*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => General Gossip => Topic started by: |MP|Buccaneer on January 13, 2004, 08:38:28 pm

Title: Should I make my host for US only?
Post by: |MP|Buccaneer on January 13, 2004, 08:38:28 pm
This has been pissing me off lately.

I go on GR, and there are right now 4 hosts that say something to the effect of EU only.  Yesterday it was that asshole gnook with "no fucking americans" as the title of his game.

Should I just start kicking all the Europeans from the MP servers?  I mean, I have had no problem with Europeans on it so far, Had like four boys from R on it the other night, saying that the lag wasn't bad at all.  

Now, I know that if I had a title in my game saying "no fucking euros", I'd take some major heat over it.  I think it's time you guys gave them some major heat as well.  Or is this a one way street?

Title: Re:Should I make my host for US only?
Post by: "Sixhits" on January 13, 2004, 08:57:45 pm


Title: Re:Should I make my host for US only?
Post by: crypt on January 13, 2004, 09:01:16 pm
I dunno about that Bucc, most of the problems of that sort come from the eOe's (a few in general) If the problem persists, just block all the ones causing trouble.

Title: Re:Should I make my host for US only?
Post by: *DAMN Hazard on January 13, 2004, 09:07:04 pm
Ban the people who host Euro only servers, but I don't think all Euros should be punished.

Title: Re:Should I make my host for US only?
Post by: Cobra on January 13, 2004, 09:31:53 pm
Ban the people who host Euro only servers, but I don't think all Euros should be punished.
I agree with this.

Title: Re:Should I make my host for US only?
Post by: kami on January 13, 2004, 09:33:41 pm
No wonder you take such offense from my subject topic, you've got European pissants all over you, don't you Bucc?

Title: Re:Should I make my host for US only?
Post by: kos.viper on January 13, 2004, 09:56:09 pm
Ya, I don't understand what's going on either.  All of these Euro noobs are complaining about lag, yet clans such as RnT and Virus never complain.

Title: Re:Should I make my host for US only?
Post by: Supernatural Pie on January 13, 2004, 09:59:29 pm
All of these Euro noobs are complaining about lag, yet clans such as RnT and Virus never complain.

Right now, RnT Freecheese is hosting a room that is EU only.

Keep them out of your server, bucc, if they don't want you in theirs. Otherwise, let them play.

Title: Re:Should I make my host for US only?
Post by: *DAMN Mauti on January 13, 2004, 11:13:52 pm
Just noobs that have never experienced the good old 400 - 600ping R6 games every Euro was used to play with back in the days...

I just ask myself how they want to differ between European players and US!??? I don't think they do a WHOIS query for everyone that joins their server...

All in all I think you should answer with a host title OPEN FOR EVERYONE  ;) and if you get banned from their host do the same.


*DAMN - One WORLDWIDE Gaming Community

Title: Re:Should I make my host for US only?
Post by: the oNe on January 14, 2004, 12:15:15 am
Omfg, who cares.  Everyone's just jumping on the bandwagon.  Euro n00bs follow the small minded euros hate Americans wagon.  Diversity people, no segregation =0.  

To Euro hosts: Make your hosts welcome to everyone please, most of the USA hosts don't have a problem with Euros joining their games.  

This is like Rogue Spear/Raven vs. Ghost Recon.

Title: Re:Should I make my host for US only?
Post by: onwig on January 14, 2004, 01:00:05 am
yeah was speaking to bucc about this earlier, i dont agree with this euro thing only, it sucks.

I would'nt like to see a game room that says americans only, if you guys had of started doing that, some euro guy would have posted about it the same way you did.

I am sure after a while, when rvs has been played loads more, and people have got used to the lag difference, things will go smoothly (apart from cb's, that will be some fun arguments).

quick question, because i wasnt around (i am a euro noob), was it like this when GHR or RS first came out?

Title: Re:Should I make my host for US only?
Post by: BFG on January 14, 2004, 01:25:50 am
If you don't like lag in a server don't play in it... Euro's shouldn't be hosting 'euro' only games and nor should anyone else.

