. and r6 is much better than rs. but the greatest game of all time is nhl 94. period.

Can't say I've ever played bubble bobble, Shenmue was boring, Zelda OOT (the first one on N64) was best in series and greatest game of all time, R6 is so much better than RS that I forgot that RS was released, and nhl 94 did kick ass.

Title: Re: What is the worst game you have played?
Post by: Ace on November 07, 2001, 12:36:53 am
Bondo, I have lost all respect for you. The real Zelda, the only Zelda, the original Zelda from NES ownz all others.

And I'll kick all your asses at NHL 94.

Title: Re: What is the worst game you have played?
Post by: jn.blackhand on November 07, 2001, 01:12:25 am
i may have sold my sega, but i still own the nhl 94 cartridge. and i will make you all my bitches.

Title: Re: What is the worst game you have played?
Post by: 80thies Bander on November 07, 2001, 05:45:03 am
Well - seems some of u are really liking those old video-hall console games (like Double Dragon, Bubble Bobble, Ghost?n Goblins etc.)

I am a little older already so i still remember how many coins i wasted while trying to move a crappy little sprite to victory (against all odds). hehe.

A hint:

Take a search engine and type in "MAC Mame" there. D-load the fitting version for your system and then scout for roms.

MacMame is a Game Console Emulator for the MAC + PC, this means its totally free and u can download EVERY rom u used to play back in the 8thies late or early  9thies. (I will post the URL to a site with almost every rom here later - from my home mac)

My favorites always where (and are):

Ghost?n Goblins
Double Dragon
and Miss World 88 nude ;)

Bubble Bobble also was great. u will not believe me. but in its time it was really a great game. a classic for me.

The games i like most right now are:

Rainbow Six
Close Combat  (A Bridge too far)
Star Kingdoms

yeah and i also liked DiabloII ;)

Bad games:
Rune: bought it - hate it
uhmmm - man there are too many bad games asterax


Title: Re: What is the worst game you have played?
Post by: Bondo on November 07, 2001, 08:12:01 am
Video Game Piracy, the nerd equivilent to crack...I'll take some.  Yeah, like I'm actually going to buy or rent Mighty Morphin Power Rangers GBA game so I can review it.

Title: Re: What is the worst game you have played?
Post by: kos.viper on November 07, 2001, 01:14:45 pm
Ok, you know what game really puzzled me... Diddy Kong Racing... the game was so cheap that i found no joy in it, i never beat that "Pig" thing, wutever its name was... i also thought the story line was terrible, if there even was one :)

Title: Re: What is the worst game you have played?
Post by: ?{RiP}? Vapor on November 07, 2001, 03:03:14 pm
Gran Turismo 3 for PS2 is the shit. I love making cars and "suping" them up. It's HOTT! Fifa 2002 for PS2 is cool too. I hate RPG games. They no fun.

The worst game I'v played for my computer, is Rouge Spear. It sucks... way to slow for my likings. Other then that I'v played so many games for so many different systems I could name a bunch of shitty games.

Title: Re: What is the worst game you have played?
Post by: Asterax on November 07, 2001, 05:51:06 pm
Yeah have you heard of this game. I have been playing recently: It's called Rainbow 6: Eagle Watch, it's okay I don't see how anyone could like it. And what PsYcO would EVER make a clan of it I would be *DAMNED to know. Hey, I  heard they are gonna make a sequel, I think it's called Rainbow 6: Rogue Spear, it's in beta so keep it under your hat, and don't tell anyone.


Title: Re: What is the worst game you have played?
Post by: jn.wrath on November 07, 2001, 06:27:09 pm
ObviousMan here.

I think what we have here is someone TRYING to be an ass. Instead of just being an idiot, they are purposely being a dumbass.. A definite misanthrope..

Title: Re: What is the worst game you have played?
Post by: kos.viper on November 07, 2001, 07:18:20 pm
If any1 is a hater of humankind, its Zak  8)

Quote of the Week: "You stupid succise psyco abusive fucking whore."

Title: Re: What is the worst game you have played?
Post by: Bondo on November 07, 2001, 08:24:07 pm

I think what we have here is someone TRYING to be an ass. Instead of just being an idiot, they are purposely being a dumbass.. A definite misanthrope..

Lay off him wrath, his post almost made my smile, which is only two short steps away from a laugh.  Maybe it was not well put together but considering the creator it is golden.  Especially like the part about RS being beta (you have to imagine him talking about full game as it is so poorly made it could be beta).

Title: Re: What is the worst game you have played?
Post by: Asterax on November 07, 2001, 09:20:20 pm
Hehehehe, I was hoping SOMEONE would at least comment about that joke. And I just had thought of it just before I had posted it. Know really sucks is (this maybe off the topic but....) the PC users have Rainbow 6: Covert Ops and WE DON'T!!! And that just blows, God I wanted to ring Red Storms neck. I thought I might bring that up for no Particular and un-needed reason. Good Day.


