*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => General Gossip => Topic started by: KoS.Rebel on January 11, 2004, 09:46:02 pm

Title: Whats the worst Tom Clancy game ever?
Post by: KoS.Rebel on January 11, 2004, 09:46:02 pm
Name the worst game that has come out of Tom Clancy. I for one vote Ghost Recon.

Title: Re:Whats the worst Tom Clancy game ever?
Post by: Typhy on January 11, 2004, 09:49:24 pm
:Raises hand:, here's another vote for Ghost Recon.

Title: Re:Whats the worst Tom Clancy game ever?
Post by: *DAMN Hazard on January 11, 2004, 09:54:27 pm
I don't mean to jump on the RS player band wagon but I can't really judge R6 and out of RS, GhR, and RvS, I have to vote GhR as the worst.

Title: Re:Whats the worst Tom Clancy game ever?
Post by: crypt on January 11, 2004, 09:55:31 pm
All good in my mind. Since someone has to defend GhR I guess I'll go with it till the end.

Title: Re:Whats the worst Tom Clancy game ever?
Post by: Cutter on January 11, 2004, 10:03:35 pm
for comps i'd vote ghr. overall i'd have to say splinter cell.

Title: Re:Whats the worst Tom Clancy game ever?
Post by: Toxic::Joka on January 11, 2004, 10:36:54 pm
Id have to go with RS

Title: Re:Whats the worst Tom Clancy game ever?
Post by: Mr. Lothario on January 12, 2004, 12:44:51 am
     Well, on the Mac, definitely Ghost Recon. If we'd had a solid port of all of Red Storm's games, the decision might or might not be so cut-and-dried. But as things stand, Ghost Recon was easily the worst.

Title: Re:Whats the worst Tom Clancy game ever?
Post by: spike on January 12, 2004, 02:55:54 am
doesn't this thread toe the line of blatent flaming? i mean, there are obvious factions of ghr and rs, and both are pretty set in their ways and ideas, and this thread is just blatently rejecting one of those ideas. i dunno, its pretty far out there, it was just a thought.

Title: Re:Whats the worst Tom Clancy game ever?
Post by: BFG on January 12, 2004, 03:03:56 am
Looks like the traditional RS/R6 guys having a GhR bashing event... Having played R6, RS, GhR, RvS and soon (hopfully) SC id say none of them suck. Each one has its good merits and bad merits. If any one were to be bad id say the Original R6 - but thats becasue i was playing RS when i first played R6 and it simply couldn't stand up to RS at all... GhR does not suck. Hell i wonder really how people can compare the games they are so different. RS and GhR are just non comparable.

Title: Re:Whats the worst Tom Clancy game ever?
Post by: Noto on January 12, 2004, 03:43:52 am
RS and R6 are better pieces of software, but I think Ghost Recon is a better game.  RvS kind of blows and could have been much better than it is.  I actually can't wait until GhR2 comes out.  Hopefully they have learned their lesson when porting games and will deliver a much needed strategy/team play game.

All in all, the best game, by far, is Action Quake.


.::|N| Noto

Title: Re:Whats the worst Tom Clancy game ever?
Post by: S.p.i.d.e.r. on January 12, 2004, 03:49:25 am
As a constant player of GhR, I can easily say it is the worst so far.

Title: Re:Whats the worst Tom Clancy game ever?
Post by: SAR(VoLaTile) on January 12, 2004, 04:18:05 am
I personally only like ghr, and hate the rest  ;D

Title: Re:Whats the worst Tom Clancy game ever?
Post by: |MP|Nomad on January 12, 2004, 04:47:51 am
Worst Game ever for Tom C. is hands down, Sum of All Fears for GC.

Title: Re:Whats the worst Tom Clancy game ever?
Post by: Saberian 3000 on January 12, 2004, 04:48:11 am
I would have to go with R6 being the crap, just for the fact that you couldn't lean around corners.  That always blew serious ass in my mind.   As for RS, it was a good game in it's time but being only OS9 was it's serious drawback.  and as for Ghr, well, the gameplay was more team oriented over single player standoffs like RS.  Ghr's main downfall was the many possible glitches in the end.  Rvs is great all around but has minor issues with needing serious processing speed to truly enjoy the game.  But in the end I would have to go with R6 for sure being the crap of the bunch.


Title: Re:Whats the worst Tom Clancy game ever?
Post by: BTs_Mysterio on January 12, 2004, 04:58:29 am
I think the worst game is GhR. Also by far the worst player of Tom Clancy games is hands down Typhy.  ::)

Title: Re:Whats the worst Tom Clancy game ever?
Post by: Ace on January 12, 2004, 05:11:23 am
As one of the few people here who has played significant amounts of all 4 Clancy games on the Mac, I must say that RS is by far the lamest. It was a wannabe R6 except it was slow, had shitty guns, and had shitty maps.