I don't understand how people can complain about lag on an MP server.. they are some of the best servers available. Like it or lump it.

Title: Re:Should I make my host for US only?
Post by: |MP|Buccaneer on January 14, 2004, 01:48:37 am
I would'nt like to see a game room that says americans only, if you guys had of started doing that, some euro guy would have posted about it the same way you did.

That's exactly why I wanted to point it out.  I wont ever ban someone just because of their ping or where they live (though I have kicked a few that cried "lag" after every game they didn't do well on).

Onwig, while there's always been talk about atlantic lag with CB's, this is the first time I've seen it on normal games, not to mention this bad.

Title: Re:Should I make my host for US only?
Post by: Jeb on January 14, 2004, 07:42:51 am
listen, i've been doing so without a mission statement for months i don't see why you have just figured this out now bucc.

i wouldn't be against banning euros, except maybe the ones i like... wait, ban everyone.

btw, its not like the frogs would do anything if we did this

Title: Re:Should I make my host for US only?
Post by: Toxic::Joka on January 14, 2004, 04:16:16 pm
quick question, because i wasnt around (i am a euro noob), was it like this when GHR or RS first came out?

When GhR first came out there was some "usa only" hosts, I acctually got kicked from a server for being euro. I guess since GhR brought lots of new faces, few knew much about lag and such, so they made "this continent only" games ( including me  ;D ), at some point i got 512/512 and could host better.

Don't think the eOe servers have much to do with lag/ping though... But what do you expect when "you" give them shit 24/7...

Anyway, don't ban all euros
Make love, not war

Title: Re:Should I make my host for US only?
Post by: Mr. Lothario on January 14, 2004, 06:17:12 pm
     Part of the reaction in the days of GhR (I can't tell you how much I'm enjoying talking about that game in the past tense, by the way  ;D ) was because GhR handled lag about as well as a quadraplegic juggles chainsaws. RvS is considerably better; I've played against people with pings exceeding two hundred without noticing even as much lag as GhR would display with a ping of 150.

Title: Re:Should I make my host for US only?
Post by: e?e G??nk on January 14, 2004, 06:17:29 pm
Ahahah. Learn my name if you want to insult me correctly. Buccaner nOOb...
By the way, the dedicated e?e server is for every one. Including US, Canadian and all other Americans. e?e has US members. We wouldn't register US members if we were the assholes you describe. Stop argueing for no reason. Stop complaining.

Why do you complain? You saw some server with "no american". Why don't you think it may be because of PING issue. YES, European server and US clients creates LAG.

Why do you want to join European servers if your FUCKING MP server is SO GOOD.

Title: Re:Should I make my host for US only?
Post by: Mr. Lothario on January 14, 2004, 06:22:45 pm
     I motion for a warning for Goonk for flaming. Bucc hasn't even mentioned eOe or Goonk.

Title: Re:Should I make my host for US only?
Post by: e?e G??nk on January 14, 2004, 06:45:18 pm
I suggest a warning for you too for not beeing able to read correctly.
Indeed there is a mistake in my name. Don't say "he said gnook, not goonk"....
anyway. I open a room in Game ranger right now and I won't read this topic anymore. i let it for my e?e friends. have fun. (we do)

Our server says "Europe dedicated" it means the host is in Europe but not that US are bannish. Move on and grow up. Kids.

Yesterday it was that asshole gnook with "no fucking americans" as the title of his game.