Title: Re: What is the worst game you have played?
Post by: {CTE}Rogue on November 08, 2001, 01:04:31 am
worst game: id have to say rogue spear, plus most genaric psx games
best game: metal gear solid. this game was just so innovative and cool u cant not like it.
favorite game right now: combat mission , rainbow six,
infiltration (even if the run n gun is like UT and the fps is horrible)
looking forward to: ghost recon

Title: Re: What is the worst game you have played?
Post by: SiGmA_X on November 08, 2001, 05:17:42 pm
Worst game's - SiN. R6 (Sorry, but the graphics SUCK worse then RS!!)
Best game's - GT3 (PS2), GTA3 (PS2), UT(Mac), CS(PC-Halflife)
Fav. game's - RS, GTA3, UT

Title: Re: What is the worst game you have played?
Post by: Zomar on November 08, 2001, 06:54:10 pm
rom, you judge games on how the graphics are? do you play r6 or did you just see some screenshots?


Title: Re: What is the worst game you have played?
Post by: kos.viper on November 08, 2001, 09:26:42 pm
The only reason I hardly play R6 is due to the game play....

I enjoy tense fast pace games such as UT or Tactical Ops for UT. ?Plus I enjoy playing RS over R6 due to the firepower and the weapon selection. ?

I feel RS has way more better guns, and better sounds than R6.... and better graphics is also a plus (I'm not backing up Romulus). RS also has MP Messages and customizable armpatches. ?

All and all I feel that Rainbow Six is dieing for the Mac, less and less people are playing it and there are not as many R6 clans as there used to be, RS is just starting to take over, of course so is AvP >:(.... I don't see what?s so good about that game. ?I just think it has terrible game play and its 2 yrs old now (?)

Title: Re: What is the worst game you have played?
Post by: SiGmA_X on November 09, 2001, 04:53:18 pm
Zomar - I have RainbowSix, and I thought it was really fun to play with the people because they are more fun to play with. It's not all of their LIFE, it's just a side thing. But the graphics suck, and sorry, but the firepower is limited..

Viper - UT w/ TO look's kewl, but I cannot get TO to install right!!! (error in load of UT)..


Title: Re: What is the worst game you have played?
Post by: kos.viper on November 09, 2001, 09:40:23 pm
Romulus: ?Did you check to make sure u didn't a) dl the umod file and do not know how to install it or b) didn't put the TO folder with all of the TO data files in your UT folder along with your Tac Ops Launcher ?(Don't Forget about the updater for 2.1)

If none of these things apply, then try getting rid of UT then reinstall UT (full install).... ?Then try dl/ing TO again, install it, make sure you follow the "ReadMe.txt" on how to install correctly, then update it using the 2.1 updater.... it Should work, if not let me know

Title: Re: What is the worst game you have played?
Post by: jn.blackhand on November 09, 2001, 10:08:49 pm
The broader selection of weapons is nice, but just like R6, everyone ends up using the same ones.

Title: Re: What is the worst game you have played?
Post by: SiGmA_X on November 09, 2001, 10:22:53 pm
Vip - I just re-installed Ut, and I will be installing TO soon, and Im on AIM [Th3Sp0t]

Blackhand - Yeah, but not in sniper and i really like the H&K G36... Long range and hella good power. And the Endfeild and Stery Aug are both nice also..


Title: Re: What is the worst game you have played?
Post by: Zomar on November 10, 2001, 09:08:02 am
i feel that the guns in rs are horrrible.

the 9mms are way to weak. and its crap to fire full auto. all of the 3 shot guns fire to slow

i like r6 guns much better although they are basicaly teh same

Title: Re: What is the worst game you have played?
Post by: #SKUL JAckal on November 10, 2001, 12:30:51 pm
the best game i think is ff9 ;) and booble bubble is a classic  ;D and the worse game is the first metal gear on nintendo it fucking sux like hell     :P

thx jackal

Title: Re: What is the worst game you have played?
Post by: #SKUL Armee (Bander) on November 14, 2001, 07:20:14 am
Heyas Jacko!

Yeah dude so what about a 2 player Bubble Bobble session. Maybe Mauti can add a multiplayer fuction to it ;) then we could practice with our whole teams.


Btw.: "we" took Masar-i-Sharif and Kabul! all *DAMNs smoke a joint on me mates ;) - *yeah!* and now lets move to Kandahar ... (no shi.t comments on this!!! or: grrrr!)

Title: Re: What is the worst game you have played?
Post by: #SKUL Armee on November 14, 2001, 07:21:06 am
Uhm: All #SKULs as well ... ;)

Title: Re: What is the worst game you have played?
Post by: Zomar on November 14, 2001, 06:15:32 pm
bust a move is better than bubble bobble :)

zero wing sucks.  :D

Title: Re: What is the worst game you have played?
Post by: Bondo on November 14, 2001, 06:49:25 pm
You guys have it mixed up, best puzzle game is Pok?mon Puzzle League for N64.  Well, at least it was until my bro learned how to play and started whoopin' my ass instead of the other way around.  Thankfully I still own him in FIFA '98 as the great Reds of Liverpool.

