*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => General Gossip => Topic started by: cO.Vickedson on January 10, 2004, 09:13:33 am

Title: Does anyone know Evil's email?
Post by: cO.Vickedson on January 10, 2004, 09:13:33 am
I got banned for 2 days and don't know why...

any help?

I'm premium, I paid for that shit, I would like any explanation.

Title: Re:Does anyone know Evil's email?
Post by: |MP|Buccaneer on January 10, 2004, 09:14:48 am

Title: Re:Does anyone know Evil's email?
Post by: cO.Vickedson on January 10, 2004, 09:17:51 am
thanks Bucc

Title: Re:Does anyone know Evil's email?
Post by: BFG on January 10, 2004, 03:15:57 pm
let us know when u get a responce wicked, from previouse experience i've found that support@gameranger has a just a 'slight' waiting time for a reply... And it would be interesting to hear what the reason for the ban was! ;)

Title: Re:Does anyone know Evil's email?
Post by: Saberian 3000 on January 11, 2004, 07:51:57 am
lol, slight?!?  hehe.  How about never heh.  Or maybe we arent special enough to have the honor of a reply :)  I think it's an anti-clan thing heh.  Sad to say I have gotten a faster response out of Aspyr then I ever got out of scott, which was almost never ;D


Title: Re:Does anyone know Evil's email?
Post by: Acri on January 11, 2004, 11:26:11 am
I get instant replies when I mail Kevill. VIP mb?

heh, no all you have to do is use clean language and formulate it well to show that you are not some random lamer. I got permabanned but I was back in the next day. That's a fast reply.

Title: Re:Does anyone know Evil's email?
Post by: PLOPje on January 11, 2004, 12:20:51 pm
He I bet he replies faster when you give him 50$

Title: Re:Does anyone know Evil's email?
Post by: BFG on January 11, 2004, 02:24:33 pm
I wish.... Although It won't be happening again.

Title: Re:Does anyone know Evil's email?
Post by: Noto on January 11, 2004, 07:18:16 pm
Wick, he has a ton of auto ban script stuff working when he and his lackey's are not around.  I was joking around one day and sent a porn link to Diesel in a private message.  It was funny for us because the front page looked like a certain person's wife in our clan.  It was a harmless joke and it was in a private to someone on my buddy list.  I was banned for only 30 minutes.  I was banned for spamming a couple of weeks ago as well.  I think it was also a 30 minute ban.  Evidently, I was typing too much in the main chat area.  Next thing I know, I realized I was talking to myself and I couldn't host chat rooms or games.  I understand why some of the banning scripts need to be there, but I would appreciate a better explanation for why I was banned.  You probably said something in the main chat pertaining to warez or porn, or perhaps in a private message to someone.  Anything could have happened.

.::|N| Noto

Title: Re:Does anyone know Evil's email?
Post by: cO.Vickedson on January 11, 2004, 09:28:52 pm
I was banned initially for 30 minutes, then later turned into 2 days......*currently serving*

A private conversation between myself and a fellow clan member had been logged and was sent back to me.

I won't tell what the conversation entailed, but I'm sure you guys can figure it out.  

Evill responded in a civil manner and now I'm taking my "punishment".  I thought a warning before a ban might have been more appropriate, I mean seriously, I gave the guy $50 because I supported his system...

oh well


Title: Re:Does anyone know Evil's email?
Post by: Jeb on January 11, 2004, 09:39:09 pm
Heh there is one mentally deficient admin as some of you know, aka deano
Yesterday fassst was impersonating owing (he didn't care) as a joke and he got a ban.
So i began my usual spree of tearing into the admins (evill gets it the worst) to try to see if i'll get banned. Anyhow i managed to pull a 30minute ban only after 2 disconnects. And i was saying some pretty terrible things, all i can say is that it sucks to be you wickedson. Good luck finding out what you got banned for.

Title: Re:Does anyone know Evil's email?
Post by: Civrock on January 11, 2004, 09:48:39 pm
check this out: http://www.the-one-clan.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=40 (http://www.the-one-clan.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=40)

Title: Re:Does anyone know Evil's email?
Post by: Noto on January 11, 2004, 10:17:38 pm
Well, I think we can all agree that GameRanger can be more than what it is.  Evill has a great thing going right now, and if he had someone to help him organize his thoughts, GR would be the premier gaming service.  He just needs to let his baby go and open it up to others.  I can only imagine the amount of money that he incurs through this service.

