Title: New Admin's Post by: Da? Swiftkill on January 03, 2004, 09:10:55 pm Hey I would like to apply to be an administrator for the *Damn BL for season 7.
Title: Re:New Admin's Post by: KoS.Rebel on January 03, 2004, 10:25:01 pm Well, being an admin id have to say that most of us are well known, respected users on GR and the B and G. Unless uve changed ur name ive never heard of u...what game did u first play on GR?
Title: Re:New Admin's Post by: crypt on January 03, 2004, 11:34:22 pm I know him, but unfortunatly couldn't vouch for him.
Sorry Swift, nothing personal, but you were in tight with Fridge and the SL/nV crew. Title: Re:New Admin's Post by: Da? Swiftkill on January 04, 2004, 01:02:49 am I started out playing ghost recon....ive been in RB, SL, and NV. Woot isnt really a clan its just with me and 2 friends. I was the leader of SL (a clan which made it to number 2 last season).
Crypt, no prob. I understand that u didnt like him and many ppl thought he was a cheater (which i know he wasnt) but its ur opinion, just I hope u dont think I cheat or lie or do whatever was accused of fridge just because we are friends. Title: Re:New Admin's Post by: crypt on January 04, 2004, 01:18:11 am Ok, you just gotta know what it takes to be an admin, I don't think all the RvS admin spots should automatically be for RS vets and such, if you really wanna be admin, just keep trying and keep your head up.
Title: Re:New Admin's Post by: Typhy on January 04, 2004, 01:33:46 am I agree with Crypt on this one. I understand where Rebel is coming from; the longer you've been around - the more CBs you've played in, the better you know how things work. So yes, both forum experience and time on GR ( In the BL ) matter, however, they're not everything.
It's important that you're willing to go against a crowd of people, and not shy about voicing your opinion. It's a postitive thing not to have to many enemies. My advice to anyone who wants to become a moderator would be to get involved with BL issues. No, this doesn't mean just jump into things that are none of your business, or where you have nothing to say. This means read all the BL topics, and if you see something that interests you, or have something to say, don't hesitate to say it. Title: Re:New Admin's Post by: crypt on January 04, 2004, 01:46:47 am I agree with Crypt on this one. Yay, Typhy, are you gonna be an admin during the RvS times? It seems like you've got some good opinions, I think Rebs would also be good admin for rvs. It's always good to have some different opinions out there. Title: Re:New Admin's Post by: Typhy on January 04, 2004, 01:53:28 am I agree with you there. If all the admins ( winks at Noto ) got along, thinks wouldn't work right. In order to make fair decesions, you need different opinions.
Title: Re:New Admin's Post by: Mr.Mellow on January 04, 2004, 02:37:37 am Having 2,428 posts would help, too. ;)
Title: Re:New Admin's Post by: bronto on January 04, 2004, 02:39:40 am i think i should have an honarary admin position, just because i'm such a sexual pimp type character.
Title: Re:New Admin's Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on January 04, 2004, 02:58:11 am I would like to apply to be an admin in advance for whenever Ghost Recon 2 comes out.
Thank You. -GhostSniper Out. Title: Re:New Admin's Post by: BFG on January 04, 2004, 03:54:35 am Fancy telling us when that will be ghost? ;)
Title: Re:New Admin's Post by: Typhy on January 04, 2004, 03:58:17 am Between 2010 and 2950.
Title: Re:New Admin's Post by: Da? Swiftkill on January 04, 2004, 04:56:37 am Well i think i would be a good admin because i do keep up with whats going on and i will voice my opinion and not go along with what other people say (for instance the whole fridge ordeal, i defended him even though everyone was accusing him of some stuff because i knew he didnt cheat). I have been playing on gr for over a year and have been in the damn battle league for most the time, in many cbs.
BTW crypt....u were tight with fridge and the "whole sl/nv crew" for a while too. Title: Re:New Admin's Post by: crypt on January 05, 2004, 12:54:51 am BTW crypt....u were tight with fridge and the "whole sl/nv crew" for a while too. Do I wanna be an admin? No. I know that with my history, I'd never make it, lol. Title: Re:New Admin's Post by: BFG on January 05, 2004, 01:40:17 am lol wow kuza. ty you saved me the effort ;)
Title: Re:New Admin's Post by: Da? Swiftkill on January 05, 2004, 02:27:12 am haha crypt :-P
Title: Re:New Admin's Post by: crypt on January 05, 2004, 03:06:23 am lol wow kuza. ty you saved me the effort ;) Kuza didn't post on this thread, do you mean me? Title: Re:New Admin's Post by: Typhy on January 05, 2004, 03:10:31 am He posted (http://dynamic.gamespy.com/~damnr6/yabbse/YaBBImages/offtopic.gif). I deleted it.
Title: Re:New Admin's Post by: BFG on January 05, 2004, 06:49:15 pm Lol typhy im very confused. yes he did, you did? ah ok. well the fact still remains. this is off topic.
Title: Re:New Admin's Post by: crypt on January 05, 2004, 08:50:10 pm Then lock it.