Title: Re: What is the worst game you have played?
Post by: jn.blackhand on November 15, 2001, 12:00:00 pm
Viva La Fifa!

Title: Re: What is the worst game you have played?
Post by: Zomar on November 15, 2001, 03:01:33 pm

Title: Re: What is the worst game you have played?
Post by: KoS Ultimo on November 15, 2001, 06:58:38 pm
What ever happened to the wonderful world of Battle Toads ?

Title: Re: What is the worst game you have played?
Post by: jn.wrath on November 15, 2001, 09:02:36 pm
The hardest puzzle game I've found is Quake 3 deathmatch.. especially that first level, I can't figure out where the "rocket launcher" is..

Title: Re: What is the worst game you have played?
Post by: *DAMN Postal Worker on November 16, 2001, 07:20:02 am
Look, I've got one word for you guys.  "Contra"  Just try to tell me that you didn't like the Contra series...(see?  you can't, can you?)  Dest was right.  You gotta love it.
And I think it was CTE Rogue who said he liked "Combat Mission" ...Let me tell you...for anyone who has even the SLIGHTEST interest in WWII, GET THIS GAME.  You'll kiss god.  It's got everything from the 88ml FLaks of Germany, to the Sherman Croc (flamethrower tank) to the Volkstrum.  Trust me on this one, guys.

Title: Re: What is the worst game you have played?
Post by: jn.wrath on November 16, 2001, 09:28:13 am
I played the Combat Mission beta demo when it first came out.. about a year and a half ago or more (correct me if I'm wrong).. I really liked it, I must have gotten 50 hours of gameplay out of that single mission..

I must agree with you, Postal.

Title: Re: What is the worst game you have played?
Post by: Zomar on November 16, 2001, 08:26:07 pm
(never played it. guesses what wrath did.)

why is it that people love to kill there teamates and/or inicent people in the strangest ways so much ?

Title: Re: What is the worst game you have played?
Post by: jn.wrath on November 17, 2001, 10:50:49 am
::warns Zomar up to 100%::

No, I never killed my squadmates.. I may have placed them in extremely dangerous situations, but I never purposely put them in a life-threatening situation.

Title: Re: What is the worst game you have played?
Post by: Zomar on November 18, 2001, 09:53:47 am
::returns warning::

what a waste of a good tk  :D

Title: Re: What is the worst game you have played?
Post by: kos.viper on November 18, 2001, 12:55:36 pm
Hey, we can't forget about Top Gun for NES!
I could never land that stupid plane at the end of a mission  8)

Title: Re: What is the worst game you have played?
Post by: *DAMN Postal Worker on November 18, 2001, 06:05:45 pm
Wrath, the computer sometimes does some more dramatic things than us, am I right?  

For Instance:
Me - German 2nd SS
Comp - US Infanty and 82nd Airborne Squad.

Some US paratroops landed right in front of one of my buildings I had captured.  Inside were two SS MP40 squads (None KIA) and a MG42 team.  Parked next to the house was a Panther Model G2.  The Paratroops didn't run...they moved FORWARD!   They survived a total of 6 turns before I wiped them all out.  They even survived 3 direct hits from the Panthers 60mm main gun and 7 grenades (and numerous small arms fire).  Now tell me...either the computer was on a suicide mission...or those guys were US Army Rangers.  Even I don't do that to my own troops.  The computer is crazy...

Title: Re: What is the worst game you have played?
Post by: #DAMN Bander on November 26, 2001, 05:15:41 am
Hey Postie - do u talk bout the Close Combat series there? they re great but since vers. 3 they didnt convert em for mac anymore (swines!)

yours - B.

Title: Re: What is the worst game you have played?
Post by: *DAMN Postal Worker on November 26, 2001, 01:40:52 pm
Bander, I'm talking about the game "Combat Mission: Beyond Overlord".  While I agree that the close combat series was pretty good...this blows them away.  This is a full 3D turnbased WWII game.  I've been addicted to it ever since this summer.  
They are coming out with a Combat Mission game that is set on the Russian Front.  I can't recall what the name is, but it looks pretty good so far. It's so realistic...it's almost scary.  Take this for instance...you know how the Russians didn't have radios in their TI-43 tanks, right?  Well, they don't in this game either.  They have to open  the main hatch and use flag signals to communicate with other tanks.  This increases the chance of the tank commander getting hit by small arms fire.  If the commander is hit, the crew is in a "shocked" situation and won't respond to orders.  This is only one of the many aspects of the game...so it's well worth the money.  I'll probably buy it the first chance I get.  That's another thing...you can only purchase it online...you can't get it in stores.  But still...go get it.