I know it might sound like I'm defending him, but let's keep it real.  It's free, it's pretty much stable, and it's your choice.  GR isn't even needed for this league other than recruitment and basic chat.  Other than those two aspects, all of the *DBL CB's can be performed via IP joining through posted servers.  GR makes our lives quite a bit easier.  I would rather log into GR than search for servers to play on, let alone find the people I want to play with.  Also keep in mind that it is Scott's baby.  He has the choice to allow whatever he wants.  Put it this way, he could stop support to GhR, we would bitch immensely, but we would still play games like RvS and others.  Many people would run out to the stores to buy RvS just so they could play on GR again.

In closing, unless someone else takes some initiative, and their own money, to start a gaming service, we will just have to take whatever Evill dishes out, and we will like it.  I fully support competition with monopolies; i.e. GR clones, leagues other than *DAMN.  I think just having one choice forces us to agree with anything and everything that is being offered, and yes, we do agree with it all.  As much as we hate some of the stupid ban stuff, you guys will still log right back on when your ban is over.  

How about this, and I have suggested it before, with all of the programming genius that resides on this forum, why can't *DAMN offer a gaming service?  I think we all have something to offer, and we all have enough experience with GR to think of options that should be included and not be included.  GhR, RvS, AA, RS, R6, and other game support could be offered.  We have enough brains, we could easily raise money with cheap "memberships", and I think we are all just about fed up with GR in some way or another.  I mean, is there really any reason that this wouldn't work besides money and time?

.::|N| Noto

Added:  I think the reason why people are more willing to support GR rather than *DAMN is because GR offers something right away.  If you pay your $50 USD to GR, then you instantly get perks and features that you didn't have only a few minutes ago.  If you become a *DAMN supporter, I believe you get a calendar, a pat on the back, and features in the future.  Perhaps we can use some of the techniques that GR uses in being able to give features at the time of monetary support?  I'm not saying that supporting *DAMN is a waste, it's just that I'm sure many people out there would rather spend money on something they get instantly and use than something down the road.  This sucks, but that's capitalism at it's finest.

Title: Re:Does anyone know Evil's email?
Post by: onwig on January 11, 2004, 10:44:08 pm
Yesterday fassst was impersonating owing (he didn't care) as a joke and he got a ban.

ya that was funny :D

sry noto its your turn again

and I think we are all just about fed up with GR in some way or another.

dont log onto GR then.... go buy a peeceeee.

I mean, is there really any reason that this wouldn't work besides money and time?

yeah apart from support from devolpers, from gamers,  etc etc

The only thing recently i have seen is some of the admin's of GR be very hasty with the banning, which is pissing people off.

all ya have to do is follow simple rules peeps, if you break them, dont cry afterwards.

Title: Re:Does anyone know Evil's email?
Post by: Noto on January 11, 2004, 11:39:41 pm
Onwig, can you think before you type?  I mean come on, we have to read this, and I don't think we're going to get that time back.

sry noto its your turn again

 and I think we are all just about fed up with GR in some way or another.

dont log onto GR then.... go buy a peeceeee.

Why should Macintosh users have to buy a Windows based PC to enjoy a multiplayer gaming community?  Onwig, your response is foolish.

I mean, is there really any reason that this wouldn't work besides money and time?

yeah apart from support from devolpers, from gamers,  etc etc

Support from developers and gamers wouldn't be difficult, moron.  *DAMN pretty much has support from all of the people who post here, which are the same people who could help program such an endeavor.  When it comes to developers, I'm sure companies such as Aspyr, Red Storm, and others would gladly accept a competitive gaming service.  All you really need is people with time and money.  getting the developers is much easier than one would think.  And yet again, your response is foolish, and misguided with no information whatsoever.

all ya have to do is follow simple rules peeps, if you break them, dont cry afterwards.

No where in the Terms and Conditions of Use of GR does it mention private conversation would be monitored, no would their content be scrutinized by "Evill appointed Admins".  The Terms and Conditions of Use are not very specific and allow for an enormous amount of gray area for disciplinary engagement.  Not only is your response foolish, but it absolutely brings nothing to the conversation that either is wanted or has been stated.  If you would have read my post, which you quoted, you might have noticed I said the same thing when it came to following the rules.  Does this look familiar?

He has the choice to allow whatever he wants.