Title: Re:Should I make my host for US only?
Post by: Brain on January 14, 2004, 06:53:00 pm
oh boy, oh boy, where to start.  well, how bout the top

Ahahah. Learn my name if you want to insult me correctly. Buccaner nOOb...
By the way, the dedicated e?e server is for every one. Including US, Canadian and all other Americans. e?e has US members. We wouldn't register US members if we were the assholes you describe. Stop argueing for no reason. Stop complaining.

well, you're right, bucc did mention you, but being called an asshole is hardly an insult, i suggest you get thicker skin.
also, buccaneer was making an observation,a VALID observation. i've also seen several euro only games, and i've seen you host games with the 'no fucking americans' title. i've also been kicked from servers simply for being an american. he's simply pointing out what he though was wrong.  you are the one turning this into an argument

and a side note, only people who are joking or complete poseurs use leet in their posts. i doubt you were doing the former

Why do you complain? You saw some server with "no american". Why don't you think it may be because of PING issue. YES, European server and US clients creates LAG.

buccaneer is pointing out the fact that there is just as much bashing of americans as there is bashing of euros, a point that he has been trying to make for some time now.  also, it's no just that your server said no americans, it's that it said no fucking americans.  the first is a polite request, the second is an insult.
if this was all about ping issues, i'd like to ask you (and the rest of the community) where all the no american games were during the RS days? fact of the matter is that while there were a few (there always have been and always will be ignorant assholes), the vast majority of games were open, and if there was 'euro lag' (it did exist. i was on the receiving end of it many times when playing the members of virus...although i think a minor difference in skill also played a large part) you accepted it and you played the next round.
Why do you want to join European servers if your FUCKING MP server is SO GOOD.

did we SAY that we wanted to join your server???
no we didn't. i'll say it again. bucc was simply pointing out the fact that american bashing does exist as a point of consideration. never did he imply, hint at, or otherwise indicate that any member of |MP| wished to join your server.

and as for the bastards comment, well that is why i chose to respond. you see, i hadn't posted in this thread, talked to you, or even THOUGHT about insulting a european. you turn around and call my whole clan a group of bastards. i'm sorry but i don't let people like you get away with unprovoked attacks on me.

so in conclusion: You sir, are a dumbass and are hereby being warned for flaming[/color]

Title: Re:Should I make my host for US only?
Post by: bronto on January 14, 2004, 08:29:32 pm
its your host you can do whatever the hell you want with it, just as they can. dunno why theres such a big thread over this, just do what you want.

Title: Re:Should I make my host for US only?
Post by: Supernatural Pie on January 14, 2004, 09:43:54 pm
so in conclusion: You sir, are a dumbass and are hereby being warned for flaming

Ahhh, the power of cheese Brain

Title: Re:Should I make my host for US only?
Post by: Noto on January 14, 2004, 10:44:55 pm
Just a side note about lag between Euro/US servers and clients.  When I first started playing this game through GR and was a complete n00b, I used to complain about lag all the time whenever c| Lin would kill me.  I could have sworn I had him in my gun sight and emptied a full clip into him.  I knew he was cheating...

Well, now that I'm not a GhR n00b, I have come to realize that whenever I kill someone, people complain that I am cheating, or that it was the lag that killed them.  The more you play, the better you get at killing and dodging,  Yes, the game tends to jerk a bit when you turn the corner and some guy is firing full auto at you, but you can learn to live and play with it.

As for the Euro/US only servers, some of the smaller servers, or at least more latent servers, probably should be Euro/US only.  All you have to do is give the location of your server in your title, and your ping will say the rest.  If I saw a game saying "Swedish Server" and it had a ping of a million, I wouldn't join.  If you don't like the location of a server, the ping, or the game play one the server, then just find a better one.  Christ... the sun will rise tomorrow.

.::|N| Noto

Title: Re:Should I make my host for US only?
Post by: KoS.Rebel on January 14, 2004, 11:27:51 pm
Bucc im all for makin it US only due to the fact that euros lag and cant take the pwnage that us americans dish out. US ONLY!!!!

Title: Re:Should I make my host for US only?
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on January 15, 2004, 12:44:06 am
If the U.S. Servers make all their servers for the U.S. only....and the Euro servers make all their servers for Europe only.....then what do the poor Australians do that just don't have that many players online?

