Title: Zero T Clan - Winner of Season 6 Post by: Acri on January 11, 2004, 11:30:03 am Yesterday Zero T Clan defeated the BattleTekSquad in the final clan battle, ending with the score 6-3.
http://www.zero-t-clan.com/stuff/desktop_season6win.jpg That means we all get tshirts like this now: http://www.zero-t-clan.com/stuff/Zero-T-shirt_FRONT.jpg http://www.zero-t-clan.com/stuff/Zero-T-shirt_BACK.jpg Now, we all wish everyone a nice relaxing "extremely-short-wait-between-seasons" and we hope that the RvS ladder will be just as fun as the GhR ladder was. See you there! Title: Re:Zero T Clan - Winner of Season 6 Post by: Toxic::Joka on January 11, 2004, 08:59:33 pm nice job z][t (http://dynamic.gamespy.com/~damnr6/yabbse/YaBBImages/beer.gif)
you have proven to be more than just a bunch of goodlooking guys ;D Hurray hurray hurray Title: Re:Zero T Clan - Winner of Season 6 Post by: *DAMN Hazard on January 11, 2004, 09:06:46 pm Gracious winners aren't you...
Well since you didn't congratulate the other clans that participated, I will. Gj to everyone that participated this season and I hope to see you all back for RvS! Title: Re:Zero T Clan - Winner of Season 6 Post by: crypt on January 11, 2004, 09:32:33 pm you have proven to be more than just a bunch of goodlooking guys ;D heh, you're kidding right? ;) .........jk Title: Re:Zero T Clan - Winner of Season 6 Post by: Saberian 3000 on January 12, 2004, 04:38:07 am congratulations on your recent win, I am sure it was hard fought and well earned.
:MoD:Saberian Title: Re:Zero T Clan - Winner of Season 6 Post by: cO.Kuza on January 12, 2004, 06:12:36 am Im sure you mean that in a non-cocky way.
gj guys...and all the finalists. ~kuza Title: Re:Zero T Clan - Winner of Season 6 Post by: Saberian 3000 on January 12, 2004, 07:33:08 am Was I being cocky there? srry if that is mis-constrewed, but I seriously meant it on the congrats. I have no issues with Z][t as of late.
:MoD:Saberian Title: Re:Zero T Clan - Winner of Season 6 Post by: Exe>iCon on January 12, 2004, 10:30:50 am NJ z][t
Title: Re:Zero T Clan - Winner of Season 6 Post by: z][t-Magnetic on January 12, 2004, 10:47:26 am Thanks guys...you will all get a mark in our red book of people we like :D
Cya next season. Mags Title: Re:Zero T Clan - Winner of Season 6 Post by: *Theweakspot on January 12, 2004, 11:32:56 pm Congrats to z][t on a good season. They took us out in the first round, and I am glad that if we had to lose, it was to the eventual champs.
Title: Re:Zero T Clan - Winner of Season 6 Post by: Blitz on January 13, 2004, 03:41:45 am Yes, good job! Hey Civic, how many miles does your z][t car have?
X1|Blitz Title: Re:Zero T Clan - Winner of Season 6 Post by: cO.Kuza on January 13, 2004, 03:43:06 am no no sab i was talking about acri
Title: Re:Zero T Clan - Winner of Season 6 Post by: Acri on January 13, 2004, 11:03:03 am Thumbs up for GM! In my opinion, they were the toughest on the field this season.
Title: Re:Zero T Clan - Winner of Season 6 Post by: Saberian 3000 on January 13, 2004, 11:24:01 am oh hehe, np ;)
:MoD:Saberian Title: Re:Zero T Clan - Winner of Season 6 Post by: crypt on January 13, 2004, 01:10:28 pm lol acri ,but we were the only ones to beat you 1 time this season, but I guess you found a way to beat us obviously, nj to all who participated this season!
Title: Re:Zero T Clan - Winner of Season 6 Post by: Blitz on January 13, 2004, 05:50:55 pm One thing that we all need to remember during this season is to do what Harvey does to GOD almost everytime GOD gets on GR. Teabagging! http://www.urbandictionary.com (http://www.urbandictionary.com). Well, good luck to all in season 7. I just hope Warzone is gone by then. It's so worthless!
X1|Blitz 8) Title: Re:Zero T Clan - Winner of Season 6 Post by: Civrock on January 13, 2004, 05:59:10 pm Warzone rox! ;D
Title: Re:Zero T Clan - Winner of Season 6 Post by: Acri on January 13, 2004, 09:14:27 pm We knew it would get to your head, Crypt. Well, iN also beat the Core once. ;)
Title: Re:Zero T Clan - Winner of Season 6 Post by: Toxic::Joka on January 13, 2004, 09:23:41 pm Sometimes this community amazes me...
We have the winner of the GhR ladder here ladys and gents, we can make more noice than this!! 17 replies ffs Ta er i kragen f?r fan! Title: Re:Zero T Clan - Winner of Season 6 Post by: z][t-Magnetic on January 13, 2004, 11:19:38 pm hehe Joka....
Title: Re:Zero T Clan - Winner of Season 6 Post by: .vooDoo. on January 14, 2004, 12:33:58 am Joka, I think its because most of the community wasnt really interested in ghr and the ghr ladder this season. Good Job to zero T clan. You guys fought well, but in my OWN opinion, ghost recon blows...period.
Title: Re:Zero T Clan - Winner of Season 6 Post by: cO.Kuza on January 14, 2004, 04:38:58 am Ghost Recon is just a trsitional game between RS and RvS, It had it's run and now it's going to be RvS/GhR2
Title: Re:Zero T Clan - Winner of Season 6 Post by: z][t-Magnetic on January 14, 2004, 09:27:02 am As long as there is no solid proof that GhR2 is coming...and coming for the Mac...I will keep playing GhR as it suits my needs perfectly. As does no other game. I?m not sure I will jump on the RvS wagon...don?t like the game...but I loooove the graphics though.
Mags Title: Re:Zero T Clan - Winner of Season 6 Post by: BTs_Lee.Harvey on January 14, 2004, 10:22:23 am well RvS and GhR are two totaly diffstyle games.. i will still be playing and cbing in both... but cant wait to see when GhR 2 will come out.. might be sooner then we think sence URT 2004 is being made for mac and pc at the same time. Means that the game engine will be ready quicker to make GhR 2