We already know this you retard.  What most of us are looking for is either some latitude on private messages, or perhaps a clearly written and understandable Terms and Conditions of Use statement.  Wick was probably wrong to talk about pirating software and such, but the implementation of GR rules are pitiful.  Here are a few examples:

As quoted from GameRanger's  Terms and Conditions of Use:

You may not:
- abuse, threaten, harass in any way, any user of GameRanger

Please... when has this ever been enforced?  Example: Rapid.


You may not:
 - transmit any offensive material to any area or user of GameRanger

Perhaps I don't find it offensive, and neither does the person on the receiving end of the private message.


You may not:
 - disrupt the normal flow of dialogue in any area of GameRanger, including but not limited to "scrolling" and "spamming", or repeated entry of meaningless messages

Wow, could someone clearly define scrolling?  I hope all of the 12 yr olds that use GR know what that means.  It's okay though, Evill can punish 12 yr olds because they should be able to understand his jargon, or leave.


You may not:
 - request, promote or encourage the use of, pirated software or non-public beta software

Define pirated software?  If I bought it first, and someone wants it, who says I can't give it to them as a gift via ftp and then destroy it?  Evidently Evill says that we can't.  As far as I know, GR can't be used as a ftp, so what does he (Evill) really have to worry about?  Any since this rule isn't very clearly written, what if I elude to encouraging the use of non-public beta software?  It's not like I flat out said, go for it!


You may not:
 - use more than one account actively

Holy Shit Batman!  This rule is very rarely enforced.  I think Fridge was the only victim of this rule so far.  There are plenty of people who use multiple accounts, and they will keep doing so.


You may not:
 - impersonate the author or any administrators or any other user of GameRanger

Define impersonate.  If I throw a BTs tag on, no one will be able to do anything about it, but if I change my name to eight, and without the BTs tag, do I get in trouble?  Afterall, it's a number, not a name, or is it?  And what if I say it's okay for someone to impersonate me?  I thought this rule was to protect users on GR from those who try to maliciously impersonate.  I didn't know you couldn't have fun.  Down with fun!!!


GameRanger Technologies is not responsible for content of any chat areas or messages.

? ? ? ? ? ?  Then why do they bother preventing what is being said?  If it has no bearing on their company, then why ban its users for content from non-GameRanger employees?

Wait, what the fuck is a GameRanger employee?  Maybe I missed it, but according to the Terms and blah blah blah, Only Scott Kevill can ban.  It does not mention administrators anywhere other than telling you that you cannot impersonate them.  Is there a list of administrators?  I would like to see it.  Anyone, Scott?

.::|N| Noto

Onwig... think first... I know you can do it.  

Title: Re:Does anyone know Evil's email?
Post by: onwig on January 12, 2004, 12:28:30 am
ok noto,

let me think about this for a second. done

noto, thx for the reply and the amount of insults in it. I really do appreciate it.

No where in the Terms and Conditions of Use of GR does it mention private conversation would be monitored, no would their content be scrutinized by "Evill appointed Admins".? The Terms and Conditions of Use are not very specific and allow for an enormous amount of gray area for disciplinary engagement.? Not only is your response foolish, but it absolutely brings nothing to the conversation that either is wanted or has been stated.? If you would have read my post, which you quoted, you might have noticed I said the same thing when it came to following the rules.? Does this look familiar?

does it have to say in the Terms and conditions? does evill and appointed admins have to tell you what they do?.

Quote from: .::|N| Noto on Today at 01:17:38pm

He has the choice to allow whatever he wants.

We already know this you retard.? What most of us are looking for is either some latitude on private messages, or perhaps a clearly written and understandable Terms and Conditions of Use statement.? Wick was probably wrong to talk about pirating software and such, but the implementation of GR rules are pitiful.? Here are a few examples:


Noto, you can post another one after this and another its up to you, nowhere in my post did i call you a moron or any other name, please be civilised.

Forum, place to discuss things?

and Noto think first i know you can as well ;)

Title: Re:Does anyone know Evil's email?
Post by: Noto on January 12, 2004, 02:20:00 am

Noto, you can post another one after this and another its up to you, nowhere in my post did i call you a moron or any other name, please be civilised.

I know you didn't call me a moron or any other name.  I completely started that first, and I wouldn't retract it for a million bucks.  Every time you post, utter nonsense is found.  I just feel that you should think about what you type, and then think about who is going to read your crap.  Calling you a moron is pretty much civilized, as it is in the dictionary.  I could have called you much, much worse, and the word limey could have been used. ;)

Perhaps you should apply for Admin for GR.  Scott needs more weasels I'm sure.

