*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => General Gossip => Topic started by: BTs_GhostSniper on January 06, 2004, 01:24:22 am

Title: Who is the Best Counter-Terrorist Unit?
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on January 06, 2004, 01:24:22 am
Well, obviously my pick goes to Delta Force and SEAL Team 6.  After you vote here, go vote for which of the United States' Special Forces Units is the best....

Title: Re:Who is the Best Counter-Terrorist Unit?
Post by: BFG on January 06, 2004, 02:20:59 am
What is this? Some sort of mission to start as many voting posts about how great the US is??

Ghost can u cool of with the stupid Polls please. i think folk have had enough

Title: Re:Who is the Best Counter-Terrorist Unit?
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on January 06, 2004, 02:25:56 am
What is this? Some sort of mission to start as many voting posts about how great the US is??

Ghost can u cool of with the stupid Polls please. i think folk have had enough

Now how does anything I put here say anything about "how great the US is"?  And more people told me they like these polls than ones that said they didn't like them.

Title: Re:Who is the Best Counter-Terrorist Unit?
Post by: Toxic::Joka on January 06, 2004, 02:29:24 am
Now how does anything I put here say anything about "how great the US is"?  And more people told me they like these polls than ones that said they didn't like them.

It's between the lines...Not that it bother me that much, if you dont like it then you dont need to read it  :)

I think im gonna start 2 polls a day about something internal in finland that noone else has any clue about...mmm....exellent

Title: Re:Who is the Best Counter-Terrorist Unit?
Post by: Cossack on January 06, 2004, 03:07:39 am
I matters what type of terrorist you are talking about. You see the Russian Spetsnaz are an extremely adept unit, but the problem with Russian units is that we are kinda loud and are a bit unorthodox. So for hostage negotiations you dont want the Russians (we will gas everyone like we did in Nord Ost). The Spetsnaz however, are very good with counter insurgancy operations such as ambushs, assasinations, and behind the line assaults as demonstrated in Afghanistan. They are one of the best if not the best front line infantry unit in the world.

American operations are very good at cloak and dagger operations but I am critical upon their reliance on technology. Some times too much technology is a bad thing and takes away from your natural skill as a soldier. What I do like about America's special forces is their skill in interacting with the natives. This is the most important skill out of any of the special forces.

Britain is just good all around. SAS are some of biggest bad asses in the world. Britain trains their men very well which has been demonstrated in their flawless military execution in the Falklands and their assistance in the Gulf War, Afghanistan, and Iraqi Freedom. It has been very important for them to keep a trained Special Ops because the British have to handle situations in many of their former colonies. This also goes for many other European nations such as Belgium, France (yes even France), and Germany's GSG-9. However I dont know much about them, nor do I feel like typing something out anymore.

Title: Re:Who is the Best Counter-Terrorist Unit?
Post by: cO.Kuza on January 06, 2004, 04:10:45 am

American operations are very good at cloak and dagger operations but I am critical upon their reliance on technology. Some times too much technology is a bad thing and takes away from your natural skill as a soldier. What I do like about America's special forces is their skill in interacting with the natives. This is the most important skill out of any of the special forces.


I agree i think US relies way to much on electronics. Well what do you expect from a country that has the money to finance such a high-tec force.
I gave my vote to England for their balance with technology and skills.
And who dosn't enjoy a good James Bond movie.

Title: Re:Who is the Best Counter-Terrorist Unit?
Post by: Brain on January 06, 2004, 04:16:01 am
where the hell is RAINBOW on this list?

Title: Re:Who is the Best Counter-Terrorist Unit?
Post by: *DAMN Elandrion on January 06, 2004, 09:43:40 am
hmm why did you put military units and police units together? are these even comparable? I don't know much about this, but aren't the SAS and SEALs military units? What I do know is that the Cobra and the GSG-9 are police trained & funded.

