*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => General Gossip => Topic started by: Cobra on January 05, 2004, 01:42:34 am

Title: Check it, foo
Post by: Cobra on January 05, 2004, 01:42:34 am
Hey guys.

Just uploaded a couple of screenshots from the game I've been working on recently (temporarily called Goliath), if anyone wants to check 'em out.  Unfortunately, they're on Geocities, since I don't have anywhere to put them, so I'm thinking it'll go down after a couple of people visit, but...just try again later if it's down, I s'pose.

Anyway, you can probably skip the first few shots.  Those were taken when I was using QuickDraw for the game, so it's really not much to look at.  At this point, I was pretty new to programming, and was kinda learning as I went along.  I moved over to OpenGL quite recently (October, I think?), and I soon realized I should have done so a long time ago.  Oh well.  I'm still learning, but it's really been a blast so far.  Just finished (for now) the code to load Lightwave models a few days ago, so I'm playing around with lighting and texturing, etc., to see what's working and what's fuxX0red.

Clicky McClickerson. (http://www.geocities.com/blackmantissw/goliath.html)  Please keep in mind that I in no way consider myself to be artistic, nor very experienced with computer graphics...and programmer art is, in general, laughably bad.  That said, I'm expecting the game to look pretty nice by the time it's finished, since I'm planning on getting my brother (who is good at modeling/texturing) to lend me a hand with the art.

Anyone else do any game programming, here?  If so, post some screenshots or info for your game here!


Title: Re:Check it, foo
Post by: Supernatural Pie on January 05, 2004, 04:41:45 am
I like the "zoom zoom!" one.
Not really sure what it's all supposed to be... but it looks interesting for a beginner! Keep at it.

Title: Re:Check it, foo
Post by: the oNe on January 05, 2004, 05:28:26 am
nice work Cobra
Are you using a Mac to do all this?

Title: Re:Check it, foo
Post by: Cobra on January 05, 2004, 01:56:03 pm
Thanks for the replies   :)

One: Yeah, I'm using XCode as my IDE, and my dev machine is a 700mhz FP iMac, which I really, really need to replace soon (runs my game fine now, but it's not GPU or CPU intensive at all at this stage).

I'm writing it with SDL and OpenGL, so I think it should be able to run on Windows without much work.

Title: Re:Check it, foo
Post by: Mr. Lothario on January 05, 2004, 03:27:52 pm
     Be sure to test it on a Windows box ASAP. Cross-platform libs or no, there are lots of details that make code non-portable. Compiling it now when it's still relatively simple to change whatever data types and functions may need to be changed will save you much time later.

Title: Re:Check it, foo
Post by: Cobra on January 05, 2004, 09:06:55 pm
OK, thanks for the advice, Loth.  In all honesty, I really hadn't thought much about supporting multiple platforms (since this began as a small personal project), but it really wouldn't hurt.  Thanks again.

Title: Re:Check it, foo
Post by: Mr. Lothario on January 06, 2004, 12:44:53 am
     Well, to my mind, even if you're not going to bother supporting multiple platforms, writing portable code is an excellent exercise. Portable code is often by necessity clean code. Plus, it teaches you to make full use of the standard libraries. : )