.::|N| Noto

Title: Re:Does anyone know Evil's email?
Post by: alaric on January 12, 2004, 07:42:18 am
Noto, back off. You're out of line. Nothing onwig has said deserved a bashing like that.

It's nice to see how level-headed some of our new BL admins are.

Title: Re:Does anyone know Evil's email?
Post by: Noto on January 12, 2004, 08:02:17 am
Alaric, I have read more than a few of Onwig's posts, both here and on other forums.  He never brings anything new to the table, and if anything, incites flames through his misinformation and useless comments.  

And I believe I'm an Admin for the Ghost Recon ladders.  I don't believe my "title" has any bearing in the way in which I conduct myself in the General Gossip section of this forum.  Although, I do refrain from clan bashing, cheat accusations, and other things of that nature.  If you've read any of my posts, you would realize that I almost always reply to comments that are false, misguided, or completely ignorant.  Onwig failed to see that he actually agreed with me on one point.  If you think any of what I have said has anything to do with an Admin's duties, then that is your issue to deal with, not mine.

.::|N| Noto

Title: Re:Does anyone know Evil's email?
Post by: Typhy on January 12, 2004, 08:05:24 am

It's nice to see how level-headed some of our new BL admins are.

Or in Noto's case, thick headed.

Noto, why don't you just try and start your own GameRanger client and see if Evill will give you an admin spot? It worked with Mauti.

Title: Re:Does anyone know Evil's email?
Post by: Noto on January 12, 2004, 08:12:38 am
Noto, why don't you just try and start your own GameRanger client and see if Evill will give you an admin spot? It worked with Mauti.

Ya know, it might work.  ;)

Scott?? You there??  I'm developing a new GR clone, and I'm using your code.  Make me an Admin so that I'll stop!!

I can see how that might parallel what happened in your little world, but that's not quite how it went down, Typhy.  Thanks for your input though.

.::|N| Noto

Title: Re:Does anyone know Evil's email?
Post by: onwig on January 12, 2004, 09:26:54 am
Noto, you can call me all the names under the sun, i have heard worse. I actually find being called a limey funny. :D

Alaric, I have read more than a few of Onwig's posts, both here and on other forums.? He never brings anything new to the table, and if anything, incites flames through his misinformation and useless comments.?

Noto this is a chuffing forum, so were the other forums i posted in, are things supposed to be disscussed on here, what new things do i have to bring, some tea and biscuits?. My intention was never to start this flame. The other forums being the N network forum. my comments can be useless at times, but again this a forum where people can post their views useless or not.

Title: Re:Does anyone know Evil's email?
Post by: z][t-Rampage on January 12, 2004, 01:13:45 pm
pitty that a topic like this becomes another flamewar....

i got banned from 30 mins a few weeks ago. because i was having a private convo about....(it was private) and thats what bugs me now that i've heard more of this. i have no issues w Evill and i never have, i appreciate that gr is around and i bet that pretty much all of us do. but! when i sit in my apartment and having a private convo w a friend, wether it be ichat,irc, gr or my frickin phone - ITS PRIVATE. this is one of the things that i always loved about being online - free flow of information etc etc...but that has changed. now there are limitations. why? because we arent to support piracy?  

i dont understand why a person who is a part of creating another great element online - gameranger, would want to participate in restricting the free flow of information. in that case, private message should be called privateish message.
i really dont like the thought of being "watched" and i bet most of the community dont like it either.

on the note of piracy - i do not dl music online, but im lucky enough that i dont have to and recieve the music that i need and want for free(completely legal)
i did on the other hand look for a demo for RsV and didnt find one. then i tried to find one online because i was pretty sure that my machine was to slow for it...i did find it and did find out that my machine was to slow...crap! but if it wasnt i would have bought it when it arrived in the stores here in norway(i like to have the original) and now i'm very glad that i didnt fork out a bunch of cash for a game that i can't play. well i guess i'll have to fork out a whole lot more for a faster machine  >:(

i just think it pity that we now have another place where we are "watched"



Title: Re:Does anyone know Evil's email?
Post by: Mr.Mellow on January 12, 2004, 01:50:01 pm
Just don't have private conversations on GR.  :-X

Title: Re:Does anyone know Evil's email?
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on January 12, 2004, 03:56:49 pm
*GhostSniper nukes Noto for picking on Onwig*


-GhostSniper Out.