Title: Re:Should I make my host for US only?
Post by: onwig on January 15, 2004, 01:05:14 am
hey guys, this aint a revolution, its just some probs with people that host, and what game rooms have been called.

keep it cool

Title: Re:Should I make my host for US only?
Post by: KoS.Rebel on January 15, 2004, 01:34:46 am
Ghost, they go talk with evill and the kangarooooooos :)

Title: Re:Should I make my host for US only?
Post by: Scott_Kevill on January 15, 2004, 05:05:35 am
You tell 'em, Bucc. Make it Premium-only. ;)


Title: Re:Should I make my host for US only?
Post by: Typhy on January 15, 2004, 05:07:54 am
Bucc im all for makin it US only due to the fact that euros lag and cant take the pwnage that us americans dish out. US ONLY!!!!

I'm all for banning Floridians because they have their heads so far up their asses that it's a wonder that they can type.

Title: Re:Should I make my host for US only?
Post by: Noto on January 15, 2004, 07:56:10 am
I'm all for banning Floridians because they have their heads so far up their asses that it's a wonder that they can type.

Yeah?  Well we have the Evil Empire of Disney World, the largest heroin and cocaine imports in the world (roughly), and more Cubans than you're ever seen in your life!  You have sled dogs... ;)  

I'll take Florida any day; Even during "Hurricane" Season.

.::|N| Noto

Title: Re:Should I make my host for US only?
Post by: The Golden Shark on January 15, 2004, 08:26:09 am
You tell 'em, Bucc. Make it Premium-only. ;)

i love how he throws in the sales pitch.
hehe good one scott,

Title: Re:Should I make my host for US only?
Post by: e?e G??nk on January 15, 2004, 09:15:39 am
If the U.S. Servers make all their servers for the U.S. only....and the Euro servers make all their servers for Europe only.....then what do the poor Australians do that just don't have that many players online?
Australians are more than welcome in eOe server. eOe has several Australians members by the way. (be careful, M136 is moded ;)

Title: Re:Should I make my host for US only?
Post by: TRIBE_Horda on January 15, 2004, 09:32:12 am
"asshole gnook with "no fucking americans" as the title of his game."
jerks are every where , usa, euro, africa, aisia whatever

most e0e are blocked (beside addi and leon and because of  DAZZ) from tribe games and wait humm they euros ?

@ Scot kevil: prenium just sux, worth 10$ max

@ Mauti:  1 admin from per/a clan should be only allowed

Title: Re:Should I make my host for US only?
Post by: Toxic::Joka on January 15, 2004, 11:32:14 am
@ Scot kevil: prenium just sux, worth 10$ max

Tell me another product/anything that can keep you entertained for a year for 45?...your hand dosent count  ;)

@ Mauti:  1 admin from per/a clan should be only allowed

Great choice of thread  ;D

Title: Re:Should I make my host for US only?
Post by: e?e GiaN on January 15, 2004, 12:31:05 pm
Again I find a bashing topic! I wonder why these threads always starts when I am away :)

All I can say is: We are all monkeys that are missing the good old times in the jungle. Give us all a bananna and we would instantly shut up.

most e0e are blocked (beside addi and leon and because of  DAZZ) from tribe games and wait humm they euros ?
Oh, am I banned from TRIBE servers?.. hum I didn't even know that... LoL.

Title: Re:Should I make my host for US only?
Post by: e?e G??nk on January 15, 2004, 02:10:39 pm
We're bannised from TRIBE servers? oh no ! please I beg you !

Title: Re:Should I make my host for US only?
Post by: TRIBE_Horda on January 15, 2004, 02:32:24 pm
We're bannised from TRIBE servers?

hehe  not sure its a good idea thou

coze shits from a ex member from  e?e and e?e


Title: Re:Should I make my host for US only?
Post by: TRIBE_Horda on January 15, 2004, 02:46:27 pm

@ Mauti:  1 admin from per/a clan should be only allowed

Great choice of thread  ;D

Mauti has eyes everywhere , didnt u know ?

Title: Re:Should I make my host for US only?
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on January 15, 2004, 03:28:20 pm
"asshole gnook with "no fucking americans" as the title of his game."
jerks are every where , usa, euro, africa, aisia whatever

most e0e are blocked (beside addi and leon and because of  DAZZ) from tribe games and wait humm they euros ?