Title: Re:Who is the Best Counter-Terrorist Unit?
Post by: [[EUR]] HoloGram on January 06, 2004, 10:13:13 am
I think the Russian TEAM ALPHA was the best.
The Speznaz were devided in several Teams , Alpha, Grom and so on....

Alpha was the ablosulte TOP.

Title: Re:Who is the Best Counter-Terrorist Unit?
Post by: BFG on January 06, 2004, 12:18:43 pm
Yep its true Elandrion - The SAS are a Military Special Force, they are ( i believe ) quiet different from GSG-9 who were set up specifically as an anti terrorist force.
The SAS were formed in 1941 (Second World War) The Special Air Service (SAS) was founded by Lieutenant David Stirling in Egypt. Lt Stirling and Lt Jock Lewes put together a small unit with 66 volunteers to conduct raids against the enemy forces facing the British army in the Western desert. In its first two years alone the growing force destroyed 400 German aircraft.

The SAS do not rely on advanced equipment. They are trained to be able to survive and reamin combat efficient in any location and environment in the world. The SAS survial training is considered the best in the world.

Little is known about the SAS and their involvment in different parts of the world. The identities of members are kept a secret and it is normal practise for the goverment not to comment on the SAS or their activities. The SAS headquarters is near Hereford in Herefordshire (south west england) (which i only know as my grandparents live there!)

The SAS are generally considered to be one of the very best elite fighting forces in the world. Only the very best make it, and the training is like no other. The Regiment consists of the following: Boat troop, Mobility Troop, Air Troop and Mountain troop.

Probably the most famouse operation (the only known time that SAS soldiers have been recorded on Film while on a mission) was the assault of the Iranian embassy in May of 1980. Iranian Terrorist opposing Kohmeni's rule seized the embassy and twenty-six hostages. An eight man team rappelled from the roof while a four man team reached a balcony from adjoining buildings. Another team reportedly blew a whole in a previously weakened plaster wall. Only one terrorist had survived; he had hid within a group of female hostages who were protecting him.?

ps. no mention of the SBS either (special Boat Service) Notably the Best Naval Special Forces group i the world. The SBS consists of Royal marines who have passed SAS training and have contined furthe training at Poole in the uk.

Blimey can't believe ive just written all that... anyway. my point somehwere?... oh yes. The SAS are a military based force - although also being capable of acting as the most elite of CTU's.


Title: Re:Who is the Best Counter-Terrorist Unit?
Post by: *DAMN Mauti on January 06, 2004, 02:39:32 pm
Indeed Ghost is comparing military units with police units, Ghosts with Rainbows(few Rainbows are former SAS members and also their headquarters is located at a SAS bootcamp, if you have read the book).

Austrian's Cobra unit is one of the best police forces worldwide. Even CNN and other US Discovery channels have often reported about them. Cobra members are still protecting Israeli flights. Btw Cobra was their former name now they are only named GEK(Gendarmerie Einsatz Kommando). Cobra had a lot of negative news coverage back in the late 80s early 90s because of their extreme brutal, but always successful, procedure. So Cobra was renamed to GEK and suddenly everything changed(rofl). However the name "Cobra" is still strongly associated with the name GEK.

Their tasks are mainly hostage rescue and  guarding VIPs contrary to military forces that mostly infilitrate the enemy to gather information or blow things up. They are operating in hostile territory while police forces like SWAT, Cobra,... are operating within their country.

The Austrian SEAL Commando is named Jagdkommando. The Jagdkommando (engl: hunt command) together with few Panzergrenadiere were in Cosovo and Afghanistan.



Title: Re:Who is the Best Counter-Terrorist Unit?
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on January 06, 2004, 02:56:17 pm
hmm why did you put military units and police units together? are these even comparable? I don't know much about this, but aren't the SAS and SEALs military units? What I do know is that the Cobra and the GSG-9 are police trained & funded.

I just used counter-terrorist units in the poll, whether or not they were military or civilian based.

