*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => General Gossip => Topic started by: kos.viper on January 14, 2004, 03:18:30 pm

Title: Mac users vs. Mac whiners; a schism in Macland
Post by: kos.viper on January 14, 2004, 03:18:30 pm
God, now if this isn't a funny article, I don' t know what is.  The author compares real Mac users to "iMac users," which he refers to as "Mac whiners."


Title: Re:Mac users vs. Mac whiners; a schism in Macland
Post by: Mr. Lothario on January 14, 2004, 06:12:01 pm
     Meh. I'd find it funny too if he wasn't the diametric opposite of the kind of people I think of as "the Mac community". I've heard lots of awed comments from ex-PC users (and soon-to-be ex-PC users, heh) about how nice Mac users are, how easy it is to get help, how tolerant of newbies, and so on. Hell, if Mac users were the same kind of assholes that are under every rock on the PC side, I'd be saving money and using a PC. If you can't beat 'em, join 'em, right? Fortunately, I know how to beat 'em.

     Anyhow, lack of sleep has me rambling. To pick up the tattered shreds of my point, articles like that can give potential Mac users a bad picture of the "Mac user attitude", and might just make them reconsider. Therefore, not funny to me.

Title: Re:Mac users vs. Mac whiners; a schism in Macland
Post by: "Sixhits" on January 14, 2004, 07:48:49 pm
Heheh. I guess my mother, who can barely tell the difference between a mac and a pc, is an iMac Whinner.

Title: Re:Mac users vs. Mac whiners; a schism in Macland
Post by: Blitz on January 16, 2004, 05:49:33 am
I like how he refers to macintoshes that were what... Umm.. 6 years old... Now mind you, he is probably typing this article on one of those.  What is really great is he doesn't go into detail about how Apple give out free updates for certain products, and gives out a shit load of software with the mac.  Now, lets take a look from the PC side. I have about 6 PC users in my CCNA course, who by the way are getting top-end Macs this May, are saying that if they had a Mac, they would "pwn" everyone.  I laughed and showed them my iPod. Anyways, this guy is an "iMac'/"Mac Whiner." Now, I know some Mac users are not in the upper middle class, but in the lower end. That is fine, but he doesn't do any research on the fact that this guy could be a moron, and live in a "ghetto" house.  His whole article is based on rationalization. Just like Bowling for Columbine was based upon.  For all we know, he was caught doing sex with a 17 year old herpe infested cheerleader that he raped.

Finally, the comments all diss the author. Thus, showing he is neither a good writer (probably failed English in high school), or he is a person that whats attention. Just like Rapid.

I say, fuck him, his opinion doesn't matter, as long as we can teabag him and his family, I am happy.

X1|Blitz 8)

Title: Re:Mac users vs. Mac whiners; a schism in Macland
Post by: Jeb on January 16, 2004, 09:44:43 am
Let me get this straight,
So writing in a blog (aka whining) about mac whiners is a bit redundant. Then my whining about someone who is whining about whiners is just as ridiculous.
Damn these conundrums, nothing good can come from whining about whining, just war.

Title: Re:Mac users vs. Mac whiners; a schism in Macland
Post by: Wombat on January 17, 2004, 03:17:31 am
I think the guy has a point.  Call me an asshole (I am) or what you will, but the people I've met with the 800 dollar 5 year old iMacs are the ones who complain about prices.  That does not include infection, mauti, or anybody else on GameRanger.  However, he did leave out a whole group of people that do the same as the 800 dollar 5 year old iMac users, the construct whores.

Now most of them have probably left by now, but there is always a handful of these guys complaining about how soundjam was better than itunes and how they are going to go out and buy a pc as soon as possible.  Fortunately, they weren't lying.  I think Uriel was one of those.  Entmoof definately was.  

However, I don't agree with the social class stereotyping.  I'm sure there is a mac user who drives a Ford Fiesta and isn't a whiner.  Hell, the guy probably spends his money on macs over cars.  The "iMac users" are just mac users who know nothing about macs or computers in general and wanted to save money.  And in many cases, they should have bought a PC.