Title: Re:Does anyone know Evil's email?
Post by: Supernatural Pie on January 12, 2004, 10:28:51 pm
<< EcHo::Evill was disconnected (Weak impersonation: banned) >>


Title: Re:Does anyone know Evil's email?
Post by: the oNe on January 12, 2004, 11:58:28 pm

Evill responded in a civil manner and now I'm taking my "punishment".  I thought a warning before a ban might have been more appropriate, I mean seriously, I gave the guy $50 because I supported his system...

oh well


Just because you paid $50 doesn't make you above the law  :o
And yes, Deano is a psyco and crazy admin
BTW...didn't we agree not to post about how we got banned on gr in the *DAMN forums some months ago?

Title: Re:Does anyone know Evil's email?
Post by: crypt on January 13, 2004, 12:19:30 am
Guys, since when did this thread have any value other than in the first 2 posts? Flaming such as this is unesscessary and should be stopped, please lock the thread admins.

Title: Re:Does anyone know Evil's email?
Post by: =wL= Femme on January 13, 2004, 12:45:57 am
i got banned from 30 mins a few weeks ago. because i was having a private convo about....(it was private) and thats what bugs me now that i've heard more of this. i have no issues w Evill and i never have, i appreciate that gr is around and i bet that pretty much all of us do. but! when i sit in my apartment and having a private convo w a friend, wether it be ichat,irc, gr or my frickin phone - ITS PRIVATE. this is one of the things that i always loved about being online - free flow of information etc etc...but that has changed. now there are limitations. why? because we arent to support piracy?  

i dont understand why a person who is a part of creating another great element online - gameranger, would want to participate in restricting the free flow of information. in that case, private message should be called privateish message.
i really dont like the thought of being "watched" and i bet most of the community dont like it either.

Amen to that! PUBLIC chat is moderated, PRIVATE chat should be just that, private, otherwise, it IS an invasion of privacy. I guess he just makes up is own rules on the fly...and to hell with worldwide standards and policies. This makes a second example of a lack of ethics on the part of GR, NF being the first.

But, this is about all I dare to say, as my previous comments "here" about the NF debacle got me punished in some way I never quite figured out, and was certainly not notified of...my ability to host on GR was limited to one other player joining, and I could not join any other games.  This would also explain why you saw no action from =wL= last season.  :-X

Go .::|N| Noto  ;D

Title: Re:Does anyone know Evil's email?
Post by: Cappy on January 13, 2004, 01:37:27 am

You're the only game in town....for now. This is gonna' come back to bite you in the proverbial ass. Your Orwellian tactics have gone TOO far this time. You've already been reported to Australia's version of the BBB....and you will lose the case.

Monitoring supposedly "private" chats....well, what can I say? You're now the thought police?  Is that pretty much what this amounts to?  Why isn't Scott Kevill accountable to explain himself to the community at-large, instead of picking on individual users, giving a lack of credible data as explanation for his actions?  Why?  Because it's YOUR service, Scott?  That gives you and your Waffen troops the right to get down and nasty in a manner which would please the Stazi...or William Gates?  I have yet to see Scott Kevill give a good, well-thought-out explanation for many of his recent actions, at least in a fairly public forum.  Instead of offering incentives, you punish your users.  I don't know about Perth, but where I'm from, what you've done would be illegal.  And regardless of the legality, your actions of late have not endeared you to the Mac gaming community.  Far from it.  After events of late, and seeing your reactions to them, my hopes for the Mac gaming future now include a major competitor, especially now that we've seen your true colors rise to the surface.

Until then: Sorry,  I'll wait for something better, or simply use my PC to play. You, and your cronies/partners have an utterly wrong approach to the entire situation.

