*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => Gaming (All your Gaming needs are here!) => Topic started by: Scrach on January 15, 2004, 01:16:17 am

Title: problems with reticule color changing
Post by: Scrach on January 15, 2004, 01:16:17 am
I read a previous forum where it said to change a few things in the options.xml doc but when I start up ghr it resets the color.  I am useing a no disk image... do I have to re-mount it then change the reticule color thanx

Title: Re:problems with reticule color changing
Post by: Toxic::Joka on January 15, 2004, 11:38:45 am
It shouldn't have anything to do with the disc image.

errm....well, make sure you saved the file...ok too obvious...hmmm

If you insert a bad/invalid value in there it will reset and use the default value.

Assuming you did all this and its still fucked up....beats me  ???

Title: Re:problems with reticule color changing
Post by: Noto on January 15, 2004, 11:03:49 pm
Make sure you do the following:

1)   Only make changes to the 6 lines of code, which all start with <Reticule.  It is probably best to copy and paste what is listed below, as that is what I did to post this originally.
2)   Make sure you save the changes.  Changes should appear after restart of the game.

Here is what you can do.  Go to your Ghost Recon folder, open up Ghost Recon Data, and then drag your options.xml file onto TextEdit.  You might need to open TextEdit first if it is not located inyour dock.  You will most likely find it in your Applications folder.  The file will open up and you will see a whole bunch of crap.  Make sure you do not change other things, as it might make for an interesting gaming experience.  It's very easy to destroy a working copy of a game by simply changing one thing.  Anyway, the regular change that most guys are using is as followed:


As you can see, the first three lines make the reticule color Green due to changing R (red) & B (blue) to ?, and then changing G (green) to 255, which is the maximum.  Your reticule will now be green at all times, unless you are pointing your reticule on a team member.  If you want your reticule to change color when aiming upon your own guy, you can do this, and i would sugest doing so and making the color red.  ReticuleIFF is your friendly fire color.  Change R to 255, and make G & B ?.  This will make your reticule turn red when aiming at your own guys.  As mentioned in an earlier post, you can tweak the colors, but you can't do it during the game, since the options.xml file is used in booting the game.

I know some of the other files in there look tempting, but you might just want to leave it all alone.  I hope this information helped you out.

.::|N| Noto

Title: Re:problems with reticule color changing
Post by: Scrach on January 15, 2004, 11:41:41 pm
thx guys I actually figured it out my self but your feed back is always apreciated.

Thx ;D

Title: Re:problems with reticule color changing
Post by: Scrach on January 15, 2004, 11:42:44 pm
thx guys I actually figured it out my self but your feed back is always apreciated.

Thx ;D