Title: Re:Who is the Best Counter-Terrorist Unit?
Post by: BFG on January 06, 2004, 03:15:17 pm
 GSG-9 Do seem to be very well thought off. They must be considered in the top 5 if you were to rank these guys.

The SAS are not commonly used within our borders. The last known time was the iranian embassy siege. Instead we have SO19 -- Armed Response Units (ARV's) &
Specialist Firearms Officers (SFO's) Which are part of our Police force.

SO19 is the name given to the department, which provides firearms-related support to the rest of the Metropolitan Police Service. It consists of a small group of officers who are highly trained and motivated in dealing with most aspects of the criminal use of firearms. It exists so that the vast majority of policing activities throughout London can be conducted in the traditional manner by unarmed officers.

Title: Re:Who is the Best Counter-Terrorist Unit?
Post by: MainMaN on January 06, 2004, 05:24:21 pm
Enouf with the polls err!

The poll is pointless since our CTs teams are not public, therefore you wouldnt know, as well as i.

Title: Re:Who is the Best Counter-Terrorist Unit?
Post by: *NADS Lo$eMoney on January 07, 2004, 12:15:02 am
Cobra was their former name now they are only named GEK(Gendarmerie Einsatz Kommando). Cobra had a lot of negative news coverage back in the late 80s early 90s because of their extreme brutal, but always successful, procedure. So Cobra was renamed to GEK and suddenly everything changed(rofl).

I thought they changed their name cause G.I joe ruined their image...

Title: Re:Who is the Best Counter-Terrorist Unit?
Post by: Cobra on January 07, 2004, 12:34:25 am
Mauti is teh counter terr0r winnar!

Mauti, is that really you?!

Title: Re:Who is the Best Counter-Terrorist Unit?
Post by: l ! l Ross on January 07, 2004, 01:16:29 am
Mauti is teh counter terr0r winnar!

That would scare the hell out of any terrorist.

Title: Re:Who is the Best Counter-Terrorist Unit?
Post by: |MP|Buccaneer on January 07, 2004, 05:04:17 am
The SAS was long considered the best, but I have to wonder if they still are.

One of the reasons they were the best is all the practice the IRA gave them (and I'm not trying to make light of that, just point out the facts).  They didn't just train, they were used quite a bit.

SEAL Team 6 is a prime example of how you can train all to hell and look great on paper, but if you aren't used right, it doesn't really mean shit.

Title: Re:Who is the Best Counter-Terrorist Unit?
Post by: The Golden Shark on January 07, 2004, 08:21:23 am
lol this post, and poll is soo like Ghost Sniper....
makes me laugh.

Title: Re:Who is the Best Counter-Terrorist Unit?
Post by: j47 on January 07, 2004, 08:25:41 am
Actually, the best unit would be the one we have never heard of. ::)

Title: Re:Who is the Best Counter-Terrorist Unit?
Post by: PLOPje on January 07, 2004, 01:08:53 pm
That would be ESI for me.
I live in belgium and I have never heard before about them.
Didnt even know we had one.

Title: Re:Who is the Best Counter-Terrorist Unit?
Post by: BFG on January 07, 2004, 02:07:50 pm
Bucc its true the SAS gained a lot of experience from 1976 onwards in Northern Ireland, but i think it has been the Army  in particular the Royal Marines that have gained more experience regarding NI... They were/are being used extensivly in Basa particually becasue of their expereince in urban combat and peacekeeping.
Since then the SAS have 'known' to have been 'used' in 1980 with the iranian embassy siege, 1982 in the Falklands war, 1988 in Gibraltar 1991 in the Gulf, 1994 in Indonesia and the Balkans, 2001 in Afganistan (they were briefly seen on TV) and 2003 in the Iraq (that is debatable).. these are just the known activities... or some of them

Title: Re:Who is the Best Counter-Terrorist Unit?
Post by: PaYnE on January 08, 2004, 02:05:07 am
Im not voting cause theyre all awsome units but if ur at a book store pick up..........Ultimate Special Forces.