Title: Re:Does anyone know Evil's email?
Post by: Blitz on January 13, 2004, 02:35:45 am
I don't think many people remember this situation that happened to me, X1|GOD, RnT - Godfather, and the stupid admins Tuesday night of the 6th.  The admins gave out this "cool vote kick thing" to all premium users, every user can vote. What is really said is when I made a valid point of how GameRanger is turning into the book 1984, I was kicked off GameRanger. I logged back in and started asking questions why was it stupid. Well, fasSst comes in and says something on the lines of "Isn't there suppose to be freedom of speech?" An admin booted him and said, "There is no freedom of speech on GR."  Well, GOD and I got pissed. We started giving shit to the admin, and we both got muted.  After the mute was over, I started to ask questions like, "Why isn't GameRanger supporting the International Freedom Laws?" (Yes, they do exist, and I believe Austrailia, a common wealth country, agreed to this).  So there for GameRanger was in violation.  Back to my situation, I got on my bro's account (back from college) and I changed his name to a name that is similar to mine, but different, and I start to argue with Deano, and Baron Samedi (I think he is an admin) about this.  Mind you X1|Blufire was "/votekicked" a couple times, and was banned for 30 min "for fun."  I was pissed, so I told in plain writing to the B&G that I was going to take over The Construct, since most admin hang out there.  I finally did, onwig and Harvey can say I did. I even have 98 pictures of the admin abusing their power against me, and X1|GOD... Kinda smart thinkin huh?  I just wish the admin act like admin, and be mature about everything. Yes users can have that immature moment, yes they can say things that can get them "banned." I like how Noto disected the TOS and is pretty much showing Evill he needs a little bit more english classes to take.  As of right now, I say to everyone, to protest the use of Admin Abusing their power, no one long onto GR but AIM, and I will start a chat for all, I will have it up on my forums which will be dedicated to the downfall of this GR empire. I will only give out links to the X1| so if you want to be apart of it, message us over AIM, and hell over GR.  Until the admin grow some balls to have an actual debate, I am X1|Blitz reporting... Good DAY!

Title: Re:Does anyone know Evil's email?
Post by: Supernatural Pie on January 13, 2004, 03:12:15 am
Guys, since when did this thread have any value other than in the first 2 posts? Flaming such as this is unesscessary and should be stopped, please lock the thread admins.

I second the motion.

No, I'm not trying to be an admin ass kisser by saying that Evill's right in banning everyone at will. But I have said it before and I'll say it again. Evill pays for the server bandwith, which is not cheap. Evill built GameRanger from scratch. Evill publicized his program. Evill improved his program over time. Evill released a premium service to try to make some money. Evill implemented administrators to watch over things while he wasn't online. And yes, Evill gave those admins the ability to kick people off of EVILL'S PROGRAM AND SERVER.

It's his. Everything about it is his. He made it. He can do with it what he pleases.

Lock the thread. It's gone as far as it needs to.

Title: Re:Does anyone know Evil's email?
Post by: Blitz on January 13, 2004, 07:27:10 am
So that is where most of the money people are spending on GameRanger is going. To his admin!  Or to buy a new car, hmmm lets see here, what else... Oh yes... PROSTITUTES! Dude, there could be a million reasons what he is using the money with there is about 60k premium users with 50 bucks a year. 60000 x 50 = 3000000 bucks. Now mind you, that is plenty to cover bandwidth, server and any other shit he spends it on GR by about 2 fold, maybe 3 fold if he balances it right.  Now, he could get more publicity if he merged with a company that supports him, and will help pay for the cost. As of right now, there a rumor that a dot-com company is merging with GameRanger, and a lot of premium features are going back to non-premium.  Since he has "hired" admin to do his dirty work, maybe if he updated the TOS he would not have this shit going around. I agree with what everyone is saying, but right now his admins are the problem, not him.  Hell, if i could afford it, I would buy premium. I can't do to I have to buy a new computer for college, I have to pay for my summer vacations, and fucking pay for some of my trip to Germany this spring break. Oh yeah, did I mention college?  If Evill kept it simple, and asked for donations, he would do much better without having to hassle people for money.

X1|Blitz 8)

Title: Re:Does anyone know Evil's email?
Post by: Blufire on January 13, 2004, 07:34:38 am
hahahaha... give me a break, this is GameRanger, not the UN. There is no freedom of speech. Evill owns everything on GR including your chats, it says so plainly in the agreement. If you don't like it, there's a simple solution -- take it to AIM. "Private" my ass. Don't even bother to whine about that, people.

BTW, none of his admins are paid, thats rediculous. First of all, there aren't 60k premium users. Second of all, my best guess is that he's using the money to -- gasp -- pay SERVER BILLS and, well, uh, food.

Heh, the /votekick thing... that was entirely a joke, I took no offense to that.