@ Scot kevil: prenium just sux, worth 10$ max

@ Mauti:  1 admin from per/a clan should be only allowed

Well, I am in America and I don't have anyone banned from my server.  Hell, I've only kicked like ONE person from my server EVER and that was just because he kept tk'ing everyone.  Lag has never bothered me, and just because someone from Europe or anywhere else is making my server lag is no reason to ban or kick them.  I host with Euros all the time and really don't have much problem with lag anyway.

And for your little admin thing to Mauti.....he didn't pick more than one admin from a clan....when a clan has more than one admin it is because they were in a different clan when they became admins....which is why |MP| has more than one.


-GhostSniper Out.

Title: Re:Should I make my host for US only?
Post by: PLOPje on January 15, 2004, 04:54:43 pm
tsss horda there is already a rule saying only 1 admin for each clan max or something.
And ghostsniper I can believe that you only kicked 1 guy from your host once but there are probely people you have blocked in gr and because of that banned from your host.
some e?e where being annoying so they got blocked...

And to get back to the hosting, I prefer people tell where they are from in their game description because pings change all the time.
But "no fucking americans" or "no fucking euros" is unacceptable and deserves some spanking

Title: Re:Should I make my host for US only?
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on January 15, 2004, 04:57:25 pm
And ghostsniper I can believe that you only kicked 1 guy from your host once but there are probely people you have blocked in gr and because of that banned from your host.
some e?e where being annoying so they got blocked...

Actually, I don't have a single person blocked in GameRanger.  Never have, and probably never will.  Hell, I don't even know HOW to block someone in GR....lol

Title: Re:Should I make my host for US only?
Post by: PLOPje on January 15, 2004, 07:27:18 pm
crap couldnt you block someone just to do me a favor?

Title: Re:Should I make my host for US only?
Post by: Typhy on January 15, 2004, 07:34:25 pm
 I have ::looks at the latest count::, 91 users blocked. I block anyone who I see constantly camping, this way, when I join a game, I get a general idea how many campers are in it.

At Rogue Spear, I had no problem with Euro only games, or American only games, or even games for a given section of America ( East Coast, West Coast, Centeral, etc. ) This was, of course, because back at RS, if you got someone on your server with a 250 ping, they'd be warping all around - this makes it less fun for the rest of the players.

In RvS, there is no reason to do this. The only lag that they will experience is trigger lag ( and only the person with the high ping ), and possibly the box falling glitch.  

Title: Re:Should I make my host for US only?
Post by: Brain on January 16, 2004, 01:38:17 am
i'd like to point out the one admin per clan rule only has relevance in the BL, not in the GG. also, i have no idea what prompted that comment. did you feel i was abusing my mod powers or something horda?

Title: Re:Should I make my host for US only?
Post by: |MP|Buccaneer on January 16, 2004, 09:19:02 am
Again I find a bashing topic! I wonder why these threads always starts when I am away :)


Gee, wonder why that could be?

Title: Re:Should I make my host for US only?
Post by: e?e G??nk on January 16, 2004, 09:45:56 am
I have never denied I hosted a room that didn't allowed you fucking USA bastards to join.
Actually, it was even "BUDDY ONLY". No risk !

And now, some pictures from our countries :
France :


Title: Re:Should I make my host for US only?
Post by: Mr. Lothario on January 16, 2004, 11:42:57 am
     The difference? The American woman has showered within the last month.

Title: Re:Should I make my host for US only?
Post by: seth on January 16, 2004, 11:58:21 am
this thread is once again, pathetic.

Title: Re:Should I make my host for US only?
Post by: e?e G??nk on January 16, 2004, 12:01:16 pm
    The difference? The American woman has showered within the last month.
she probably needs a special designed shower...
I like dirty horny french girls

Title: Re:Should I make my host for US only?
Post by: *DAMN Mauti on January 16, 2004, 12:08:39 pm
Can't you just love each other  ???

This country bashing is locked.
