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*DAMN R6 Community => General Gossip => Topic started by: ?{RiP}? Vapor on November 22, 2001, 01:36:30 pm

Title: What's a good Mac game?
Post by: ?{RiP}? Vapor on November 22, 2001, 01:36:30 pm

Ok, I'm looking to get a new Mac game that can be played on GameRanger. Can you guys give me some suggestions and explain about the game if you do have any?


Title: Re: What's a good Mac game?
Post by: Bondo on November 23, 2001, 07:05:36 pm
Return To Castle Wolfenstein possibly.  Anyone know when Halo is scheduled to come out?  

Title: Re: What's a good Mac game?
Post by: jn.wrath on November 23, 2001, 08:39:12 pm
It's already out...

For the Xbox at least..

It's not coming to the Mac.. if it ever does.. I won't care.. my komputar can't handle it anyways...

Vapor, Age of Empires II is a good game.. as is Quake 3 Gold, if either of those are up your alley.

Title: Re: What's a good Mac game?
Post by: Bondo on November 23, 2001, 11:01:43 pm
Of course Halo is coming to Mac, it is being done by Bungie.  They started on the Mac with Marathon and I don't think they have failed to release a game on Mac yet.  Besides, it's been announced.  Since I posted I checked and they have it down for early next year.

Title: Re: What's a good Mac game?
Post by: Asterax on November 24, 2001, 06:24:12 am
Impressive, you know more then R6 and RS Bondo... I would suggest if you want to find a good game get anyone of the following:
Baldur's Gate 2
Quest For Glory 5
Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force
And just about ANY game besides SiN or Wages of SiN and 4x4 Evo. (Unless you can find a DC player who has 4x4 Evo on his/her DC so you two can play On-Line through Sega.net. I am willing to do this with anyone with a DC and a copy of 4x4 Evo.)

Title: Re: What's a good Mac game?
Post by: Bondo on November 24, 2001, 09:50:45 am
I have 4x4 Evo for Mac and it is fairly fun, but the control just isn't very good so I stopped playing it.  I've always wanted to get QFGV but never done it.  I wonder how easily I will be able to now that its been out for about 5 years.

Title: Re: What's a good Mac game?
Post by: PsYcO aSsAsSiN on November 24, 2001, 12:17:40 pm
Does anyone know here if a 'Quest For Glory VI' is coming out? I have a really good character from QFGV and was wondering if I should save his files for a potential new game...

Title: Re: What's a good Mac game?
Post by: Asterax on November 24, 2001, 01:47:02 pm
Quest For Glory 5 was the FINAL game in the Series. Corey and Lori Cole the people who made QFG5, decided this would be the last game:
"Writer Lori Cole is famous for having written and directed four previous Quest for Glory adventures with her husband Corey." -- The back of my QFG5 box, where I got this text from.  
Sierra stopped after that as well, though a Multi-player patch was in the works for QFG5, it never got finished (And I doubt it would be for Mac users). The rest of the QFG5 series (Besides the most recent were PC only) are PC only. Unless someone can get me some proof, (That any of the first 4 are Mac OS compatable show me) it would be a chance to prove me wrong.

Bondo: Created: Wed, Jan 12, 1994, 12:00 PM -- Straight from the QFG5 Game CD "General Info"
Last time I checked we are in 2001, I think.......
2001-1994 = Let me think now......I will get it eventually.....

Title: Re: What's a good Mac game?
Post by: Bondo on November 24, 2001, 02:53:50 pm
So what, I'm supposed to have memorized all game's release dates?  So it will be 8 when I turn 19 (my b-day is Jan 12)?  But wait, I know I was older than 11 when QFGV was released so that time must be wrong.  Also.  QFG 1 was released for mac (on 3.5 disc).  I played  it on the mac and it is also a kick ass game.  I also played some of 4 on PC and it was awesome.  I never got 2 and 3 going on the PC though.

Title: Re: What's a good Mac game?
Post by: Ace on November 24, 2001, 03:23:39 pm
Deus Ex is the most badass single player game ever. And the multiplayer is decent too.

Title: Re: What's a good Mac game?
Post by: jn.wrath on November 24, 2001, 03:35:54 pm
Yeah, well, "your mother's a whore".

Title: Re: What's a good Mac game?
Post by: Asterax on November 24, 2001, 06:10:45 pm
Any chance of a URL Bondo, on what you just said?

Title: Re: What's a good Mac game?
Post by: Bondo on November 25, 2001, 12:56:33 am
On which part, on QFG1 being out for Mac, QFGV being released later than 1994, Halo announced for mac?  Either way though, I don't have a URL for any of it.  Just personal knowledge.

Title: Re: What's a good Mac game?
Post by: SiGmA_X on November 25, 2001, 02:00:48 pm
Ghost Recon (http://www.ghostrecon.com/)

Title: Re: What's a good Mac game?
Post by: jn.blackhand on November 27, 2001, 04:39:40 pm
"The multiplayer is played on Battle Net which comes with the game. When you play online you can play any way you can think of. You can have up to 8 players or computers in a game. There are use map setting games that are like rpg?s. Some use map setting games are Gundam, DBZ, Ronin warriors, and a lot more. There are also clans online that you can join. None of the clans are alike and that makes playing online more interesting.

*      There is also a map editor that comes with the game. When you start it up you can make your own map with its own computers and AI. That is one more thing that makes this game fun."

I'm convinced, thank you, th3 sp0t!!

Title: Re: What's a good Mac game?
Post by: Zomar on November 27, 2001, 08:23:09 pm


(I think we get it Zomar, I will have to keep deleting your additional posts of simply r6- Your friendly moderator, Bondo)

r6. (note the period :))