Title: Re:Does anyone know Evil's email?
Post by: Saberian 3000 on January 13, 2004, 11:48:16 am
Wow, I am seriously late on this cause I havent been able to check online till I get back sfrom work, but to reply to Acri's statement about being courteous to Evill.  I had the same thing happen to me that you had with Evill and the ban and he unbanned me quite quick cause it was a mistake.  But if you wanted to talk to him about any other matter he just blows ya off.  the situatiuon you had just said was basically the same scenario I had earlier when he replied immediately cause it dealt with an issue about GR and maybe an accidental boot by the game. No offense but if you were to reply about anything else to Evill about GR I'll bet he would basically stick his ass in ure face and fart before he actually replies to an email having to do with any other issues.  Not only have I had issues with that but almost everyone else I know that has ever tried to talk to him about any other scenario has been dealt the same stank ass.  So in that sense I dont think that you are special cause he replied to you on that sitation cause when it comes to boots he always seems to be on top of those.  I am sure others can vouch on here for my issue with Scott and dealing with any other thing besides certain accidental boots from GR.


Title: Re:Does anyone know Evil's email?
Post by: cO.Vickedson on January 13, 2004, 05:03:47 pm

Evill responded in a civil manner and now I'm taking my "punishment".  I thought a warning before a ban might have been more appropriate, I mean seriously, I gave the guy $50 because I supported his system...

oh well


Just because you paid $50 doesn't make you above the law  :o
And yes, Deano is a psyco and crazy admin
BTW...didn't we agree not to post about how we got banned on gr in the *DAMN forums some months ago?

Banned= Impersonation

Title: Re:Does anyone know Evil's email?
Post by: MainMaN on January 13, 2004, 05:09:26 pm
His System.
His Rules.

you have a choice to use it, untill another better software company creats one (hopefully apple), were stuck with it. Use AIM for ur private convo's i hear they dont invade your privacy like GR does.

Title: Re:Does anyone know Evil's email?
Post by: =wL= Femme on January 13, 2004, 05:50:14 pm
Guys, since when did this thread have any value other than in the first 2 posts? Flaming such as this is unesscessary and should be stopped, please lock the thread admins.

I second the motion. [...snipped]

It's his. Everything about it is his. He made it. He can do with it what he pleases.

Lock the thread. It's gone as far as it needs to.

Please, "don't" lock the thread. It's quite obvious that there are some widespread grievances by the gaming community at large. If he won't listen to them, this is about the only place they can be aired and "maybe" make a difference.

I know that the BL supports GR, and probably vice-versa. It's the only gaming service in town. But BL members (players) are being messed with and if they can't say so here, what good is the forum? Exactly where else do you expect us to take our problems? To an email address that is never answered?

Title: Re:Does anyone know Evil's email?
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on January 13, 2004, 05:57:53 pm
Guys, I wouldn't care if Scott became a MILLIONAIRE off of us.....It's Called CAPITALISM and it is a GOOD THING.

Title: Re:Does anyone know Evil's email?
Post by: cO.Vickedson on January 13, 2004, 06:40:15 pm
His System.
His Rules.

you have a choice to use it, untill another better software company creats one (hopefully apple), were stuck with it. Use AIM for ur private convo's i hear they dont invade your privacy like GR does.

That's true, however don't you think, after being a premium member and never causing any trouble before, that it was a little harsh to pull a ban on me after only one offense?  Not even a warning?

I support this guy($) and what he does but there is also the "code of capitalism" where you must hold your customer in the highest regard.  I know it's a gaming service on the internet but all you guys claiming Evil CAN do this and CAN do that....I mean comon, when you accept money from someone you are in debt to them to provide your service.  I broke a rule and it's over.  But the way it went down seemed a little sketchy, especially after I've seen what some other people pull on that system and nothing happens.

A warning would have been nice, but it's over......we can move on.

Title: Re:Does anyone know Evil's email?
Post by: |MP|Buccaneer on January 13, 2004, 08:26:20 pm
That's true, however don't you think, after being a premium member and never causing any trouble before, that it was a little harsh to pull a ban on me after only one offense?  Not even a warning?

No, I don't think it's harsh.  He's very clear in that rule.

1) you see people banned for even suggesting and hinting at pirating software.  Besides Evill just having a jones about this, it makes perfect sense.  He has to keep the gaming companies happy, since he works with them to make games playable on GR.  So he has a zero tolerance for it.