Title: Re:Whats the worst Tom Clancy game ever?
Post by: PsYcO aSsAsSiN on January 12, 2004, 05:24:22 am
Sum of All Fears, hands down. All they did for this game was take the Ghost Recon interface and give it a R6/RS feel to it. Very little effort put into this game and a huge waste of money for anyone who actually bought it.

Title: Re:Whats the worst Tom Clancy game ever?
Post by: Supernatural Pie on January 12, 2004, 05:32:42 am
Splinter Cell. Had so much potential... but the graphics and cool tidbits thrown in just can't make a game that's that linear any fun.

Now, if we're talking R6/RS/GhR/RvS, it's GhR.

Title: Re:Whats the worst Tom Clancy game ever?
Post by: tasty on January 12, 2004, 10:09:52 am
I'm going to agree with Ace and say Rogue Spear. What a bloated piece of disappointing shit that game was. The gameplay was only a fraction of what R6's was. I think GhR is a more solid game even though I don't like it that much either.

Title: Re:Whats the worst Tom Clancy game ever?
Post by: *DAMN Mauti on January 12, 2004, 12:15:10 pm
In my opinion Rogue Spear was by far the worst part of Tom Clancy games. The only thing I really liked was the possibility of armpatches, a nice mod interface and the Black Hawk Down mod which was one of my favourites together with the modified CS Assault map and the Counterstrike2 mod(proximity mines ;)). But out of the box RS never attracted me.

Ghost Recon is and was an awesome game. Finally teamwork was really required - no more I can do it all alone. Extreme well done camouflage and well balanced weapons contrary to RS were the PDW owned all. Further the sound atmosphere in GhR is unbeaten; I love it when a M60 shoots over your head and you can almost feel the heat of the amunition. The only drawback is/was my iMac but with my new G5 I gonna play it again. There are so cool missions and mods...

Rainbow Six is still one of my gameplay favourites for the game inbetween because it is the most arcade like shooter. Extreme simple and much faster than Rogue Spear with more balanced weapons. Yep it crashes(during hosting) a lot and the graphics are outdated but R6 is still a game you can start and play for 5 mins without any start up errors and preferences crashes contrary to RS.

Just my opinion.



Title: Re:Whats the worst Tom Clancy game ever?
Post by: *DAMN SK on January 13, 2004, 02:25:58 am
R6 pwned RS, and definatly GhR, RvS is pretty fucking sweet thow

but over all the best tom clancy game ever is r6, and all your opions are wrong, simply because you all suck and im your god

and drunk so shut up

GhR blew donkey nuts and all you noobs can go eat a dick


Title: Re:Whats the worst Tom Clancy game ever?
Post by: KoS.Rebel on January 13, 2004, 03:23:39 am
Well put SK. I did play r6 but most oh yall dont know that :). Im not going to reveal my r6 name for the sake of i dont want any of you to know. r6 was pretty bad ass when it came out. With the hype that RS created it didnt live up, but it was still a hell of a game. Then GhR came around. I myself did feel it would be a fun game being that i played it on xbox live and it wasnt half bad, then i got on mac and played it for about a week and realized its camping potential. In other games like RS, R6, and RvS campers can be taken by methods of flanking, flashing or plain rushing, but the factor in GhR that prevented this was the large maps. That and i didnt like the fact that the GhR gameplay was slow. Splinter Cell was worth the 17 dollars i paid. Good plot good graphics good everything. Didnt play Sum of All Fears but the fact that no one plays it on PC gives me a good hint on how it plays. RvS is better then all combined. The fact that we can now see our weps in a Tom Clancy game is huge. The gameplay is a bit slower then RS but still quicker then GhR. A balance i can live with. The factor that noobs cannot own in RvS is another good thing (cept when c mags are on :P sry bucc). All and all if u look in the xbox magazine at the ratings of games, all tom clancy games are rated 9.0 or higher which is bad ass. Props to the companies for creating these games and i cant wait for Rainbow Six the movie (yes it will come i read about it) and Rainbow Six 4. Here's to the future!

Title: Re:Whats the worst Tom Clancy game ever?
Post by: crypt on January 13, 2004, 03:44:59 am
I thought Splinter Cell was on the upper tier of my favorite Clancy games. It's single player was the best of any I'd played, and although it doesn't need multiplayer, the new Splinter Cell: Pandora Tommorow for Xbox will have online multiplayer of some kind, and will feature graphics that will knock the socks off of a lot of games.

I had a lot of fun back in the day with R6 on my N64 playing with my friends.

Title: Re:Whats the worst Tom Clancy game ever?
Post by: Mr. Lothario on January 13, 2004, 06:26:10 am
Ghost Recon is and was an awesome game. Finally teamwork was really required - no more I can do it all alone. Extreme well done camouflage and well balanced weapons contrary to RS were the PDW owned all.

