*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => General Gossip => Topic started by: |MP|Buccaneer on January 19, 2004, 01:48:30 am

Title: Resource Sharing
Post by: |MP|Buccaneer on January 19, 2004, 01:48:30 am
Just read this on one of the rumor sites:

Xgrid could spawn "Resource Sharing" feature in Mac OS X.4: Although Apple is only in the preliminary stages of development on features for the next major release of Mac OS X, internal company documents recently acquired by Rumors outline a potential implementation of Apple's Xgrid clustering technology for personal use under the name "Resource Sharing."

Resource Sharing would a simplified Xgrid configuration, targeted toward consumer use. Simply enable Resource Sharing on your spare computer(s) and connect them to the network (100Mbps required/Gigabit preferred). Your Master computer will then automatically seek to offload work to these ad-hoc cluster nodes whenever this will result in faster performance for the Master system. It will be months yet before features are finalized for OS X.4, but Resource Sharing might well be one of its greatest selling points...

Sounds cool and I can believe that Apple would do this.  Sounds like I'm going to have to buy a gigabit switch when 10.4 comes out =D

Title: Re:Resource Sharing
Post by: BFG on January 19, 2004, 02:02:34 am
Oh boy that really would be awsome. Its daft when u think how much power u loose out on if you have say a desktop and a laptop.. im often switching between the two - but when the heavy stuff comes into play the desktop takes over... But to have another 1Ghz of G4 helping it along would be awsome!

Fingers crossed.....

Title: Re:Resource Sharing
Post by: Jeb on January 19, 2004, 02:09:18 am
Thats what i've been hopping for ever since i downloaded xgrid, but its to early.

Forget gigabit, i want a fiber channel, And This is all the more reason for me to steal your xserve bucc.

Title: Re:Resource Sharing
Post by: |MP|Buccaneer on January 20, 2004, 10:54:41 pm
Yeah, but the Xserve is a G4 Jeb, not a G5, you wouldn't want it now.  And no, we aren't planning to upgrade it any time soon.

Title: Re:Resource Sharing
Post by: alaric on January 21, 2004, 12:31:42 am
Yeah, don't bother with bucc's xserve, jeb. The specs on the new one are just too sexy.

http://www.apple.com/xserve/ (http://www.apple.com/xserve/)