This is no different than if you were nailed on a random drug test at work.  You know that they come up, you may be the best employee.  But you've seen others canned for it before, and now you just happened to smoke one up last night and are busted.  Why should you deserve an extra chance over anyone else, just because you were never caught before?

2) Being a premium member has nothing to do with it.  Paying for membership does not put you above the rules in any regards, nor should it.  

3) It's just so well known that Evill bans for this, and that Evill can see your messages.  There is no implied privacy on GR, and we've all heard (it's been posted before) that Evill checks the logs now and then.  He could just do some key word searches if he was in the mood (but I think half of GR would probably get banned if he did).  He usually has a reason to check these things (ie, someone told him to).

So, if you talk about pirating on GR, even in private, you have no excuse, suck it up because you deserved that suspension.

Anyone here that thinks that there is a game service out there that can't and doesn't look at your PM's better get a clue.  It doesn't exist.  AIM keeps logs, ICQ keeps logs, closest you are going to get is someone's KDX server.  If they don't say you have 100% privacy, you probably don't.

And I also thought we agreed to no more threads about "I'm banned, whaaa", not that this started that way, Wickedson was just asking for the e-mail, but it sure turned into it.  

Title: Re:Does anyone know Evil's email?
Post by: Brain on January 13, 2004, 08:32:47 pm
Calm down children.  let's take a step back and look at the facts.
wickedson was talking about an illegal activity that evill has stated he is strongly against. he has also stated in the past that he can look in on private conversations.

you knew the risks, so i have little sympathy for your plight, first offense or no. just be glad you aren't perma'd

Title: Re:Does anyone know Evil's email?
Post by: "Sixhits" on January 13, 2004, 11:31:35 pm
Evill snooping in on the PMs?

Fucking Brits and their wannabe James Bonds....

(tongue firmly stuck in cheek)

Title: Re:Does anyone know Evil's email?
Post by: Supernatural Pie on January 13, 2004, 11:37:38 pm
Evill snooping in on the PMs?

Fucking Brits and their wannabe James Bonds....

(tongue firmly stuck in cheek)

I think I speak for everyone when I say, what the fuck are you talking about?

Title: Re:Does anyone know Evil's email?
Post by: *DAMN Hazard on January 13, 2004, 11:39:02 pm
Evill isn't British and James Bond isn't a hacker. And please god keep your fingers in "cheek"

Title: Re:Does anyone know Evil's email?
Post by: the oNe on January 14, 2004, 12:10:49 am
Lock this thread please admins.

Title: Re:Does anyone know Evil's email?
Post by: "Sixhits" on January 14, 2004, 01:24:31 am
Evill isn't British and James Bond isn't a hacker. And please god keep your fingers in "cheek"

He's an Ausie? I had no idea.

Fingers in cheek ... Aye? Whose cheeks?

Title: Re:Does anyone know Evil's email?
Post by: Ace on January 14, 2004, 03:49:21 am
If you don't want Evill to see your PM's, I suggest you don't send them directly to his server. Just a thought.

Title: Re:Does anyone know Evil's email?
Post by: Scott_Kevill on January 14, 2004, 03:57:24 am
Private Messages are not logged or monitored. Anyone suggesting otherwise is just a paranoid conspiracy theorist.


Title: Re:Does anyone know Evil's email?
Post by: |MP|Buccaneer on January 14, 2004, 04:17:51 am
Yeah, but what if they are really out to get me?  =P

Title: Re:Does anyone know Evil's email?
Post by: alaric on January 14, 2004, 04:40:18 am
I don't think you have much to worry about Bucc, but your daughter might...     =D

Title: Re:Does anyone know Evil's email?
Post by: cO.Kuza on January 14, 2004, 05:00:26 am
(http://dynamic.gamespy.com/~damnr6/yabbse/YaBBImages/offtopic.gif)    HAH! now you can't delete it typhy

Title: Re:Does anyone know Evil's email?
Post by: |MP|Buccaneer on January 14, 2004, 07:38:08 am
I don't think you have much to worry about Bucc, but your daughter might...     =D

I'll only have to worry about it after me, both her uncles, both her grandfathers, and one mean ass godfather are in jail.  Hopefully before that, word will spread not to go near her.

Title: Re:Does anyone know Evil's email?
Post by: Brain on January 14, 2004, 02:50:39 pm
alright, this has gone a little to far (http://dynamic.gamespy.com/~damnr6/yabbse/YaBBImages/offtopic.gif)