     Mauti, teamwork is a double-edged sword. Sure, the need for teamwork adds much to the game, IF you have a team to play with. Pickup games in GhR were crap.

     The camouflage was well done for 25% of the teams: the blue team. The other three teams ranged from mediocre camo to no camo. For the blue team, the camo was good, yes.

     Balanced weapons? Now you're just talking out of your ass. There was precisely one weapon in GhR: the OICW. I'll even stretch and say there were three: the OICW, the OICW/GL, and the SA80 for CQB. That's not well-balanced, that's a lack of balance. RS was poorly balanced as well, of course, but I saw numerous people using non-PDW weapons to kick the crap out of PDW users, whereas the long engagement distances that are usual in GhR ensured that the OICW was the victor in almost every confrontation due to its accuracy and large zoom.

Title: Re:Whats the worst Tom Clancy game ever?
Post by: Cossack on January 13, 2004, 08:19:44 am
Before I switched to 56k I did kill alot with AN-92 and the German Machine Gun. People hated me for using support but I got alot of kills with those guns. (some people just dont know how to use em. Correction. Most people dont know how to use them). GhR was also more strategy oriented than point and shoot at head oriented like RS. You had the possibility of different routes and ambush points to take advantage of. Camo was pretty good. I know Blue's was the best but Yellow team was very good. You could hide in bushes and trees very easily and the one for red team was also good for hiding in tall grass because the helmet was the same colour and texture as it.

RvS I am not gonna judge yet because it is still in that new game nirvana. People are just getting used to it and are soon bound to find glitches, the cheap guns and what not. All though I cant findout what gun is cheap like POW and OICW (maybe the F90). I cant wait for GhR2.

Title: Re:Whats the worst Tom Clancy game ever?
Post by: Lone-Wolf @ School on January 22, 2004, 11:28:53 pm
As I have not played R6 or RS, i will not even try to compare them to anything else (please, keep the boos and hisses to a dull roar  :)  )

Between GhR and RvS, id say GhR is the definate winner.  In GhR, it is my experience that if you have a steady trigger finger, good aim, and a good kit choice and knowledge of the map, you can do great things, and really affect the outcome of the game.  Yes, glitching was a horrible problem, and all that business.  So the game was coded poorly.  Assuming you didnt run into any of those nasty snags, and someone who wanted to harp on them, all seemed to do pretty well.  Yes, there were a definate few weapons that were over-used, but think about this.  If youre in the special forces, and you have a selection of say, one hundred weapons to choose from, and you know what kind of situation you were going into, isnt it a pretty good idea to pick the best weapon for the job?  In addition, wouldnt it be kind of lame of all the weapons in GhR were more or less equal, so it hardly mattered what you picked?  There are tons of factors, but those are the big'uns.

Now for RvS. After playing quite a bit, ive seen that, the game relies more on things that dont quite fit into the real world.  For example, ive never seen someone who is laying prone, waiting for a person they know is there, to come around a corner, win the fight.  The person who is moving, in almost all cases, seems to have the better chance of killing their opponent, and, surviving themselves.  Doesnt seem too realistic to me =P  Plus, i prefer much more in GhR that it is virtually one hit one kill, also emphasizing accuracy, since most of the fighting occurs at long ranges.  RvS, in situations where in GhR there is no way i would go burst or full auto, the only way of even MAYBE getting a hit or a kill, is to put it on burst, and lean on the trigger.  

Plus teamwork doesnt work so well, since the areas are usually so small, one well placed frag will take out the entire team, if youre clustered together, since in addition, there is no space to spread out.  Whereas in GhR, there is more than enough space to spread and move around, have everybody work as a team, and still be far enough apart to not get blown apart by a few well placed grenades.  


Title: Re:Whats the worst Tom Clancy game ever?
Post by: |MP|Buccaneer on January 23, 2004, 12:21:33 am
(cept when c mags are on :P sry bucc).

Don't know why you are pointing at me here son, since you are much more the noob then I am.  Idiot.

Title: Re:Whats the worst Tom Clancy game ever?
Post by: KoS.Rebel on January 23, 2004, 04:01:40 am
Lmao oh really? Ive been playin this game on PC much longer then u have....so please lay off. Im trying to leave you alone so i feel you should do the same.

Title: Re:Whats the worst Tom Clancy game ever?
Post by: |MP|Buccaneer on January 23, 2004, 04:45:14 am
Lmao oh really? Ive been playin this game on PC much longer then u have....so please lay off. Im trying to leave you alone so i feel you should do the same.

1) if you were trying to leave me alone, you wouldn't have mentioned my name, would you?  Nice lie.

2) Really?  You know which games I play on PC and which games I don't.  And for how long.  Nice to know that you are all knowing like that.  Thanks for more examples of not thinking before you type.  Feel free to keep the moronic comments coming.